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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1903)
wpwy'Aijr-t rSrsETWf'S'W - . Js p (Cbe DKi.U fUbtathan & p IV i Q Chose of Other Days pOrf 5" Alumni Club- at Beatrice. A movement has been started at Be atrice for tho organization of an alum ni club, whoso membership will include all tho old University students now re siding la that city. Of these, wo un derstand, there are about sixty. Tho following article Is on extract from the'Bcatricc Democrat, and quite fully explains the undertaking and the steps Uiat ore being taken in its Interest: "Tho meeting last night of all pres ent and- former students of the "State Univorsity, which was held in the Bea trice club rooms, for the purpose of organizing a University club was quit largely attended. W. C. Dorscy was mode temporary chairman and Miss Louisa Van, Camp temporary sec re tary of the meoting. Temporary organization was made permanent, after which those as sembled were entortalned by a few classical selections on the piano by M. S. Wolbacb. A vote of thanks was promptly extended to Mr. Wolbach for the splendid music furnished the company. It. 8. Bibb, president of tho Boatiioc club, made a brief address In which l.o ( xtendod the courtesies of the ' lub at any time to further the Interests of ihe now organization, his remarks being followed by the appointment of a com mittee composed of W. C. Dorsey, Evan Sage and Edward Miller to draft con stitution' and by-laws and report at next meeting, which will be hold on Thursday, evening, October 22. Tho meeting adjourned about It p. in., and there Is but little doubt thnt a University club will be perfected in tho city soon. Those presont were: Misses Nelllo LaSellc. Flora Beaver, Emma aial Mol He Noidhart, Maria Upson, Louise Van Camp, Hagy, Erford, Mm. L. S. Uagc, Airs, Hall and Messrs. Ed Miller. Gar rett, Evan Sago, Roy Baker, Dobler, Eccles. Hall. W. C. Dorsey. S. P. Kil len. R, 8. Bibb, M. S. Wolbach. John and Luther -Mumford. C. H. Hale, '88. medicine, is practic ing at Ravenna. Eric G.iSpafford, Shoshonov-Wash, '03, is teaching at Clara Ballard, '03, is principal or the Havelock high school. Misa Florence Cook, 03, at Cedar Rapids, Neb. is teaching Oshcr Schliffer, '03. is the Humboldt schools. teaching In Miss Maude Smith. '03, is teaching In Pawnee City this year. Fred Kelly, '02, Jh superintendent of tho Cedar Rapids, Neb., schools. O. C. Haar, '03, who is employed as sugar chemist by the American Rofin- lllllllll I I I I 1 I I II I I II 1 Ml iThe Fun .o$ Shaving. IUU will upytcumiv iuo wu- ,. fnrt of an easv uhavft if we fur- 4" If... Ill ...4..,.ini V. .nm nlsh th utensils. Tho razor is the main thing, of courfo, and wo have a lino that beats tho world for main taining a keen edge. A good' strop is. a large port of tho battle. Wo Uavo a now aa- i J, sortment that includes the latest Improved ones. Fino hair and uristie lamer brushes, good soaps, bay rum and other lotions for aiding the final touch to a perfect Job. Riggs' Gut Price Pharmacy." 1321 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Ill II I I I M UP! lilt M .( , jyy3Mv "".vr- .3 lf71 ery company, has been transferred from Maxwell to Culbortson. C. E. Miller, 'OB. Is working for the North-Western at Sioux City, 7a. Miss Edith Lathrop, '03 Is principal of the high school at 'Harvard, Nob. Jessie Farnsworth. "05, Is teaching In Colorado 8prings. 