Blh vl ',yffl'ywn7r'y' . 'v"" VJF-'iXhi'-' vV 1' v Trt" - (!' IL: .-ir!mt ?L" '"f5 VT , w ' - '- - - - - " - - -t i'ii .nw-j.. - t -? jy i - - yjji " -f wpwij' , - ttbe Dails IRebraehan . i 'i fi;. tbe Daily Ilebraskan. A consolidation of Th6 Hesperian, Vol. 1)1, Tho Nobnwkan, Vol. lo, Bcarlot nnd Cream, Vol. 4. Edltor-in-Chlf etaalneria Manager Circulator John D. Illce A. O. Bohrolbor O. A. Bnwycr AB8O0IATM XDtTOIlfl: News Athletto Literary A. F. Becker Qnrlord O. Bennett Dorothy Green RKPOivricnM I. A. KwIiik, Violot Irwin, C li. Taylor. W. C. Rnmwiy, KdKitr Mollott,' nnd Mabel Fowrinr. Ofllcosj Editorial, U 20HW; BttnlnenB, U 211K. Poat Offloo, Box 18. Station A, Lincoln. fiubnorlptlon Prloe, $2 per year. In advance. Entered at tho postoftloo nt Llnooln, Nobranka aa seoond-olasa mall matter. Editorial Remarks CoiiK'idclrablo speculation exists jib to tho.gatno at Iowa City Saturday. Quite ai space of time has elapsed slnjcc last wo clashed with Iowa, and our most recent memory of an1 encounter with her Ib one of defeat In 1900 Iowa great team seemodi unapproach able and It also seemed that that ln Kt'ltutlon was anchored permanently In a class higb above our own. We could anticipate- no shifting of conditions that woukl shake her from her exalted place. But her fortunes have certain ly varied, and the Institution that once stood among the foremost of the Big Nino no longer commands the fear and respect of her opponents. CoimHUohb have Indeed Bhlfted, and among Uie rapid changes that have taken- placo has been the rise of Ne braska: to a position1 that has stamped her a the iocr of western colleges on tho gridiron. She has vanquished complotely the strongest teams that our neighboring institutions can send forth, and stands ready to prove her might upon untried fleldfe. Tho beam goes to Iowa City with not only every prospect of victory, but with tho Inclination ami ability to mako the triumph a complete one. Tho ptrength it has shown thus far greatly exceeds that Bliowm by Iowa, and al though perhaps varying somewhat In details a comparison can safely be drawn. Iowai has had tho misfortune to meet a crushing defeat early In tho season, her unseasoned team being overwhelmed und trodden underneath tho Iron heel of Minnesota. Nebraska ka has suffered no reverse of any kind, nnd will go prepared to wipe out the memories of past defeats and assist Iowa to storo up unpleasant recollec tions that will abide with her for years to come. o The raising of money toward tho completion of our share of the Tem ple Fund is becoming an Important consideration, and the students of this University should- not lose eight of tho momentous character of the under taking and tho commendable object in view. A general movement is being started to hasten the raising of funds, as it is now high time that this work should bo taken in hand ami pushed aa vigorously as possible Tho student body through the, various University organizations' will benefit greatly by this splendid structure when, once it is completed, and they fehould not bo "backward In assuming and fulfilling a shqre of tho obligation. The classes should take action on this matter at once. The student body must be canvassod thoroughly, as there are few who are not willing to give. All should bo alivo to the fact that this building will furnish an outlet for tho activities of departments now so badly congested that their work is hampered. It will provide quarters for tho Chrls tlan associations and student organi zations such as literary societies and debating dubs. Quartora will be fur nished for eaeh of these parts of our University that will bo consistent with the Importance of each. The very need of such a building and tho benefits that it will bestow ehould appeal to every student and mako each resolved to do his share toward the accomplish ment of a great work. -o- The faculty are engrossed in tho coming Carnival, and each who has ever shone In any way in tho world of athletics Is working continually to re cover something of his old time form. Although some of the events have bcon classified aa foolishness, they are go ing at things with a seriousness ad mitting of no doubt. No ono who has been called upon seems Inclined to shirk IiIb portion and all seem bent upon exerting themselves to the limit to make a creditable showing. And hero is where tho fun comes In. When a person acting with serious purpose aetfl in a ridiculous fashion, then there Is oftentimes a greater element of hu mor entering In than there would be If ho was in earnest. No doubt each will strive to excel his opponents and will feel an1 honest prido if he succeeds. But