'SW?vM"r' ".' ""!g")lfi 'V . ""' '' ''""''.",HPWW S8WH .VJifftf ,fc , ;. - W 1! ttbe ailv flebrajtan "iprgiiv-v.iffn iy,,J''''yilftffgyyt? iraHrrwv,r'Tt''w' 'P'ffTT1' yfeEi - r. A C Dap fiebraskan. A oonnolldntlon of Tho Hwporlan, Vol. 01, Tho Nobrmkrin, Vol. lo, Bcarlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Edltor-ln-Ohiif ttaalncca Manager Olrtralator John D. Rloo A. O. Bohrolbor O. A. Bawyer AMOOIATB XDITOIU: Nott AthloMo Literary A. F. Bechrtr Qaylord O. Boanutt Dorothy Green IlEi'onTicnH P. A. Kwinj?, Vlolt't Irwin, C. W Taylor. W. C. Ilnmxoy, Edfrnr Mollott, luid Mabel FoBHlur. Omoeai Editorial, U KSM: Bmilncu, U 211U. Post Ofltao, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln. Snbsorlptlon Prloo, f2 per year. In advance. Entered at tho poitoflloo at Lincoln, Nobraaka as neoond-olnaa mall matter. Editorial Remarks Today Is the day upon which, accord ing to all signs and portentB, the Corn husker warriors will demonstrate their superiority over Colorodo. The west erners are here and all is In read iness for the battle. Do not be deceived into thinking that Nebraska will not have to work hard for a victory, for the men from the mountains are Btrong, well-trained and luiBky. Bear in mind the strength that was shown by this team lust year and tho likelihood of Improvement having been made, before you figure on the margin of Nebraska's victory. Tho game will bo of the whirlwind order all the way through, and there will bo enough of Interest and excite ment to rouse the spirits of all. Come out and see tho vast Improvement that Nebraska is making. Do not wait until Thanksgiving, for by doing so you will bo missing much that you would have been glad to see had yon known the churacter of entertainment provided. We have a team, of which any Unlver Hlty In the west might well be proud, and' It Is tho duty of all to show their prldo by coming out and cheering it on its march to victory. Energetic and enthusiastic rooting counts, and the more present tho bettor will be the re sults. Take an afternoon off and come out and show that you are cognizant of the fact that we have tho best team In the west, and give a substantial evi dence of your loyalty. We wish to call tho attention of our readers to tho now appointments wo havo made to our staff. The names ap pear at tho head of our editorial col umn. All of these now staff members are taking work In the Journalism class and each has shown sufficient compe tence and ability to entitle tiiem to tho place. Tho task of gathering news for Tho Nebraskan 1b not a light one, and tho persoverance that they have shown In tho work warrants their appoint ment on our staff. It is a pleasure to us oil to extend a greeting to tho visiting teachers and superintendents-. We are glad to have with ub visitors of such Intelligence and experience, who can appreciate and are eager to examine Into tho workings of our institution. Many of them are old graduates, whom wo are glad to wel come back to tho scenes of their for mer activities. ,To them it will be In teresting to note tho tremendous strides that this University Ib making, and all can not fail to bo impressed- by what they observe. All departments have been opened to their inspection, and our University authorities havo shown a true spirit of hospitality in providing for their entertainment. Chanrellor Strong, In n recent ad dress before the students of the Uni versity of Kansas, strongly urged them to defer from any ungentlemanly acts In their treatment of the Nebraska team during tho coming game at Law rence. He called to mind tho disgrace ful Incident of last spring, out of which much bitterness and misunderstanding grew. Although we do not like to Bee our own Interests Imposed upon or to make any uncalled for concession we all desire to see friendly relations ex isting between this University and our neighboring Institution. If the Kan sanB show the right Bplrlt we will show that we can appreciate It, and we truBt that Dr. Strong's advice to the students of that University will have a whole some effect. Historical Society Notes. A case of Philippine relics Is being Installed in the reception room. Tho second year class In domestic science. Is canning grape Julco and making plcklcB. A Senior law basket ball team has been organized with Corlett, captain, and Vance, manager. The new boiler for the boiler house is expected next week. It will be put in as soon as it arrives. A reception will be given to the pub-; lie by tho students of the Dental Col lege Thursday evening, Nov. 12. Tho Y. V. C. A. noon meeting on Wednesday was led by Miss Moore, with Miss Otis Hassler as pianist. Statd Secretary Miss Corwin. loft Tuesday evening for York to plan for the coming Y. W. C. A. convention. The Junior laws rootball team will meet for practice every day at chapel time and at 11:30 Tuesday amf Thurs lay. Professor Cook 1b taking steps to ward securing a large faculty repre sentation at the Lawrence football game. The ofllcers of tho battalion will give the annual OfllcerB' Hop sometime next month. Arrangements have not yet been perfected. Over