J1HwflM!y',ww, insES if -- " vh j f- jj -im '. niBiiiiJ yt iivH'1' kfot'iyWJJ'ruV 'V 2) a Up tflebrasftan virrr?nf - . zzz tf' 7 Si ' & . 'F' Br f ri i! . "c trf' S. r f ': B-v R iff f sji BUSINESS'-DIREGTORY Fvenntoyat-Univorsity Student Js Urged to Patronize these Nobraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOPS Oroon, Shannon. BATHS ChrlB' Placo. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Bid dies. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, Univorslty Book 3torc. CIGARS Powell, LlndBoy. CLOTHING Unland, Magco & Doemer, B. L: Paine, Armstrong. - COAL-Gregory, DIorkB, Whltobrcast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lomlng, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Lemlng. DRUGGIST Stolner, Woempnoiv-Roc- tor, Brown, Rlggs. DKV GOODS Miller & Paine. DANCING HALL Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall Bros. HOTELS Llndell, JWalton. JEWELERS Tuckir. LIVERIES MeliclA LbMBER Dlorks NOVELTI ES Thorpe) OIL GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASSWostern OTasT-& Paint Co., Kostka. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Grimn Greer, New Con- tury, Ivy Press, Review. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unlquo, Don Cameron. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SHOE REPAIRINCh-r--BlUG -Front Shop. SUITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead. Campus Gleanings The dramatic club will organlzo soon. ha Medics on the University gridiron Saturday. The first and second year glasses In olocutlon aro unusually large. - Gharles-MHler-is visiting at his homo In South Omaha. He will return Monday. Sigma Chi held an Informal smoker Wednesday evening at the chaptor house. Cleo Howard and Otis Nassler of Pawnee City leave today to append Sun dayo"t homo.,, ' ' Dr. L. N. Robinson of Central City, was the guost of his son Ralph, '07, on Tuesday last. Miss Patricia Naughton, '04, goes to her home In Omaha today on business. Sho will return Monday. Tho Froshman law class numbers eighty-two. Nino of theso mon aro In tho six-year course. A. J. Pepporberg, '02, is wosklne In Now York City under tho dlrectlonof Thomas A. Edison. Tho electrical engineering dopart mont has placed tho lights in tho law library In working order. J. W. Dorwart, who assisted in tho chomllstry storeroom two years ago, has entered tho dental school. Some additional copies of "Thayer's Gases" In constitutional law, have been ordered by tho law department, but havo noLetbeen received. Laundry Club at the Co-Op. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe. Burt's Sultorlum press ano clean clotheH. 'Phone 47. 1231 C8t. The R. and C. barber shop, Palmer's Place. 1144 O St. , SECURED OK FEZ KETUSJTED. Bond model or ftketch for Free opinion nn to nntantahllltv. flonil fur nnf ftnliln Tlook nnd Vhnt to Inrcnt." Finest pub llcntlonn ImumI fnt Free dlntrlbutlon. Patents Bccured UiroiiRh nn advertised wltliont charge In -ThcrPntnt-HoorJL Saaiplc-CopjcJErcCu Add iron EVANS, WILKENS 6V, CO., WASHINGTON. D. C Who's your laundryman? Join the Laundry cjub. t3JAJtAAAAAAAAAA)aAAAA tJ8AiMAJlPjU8XPj!LQ &&&&& JLBA2 TX ttTyifcwM. I WriiMyfnii its Foot Ball Goods you want we got 'em Pants, Jackets, Nose Guards, the big and small kind, Shin Guards, Hel mets of all Kinds. The Ath letic Outfitters. Sidles Cycle Company, 1317 O St For want of shelf room in tho chem ical library some new books had to bo retained In the main library. MIssHansena graduateBtudent, has returned to school again, and Is now registered In tho medical college. Mr. J. Carlyle,-tho greenhouse over seer, has gone to Falrbury, Nob., for a few weeks on account of sickness. Wo understand tho University of Pennsylvania, Cornell and Columbia havo formed a triangle debatlng-loaio. DAKLK.DK05 LNCKAV1MCCO. l fjSTpESICNERSV 7 ILW5TMR3RS Wj) ENGRAVERS fQM f) pJafuintlie'west' (FA BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Ijjjrra Trade Marks, DESIGNS f COPYRIQHTS &C Anyone sending a sketch and description my qutoklr nscortAln our opinion free 'whether -n Inrentlon l probablrPAtentAble, Cooimunlca tlons strictly ooutldoiituU, HANDBOOK011 Patent tent free. Oldest ngenoy for Bocurfngpatonts. Patent takou throukh Mann A Co. recelrc tpttUU notice, without cname. In the Sckiilllic jHincrican. A handsomely lllnstratld weekly, culatton of any sclcnllno lournal Tincest dr Tarnis. S3 a Bold by all newsdealers. Tar four months. IL MUNN Co.l''a-" New York erases oaoo, too v ai wasningio w. v. Jas. Vavra, who was specializing in qhomlstry horo last year, Is sugar chemlBt In tho sugar factory at Long mont, Colo. Chi Omega held Initiation Wednes- tlay frlg-Irti; M4BB8B. Mary Brookings, Mildred Clark, Reno Woodruff and Mary Craig woro Initiated. Many studonts who registered for tho course In metalltrrgy were unable to take It on account of Insufflcjont prep aration In advanced chemistry. Tho students In tho course known as botanical physiology are performing experiments in tho greenhouse. This class Is in charge of Professor Heald. Wr. Johnson writes from Tuskogeo, Ala., that ho Is not entirely satisfied with his position as teacher in tho In stitute thoro and may return 16 tho University soon. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology E Law and I Education Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). - US?" The courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. Tke University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois fiif)i (nfnrnot lino ItAnn mnnlfAortl Tti the Y. W. C. A. noon-day song service and' prayer meeting, the aver age attendance being between forty and fiftyr"TInnnootlng8 ar.o-rjnly- for 10 minutes, from 12:20 to l2:q0. All University womoh aro welcome. The room will hold more. The weather bureau reports fair wea ther for tocjay., probably a trifle colder. Yesterday the baromoter registered ex ceedingly low, but today it has been steadily rising. Heavy rains, aro ported,ln Minnesota and Wisconsin. r The Chemical Journal club will meet Saturday at 10:30 a. m., In room 4, chemical laboratory. The following will report on the dif ferent chemical journals: Mr. Jacob son, Dr. Dales, Miss M. L. r'ossler and Miss Bouton. The best in the city, the" Palace Bar ber Shop, 109 No. 11th, west aide. $25 TO TnE11 PACIFIC-COAST J tickets on-saic daily- torNbr" vember 30th, 903. Call and" get full information G. W. BONNELL HjjUyn & P. S T. A. LINCOLN NEBR. S -LJ r '.$ -, ri.'d '1 ni t'A M - V Vr "N ".f . jr - ( rfAJtr, . MBMlagS.Vfl! 'ytL&'-Mk.&ji b.!- Jj-i5-sifc iTfc-tACfcfctM . ' 21 h