The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
.t.. f iwiwj'fjj v 't "Iff"1 uCP !vyep -,-t- riW, , jpnmM;f t ' V. rj ""'" r- ttbe Dallp IRebraefean t ' Campus Gleanings BUSINESS DIRECTORY The University of Chicago Professional Schools Every Loyal University Studont Is Urged to Patronize these Nobraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. MIsh Bertha Mellok Ih teaching in tho hcIiooIb nt Calhoun, Neb. Phi Delta Theta Rave a dance Walsh hall last evening. at The Senior laws will givo a smoker at the Phi Psl honso Friday evening. ,w)rt"4,' 'm- iyf3mpi''iiiy M o I!" I i it r i ?r i' !f BANKS Columhla, First National. HARIJISR SHOP Eldora, Palace, 11 & C, Shannon, Marshall & Richards. BATHS Chris Place. I1ICYCI.HS, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Olrard. B00K8 & STATIONERY Porter, Co Op, Brown, UTiiverslty Book Store. Sam Hall. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsay, Clarcy. CLOTHING Unland, Mageo & Deemer, B. L. Paluo, Armstrong, Toggery. COAIy Gregory, DierkB, Whltobreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Iteming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Lomlng. DRUGGIST Stciner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Rlggs, Wright. DRY GOODS Miller & Polne. DANCING HALL Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rndgo & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall BroB. HOTELS Lindell, Walton. JEWELERS Tuckor. LIVERIES Mellck. LUMBER DlorkB. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpo. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co., KoBtka. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & Bl LI ARDS Powell, Stevens & Noville. PRINTING, Griffln Greer, New Con tury, Ivy Press, Review Press. RESTAURANTS Westerflold, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health, Eagle. SHOES Perklna & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, Cincinnati Shoo, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. Cincinnati Shoo Store. SUITORIUM Webor, Burt's. TAIIX)RS ITnland, Bumstead, Lud wlg. DAKEK.DKD5. LN CKAV1 N O CO. iiiauKi SECURED OR EEE RETURNED. 80ml model or sketch for Freo opinion im to immutability. Send fur our Guide Iftek wt UWImt to Invent." Unetit imb floaTlonB Inmied for Vrfv distribution. I'ntfiitii secured through us advurtlswM without charge Jn Tbe Putn ltecori'. Hujiiplo Copy Free. AddrtOfl EVANS. WILKENS oV. CO., f ILLUSTRATORS l wrh ENGRAVERS QM Ij) piam inlncwest" (P Fred Hanlcy and W. E. Qulllen arc out of school on account of Illness. Miss Nellie Stevenson has loft school and engaged in teaching. Mise Jcanotto Post, who has been visiting the Thetas. returned to her homo In York laBt evening. Tho Colorado football team will ar rive this afternoon at 2 o'clock over the Rock Island. Kappa Sigma held a sock shower last eter.lng for S. K. Beghtol, who Is con templating matrimony. Miss Reta Clark, '07, has been absent from claBB for tho past few weeks on account of illness. Messrs. Hall and Reynolds, '07. of Lincoln, aro pledged to Alpha Tan Omega. Professor A. 15. Davisson has re turned from Utlca. N. Y., where he at tended tho funeral of his brother. The Junior and Senior law football teams will contest for honors Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Tho Pergonal Workers' class of the Y. W. C. A., met last night from & to G in the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Hans Peterson, law '03. and wife, of Omaha, attended the McNish-Ham-mond wedding Wednesday evening. Members of all committees are re quested to moot in the Y. W. C. A. roomb Tuesday. Oct. 27. at 7:30 p. m. Mihs Margaret and Alene McEachron returned Thursday, from Omaha, where they attended the wedding of Miss Jeter. Professor Stuff lectured before the class In education 7, yesterday after noon on, "Tho Teaching of Literature in the High School." The Union boys will debate the fol lowing question Saturday night: "Ro Eolved, That tho Minnesota primary law should bo adopted in Nebraska." Miss Howell will speak at the regu ular meeting next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in U. 106. All University girls are urged to be present. The Palladlan boys will debate tho tollowlng question Saturday night: "Resolved. That England should re turn to the protective system laid down by Chamberlain." A Zimmerer. of NebraskayCMty, who has boon visiting his son at the Sigma Chi house for two or three days, de parted for his home yesterday after noon. ' Professor Tosslor will lecture at Verdon, Neb., before the Richardson County Teachers association, iNovem her 0. on "Vacation Rambles in rope." Eu- Tho noon servico at the association rooms today will be taken up with rapid quotations from prominent au thors. All girls are urged to be pres ent. Miss Elizabeth Jeter, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Junior last year, was mar ried to Dr. Reed of Bilger, Nebraska, last evening. After a short trip they avIII no ai uomo 10 tutu hiuuud bilger. The class in American history 45 will discuss Ubo following problem this afternoon from 5 to li o'clock in U. 210: "The Political Situation in tho Hrltlfih Empire from an External Point of View." Visitors are welcome. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Lemlng's, ico cream and candy; 11th Medicine I Law and I Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). fcSThc courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desiqns Copyrights &c. Anjono dPndtnR n akotoh nnd description mny qulcklr narortalu our opinion froo whether an Invention li prohnbly patentable Comniunlca UoniiKtrlctlyronlldontlal. HANDBOOK on 1'otonH Bent froo. Olilcst fluency for securing patents. I'ntonts tnUon through ilunn A Co. rocolve rptcial notice, without ctmfgo. In tuo Scientific American A handsomely UlnMratod weokly. Largest cir culation of any srlcntlUa Journal. Tornis. t3 a year: four months, fl. Bold by all nowsdoalonu MUNN &Co.30,Broad New York Branch Omco. G25 V HU. Waahlngtoc '). C. The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Gloffy'ng Cleaned and Pressed Phone 708 Northeast Cor. Uth & O Sts. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN FIdc Chocolates and Bon Bona of our own manufacture. Cheapest in the city. CONFECTIONERY FOR PARTIES 1337 O Street. Jhe Improved K i (4 The Standard for Gentlemen 3 ALWAYS EASY v, The Name " BOSTON fe tef,.r. GAKTCK" Is stamped hW' on every loop, The I .Wf IIKft- CUSH10N I BUTTON l JCLASP) Uts fl?t to Ihc letj never Slips, Tears nor Unfastens. GOLD EVERYWHERE. Bnip!epir, fillkSC. . Cltuu ttc. Mlllrd on icceiiit of price. ' ) OEO. FROET CO., Milan ' jsoiion, uui., U.B.A. 'Every Pair WARnANTED-aa ijmJE Theology Education tA2XJL2jLaJi2AJOjtA&JAfl 3 $25.00 o o o X o o X o o o o o o s To the Pacific Coast Tickets on Sale Daily to November 30, 1903. Call and gel lull information. G. W. BONNELL G. P. & T. A. LINCOLN b'VoTb'or5TST?rrr8ry?r & 'nrhrt.' Thia Bifrnnturo is on every hot of tho fjonulnfl Laxative BromoQninine Tabiou the roniody that cna-03 n cold iu one day THE ONLY UP-TO-DATH Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tables Newly Covered Powell's, 146 North Nth St. Phone L 664, for acceptable Idem. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, bammoro, Md. Subscript' on pnro of tho Patknt Rbooba fUX) ser annum. Baniolcfi rt' fKfflN m V, r 1 r""1BUB .IV EKgraVERS te, 1 ', fl I A 1' t m rt. 'l . WASHINGTON, D. C. and L Sts.