two hundred young people are practicing for the Old Folk's concert at the St. Paul's church,, quite a num ber being University students. Henry Landls, law '00, now practic ing at Seward, Is staying at tho Sigma Chi house while in Lincoln attending to business in the supreme court. The regular Sunday meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be led next week by Miss Alice Howell. .The. hour of this meeting will be changed to 3 p. m. The Historical society has recently obtained several valuable and inter esting old books, published In the ear ly days of our state, and bearing on Its eurllest history. The annual meeting of the State His torical society will be held January 12th and 13th this year. It will consist of discussions on tho constitutional conventions of the state. The Lledorkranz will meet hereaf ter from 10 to 10:30 on Mondays in chapel. Miss Raymond will conduct the singing and she expects to teach tho class music along with the German songs. The Senior Laws went In a body to the Phi Kappa Psl house on 16th and K last night and a smoker was giyeTh in honor of ex-Dean Reese. A gol'd headed cane with tho inscrptlon: "Pre sented to Hon. M. D. Reese by Law Class '04, U. of N." was formally prej sented. The Junior law football team Is prac ticing daily from 10 to 10.30 a. m. Among thoso who aro trying for posi tions are Charles, C. Letter, M. Lefler, Begley, Hutchinson, Hall, Day and Lantz. It Is expected that Barta and Spear will soon bo out. Captain Gibson expects a good team. Restaurant Unique, 1228 0 street. t Wright Drug Co., 149 N. 13th, Tel 313. ftAPjtj2jtXiSAJSi8J8SA2APA& The Golf Gloves GIRLS ARE BUYING For early fall wear are dressy and look very much like kid gloves. They are of fine plain weave, stitched like a kid and fastened with a snap clasp. These are entirely new styles not shown until this season. Suede fabric gloves stitched like a kid with two snap buttons, silk lined, shades of mode and brown, light, medium, dark gray; and black at 50c. This glove in the colors is called the "Home spun" because of a pretty mixed effect a little white stirred all through. Cashmere gloves, fleece lined with 2 clasps, in mode, gray and black at 50c. Kayser's cashmere gloves, very nobby looking with a check ed silk lining, 2 snap buttons, mode grey, black, and white at $J.00. Silk gloves with soft silk fleece lining, 2 clasps, black, J.00 Miller o CORNER O AND Messrs. Paterson and Key, old Uni versity students, visited tho Sigma Chi chapter a few days this week. The dairy barn, which is under con struction at the state farm, will, when completed, be the largest in the state. John Roes. '01, of Beatrice, who is visiting his Sigma Chi brothers for a few days Is traveling for his father, who Is a wholesale hardware man. Law students have been carelessly taking law books out of the law li brary until It has become necessary for lr Pound to speak of it in the dif ferent ( lasses. Mr. Cornell Intends to have a large display of pictures next week at lltft and Q streets. Among those on exhi bition will be some which were taken by Dean Lees In Europe during the summci. Professor Robbins is making ar rangements for a special class in bills, notes and checks for the benefit of tho Senior laws who have not taken this work. It will be a ono hour course, and will last from nine to ten weeks. The time of meeting has not been ar ranged as yet. jr Our Venetian Ghocolates Excel any Chocolate on the f marKet. Come in and try them - - MAXWELL'S 13th and N Street We make a specialty ol I Hot Drinks. Try our HOT I I ROOT DEER. It's Good. 1 3S3$S$3SkS8 o o X o X o o o X o o X o X $ Paine J3th STREifTS A. G. SPALDING & BROS OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES ARE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OFFICIAL RULES Spalding's handsomdy Il lustrated catalogue of FaU and Winter iporti contain ing all the new thing In football will be lent free to any addrcas. Spalding', official footbal guide, containing the new rule. Per copy JO cent. How to Play Foot Ball. Bp Walter Camp. New edition. Per copy JO cents. A. G. Spalding & Bros. New York. Chicago. Philadelphia, San FrancUco Boaton, Baltimore, Buffalo, Karua. City, St. LouU, Minneapolis Denver, Montreal, Can. London. England Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 8(2 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-QroorPrlntlng Co fe ONEWAY RATES. Every day from September 15th to November 30th, inclusive, tho Union Pacific will soil one-way ticket from Lincoln as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City $20.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wentachoe, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. ' $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. $25.00 to Vancouvor and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angolea and San Diego. 'Correspondingly law rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. For full information call on or ad- dTe88' E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent 4 y K k . - JU l1 ei i 'a ' Ji "Tf BJ: .F.-3m saui3 i - - ''! JggJA -'