The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1903, Image 1

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Siotci gut. Soojot ,;
Uhe 2)atl IFlebraekan
' A
Team Goes Through Stiff PraC'
tice in Preparing for Iowa.
Still tho practice goes on. Last even
ing the w6rk assumed more of the
form It had before the Colorado game.
On Monday might tiro practice was ex
ceptionally light, consisting merely In
running down punts. The team was
given a partial rest alter their glori
ous work on tho Saturday preceding.
Work from now on will be In deadly
earncet to get Into shape for tho Iowa
game, which will bo one tho hardest
on tho schedule and' considering tho
fact that tho team plays on Btrange
grounds and' after a trip, It will tax
their ability to tho fullest extont, but
It Is a certainty that that fullest ox
,tont wjj'l bo equal to tho emergency.
Wo feel confident that they will como
back home bearing in their hands the
crown of oMvo leave.
The team leaves for Iowa Thursday
at 3 p. m., and arrives In this
city again at 3 p. m., tho Sunday fol
lowing. Tho trip wilf be made over
tho Rock Island road.
How about getting up a delegation
to go down to that train on Thursday
and givo them a parting cheer of good
fellowship. The leaders of the .root
ing squads should) taiko this up and push
it through Keep up the spirit, don't
lot It lag, let Uie team see that the
student body Is behind them even
though they are away from home.
Mr. Lowery, an old University play
er, was here on Monday and ho had
seen tho Iowa team play against Min
nesota. In UiJs game the Iowa team
was defeated by a score of 75 to 0.
Mr, Lowery said that this score could
not be taken as an Indication of tho
ability of the Iowa team because they
wero up against one of the fastest
teams In the country. He said that
never before had he seen a team which
was In any way equal to the Minnesota
team as thoy appeared that day. They
wore tho fastest, hardest, best trained
team be had1 ever seen on a football
field. That is coming It strong.
Tho Iowa beam Is heavy and fast
and' plays the game from start to fin
ish. Beyond these meager details
nothing Is known of tho Iowa team
and the Nobraska boys are running
Into a practically unknown quantity.
In this Instance the proposition Is not
hard of solution. Nebrasna is x and
x Is more than equal to thoother side
of tho equation.
Bo sure and keep the subject of the
Kansas excursion in mind and register
as soon as possible. Make tho squad
a big ono and prove to Kansas that
we can beat tnem at rooting as well
as at football.
The faculty Is working hard for the
meet on Saturday. No one can afford
to miss this, It will bo the event of
tho season.
Mr. Shedd's old football nature still
crops out. Ho la captain- of ono of tho
teams and when questioned last night
I many an abode In Lincoln tfcat shel
ters profound precoptoral wisdom and
Intellect, has been the scene of start
ling activities during tho course of tho
past two weeks.
Tho hammer has hurtled through tho
air and made large excavations in the
ground, while the ...aid of the basoball
ngalnst the hen house door has dis
turbed tho peace of several neighbor
hoods with relentless regularity. All
this mighty display of effort will bo
concentrated Into a series of grand
and wonderful events that will live
forever in the minds of the present
and future generations.
The fooball teams under the com
mand of Dr. Conda and George Shodd
mand of Dr. Lxmdra and George Shedd
and expect to give a whirlwind exhi
bition of the game Saturday. Brass
knuckles have been ruled out and there
will bo no hitting in the clinches.
The baseball men have not been Idle,
but have been puttin'g In their time
to good advantage.
Mr. Spencer's team has been liard at
work practicing for several nights,
ami he is bo well pleaseu with tho
showing of tho men that he thinks
tnere will be little difficulty in prevent
ing Dr Ward's team from scoring. The
brilliant throwing ixr bases by Dt.
Condra, the star twirling of Professor
Fogg, the magnlikent fielding of Pro
fessor Love land at shortstop are espe
cially encouraging. However, tho most
thrilling -and spectacular part of the
practice is the manner In which Pro
fessor Barbour slides to bases. This
alone means numerous scores for Dr.
Ward's opjonents In) fact, all tho
members of Captain Spencer's team
seem abundantly able to hold their
respective positions in spite of tho
numerous substitutes who are clam
oring for positions. The team will
practice each day until Saturday at 5
p. m.
