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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1903)
51 ,.viujM-i "'""" a-.-. fi4- f .-v.--t- " -f - "Vf f f : --? ? -i.1- . ttb Ddil? TRebr6hn l i L V II 1 f u i ! ftbe troubles of tbe fUgbt "Reporter A Tale of Tribulations By Maude Conger Twelve-thirty ololocW I glanced quickly at my (wntcti, then. Bhovcl it Into my vcyt-nockct. Only thirty min utes to get In.att my .copy and I had rtae junior) W0AtiP'WWH9flh( t sytfty ud, rVo intorvioH-toKlYtJlch'olJt'to two rtilumnfl nn-d-.a ktt tyty ln?t Install ment of a murder Ida! to finish for McCnrty. our Mice editor, who wan n the- elck lint, and ivovcml other minor nitlc,lc which mufct be madxi to omipy a whiIo 'column. I tossed my coat and hat Jnto a cor ner, (hrow myself Into a chair and pulled out my noteu. Tho Hpeoch was a long one, -so; long thn-1 'regarded It with despair vVhllo I mvore gentjy be ucAth my breath Inwardly debating what ethical right any man has to 1m lKae his lone winded" opinions upon an Ifthocent public n'trtl hnvdworklng re porter who carca not a jot for them. Then I fell to Hcrlblilln iu fast as a man can who haft Uft, only lufcw, mln uleH before, the bcene of a ghastly murder and has Juat made his nipld clt from a down-town morgue. wTho minutes passed thou, I looked at" ray watch 12:40, bo far bo good. Tho ju nior senator was disposed of and now to tho mufvrjffwji. J The flrHf WfcH "With a prom Incut' Wo M street urokbr 'who; gave Bomo.vory Important Information' concerning, il cental h v uow? deal, in stock. Th second concerned a man who wiih known t possess Borne knowledge, pj, .controversy ( vat; Issue on the underside of politics. I hurriedly scanned tho notes, de cided on! tholatfeer ami hadNgot as Tar mi ' ' . ' '.'" "Mr. H was very mcagro In his Information, ovldently reserving Bomo ubWMitial HetallSj.nUtioug.h- . when the door opened with., rush aiyl Carmv plunged Into tho room. "I say, Mr. Couvcr, 1 got 'em!" I wrote oii vyrufyijt lodVras up: Wljat? tW'D.I'.'b?" ' "Not much thf "whole, gang, Vitrlo included. Caught as slick as a hunk of cheese,, (.lad! It, wa greal." TTe I aubel, breathless. "Glad of It," J answered, "but I can't be bothered now. Got to hand tho c.opy into the Old Man In fifteen mln utoH," and bent to my task. ("a row threw himself Into a chair. - "Hut I sdy, dJoa't, ,ypu want to hear a1)out it?" ho asadi vWaHy. He w.a Juki a young onp. , , "Sorry, but IjdauTt. now. do you hp-.dl suiLidpate witli a 'd or n:i V?" "Hanged If1! Know.' e atarl'd ip nbd be gait stttlkldg'about the (1x8 room. I endured It liireo nllnutef .P. en I lab1, drily: i - - "Kenlly., Cimuy, Ulat Mainpjn ; Kn'i e-Kiiellv ItistiI rtnij.'! ' lie stopped suddenly !.'., -.-$ ; f i i$$S$$if$P Ovr Venetian ''' Ghocolates : I; Eccll any Chocolate on the i marKcL Cpme in and try u rt them " MAXWELL'S 13th and N Street i i 'i ! !- I, II I 9 i We mak a specialty of f I Hot Drinks, Try our HOT I ROOT BEEH It's Good, i &&i$Qtyi&&i&&fr "Oh a I bog pnrdoh. I was think ing about that haul of mine. Gad! 1 wish you'd seen It!" Then ho placed himself on tho edge of my desk and commenced' , beating a nerve-rending 56&B0 orfnro tdp, wlth'hlH fingers. ''Finally I! coold Btand it no longer. . "8ay Just h6iBt yourself, will you? I'ni not raado of saw-dust and I've got to get tHift'ifl, ffght away. Tvo a host of other thlngH to make up yet," and with that he vncntedi I started again. "Let's sec "Since ho doclard he knew of nothing more, rhonvte reason to bolievc that, under tno'fnco ot things, he and id h comrades have dono more to' Oh, yes, 'done jnoni to to to establish operatlonK wth tire pthor factions that any other members of.tho. party. tyi' U gave as his opinion " It was the night editor this Ume. "For Heaven's sake-, Van, haven't yort ready, yel ' ' y "Ifyon'.ll leave niM aloi". I'll litis and a doncn otUerf. -in eUdtt min utes,'' I grow 1 I, and wltn Huu he Hint the door. Again I continued " 'Ah hih op'.ukmi lhat live govern i'-olect is a Mi't. deadly enemy to .Mr. S - Howcer, Ir. B assoriil tha no one was aware '" A knot it at the d'.or. "Gome In!" I shouted at the lop f my voice. Tl Vns "Spike, the rall-b-)', ollkio-boy and in general' b't. "Ef yo', iah. dah'F a gemn-an vvhat would like to see vo' --." He got ho further. My answer. If not exact ly polite, was, to say the leasi. dec id fcdly explicit. Spike grinned. "Yes, sail. I'll tell tie gemman. 