The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 14
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Team Leaves Over Rock Island.
Nebraskan Represented.
Accompanied by their coaches, man
ager, tho team physician and a con
tingent of supporters the football team
loft ycstortlay evening at 7:40 over tho
Rock Island for Denver. Tho men were
In high spirits over the prospect of
their trip and had eery confidence that
thoy would return in the iole ol t'ou
qucrors. Besides the Blxtcen regular
players, tho following also made the
trip: Coach Booth, Assistant Coach
Wcatover, Dr. Mayhew, Dr. Condra and
Manager Buckner. making a party ol
twenty-ono men.
The playeta who were taken on tha
trip were: "Bonder, Bell. Benedict. Borg,
BriggB, Lcsh, Eager: Fenlon, Graves,
Hunter, Cy Mason, J. M. Mason. Perry
Robertson, Cotton, Wilson.
A fair-sized party left In the after
noon for -Denver over the Rock Island
who oxpoct to make their presence felt
In encouraging Nebraska to victory.
Tho team will arrive la Denver at
noon today, and a good rest will be al
lowed them to recover from their trip
and get used to the high altitude.
Twonty hours will suffice to put any of
tho playors on their feet again who may
bo affected by the trip or suffer from
tho change of altitude. The team will
Icavo Donver Saturday night after the
game, arriving In Lincoln at 2:15 on
Sunday. The return (trlp will also be
made over the Rock Island. -
In tho afternoon before leaving the
team was out for some light practice.
Bell. Benedict and Mlison practiced
punting, nnd the ichI of the team was
employed In running down the punts.
Later tho team lined up and practiced
a variety of evolutions. Shortly after
5 o'clock tho men withdrew from the
Hold in order that they might make
thoir preparations for the trip. The en
tiro squad ate supper at the training
table on Sixteenth street.
Tho reports that the Denver .team is
loaded forNeUrtifilcii mm (Sauml little
anticipation among the coaches and
players. They are confident that thoy
can win against any combination that
Denver Is likely to present. They are
suro that In. this case professionalism
will avail tho opposition nothing, if It
is Iff reality practiced. Anyhow, tho
players, will lose no sleep in tremulous
anticipation of what those four new
men will do to them in tomorrow's
game. Thoy regard the pains that the
Denver management is taking as unnecessary-trouble
and a waste of time.
Tho Nebraskan will havo Its own
rp.nrcoentative at tho game, In tho
pereon-oCoux-athlotlc editor Mr. Gay-
lord G. Bennett. Mr. Bcimctt-icft-yefl-'f
tcrday afternoon over the Northwest
ern and Union Pacific. Ho expects to
take completo notes of tho whole pro
ceedings and will havo a full account
of tho game, tho trip and other Inter
esting matters for tho readers of The
Renortfl of tho game will bo roculved-;
at tho Star omce anu uie uuhuuub um
playctf tomorrow nfterjioon. Tho Star
has sont a ppeclal representative to
Donvor along with tho team, who will
-bo thero to take note of all that lufh-
pons and send an immediate account.
to tho paper here, university aiuucuiu
should bear this in mind If thoy are
interested at all in the game, and be
on hand to cheer when the bullttnn
announclngs Nebraska's gains we are
sure they wiU bo of that character
are received.
Lincoln Medics Will Play.
! Tlio game that the second team had
' - scheduled for Saturday with the Omaha
Medic has been cancelled; and in the
place of tho latter "team the Lincoln
" f Medics will play. No intimation was
v received rthat- the Omaha team would
be unable to come Saturday until yes
terday morning. A telephone message
was received from Omaha statlng,thnt
the team was disbanded and tho man
ager was absent in the cast, and that
things were in such a chaotic state that
Saturday's game must be cancelled.-
In order that the preparations that
have been made for tho game might
not be wasted, tho manager of the
second team made an effort to secure a
team to take the place of the Omaha
aggregation, and was fortunate in se
curing the Lincoln Medics. The Medics
are a strong, fast team and are Tally
cjmable of nilinir the vacancy left bv
the Omahn team.
The management of the second team
has experienced considerable ill luck
In arranging his schedule. After ar
rangements had been made for meet
ing the Grand Island College two weeks
ago. word was received that the team
was In no condition to play. And now
the fact that the Omaha Medics can
not fulfill their schedule cancels two
games, a return game having norm
scheduled to be played in Omaha. Thus
three games have been knocked out of
the schedule, although for one of thorn
an all-sufficient substitute has boon
found In the Lincoln Medics and tho
game tomorrow will be fast and snappy.
