The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
f Jr'itr lffrc.fr7 aOSIi ,., ijL ,J- -r -l , I IUV !! r-rT-r- " 'f ' '' li. J- I fc I IW fcbe allp TUbrnohan J HW "" VT? W it at i'-f i; m I J ' V U: Ce Dp Utbraakum A consolidation of The Htiperlan, Vol. fll.Tho Notinukun, Yol. le, 8orUI and Crojitn, Vol. 4. Edlor-ln-Ohlf John D. nfoe natncn Manager A.Q. Sohratber CHronlator '' 0. A. Barrier Auhooikm KDiTonn: Kawa ... ltrr A. F. Becker Oajlord G. Bennett Dorothy Green Offloeai Kdltarlal, U KMMtNBuRlneea, U 211. Port Oflta, Boa 18, Station A, Lincoln. flabaoripUon Prloa, 19 per jraar. Id Advance. Entcrac! a the postoflloo nt Ltnoolh, Nbraka aa aeoond-olanmaii matter. " ' I,, !, I'LL " ,1 .",.' .l.L - , "g Editorial Remarks Tho student who mlBses today's gamo will havo a vnlld reason for reproach ing himself lor a long time to come. Tho Interest that Is centered about this game is somethlirg Intense. The In dians aro very strong and will make a liard struggle for victory. Nothing would sot them so much at case as a letory over Nebraska, and they will light like demons. Come out and help tho team to win, and bring with you a megaphono and a determination to use It without cessation throughout the entire play. o Tho report that negotiations are in progress for bringing the Iowa-Nebraska gojno to Omaha still lacks definite confirmation. Howover. If such an ar rangement is possible, there aro many students here who would be glad to Journey to Omaha to sec the two teams moot. Tho gate receipts would undoubtedly be greater than If the gamo was played-at Iowa City, and both financial considerations and the Interest of the students hero would be subserved. But as yet nothing is defi nite, and It Is useless to bring up con- LluKen.ciSlor which there may be no foundation. Complaints are forthcoming from a number of the faculty In- regard to tho custom of young ladles who aro wdnt to wrar their hats in tho reclta llon room. A sprinklug of hats, es pecially In a crowded room, makes It -difficult for those-ln the backseats U obtain a vlow of writing on the black board or of tho maps and charts that aro often, displayed by tho instructor. They aro obliged to compose them selves Into various sorts of angles in ordor that their line or vision may not bo obstructed by the rows or clumps of headgear, and oftentimes no matter how hard they try they fall In the attempt It would bo n source of gratification to many of tho faculty if these youug ladles would take account of the Inconvenience they give rise to and make use of the proper remedy. Tho redi men aro hero with their leathers and paint, prepared for a massacre and for a war dauce about tho scattered remains -of the Nebras kans. This aft-ornoon the air will be filled with their whoops and war cries, and"CK5 whlto men will bo busy In re sisting tho dusky Invaders. They will enter tho game with tho whirl and tho rush which carries all beforo It, If not at first effectively checked. But If they meet reslstenco and are hurled back the Impetus of their attack will gradually weaken until worn out by the of their own efforts they will bo obliged to give ground Instead of gaining it. Such arc the foes with whom Ne braska will contend this afternoon. If they can gain tho advantage at the start hey will have a chance to score, but If they are thwarted In their do Blgns at first their chances will grow nteadlly loss. Nebraska has met tho Indians before and knows their style of play. Although our team Is not In tho best of condition as far as Indi vidual players are concerned they aro eager to moot the onslaughts of tho Indians and to drive thorn back In dis ordered rout. Tho game will bo flerco and hotly contestod and no ono can In Juptlce to-hlm8elf afford to miss It. Guns Assigned. Tho quartermaster Is now assigning guns to tho cadets. Company A re ceived theirs on Tuesday last, B on Wednesday and C last evening. Com pany D will rccolvo theirs next Mon day. Some difficulty has boen exper ienced lnsecurlng enough guns but tho department feols confident that all will be provided with them. Uniforms will not bo wonv beforo October 28th, owing to a misunder standing on the part of one of the tailors. Department of Entomology. For the first time a manual is being used In the laboratory. This new method works very satisfactorily. There l a decrease in the registra tion in this