" '"-' 'OFpgpampmp " f .- -. - F S Ebc H) a 1 1 Tflebragftan ' if W "s t- rjHHHMHHWHHWW9JHHHHH ' I S! S t Af " A n V Alt Oil I 111 f :! Stylish Shoes : !i ! fV The celebrated Han- V an, Walk-Over and i W. L. uouglaa tnakcfl j for men. llanan and ji Sorosis Shoes for t Women. Swedish h J J Gymnasium Shoe. 4 I None genuine unless stamped "Perkins Swedish." !i Perkins & Sheldon uo. is is 1129 O St. ! Monarch Preserves and Jams aro the finest flavored, purest, best and handsomest fresh fruit products in tho world. Keystono Cash Grocery, ltj Phones, 744-775- GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 S, J2t Telephone B 1397 Estimates furnished uiwu application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRA8KA Western Glass & Paint Go. 12th fc . M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. . COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Ncbraikai CAPITAL - 9ioo.ooo.oo. OFFICERS John B. 'Wright, Pr. J. H. Wctcott, Vlc-Prc Jo Samutla 2nd Vle-Prj. P. L. Hall, Caahle W. B. Ryona. Aut. Caah. fin tf-v GRAVERS We Mourne Her Loss. Allan Murphy spent Sunday at Crete. Dent Slaughter over Sunday. visited in Omaha There arc problems in lite that we. in full recognition of our own frailty, would' nlwnys avoid if the necessity for meeting them were not Midely thrust upon us. Like a boatman drifting in tho moonlight down some gentlo stream with the drooping willows bendlnc low on either side to bathe their foliage In the water, and with no breath of nlr or chill of atmosphere to break his reverie, he dreams of happy scenes and thinks that all is well, but starts up in afright as the roar of a ratal act below strikes in upon and dis turbs his fancies, and bending to his oars, strains with all his might to uncli the nearest shore and safety; so we. pursuing our daily tasks, start and cry out in horror and in sym pathy ns some undreamed of calamity falls to the lot of some fellow creature ar.d like a sharp blast from some un expected quarter pierces through our outer cloak and chlils our inner being. Such an event wiik the tragi, deatl of Pansy Mallard. My this- lit .e, the 1 articulars, hae been nerahicd 1 roe.d caLt over the land under scare iici'is in every paper that lays clj.im to . u- tei prise, and It would be a waste of time for us to. delineate imxrr"The de tails with which all are familiar. It will be dwelt upon with av'diiy by the rioibld minded, and the biipiioti liou. and unbelieving will be given a-;-otlier mystery to wonder at. but the sober-minded student. Who fears no truth and whose logic knows no pit in Its deductions, will have already met and conquered these questions himself, and his attitude will be all sympathy. We can not pass judgment upon those whom we think have acted unwisely and even madly for we know not what they have suffered, what goads have overwrought the imagination and paralyzed their vic tims with tear, or what delusions it mayhap they were pleasant - have luifd tlu m oh to destruction. We can lull i ause In our onward march to buiy our (bad. and In the midst of heaps of dowers wet with sympathiz ing teais can resolve to come Into (loser communion with the living, and pu.t'ng away all unsellish.iess. to cu lt i into the lives of those aboil' i" with a renewed and yet (hastened .pli it of love. vVc will remember the depaitcd one lis- fi fellow student who shaicd the sail ( sorrows and carried tli" sum bcrcU ns. who lejolced when w job ed and mourned when we nuuirned. am! though we would shade our eyes i ud seek to pierce beyond th mist '.li&t hangs over the river of doatli. we an not. We can but believe and rest '.n an abiding faith that all is well with those who have suffered here Miss Helen Streeter eral days last week on ness. . was absent sev account of sick- DAKLKEm05. ILNCKAVINGCO. iJVyfiv n iff I JmVjYT I 1Bmit1Lo va VH If ILLUSTRATORS A MO ENGRAVERS (q tfjf2 pjaruin the west (Pw The observatory will be open tonight tor views of Saturn. The public l invited. Miss Helen Whipple did supply work for two days last week at the Elliott school. Miss Allle to Omaha to wedding. McEnchron attend the and Miss .Jeter-Reed Mr. Hoy Cochran will net as ac companist for the University Leider krnnz this year. Miss Carrie McVicker, ')!, went to North Mend last Thursday to attend the wedding of her causln. "Stub" Cran'dall. who is now coach ing the Hastings College football team, spent Sunday at the Phi Psi house. Melick's Stables Phono 485. CU4 Carriage. Baggage. Th tlnut Urtry In 1230NStrooCt!rLIncoln,Nob. Hotel Walton J5I5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms host low-priced honnoin city. RATES $ i Per Day and Up Steiner-Woempener Drug Co., Scciiora to STEINER PHARMACY. 