Dr. Ward's team was out last night
and their work was characterized by a
swift snappy practice that augured HI
for their opponents. Incidentally they
kept tho bat and ball in their posses
Dion so that the opposing team was
unable to practice at all. They have
tho right spirit and have discovered the
surest road to success. Rumors aro
current of an eruption' In the faculty,
and If such a catastrophe occurs tho
students must be careful for the sake
of their own standing In their work to
bo sure as to what side they take,
as carelessness In this respect may
earn for them an undying and relont
les hate that will pursue them to the
Among' tho most pleasing features
will bo one in wnich Prof. Taylor will
figure largely. Ho will, exhibit the
high schooled horse, giving genuine
exhibitions of the trainee horse. He
has given a great deal of time and at
tention to the training of horses, and
his efforts have been' rewarded hand
somely. His horses perform a num
ber of feats in a most excellent mam-
ner. wo better exhibition can ue seen
anywhere than this one. A full pro
gram of the feats which he will at
tempt will be published) before tho
meet on- Saturday-afternoon. -
For tho wheelbarrow race" Profes
sors Sweezy, Hod.gman, Dann, Miller,
French and) Chatburn havo entered. A
footrace has. been arranged between
regarding tho event remarked':
"I dont know much about tho ar
rangements, out nf rininiT irmHfftTnr""""1 "" u BT "c
,m i. f,wrji m Dr- iJoumt and' Prof .Tny lui . Theie
ii ! i.iv awww... 0--. ... . ..!!. t .. w. ninA nrt.AnA
will bo a midway just insido the gate
in which many of the usual and some
new exhibitions will bo found.
Faculty Getting Into Shape for
Smashing Joints and Records.
Saturday, Oct. 31, 1903, is tho date
of tiro most -stupendous event that
has over occurred within tho recollec
tion of historical man. Written tradi
tion has acquainted us with tho great
Olympic games, when tho Hellenic
youths assembled' to fight It out for
tho olivo wreath, but though wo turn
tho pages of uatoiu numbers of vol
umes wo can find no parallel for Sat
urday's ervent Tho back-door yard of
Committee Makes Preparations
to Raise Balance of Fund.
Eat at the Eagle, 240 No. 10th.
Shave, 10c; neck shave, free. Eldora
Barber shop, 111 South 10th St, '
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service.
Tho Whltebreast Co.. at 1106 0 St.,
Is the place to buy coal.
Meerschaum pipes. 25 per cent off
this week. F. A. Powell, Oliver the
atre building.
Tho commltteo in charge of tho work
of raising the balance of the Temple
Fund have begun work In earnest. Cir
culars have been prepared Betting forth
tho need and advantages of such a
building and they will shortly bo sent
out to people in all parts of the state.
The committee has been very busy
in preparing plans, but now that all 1b
ready they expect to push the under
taking rapidly to success.
Two thousand circulars will be sent
out In the course of tho next week
among tho alumni and thcBe will be
accompanied by pledge cards. Twelve
thousand circulars will bo also sent
out, which are calculated to teach
most of the business and' professional
men of tho state. Altogether It is
expected that 40,000 people in the state
will bo reached by correspondence. The
towns outside of Lincoln will be thor
oughly canvassed, It having been de
cided at a meeting of tho commltteo
Monday evening to employ an expert
solicitor for this purpose. Sixty days
aro yet remaining in which to receive
pledges and during that time the work
will bo pushed without cessation. Al
though a largo amount has already
been raised In Lincoln, pledge cards aro
still being disposed of here.
Members of tho faculty and friends
of the University have been using
their best efforts to disseminate the
truth among the people throughout
the state and1 havo mot with good suc
cess. Lost spring the Junior and Senior
classes were thoroughly canvassed and
several hundred dollars pledged.
Part of these pledges have been re
deemed, but a great part of them is
still outstanding. A canvass will bo
organized and put Into effect during
the next sixty days that will include
all tho classes and, it is hoped, reach
every University student. The mat
ter will bo presented before tho Fresh
man class as soon as it Is well organ
ized, and It Is expected that It will
take hold of tho matter enthusiastical
ly and do all In Its power to help
the movement.