department in the first year classes, and in increase in tho advanced. On account of the Inclement weather Wednesday evening, only six or seven were p reset nt nt mo opening meeting of tho Bird club. Members only will attend the next regular meeting of tho Bird club. Tho questions to bo discussed will Ik? along the lino of migration1 of birds. The club meets every other week. Mr. J (' Crawford ot West Point is making a special study of wild bees. Ho Is now engaged In the study and classification of several different kinds which he brought from Costa Rica dur ing the summer. Some of them have never been classilled. Mr. W. I). Pierce, of tho department, Is at present making a special study of burrowing bees. He has found ten colonies in tho salt bottoms around Lincoln and has taken casts of their holes. Y. W. C. A. Schedule. All are cordially invited to enroll at either association room in i?rr of theso classes. The following is the list of clusseb with the hour. day. subject, :ooi.i nud leader: Mission Study Classes. 9 p. m. Thursday, Y. W. C. A. "World Wide Kvangellzatlon." Miss Keru. 1 o in. Wednesday. U. ill.- "Kffccllvo Work iv In Needy Holds " .iisr Coppo !. h p. m. Tuesday. Y. W. C. A.- -'DiUMi Un HilU of Tang." Mr Harrison. 5 p. m. Monday. Y. M. C. A. "Price of Africa." Mr. Daughters. 3 p. m. Tuesday, U. 304. "Protestant Missions." Miss Withers. 5 p. m. Friday, L. 301. "Protestant Missions." Miss Withers. 9 a. rn. Sunday, Y. W. C. A. "Prince ly Men in the Heavenly Kingdom." Mr. Wittc. Bible Study Classes 5 p. m. Monday, U. 110. "Personal Workers." General Secretary. 4 p. rn. Thursday, U. 107. "Now Tes tament and Missions." Miss- Griffith. f p. m. Friday, U. 211. "Old Teata mont Characters." Miss Reynoldson. 1 p. m. Friday. U. IOC "Life of Christ." Miss Piper. 4 p. m. Friday. U. 204. "Life of Christ." Miss Thomas 5 p m. Frday. U. IOC "Life of Christ." Miss: Stringer. 8 a. m. Friday. U. 107, "Tho Acts and Epistles." Miss Aitkin, Sam's Care Tho only place In tho city tp get tho famous Little Go in hot waffles. Special service for ladles. OLIVER THEATRE F. C ZEHRUNG, and O. T. CRAWFORD, Mgrs. Phone 354. Cor. P and 3th "THE HANDSOMEST THEATRE IN THE WEST" MONDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER I9h Tloe Theatrical Event of the year p BLANCHE WALSH t In the Dramatic Triumph of New York, Londan, and Paris. Count Leo Tobloy's RESURRECTION Dramatized by Batallle and Morton. Star Caxtl Original Production. Price 50c, 75c, $J.OO and $J.50. noitoiiOiioKoiitoitoKoitononoitononoitoHonoitoitoiioitoitononoatoo COLLEGE Is more thoroughly described and pictured in The Illustrated Sporting News Than in anj other American weekly NOTABLE ARTICLES September 19 Captain Rufforty and his Yale Football Squad. September 26--Dowitt, Princeton's Versatile Football Hero. October 3 What is tho mattor with-Pennsylvnnrn. October IO Captain Marshall's Vicissitudes at Harvard, October 17 Football at tho Universities of Chicago and Michigan. October 24 Tho University of "Wisconsin on the Gridiron. Illustrated by tho best Football Photographers In tho World RALPH D. PAINE and FRANK BUTTERWORTH, both noted Foot ball authorities, write on the game exclusively for? The Illustrated Sporting News An energ.'tic and roliiblo subscription roprcsentativo is wanted at University of Nobraska. Address for particulars, The Illustrated Sporting MolioMotaofcotaotaofcofcofeofcoMofcoMoiotoo;otaoMofcoMoofcoovoMo JXtA.tXMAtttA,tAtAtAtAAt r FHE P. D. SMITH COAL CO. S I 4 4444 V r '111 4-It 4k Wa4 rfVMt 0 A vony i uh, koi au ui uuniwut luius. among which you will find the Rex lump at $6.50, tne Ketri- I merer, Wyoming, lump at $8, and the best Maitland 1 you ever saw at $7.25. All kinds of Steam CoaJ the Z best money can buy. OHice 1140 0 St. Phone 329. rrrtifvt) vvi vrTirrYTC The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has a special Circular of information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3)! H3rThe courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois j if FOOTBALL i o K i o ' o r o r o IT o r o IT o T o r o - o K o IT o r o r o tc o K o o K o tho News, 7 W 22nd St N Y K MllHimiMiiiUMMftM m - .4 jJ jim slm a.a.Im f Yards 6 and N St. Phone 376 vv vvr vtrtvrrrvYrrrr I Theology I Education A .-! 4 -ft r ' b r,'!"1 'i 1 'tsnzm Sft''- Jsr-:r::'-T,, i.l.i.ii...,.Vir l - v' i.. 1 1 ! 11 . )..'.1' I ' -"Ui Wv-at wn