1M6 O Slrtct1 Phone 707 Lincoln, Nt. Manufacturers of Steiuer's Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pilo Caro and Gray'a Condition Powders. THORP Miss Margie McEachron Helen Reddington will go today to attend the Jeter-ding has gone to Omaha Reed wed- The German time this -y unci r the Fossler. chorus met for the first ear on i rulay afternoon, leadership of Professor line re- Mr (!olviu, the president of the In tercollegiate Temperance association, spoke at the Y. W. C. A. noon meet ing Friday. The Friday-Saturday division in forge work was dismissed an hour ear lier Saturday, because of the breaking of the tan-belt. .1 K Morrison spent Sunday with his parents at (Iretna. His lather has Just lMovercd fiom a eiy severe attack of typhoid fever .lames Windham, "(it;, of Plattsmouth. attended the Nebraska-! laskell foot ball game Saturday. He left last even ing for his home. T. J. COMPANY General Machinists All Kind o! Rpalrlnf Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Phone. 6 u Juniors Meet and Appointments Are Made. President Mrown called a meeting of the ( lass, of UMlfi Monday morning in F lot', to discuss tlass athletics. Last year's football men gave brief talks and the appointment of football man ager and captain was left to President Brown to be announced at an early date in The Daily Nebraskan. Messrs. JDriscoll, Meers and Chessing ton were appointed to constitute the clntJM athletic-board. TJm matter of the annual Junior Prom, was taken up and merely to give the class the opportunity to sanction such an event it was moved that the class give a Junior Prom. President RrolYn then appointed A. H. Lundln. chairman, and W. D. "Green, master of ceremonies. The remainder of tho com mittee will be appointed later. It was moved to appoint a commit tee to secure appropriate class caps, and the class adjourned. The Palladian girls will hold their first P. (J. D. C. meeting Saturday af ternoon with Misses Creta and Mia Warner, at 172G Q street. Mr. Perrj of the football squad, was sent to the training table yesterday. I.averna Marnum went to Union Fri day for a "hoit visit at her home In tl)e shlnjfc. l'. J. o tiara, ri, assistant ii department of pathology at Wasl ton. Is in Nebraska making an investi gation of a fungus growth on peach trees. Miss Elizabeth Jeter. '(M, will be inai rled to Dr. Reed of Pilger. Neb . on Wednesday The ceremony will take place as Miss Jeter's home in Omaha and will be of a very quiet nature (J E Spear. Omaha Medical. '03, who is now specializing in chemistry, left Saturday for Fort Riley, Kan.. where the national guard encampment is to be held. He wll act as hospital steward while there. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to ('. II. Man Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil 125 No. J2tb Street. Telephone 473 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, $200,000.00. Surpltu, 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 40,000,00 3. H. BURNHAM. Pre.ld.nt. A.J.SAWYER, H. S. FREEMAN, Vlc-Pr. Caahler. H. B. EVANS, FRANK PARrCS, Att. Cannier. At. Caihlcr. P. R. EASTER DAY, AuiUtor. United States Depository. fc-W'HKI"H: J f f V t I T v i . t 9 'sjtttt4- ' ' ft TT a A.1J W PCTO TO CALIFORNIA The tea given last Friday afternoon by the women of the faculty was a grand success. A large number nl girls attended., and all enjoyed a good time. Mrsr Clapp. Miss Ronton and Miss Howell were in charge. The Athletic- Carnival! Whoop'ee! Stovons & Novillo 1330 O Stroot. iNJJer's. of Cigars. Billiards o- Leming's ice cream and candy; 11th and L Sts. ' Asl; aljout our meal tickets. Just the place for students to get 'what they need. Good Health Cafe. tfand Informal Friday night, body come. Every- A Millie chiHK for tho iiiiifprirrniliinlo young women of the University was opened last Sunday at the First Con gregational church. 13th and L streets. The course of study is the "Life of Christ." The class will be taught by Mrs. H. H. Wilson, a graduate of the University and for two years the efll clent dean of the woman's department Mrs. Wilson is a lady of fine scholar ship and unusual abilitjjind attractive-, ness as a teacher. VIA T I x ! i i Chapln Bros Eat at the "Eagle. 240 No Florists. 1227 So. 14th. 10th I Union, Pacific! i EVERY DAY i Until November 30th? Colo- nist Rates to all Principal t Points in California, From Missouri River Terminals and I J T - f 1 Lincoln $25.00 Shave, 10c; Barber shop, neck shave, free. Eldora 111 South 10th St. E. B. SLOSSEN, GenM. Agt. vrvHW"i-H"I"I";J-!4I"!J i I r j; Three through trains daily, t Shortest Route, Fastest Time, i j Tdurist Sleepers a Specialty, jf. T.,Full information cheerfully f ? furnished on application to ;' t 'I -i fi 4. $ i 3 i j '1 7 im -M - i i .'.:. i.i---J-;dfe.. ,o jh 'ft .v'g. ijtt:u..k l-frin l''ii i Wf