Junior Election Contest Will
Aired by Class.
According to the rumorsT tlittt are
fioatlng about nnd the portents that
shlno Inthe sk the contest proceedings
.that are now being carried on will by
no means be a one-sided affair. Enough
opposition has been promised to the
measures proposed to throw oft the
torpor from all thrngs arfiniate and to
cause the snakes to crawl forth In
countless multitudes, noth Hides in
last Monday's olectlon Intend to stand
firm and look out each for its own in
terests. Both claim to be in the right
nnd It will be left for a thorough In
vestigation to decide which has the
most just claims.
It 1b understood that the supporteis
of the winning candidate for the pres
idency claim that no fraud was prac
ticed and that the measuios taken for
calling a new meeting are entliuly un
warranted. They further asseit that
the1 opposition will have an extremely
difficult task in provlug fraud and that
thoy were foolish In making the charge
when they had no evidence to piove it.
But those Juniors who have pushed
matters toward an investigation nro
equally vigorous In their claims. They
assert that they can produce four men
to- swear that 98 votes were counted,
while only 84 persons were present nt
the olectlon. If they can. make good
this claim, they have a strong point-
In their favor.' In fact the contest
hinges upon the truth of this allega
tion. .
The meetlne in which all these.
TirnrgBTvill bo considered Is called for
Monday morning., and it win uc new
in tho chapel. It Is understood that a
motion will be made and voted upon
In regard to electing the chairman and
mnBter of ceremonies of the Junior
Prom committee The constitution
ality of such a proceeding Js questioned
by some, who also claim that no pre
cedent for such action exists in the Uni
versity. Charges, counter-charges and denials
are Hying thick and fast, and a thor
ough investlgatlonwill alone straight
en oat the difficulties, ff It transpires
that there ore grounds for fraud the
matter should be pushed to tho limit.
I,f there aro no grounds then tho con
testing party should acdrd to the win
ning candidate tho -full credit of hon
orable victory. -It is to be hoped that
Justice will be dono, whichever side
wins. But neither side should weaken
in Its stand If It feels It Is I ntho right,
and It Is hoped for tho good of the
Junior class and class politics in gon
eral that this wholo difficulty can bo
settled in the wisest nnd-raost Just
way possible.
Senior Fcotball Team Organizes.
The Senior football team met on tho
athletic flold yesterday at chape,! time
to elect a captain and a coach and dis
cuss tho situation. Edwin F. Myors
was elected captain and f T Borg
coach. Mr. Myers has been one of tno
most faithful men at halfback on the
scrub team during tho past two years.
In Mr. Borg everyone will recognize
tho 'Varsity conter, who alwayB makes
his opponent wish -he had not come to
the game. Tho team will greatly miss
John Wilson, who was captain of the
team the past two years and' led his
men to Intor-class championship la.-t
year. Mr: Wilson is sufferinir from a
badly sprained knee, which It Is barely
possible may be well In tlmo to per
mit him taking-part in theclas&-gamci;
Other Seniors who are counted on to
help retain tho championship for '04,
arc Coats, Newton, Walton, Mellck,
Bell, McDonaJd, Alleh, Prlchard, Chase,
Elliott. A. IMyers, Lewis and Hewitt
Several new mon will havo to be de
veloped and practice will be begun
Elect Two Officers.
- Tho flrftl year law class lias taken
several steps toward straightening out
the difficulties that blocked tho pro
ceedings of their election. Monday. The
class met.yesterday morning In the la-w
lecture room and reached an agreement
on the- two leading officers. C. A. Mohr
man was elected president and J. H.
Chase vice president. A constitution
that hnd been drawn up by a commit
tee composed of-MGBSrs. "Ritchie, Gib
son. Black. Chaso and Johnson was
adopted. Tho mooting adjourned with
out electing the balance of the officers
and the class will assemble this
morning for tho purpose of acompllsh
IngAhls task. A new proposition will
be considered this morning, that
of arranging a Freshman law hop, and
ft is expected that favorable action
will be taken In regard to such an un
dertaking. "
Baskist-BalLEractiae .