'ah. Iuttj' wa'am place, sa'i." and the black head vanished. Again I glanced at my vatch. Kiijht minutes, yet. Could io it? With an etTort which only I was- able to appre ciate, and at th) 'ate of nejtlipdivd 'words a minute t hastily wound up the fiist interview an. I stait'd on tho m xt 'hen just aboi.i half '"riisheil. I lelt my pencil-point wlv. In v.iln I 6earchel for another pencil. With a muttered imprecation I pulled out my knife and managed to cut myself two or epding one of the smaller articles, thro times and broke the !ead beveral others before I could resume my work. i kit my temper rising umieasi.itly and my hair, too, for that matter, but I wrote on and or. until, wln-n about there came a call from the tube. "What you want?" I yelled down. "What's the matter v.ith you?" came back In the Old MnnY musical oke. "Don't you know it's time tjr that copy? Wliy in !loavoo' n.ime don't you hurry?" Hurry! With a gioan 1 l lined ba4r To my des!7. My lualn was nr"u whirl and for all the money in the worll I couldn't have told what I was writ ing. And to top It all, lhat ol'ke boy who was cleaning up the next iom anil malting all the noise in the uni verse in the effoit, began to sing: "Dar's ol' Sim Simons and young Sim Simons, nit' young Sim Simons' son. "Will young Sim Simons be aV Sim Simons when ul' Sim Simons is gone?" I ran my hands through my hah and tried to think whether it was the girl's mother vho eloped witlr the voung man or the young man's father who ran off with the girl. And when I tould ar rive at no satisfactory conclusion, l be gan to wonder, dully. If my brains vvora oozlns out and if It were that which made my head feel bo wet. Finally, however, I pulled myself together, fin ished the article and began on my last copy. I could still hear the ofl'cc-boy banging the chairs about in the other rooms as ho worked. Then: "Dab's ol' Sim Simons an' young Sim Simons an' young Sim Simons' son." Came to me from the next office, yelled with all the gusto of a healthy, darky, voice. I could contain myself no longer. "Spike!" A curly head popped In at the door and a broad grin greeted me. "Yes, Bah!" "Spike," I said, solomnly( impre'i Bively, "if you. sing that again, IT. blow your brains out." The grin broadened. "Yea. sab! All right, Bah," and disappeared. T Treovwt t lomj sigh-. "Three lines moro and I am done. If he'll keep still one little mtmrto, I'll try to live to bless his memory. A full sixty seconds passed, while not a sound broke the stillness. Two words moro and a call from the tube: "Van! Von! I Bay, are you ready?" With a mighty effort I articulated: "Yes!" In a moment the last two words were added, a boy came after my copy, and It was gono. v I sank back In my chair and closed my eyes. Then, from the otner room I heard, In a low, chanting, darky voice: "Dab's ol' Sim Simons, and dah'a young Sim Slmorts and young Sim Simons' son. "Will young Sim Simons be ol' Sim Simons when ol' Sim Simons-is gone." "It's lucky," I murmured, as my head sank wearily on my breast "It's lucky that I left my revolver in In my oth er pocket." MAUDR K. CONGER. Stcincr-VVoempcner Drug Co., Successors to STEINER PHARMACY. 1M6 O Strtet I Phone 707 Lincoln. Neb. Manufacturers of Steiner'fl Balsam Rhubarb Gold Capsules, Pile Onro and Gray's Condition Powdeis. T. J. THORP COMPANY General Machlnllls L AU Kinds of Rpalrtnr vaaL Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska PJ'one. 6U rjr..). WE ARE SHOWING Stylish Shoes f The celebrated I Lili an, Walk-Over and W. j. uouglas makes for men. llanau and SoroHis Shoes for Women. S w cd is li Gymnasium Shoe. None genuine unless stamped "Perkins' Swedish." iPBrBnrt" 7 a . a ti Sheldon go. i 1 Exclusively Hied Class!! I1I1IMMI IM1MIIIMIIM Dance Programs, Menus, SocietyPro grams, Visiting Cards. I The NeW Century Printers ZIZ SOUTH 1ZTH 5TKEET ii n mm m mi 1 1 1 hi i ii 'Physical Culture Wc CArry a complete line of the goods yoti need for home exercise. And are hcadqvAr ters for footbAll And other outdoor-gAtne outfits. . Let us figure nvith you If you ivAtit Anything in the Athletic goods line. M We Also sell TACycles, bicycles, Edison phonogrAphs. zonophoncs, records, etc. etc. Girard Cycle Co. 1304 O Street. GEO. A, WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OHico and Shop. 222 S. 12th. Tekphone 8 1397 Estimates furnitjhod upn application. .Tol work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ii &444444t4(4t44444f444(A 1129 O St. Union Boys Meeting. The Union Boys Debating club will meet Saturday evening; to debate the question; "Resolved. That the United States thould enact more stringent im migration laws." Affirmative, Shel hourno, Raker; negative, Wroughton. Wnltmnn. The club now has a large membership, a number or o- men having been taken in. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe. GRAVER5 5ICUJUH1 dubejl ixrasxcsL. Bend molel or nkrtch for Rrcu opinion auto pntrntuhllltv. Send for our (Juliln Book niwl ' What to Invent." l'lncot nub llaiUoiiH IttMuetl lor Free dHlrlbutlon. lntont(i necuml tlinniRli iib nilxertl-wtl ulthout clmrge In The l'ntant ltccon1. Buniitlo Copy Free. EVANS, WILKENS &. CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. IVestefn lass&Paint Go. J2th & M.Sts., Lincoln, Neb. $&A Yrms- Thin iKnaturo is on every box of tho snuln Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet- the remedy that cures n colJ lu t day MIIIMf MIIIIIIMIMMlinn IIIIU.HtH Dry Oak Chunks For Stoves. Gregory, The Goal Man. I Office 1044 O St.. Phones, 343-488. t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i n m 1 1 1 1 1 u u n 1 1 : i ii 1 1 1 1 1 H I x,. 4 C ins- . , .' '.' I1?'"'". I.I II -l 1-L I.I !'J"l.'i4l;Va