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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1903)
'.rei'-yxi.1 ";" :i.v;iur-r', - - B jLi, , ,w.... ' , , i .) . r i i n, i i i n "yf"rf7tT WHf.' .T I , .. jK-t" -i- ..--'- f ' Cfte IMtUE Hebngtyjm i 'i i. 9U8INE88 DIRECTORY Fvory Loyal Unlvefsity 8tudent le Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing 80. 11A.NK8 Columbia,. First National. 1IAUDBR SttOPS Green, 8hnnnon. 1IATIIS Chris' Plnco. HICYCLES, ATHLETIC Q0OD8 Bid dies. HOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co Op, Drown, Uulvorelty Book Store. CIGARS Powell, Ltmtpoy. CLOTHING inland, Ma'gco & Dcomor, II. L. Pnino, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dlerka, WljltobroaBt, P. D. Smith. .?':.' CONFI5CTIONKRY I-omlng. Maxwell, Lincoln Candy KUchon. DAIRY Franltlfn, Loming. " ' ; DltUOOIST Steinor. Woomimer. Roc lor, Drown, Rlggs. DRY GOODS Mlllor & Paine. DANCING HAM Fraternity. ICX PRESS Lincoln. Local, Lincoln. Transfer. KljORISTS-Cuapln Bros. XlRNITJJRp Rucls G-uenzel, A. M. Davie, Hardy. GROCERS JKpyatonc. HARDWARE Hall Bros. HOTELS Llndoll, Walton. JBWBLER8 Tuqlcor. LtVERIES Mollclc. LUMBER Dlerlcs. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL St GA80LINE Lincoln Tank Lino. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co., Kdatka. PLUMBING Koramoycr. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer. New Cen tury, Ivy Proas, Review. RESTAURANTS Wcsterilold, Unique, Don Cartoron. v SHOES Perkins & Sheldon. Sander son, Anderson. SHOE REPAIRING Bluo Front Shop. SUITORlUfa Wefior. Burt'B. TAIIX)R8V-Unland, Bamstead Jhe Improved H BOSTON GARTER $-. The 'Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER" Is stamped. ion every loop. The 3 CUSHION, BUTTON! LASP Iks flat to the led never ySlips, Tears nor Unfastens. SOLO CVCRYWHCRC. SanipU plr, flUk Me. a . I . Malta oq receipt of prica. ' GEO. TtSXt 00. J&ksn 0OSUH, HUI., U J.4. "EVERY PAIR WARRANTED' En JGpfc of tbe Strenuous GoH)aE How Sir Bonnibus, Now Deceased, Witnessed a Football Came Sir Geoff ry Bonnibus Was a knight of renown A chief among knights In Klrig Arthur's town. A man unexcelled. In tournament -fray And ready to Joust Will all In his way Strong Indeed was his spear And full heavy his shield. With wonderful powor Roth these did he wlold. So mighty was he In arm, limb and hand. His fame spread abroad Throughout the whole land. Hut ho finally reached The summit of fame. And passing from life Ieft naught but his name. Out of its. prison Rising llko leavon His soul Bped to the Kingdom of heaven. Thoro ho lived many years In the greatest' of peace Unmindful of earth, And of time's Increase. As, many now nations Rise and decline Ho noted them not. In the passing of time. Thus he passed many years In -great quiet and ease. And Bang without rest 'Neath tall laurel trees. But there camo a day Whon ho ceased from mirth; A longing he had To visit the earth. Kor to enter again With vim, fury and fire A tournament grand Was his chlefost desire. At a time opportune Tho gate being ajnr Ho sailed Into space And travollod afar. And as he descended To earth oncb again. Clouds of dust he saw On a faraway plain. Right glad was this shade. And much agitated; And the Ichor In HIb veins circulated. And swift down to that spot He wondod his way, Eager to enter The thick of tho fray. With a whoop of Joy, For a spirit loud. Ho arrived unnoticed Amid the great crowd. Then ho passed "af righted. Ry wonder impelled Such a terrible sight He'd nover beheld. Two thick ranks' of foemeu Assailing each other, Tho wildest furies Did rashly uncover. In the thick huddled mass. In tho carnage so drear. Plashed, not a shield, On" tip of spear. No coats of mail Did theso strango knights wear, But the strangest of garb And wildest of hair. Back and forth as thoy swayed In fierconcss of battle, Their tooth wierd music Loudly did rattle. With wildest of wrath Each strove to crush His foe to tho earth, With mad' whirl and rush. Then up from tho press A queer object sped, Passing over a frame Llko an arch o'er the dead. And up from tho crowd Ascended a roar Llko a tidal wave On a rock-bound shore. Then spako Sir Bonnibus. Overcome by great fright ; "What manner 1b this To Joust and to fight? Perad venture methlnks I've happened among Somo wild heathon race Of barbarous tongue. "Strange men arc these knights. Strange cries do I hear. Strango colors I see; My heart beats with fear. Such a fiercely fought battl I'vo nover beheld, 8uch fearful slaughter By fury Impelled. Like a dude In a drug store Whon treating his girl. Digs down for hlri coin With brain In mad whirl. And he finds sad mistake He's forgotten his purse And hasn't the means With which to disburse. Just so Sir Bonnibus Did tremble and quake. And his limbs unloosed Llko aspen leaves shake. "It was wrongful of me," He soberly said, "To revisit the earth From the realms of the dead. "I'll return now at once And never again Will I leave my abode To mingle with men." 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Oldest nponcy for securing patent. Patents takon through 01 una ft, Co. root . recelTt tptcUU notice, without charge, in tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any sclentlOo Journal. Terms, 93 a rear : four months, L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNyCo36ioro.HewYorl( Branch Office. 825 K BC Washington n. C. The Weber Suitorium I the up-to date place where you can fet your Closing Cleaned and 'Pressed Phone 708 Northeast Cor. Hth & O Sou jyjnjra Before the Haskell Indian and Nebraska Game, all True Rooters should have one of our Official Horns. Our stock of Foot Ball Goods is still complete H. E. SIDLES CYCLE CO- 1304 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr. SVAmwSA IS f ftturA Vat 1 r ' s- o o o o : .-. ft A I .'HI o swwwvwwo )v 'ill vfc " K -V. "Tt ."2-rr z:.r&rs3i?wm.' w-'-wtzzs t-. ..i , i .';,', -i. ''.IS-? wTT, .H "ii -. tll yiJui!;Ktsa.J.-.,uu'tu'tjJ- i-u ji. . -- BHW 1! H'Wl .,.i iPl i ! ijUJ LLIJU'jm J1 U3Tf . , ....: -T-ir-rr- kU'JJSWS 11 '.' 'J. i!1 '"111!- issaa. i ., m ,Tfrw, 'ISIES ; .VlJifiiSISIP ',- l.t: el m i m wmmmn