Kffl " i4 v jj y . u'ir TW---'-ywwai y. i'Mi' 4 -- ttbe Datlp TUbrnohan if1' i k fh i: 1 t h 1 t IS , I' "t 1 .v '& V ' 1. ' . 1 ' r ip ? x. -. r r . L ," .3 ' B? a; ONEWAY RATES. Evory day from Soptombor 16th to November 30th, Inclusive, tho Union Pacific will soil ono-way tlokota from Lincoln as follows: $20.00 to Ogdon and Salt Lako City. $20.00 to Holona and Butte, Montana. $22.GQ to. Spokane qnd Wontachco, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. $25.00 to Vancouvor and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angolee and San Dlogo. Correspondingly low rates to many othor California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. For full information call on or ad dress, E. B. 8LOSSON, General Agont. Campus Gleanings Professor Haooker was In Kansas re cently securing stock for the state farm. Claud Edgorton, '03, Is doing forestry work In Colorado for tho government 3 H I II 1 1 1 III I II 1 1 1 1 1 114 t III I II I 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 U M H 1 1 I ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES AT J 2th and O Sts,t Rector's iiiiiiiniin iiiiiiiih tntinniiiinitiiimiHif BU8INE88 DIRECTORY Fvory Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nobraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National. riAlBER SHOPSr-Qreen, Shannon. BATHS Chris' Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sid- dles. BOOKS & STATIONERY Portor, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Storo. CIGARS Powell, Llndsey. CLOTHING Unland, Mag"(o & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dferks, Whltebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemlng. Maxwell, Lincoln Caildy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin. LeminK. -DRUGGISTtolin3iTAVBTniraeTrTloc tor, Brown, Riggs. DRY GOODS -Miller & Paine. DANCING HALL Fraternity, EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. - FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. DaylB, Hardy. -GROCERSKBystoTTe; - HARDWARE Hall Bros. HOTELS Llncfoll, Walton. JEWELERS Tucker. LIVERIES Mollck. LUMBER D16rks. NO VELTI ES Thorpe. OIL &GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLAS8 Westorn Glass & Paint Co., Kostka. 1 PLUMBING Korsmeyer. "POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer,, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Roview. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique, Don Cameron. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead. Dolta Upsflon will hold Initiation Thursday evening at the chapter house. Patricia Naughton was absent from classes yesterday on account of illness. W. T. Wenstrand spent Sunday at his horde in Wahoo, returning Tuesday. George Doughy, of Ohio, Is visiting at tho Sigma Alpha Epsllon house this wook. Sigma Alpha Epsllon held an Infor mal smoker last evening at the chapter house. Owing to tho inclomont weather tho battalion dcllled In tho Armory Wednesday. Mrs. Lylo Rlckotts will entertain in honor of MIbb Hammbnd Thursday ovonlng. E. L. Red fern has been selected as Prof. Nicholson's private chemist and metallurgist. R. D. Klngsberry, one of Nebraska's old time football men, vlBlted in the city Sunday. C. S. Calhoun, of Springflold, Is the guest of his son, R. L. Calhoun at tho A. T. O. house. Captain Brown's mother spent Sun day with him, returning to her home in Geneva Monday. E. R. Walton, D. U., will attend the national guard military maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kas. W. H. Davidson, qt Springfield, Neb., Ib visiting his son,J. L. Davidson, at tho A. T. O. house. IMH anything you invent or Improve j also 0AVEAT.TirADE.MARK. COPYklfiHT or HE PROTECTION. 8endmodeL sketch, or photo et rEAT.TRADE.MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN for free examination and advice. BOOK OH PATENTS OTWWSS TC.A.SNOW& CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. avvvvvvvwvwvtvvwvovwf R. D. Conkllng, A. T. O., has returned from Mexico and will resume his Btu dles In tho University. Winifred Chadwlck, who has been visiting her Delta Delta Delta sisters returned homo Monday. The Seniors laws will have a foot ball team this season. Fred Nellson has been elected captain. r A report of tho number of students In tho department of mathematics will appear the last of thlB week. Mr. Brady, formerly of Purdue, reg istered Monday. He is at present a guest at tho Sigma Alph house. Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold Us first Initiation Saturday evening, when seven now members will bo taken In. A district schocM program will bo rendered by tho Union society Friday night. All are cordially Invited to attend. Assistant Coach Westover says that the-Haskell gama -next -Saturday prom lses to be ono of tho hardest games that Nebraska has ever had. Dr. Condra leaves today for Oregon, Mo., where he expects to remain sev eral days. Dr. Pound will attend to hts duties as chairman of tho football committee during bis absence. Wm. Lawler, a wealthy mine-owner of the Black Hills, brought some gold and silver ore from Deadwood, S, D to tho chemistry department Monday to bo analyzed. There will bo an opon meeting of the local bird club tonight, Wednes day, in room 301, M. A. hall, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Wolcott will give a talk on our hawks and tlielr relatives. The public Is invited. The question has been raised as to whether tfie electrical engineering de partment could not continue the good work oegim'in the law library anp! put the lights In tho library building In working order. The Universitv School of oMusic . . . AFFILIA TED WITH THE. . . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA One of the greatest Schools of cMusic in the coun tty. Complete Faculty. Every facility for study. New pianos and apparatus. Modern home fot a limited numbet. cMany fteepzwileges and scholarships. vPSBI S? VfiTL v2k 2j3 Year opens Sept 7. Write Urm Jfew, Catalog Willard Kimball, Director $25 TO THE s PACIFIC COAST I Tickets on sale daily to No vember 30th, 903. Call and get-full-information . Brail G. W. BONNELL G. P. S T. A. LINCOLN NEBR7 c The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). EEfThe courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. -- V." The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois1 V ti& - r.'.." 'k:':'ii 'iv - . J - T. I t -:t U', T" : ": ' - -v-'a r J.- !L ... . iA .!. :. iV - v ?iy y -7 ". - f Ilil . rtlfv' .?..&&, r.iu:, 1 Aw'fi-) 'i JSJSj . . t 7WM --! 'W-d -.t tJf -T3T ,jU WvV. t ift