The committee will bo glad to havo
studonts call for pledge cards for them
selves and for others. It Is hoped
that tho Y. M. C. A. and) Y. W. C. A.
bodies will take an active Interest and
do all that lies wlbhln their means to
ward securing what will mean for them
splendid new quarters and every facil
ity for carrying on the work. Ample
provision will be made for them In
tho now building and they will be
comfortably situated, so that their
sphere of Influence may expand Into
fields that it has never known before.
The cohftfiitteo will bo glad to have
volunteers to call for lists and bo re
sponsible for certain students. In this
way a student may further the Inter
ests of his alma mater omd procure a
lasting benefit for himself.
While all these arrangements aro be
infe'luadt' fur swelling the fund, much
good work has been done already. The
sum already raised has mounted up to
$12,000. Of this amount tho faculty
has contributed! upwards of $3,000, a
sum which bids fair to become nearer
to $4,000. Some of the alumni havo
responded liberally, sending In sums
ranging from $5 to $50. Public spirit
ed citizens throughout the state have
assisted In a very substantial manner,
but the field has hardly been touched
jjs jet.
vThe need of such a building Is cer
tainly great, and the purposes for
which, It can be used are manifold.
Ample and commodious quarters will
be afforded) for the now existing social
and religious organizations of the Uni
versity andi for any hereafter formed.
The vastly- useful work now done by
tho religious organizations of tho Uni
versity, such as finding homes and
work for now Btudonts, Bible study,
visiting tho Bick and tho poor, 1b pain
fully hampered for lack of quarters,
basemont rooms being tho beet Uiat
can now be affordrd. Whilo tho build
ing wfll fittingly house the religious
organizations of the Unlvorsity it will
not belong exclusively to them but to
tho entire Unlvorsity, being avallablo
for receptions. Interviews, social gath
erings and meetings of nil sorts not
Inconsistent with tho spirit of Its
Porhnp3 an 'enumeration of tho or
ganizations that will be provided for,
which havo at present no adequate
quarters for their meetings will bring
with some force to many tho uses for
which tho Tomplo building will be
available The following clubs and
societies aro obliged to meek either
in recitation rooms or In lnadequoto
quarters: Tho literary societies, Eng
lish club, tho Dramatic club, Engln
cering society, Philosophical Bocloty,
Chemical society, debating clubs, Or
nithology association, Graduate club
and tho Medical society. This Is but
a partial list of tho organizations that
aro Improperly housed, and It empha
sizes greatly the noed of such a build
ing as tho ono wo are laboring to se
cure. Tho building will contain reception
and rest rooms and will be built
strictly for tho convenience and' ac
commodation of tho University pub
lic. It will be built on the same plan
as the Lincoln library building and
will bo an ornament to tho campus
and a source of pride to all who havo
como Into contact with the "Influences
of this Institution.
That tho University holds a proml
nout place among tho Institutions of
higher learning Is a fact well estab
lished. Tho high standing of our fac
ulty, tho facilities for carrying on our
work, our splendid library, and tho
attention given to research work In
our laboratories are matters in which
wo all take pride, and tho report of
their high efficiency has gone out be
yond out own borders. And oven to
many who are quite well Informed It
may seem that the institution although
far from being completely equipped, Is
doing well enough. But there are
phases of. University life which with
tho rapid growth of this Institution
havo been left behind1, and' others,
springing up wim Its development,
havo not been given deserved .atten
tion. Wo refer especially to the vol
untary associations and soclotles or
ganized for social and intellectual de
velopment which we have dwelt upon
quite fully above.
And last of all, let everybody bear
in mind the fact that tho completion
of this fund means to the University
another handsomo building on an en
larged campus, a building which for
tho purposes contemplated, tho state
would never, probably under its con
stitution, could not provide. It will
give us a building that will grace our
campus, and aid in tho expansion of
many department now badly congest
ed and with no other prospect of an
outlet. Let each of us then do our
sharp In promoting this work, and not
tiro until Vo have tho satisfaction' of
knowing that a great task has been
-nTnxnnpirslieTFand' a i:reatrbeTEeflt-pro--curod
to tho University.
Wright Drug Co., 149 N. 13th, Tol 313.
Laundry Club at tho Co-Op.
Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Chris Bath Parlors, 11th and P Sta
Marshall and Richards, hair-cutting
a specialty; massage, shaving, etc.
Lemlng's, Ico cream and candy; 11th
and L Sts.
Lincoln Transfor Co. Baggage
'Phone, 176.
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