The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1903, Image 1

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Ube 2)ail$ Utebraekan
vol, m. NO. 20
Anxious for-Cornhuskers' Scalps.
Comments on the Game.
Today is the day of the big game.
Are you going? You most certainly
can not afford to miss it. one of tho
big games of the season.
Tho Indians always have a team that
knows how to make things interesting.
Fleet of foot, nervy and strong and
understanding tho game to a nicety,
th$ kctfp up the play from the tlmo
the ball Ifkicked off until the referco's
whistle blows for time in the last
They arrived in the city last night on
a belated train, which did not pull in
to the station until after 12 o'clock
They are registered at the Llndell.
Tbo gorao is called) for 3 o'clock this
afternoon. Follow' up the band and go
into tho grounds and help to mako
things lively.
Tho two rooting squads, which will
be stationed on opposite sides- of tho
field, will bring back' to memory some
of tho former games, when the team
was cheered to an echo from start to
finish whether they went down to do
feat or carried off the honoTS-uf-tho
If you arc-not already la ono of tho
nquadB, bring along your megaphone
this afternoon and test the power of
your luqga.
Tho team went out to tho state rami
tost night for the last final secret prac
tice before the game.
Those who have not Been the team
practicing for tho last few days will
find a surprise in store for them which
will delight their souls. The marked
improvement In thoir work Bince the
Denver game has been nothing short
of miraculous. Coach Booth has done
wondcrd and the team has responded
to his earnest work in a manner which
can not help but be gratifying to him.
The manner of attack of the back field
has been greatly Improved. There is
much more unity and harmony In their
work than has boon shown before this
Tho lino men are getting to know
each other better and to understand
each other's manrtcr of play. This is
one of the great secrets in bciccssful
line work.
You may have a line composed of all
star men, men who know the game
through and through, but if they do
not know each other and do not have
some unity in thoir manner of play in
nine teaAi out of ten that crack line
-will fallback beforo one which Is much
Inferior Individually but which has
unity and harmony in its play
Tho Nebraska line has gradually in
troduced this phase, thds unity, into
its plays. Watch the results of It and
ace for yourself how true it is that
unity and absolute harmony is the koy
noto of success on a foo.tball field.
Tho rmn stvlo of play this year
-nwBwnnw obstacles in the path of a
-coach who- Is- endeavoring to perfect
tho "unity-playing" of his team.
For those who arc anxious to be
come familiar with tbo finer points of
tho game we would) suggest that they
watch the playing of tho Nebraska
ends today. They arc both mon well
grounded In all tho moro delicate points
of tho game and they wilt put up a
style of play which will be a most
. palatable morsel for the most exact-
llastly, and by no IneanB the least
. Important, is the manner in which
Render handles tho ball at quarter. His
work thero has proved him a iruo art
ist In every sense of tho word and be
fore the season Is over he will take
rank vrith tho foremost quarters of the
It tho llno-up which follows will bo
found among the Indians the name of
In a former article on tho Indians
j. H"HM'M"M1"HK'-H-
Nebraska vs
$ Nebraska field. 3 P. m.
y1"Hi'r'WH-4"H"M"H"H"M' I-H-K-H- H-H'-H-H-H-v
It was stated that this valuable man
would not bo lni the line-up this year.
In tho face of a fact wo must acknowl
edge that wo made a mlBtake through
Although acknowledging an error wo
are not sorry that Archiquett Is to
play, as ho Is a good mand and will
most naturually strengthen the team,
which only means moro glory for Ne
braska in defeating them.
Following Is the line-up of the two
Nobraska. Haskell.
Wilson ro Archlquette
Robertson rt Lugo
Hunter rg Kulln
Borg 0 Hunt
Cotton lg Deegan
Mason, Cy It Oliver
Benedict le Shoulder blade
Bender q Fnllis
Bell ..., rh Macker
Mason G fb Elkins
Engor lh Moore
Medical Society Meeting.
At the regular meeting of the Medi
cal society Thursday evening a paper
was read by Miss Fairchild on "Gather
ing Material," and ono by Miss Wini
fred Tucker on the "Oxygen Cure." Dr.
Ward's offor of giving up his home
for a social October 30 was accepted,
and a committee appointed to arrange
tho social.
The following names were added to
the membership roll; John W. Rob
erts, K. M. Ware, Miss Darlyne Mun
day, E. N. Arnold, Ira J. Clark, Miss A.
A. Tucker, Charles S. Stoakes and Jos.
M. Woodward. Tho first year students
will rlect a quiz master next Monday.
Prohibition Association Organize.
Mr D. Leigh Colvln, national presi
dent of tho Intercollegiate Prohibition
association, spoke to a fair audience of
students Thursday evening on the pro
hibition movement among tho students
over tho country.
An organization was formed and the
following officers were elected: Miles
R. Daughters, president; George Grobb,
vice president; John D. Bradley, sec
retary, and J. Bt Potts, treasurer.
Word From Dean Bessey
A postal card has been reeelve4 from
Dean Bossey, now In Halle, Germany,
containing the following Information:
"We are just back from Russia, well
and hearty. I sail October 3, and ex
pect to reach lilncolii Oct 24, all ready
for work on Oct 26. Have had a very
Interesting and profitable trip."
Palladian Meeting.
The Palladian Boys will arguo the
question: "Resolved, That private
ownership of land should be limited."
Messrs. Monroe and p. A. Anderson
will have the affirmative, and Baird
and Holensworth the negative. Meet
ing called at 8 p. m.
Meerschaum pipes, 25 per cent off
this weok. F. A. Powell, Oliver the
atre building.