8ho will enter the University again next year. Chns. Shlmer. '05, is now working for a manufacturing concern In Den ver. He Intends to enter school next year. H. K. Lehmcr, '05, Is studying in tho school of mines In Golden, Colo. Ho imports his new field of Btudy ns vciy pleasant. Joel Stebblns, a former student of this University, who studied at Wis consin, and who took his doctor's de gree at California last year, has been appointed professor of astronomy In the University of Illinois. A letter has been received from James iclser. a Junior here last year, stating that ho Ih attending Leland Stanford University at Palo Alto, Cal. He Is much pleased wlclujiis school work there. Mr. Frank Bruner. a felfow In the pedagogy and psychology departments last year, has been appointed assistant professor In Columbia University. He reports a fine equipment there and ex ceptional opportunities for advanced work. Mr. Fred Kuhlmann. a fellow in the psychology department for two years, took dls doctor's degree at Clark Uni versity last June and has been given a position there. President G. Stanley Hall, of that University, commends Mr. Kuhlmann'b work very highly. Mr. M. A. Hlltncr. '98. who tenipo rarilr succeeded Mr. R, S, Hlltncr last semester as instructor In the chemistry department, Is now mill superintend ent of Wasp No. 2. in the Yellow Creek district, near Lead, S. D. He is con sidered an expert chemist and has a bright future before him. The following is an extract from a letter written by Otis G. Whipple, ''J3, who Is now located at Whatcom Wash.: "The Nebraskan is a welcome vis itor to me out here. So far as I know I am the only Nebraska University man In this place of 26.000 people. Last year I enjoyed" the Alumni column cs poclnllv and hope tho editors can con tlnue it. It is there mostly an older fellow loves to look for familiar names." Following is a list of North Platto alumni, and an account of where each Is located and In what business en gaged. Hilliard Rldgley, law '98, is prac ticing in Cody, Wyo. He was county attorney of Lincoln county, Nebraska, for several terms. Charles Hendy is now chief clerk in the master mechanic's office of the U. P. railroad at North Platte. Alfred Oilman, who prepared in tho east for entering tho ministry of tho Episcopal church, is now teaching- in a mission school in central China, Edward Elliot Is attending Colum bia University. Walter V. Hoagland. Is ini partner ship with his father practicing law. Herbert Coval is a Methodist min ister. Rhodes Longly is studying medicine at tho University of Chicago. Arthur Strayhorn holds a position in the south iiu a government experi mental agricultural station,. Laundry Club at the Co-Op. $5.25 meal tickets for $4.00 at tho Good Health Cafe. Lincoln Shining Parlor, 1018 0 St. Chairs for ladies and gentlemen. Join the University Jot 1tl2 oundry club. laundry club 'phone, 1217. vT T'TTrrTTSrsr' 4h m?j.i!. Tickets on sale daily to No vember 30th, 903. Call and get full information KQ9 The Oil Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to 0. H. Man Oasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 At tttfttMtf f ttttM,tAEtAMAtAt,t&ULA mr fill? avRhra A f J. llill W3iv9A! dovinod Equipoise wnintfl, nently trimmod atw$2-25,lt2.o0, and )QQ JFetrlAtbr letic wiUKtH at 1.0Oand $1.50. Weal waistfl for wonien and gfrlH at 50c, 7"5c and-$1.00. JcACKETS of white, pink or blue ribbon at 60c. NEW GARTERS which sew on so as to reduce the abdomen, 50c. SILK Laces in 5 yard lengths, whfte pink or blue, 50c. SKILLFULL ALTERATIONS and remodelins free of charge in our corset department. , MILLER rnrrrrsrrsrrrvrtiirrrrtrv'rirY rrrimr iT f -." l"i' 'lUM " " '' ' liUl J"iU ' "r1 ' ' 'II" f1' I'..'ii'iMm.w.I' TQjmEwy PACIFIC COAST 6. W. BONNELL 6. P. S T. A. LINCOLN - NEBR. Monarch Preserves and Jams aro tho fktost flavarod, purest, best luid handsomest frenli fruit prodacU in tht world. Keystono Cash Groctry, ftTS?.4 FJTdncfi, 744-77C THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, .' $200.00000. Suiplt. i. i.. 1x00a0t UndlvldeoProllts lOdOOuQO- S. H. BURNHAM, PmUUnU A.J.SAWYER, H. 8. FREEMAN, Vlc-PMi. CulJir. II. B. BVAN3, FRANK PARKA, Aact.'CAihlcr. "Atit CuhUf . P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UuJted States Depository. ThelBest Corset Waists For. Youdg. Vomerr and Students - g nud gynmaHiuui girln aro cut iu au coroiolly J' sliapca na any Fataslan cowetn. Tho m aro iu good wanliablo fonn, too, 'with bones encased so that thoy cafl bo easily alifipcd out. & PAINE nrVgSY?7T 1WI ii yaxwrnsx w . : : v? A ' : : : : A VI ? ' i jpsJr"X" h ,