for all that, there Is going to be F-ome genuine amusement for the crowd, and those who miss this mo mentous spectacle will have plenty of occasion for deep sorrow and' regret o A press report says: 'Tho faculty of the University of Chicago aro endeavoring to inaugurate a system of athletics under which there will be no paid admissions to contests in which the University athletes com pete. As the co-operation of all the western colleges will be necessary to carry out this radical departure steps have already been taken to arrange conferences with tho Universities of Wisconsin and Michigan. The plan will require tho establishment of an endowment fund Tor physical cuhuro and' athletics and the trustees of the Chicago Institution have already taken preliminary steps looking to this end. Prof. Ross' Scheme. It is said that Professor Ros is tak ing undue advantage of Professor Caldwell in preparing for the hammer throw next Saturday, due to the fact that he lives out in tho suburbs, hence can practice unobserved. Perhaps, however, he realizes that tho prepon derance rests eo greatly with his op ponent that any little scheme of tills kind ought not to be laid up against him. Lawyers Will Clash. MnTOigere Pfeiffer and Morrison of the Senior and Fresh main law football teams have at last como to an' under Blandimg and the two teams will meet oni the gridiron next Thursday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Both teamauire. determined to win and havo the undi vided support of their class to back thorn. Classes will undoubtedly bo suspended for the afternoon and every law student will be out to root. Tho members of tho Senior team are all big mem and with hard practice for two weeks have den-eloped considerable speed. Their team work is also good. Tho Freshmen, however, feel confi dent oft w Ironing, as a number of their men are on the University scrub team and almost every mam has had good training during tho fall. Th? game will be a hard' fought one from start to finish. 8tevon8 &. Novlllo 1330 O Stroet, Mfgr's. of Cigars. Billiards Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St. Chairs for ladles and gentlemen. AwtA9niA09A0AitmvAAmii0 NIGHT MAGEE & MMtaMMMIMMIMW'MAMMIMVWMMVMWMWWWWl Quality goes a long ways with particular people Wc solicit the patronage of all particular people. & & & jfi KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & BLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 Steiner-Woempener Drug Co., Successors to STEINER PHARMACY. IU6 O Strtct Phone 707 Lincoln. Neb. Manufacturers of Steiner's Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Cure and Gray's Condition Powders. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 S, 12th. Telephone D 1397 Estimates fnrnirthed upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nchrnsltni CAPITAL - - $100,000.00. OFFICERS John B. Wright, Pre. J. H. WeicottVlce-Prea Joe Samuela 2nd Vice-Prea. P. L. Hail, Caahiw W. B. Ryoru. Aaat. Ch. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to C. H. Man dnsoHno, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil . 125 J4o. 12th Streets Telephone 473 Melick's Stables Phono 485. Oeaed Carriage. Baggage The flneat Lircry In the city. 1230 N Street, Lincoln, Neb. anything you Invent or improve: also i?et CAVEATJtTADE.MARK, COPYRIGHT or RESIGN KKUTECTI0N. Bond model, sketch, or phoo. for free examination and ndvico. BOOK ON PATENTS BSWWSiS: l C.A.SNOW& CO. I'atcnt Labors. WASHINGTON, D.C. ROBES The Nights arc Growing Cold Imagine how comfoztable a soft-fleecy Night Robe dom ing down to the feet would be. We've some beautiful patterns --splendid values at $l.oo. Pajamas are being zvozn more and mote and we have nice ones at $J.5o, $2.00, $2.5o and $3.00. DEEMER 'MMMUMMWMMIW &L2A2AaA2JV2J&!L3Jk3JlSL9AASL $25,001 To the Pacific Coast Tickets on Sale Dally to November 30, 1903. Call and get lull information. G. W. B0NNELL a P. & T. A. LINCOLN to r&3Ytfro?ryros A. G. SPALDING & BP0S.' OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES ARE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OFFICIAL RULES Spalding! handsomely il lustrated catalogue of Fil and Winter eporta contain. ,lng all the new thing In laottall will be tent free to any addrcaa. Spaldlng'e official footbal guide, containing the new rulea. Per copy JO centi. How to Play Foot Ball. BP Walter Camp, edition. Per copy JO cent. New A. Q. Spalding &. Bros. Ntyrk,C,.'i"KO' Philadelphia. San Franciaco Boaton, Baltimore. Buffalo? Kanaa. Citv & LouU. Minneapolis iWr. Motreall'Sanf' London. England mtr f i V'y- 1 1 I A ) fc . " W '-"..'. ' ' V- ..ft. 7: MnrAmCHJF ni"&i l'!l J