Tho R. and C. barber shop, Palmer's
Place, 1144 O St.
Lincoln Transfer
Phone, 17C.
Co. Baggage.
i ! ! 1 1 1 .fr.;..H"W"H-H'1
Haskell Indians
Sophomores to Duplicate Fre3h
man Admission Certificates.
Monday tho warring interests of tho
Freshman and Sophomoro factions will
clash If the present outlook does not
change. Certificates of membership
have been mailed to nil the Freshmen,
and the Sophomores are making ar
rangements to fit-theniBelves out In a
similar mannor. These certificates arc
printed on card-board and each is
stamped with the University of Nebras
ka signature. Tho Sophomores arc
planning to have their tickets printed
and stamped In the same manner for
themselves, and expect to gaiundmlsr
sion to Monday's meeting in this man-'
The attltudo of the Freshmen toward
this action of the Sophomores Is best
explained by tho following statement
made by one of tho leading members of
the Freshman class:
"The Sophs will find trouble if they
exicct to repeat In Monday's meeting
what they did' a week ago. This talk
of duplicate certificates dors not fright
en tlie Fresh mon at all. The Sophs
will have a hard time making au exact
Imlntlon of one of our certificates, and
where will they get the University of
Nebraska signature? If they try to
Imitate it or uso it without being au
thorized they will be guilty of forgery
and will get themselves Into hot water.
"And even If they do succeed in get
ting In by means of such a forgery,
they will find small remuneration for
their trouble. We expect to have a
number of upper classmen with us re
sponsiblemen whiy-udlLholp plrOr nut
any Intruders, and all caught In this
manner will be given the treatment
they deserve.
"We expect to have our meeting
Monday without the consent of the
Sophs, and if they attempt to Inter
fere In any way. we will make them
wish that they had behaved themselves
and left us alone. They say that the
fact tlmt our tickets are not signed by
the registrar and that because these
have only the signature of the Univer
sity, they can not bo held guilty of fdr
gery If they Imitate thorn. We have
our own opinion about that and would
advise them not to draw their conclu
sions too hastily. Wo are propared to
do nil that wo say, and If tho Sophs
are wise 'they will occupy themselves
In some useful occupation rnsteaTfl of
earning rough treatment for them
selves. Thore Is certainly a tone oi defiance
about this, and if the Freshmen do all
that they say, (lie Sophomores had bet
ter tako their advice and keep out. But
tho Sophs do not seem to bo daunted
at all and thoy aro busy telling what
they expect to do. They think the
Freshmen aro wasting their money on
tho certificates, and hope to figure
largely In Monday's meeting. They
are confident in thoir ability to make
themselves felt and arobusy with do
signs aiming at tho downfall of tho
"Unfortunate" Freshmen.
Shave, 10c; neck shave, free. Eldora
Barber shop, 111 South 10th St.
Burt's Suitorium
clothes. 'Phone 47.
press and
1231 O St
Maxwell Debating Club is Set on
Foot Once More.
The Maxwell Debating club, whli h
has always held a prominent place in
tho University In debating and parlia
mentary drill, will bo reorganized and
a new constitution adopted. Tho club
Is primarily for law students and tho
training It furnishes Is such as, will be
particularly valuable to a lawyer. The
work of the club Is to be conducted In
a more systematic manner and Its
scope broadened. These steps are the
result of n spclal meeting of the Se
nior lavH and the matter Is to be sub
mitted to the Freshman and Junior
classes. Reorganization will bo per
fected this evening In tho law lecture
room and all law students, whether
members of tho club or not, are urged
to be present. A good parliamentarian
will occupy the chair and a llttlo pre
liminary drill will bo indulged in. Tho
meeting will bo called to order at 8
p. tn. sharp.
New Football Song.
Following is the new football song,
and every student should mako an ef
fort to learn It. Tho rooting squads
will set tho pace this afternoon, and
It Is up to the rest of the student body
to follow suit:
"In the Good Old Football Time."
(To tho tune of "In the good old sum-
mer time,)
In the good old football time,
In tho good old football time.
Rolling dpwn the five-yard line,
Scoring all the time.
Around tlie end and through the line.
And that's a very good sign,
That Nebraska wins tho Championship
In tho good old football time,
It lsUe Intention of tho Unlvorslty
Band to give a concert In Memorial
Hall about January 1. Tho proceeds
will go for tho new building fund. The, under tho leadership of Prof.
H age now, and with tho assistance of a
feww vocalists, would bo able to give
a concert that would merit tho support
of every University Btudent, to say
nothing of the cause for which It Is
to be given.
The ten-minute song services held
every day at 12:20 In tho Y. W. C. A.
room are Increasing In Interest and
attendance. About forty wero pres
ent at the meeting on Friday, which
was addressed by Mr. Colvln national
president of the Intercollegiate Pro
hibition association Mr. Colvln gnvo
a short and very Interesting talk on the
aims and work of tho association.
-The Palladian girls will resume their.
custom of holding social aftertfoon
meetings within a short tlmo. These
meetings arc hold on Saturday after
noon of each month, from Z to 5 at
the homes or rooms of tho girls. All
Palladian girls are Invited. Each girl
takes a nickel's worth of something Tor
refreshments. .
The geological department has just
received a fino large collection of spe
cimens from Mr. J. P. Davis, of Nam pa.
Idaho. Tho collection.. was- made by
Miss Lyda P. Patterson, an- assistant
of Dr. Alexander Wlnchell, University
of Michigan.
All Y. M. C. A. lockers have been
rented. They are in such demand that
new ones will be put ln as soon as
I Eat at the Eagle, 240 No, 10th.
- .