The men's basket ball squad was
out for practice for the first t,jnie Tues
day. Two teams were present: Among
the men who were thero were Elliott,
Beers, Pltrhford, Tynor, Ludden, Noyes
and Myers. Elliott was tho only man
who wis on the first team last year, but
It Is expected that Hoar will bo out
as soon as the tennis season is over.
Beers, Tyner. Ludden, Noyes and
Myers were on the second team last
year, and with an abundance of new
mnterlal the chances for a good team
are very bright. m
Tho practice Tuesday -lasted- for-
about fifteen minutes nnd was very
spirited. Dr. Chipp geted as referee
mwi will emuinnn to do so. Horoafter
practice will be from 4 to 0 Tuesdays
and at 7 o'clock Thursdays.
The girls' basket ball teams are in
process of formation. Tho clty.Y, W.
C. A. gymnasium has been secured for
this work. Young women shold hand
their namejL,.J.P..MiBB Nellie Dean at
oijce if a placo is desired.
Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe.
, Chris' Bath Parlors, 11th and P Sts.
Lincoln Local Express. Tel. 787,
The bosUin the city, tho Palace Bar
ber Shop, 109 No. 11th, west side.
Sam's Oate -Trio only placeJiLjhts
city to get-the famous Little Gem hot
waffles. Special service fqr ladles.
List of Non-Corns About Com
plete. Pershings Drill.
A number of additional appointments
of battalion officers were announced
last night, nnd tho roster is now prac
tically complete. The bulk" of tho ap
pointments were mado last week, whon
the names of most of the commissioned
officers nnd non-coms, wero announced.
The new officers are ns follows:
Battalion Staff:
E. B. Loomis, sergeant major.
J. K. Morrison, color sergeant.
F. C. Ackerland, chief trumpeter.
R. I. Wenstrand. drum major.
Company D.
O. B. Barker and A. I. Charlton.
sergeants. r
F. C. Bullta and II. W. Roberts, cor-
Cbmmandant Chase announced last
night at the close of drill that tho same
rules and regulations that wore in f6rco
last year In regard to demerits will also
apply this year. Any man receiving
fifty demerits will rtm a risk of having
to drill an extra semester, and any
man who is absent throe times in suc
cession without presenting a suitable
excuse will have an opportunity to ex
plain to tho chancellor. Tho command
ant cautioned tho cadets to bo very
caief uLlnuthia. JgarjL,as these regula
tlons apply to Friday's classes aa well
as everyday drill.
The Pershings heldtholr first drill
of the year last nlglu. Tho mon all
wore uniforms nnd leggings.
Academy Notes.
The Nebroskan's -.write-up ol the
Academy reception unintentionally
omittod the names of thoso who served
refreshments- so acceptable the second
hour: Mesdames Frankish and Mc
Oahoy presided at tho punch bowl and
Misses Hollings-worth, Rioth, Richard
and Wharton servod tho guests. Credit
for the artistic decorations is due to
the teachers and1 students alone. Al
together the social -jras asucess.
Tho mombership of the football team
has been permanently decided and the
-feUowjj-f'eel suro that nothing can beat
them -In this state, unless possibly the
'VarBlty eleven; and they havo grave
doubts as to thlfi team ovon being able
to accomplish tho feat. Soberly, the
team gives excellent promise. They
played their first match game last Sat
urday moiDing against the Lincoln
Medics, and although beaten, their lfne
Allowed surprising strength. S1nc6 this
game the ends have been strengthened
and now, look out!
At the chapel exorcises last Tues
day tho.nrlnclnnLBDoko earnestly of the
j great opportunity whlcfr thVTJnlvcrsl-
-ty-convocauon-OHors-jtt-uioJway ol cul
ture and general information. Ho also
urged studdhts to Bubsc'rlbo for Tho Ne
braskan and afflflato with the Christian
Tho convtfcatlonr lccturea-
and musical recitals qr'6 faro "prlvit
ogeB, not appreciated by students even,
ii the University.
Registration still continues to In
crease slowly. Tho Acadoniy has dom
pnjjtrated that It meets the needs of
tho small towns and also tf those
students who havo been Interrupted in
their high school time.
The R. and C. Jbarbor shop. Palmer's
TlacQ, 1X44 O St. " '
A full line of gymnasium suits in
tights and, long turner pants has Just,
been received at PftfnQ's, tho place
where you get your uniforms.
Subscribe or The Nebraskan now
and recojvo all the cqples. Sebthe cir
culator and make yourself sdlld. "
' '..