WMrntlft EVN Til l . r iwvPwr.iTi3nra ww Vf ' T r r L ' -A- "H.. - Abe Dallp Tflebtas ft IT n --E 1 dti ' -. V :l V . 3 v h The Old Reliable Brown Drug & liook Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. Lincoln Tank Line Successors to 0. H. Man Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oil 125-No. J2th Streef. Telephone 473"" Melick's Stables Phono 485. Closed Carriage. Baggage. The finest Lircrln 1230 N StiJeotTijincoln, Nob. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Floe Chocolates and Bon Boos ol our own manufacture Cheapest in the city. .CONFECTIONERY FOR PARTIES 1337 O Street. Hotel Walton CORRECT ENGLISH v Dr. Louise Pound Discusses Sub ject at Convocation. Miss Louise Pound gavo an Interest ing address at convocaUon yesterday on the subject b "Evoryday English," Tho chorus clasB assisted in tho music, doing excellent work. Dr. DavlB who presided announced that Chancellor Andrews would speak Thursday morn ing on the "Advantage of Attending Ghapol,' and that mimic would bo pro vided Friday morning. . Miss Pound said that in any language there was a wido gap between tho oral and the written language. Sometimes colloquismfl-beeame-established literary language, but there aro many diver gencies in tho oral that are not al lowed in the writton. From time to time colloquismswlth real meaning find their way into the standard language She calleaaltention to the abuse of oral language occurring every day. That the privilege is allowed of mak 'ing a few extensions or Impositions upon the written languago Ib no rea son why It should be abused. Care in everything, speech as well as in writ ing, is tho. best thing that ono can se cure. Think of tho mangling of our mother tongue that happens every day among students on our own campus. Not only are the newcomers guilty, but those who have been herolong time. She quoted one student, who upon be ing corrected, said: "I know I made that mistake. I seen It tho moment I done IL" Reasonable care In tho use of lan guage Is aimed at in the class room, and evon there the slipshod of everyday Tho historical society has received a numbor of volumes of tho American Historical Review. They will bo sent to different historical societies. Tho seminar class in English history Is short of books. Tho supply has boon oxhausted In this country and It will tako about flvo weoks to Becure a sup ply from England. Tho Co-op Is send ing to Now York and Chicago for second-hand copieB to supply proscnt needs. Wright Drug Co., 149 N. 13th, Tol 313. Lincoln Transfer Phono, 17C. Co. Baggage. Leraing's, Ice ream and candy; 11th and L Sts. Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter for The Whltebreast Co., at HOG 0 St. is tho place to buy coal. J&5 0 Street. Phone5o5: 100 rooms best low-pricod Iioubo in city. RATES $ i Per Day and Up LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dnto Soda Fountain and Magazines. 113 North' 11th Street. Steiner-Woempener Drug Co., Successor! to STEIN ER PHARMACY. 1146 O Street' Phone 707 Lincoln, Neb. Manufacturers of' Stoiner,'s Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Cure and Gray's Condition Powders. I BJJHJDl also fret fcti apythlncr you lnvont ,or Improvo PAiicATJifincuinu rnPYninxTi PDrtTCftTinM Rnntt mnAp. dkfitcfa.OmhotO. for froo examination and advice, BOOK ON PATENTS BBl5!& &CA.SHOW& CO. Talnnt TjiwverH. UAfSU I NRTON. D.C. JL Printing. THE IVY PRESS CO., 125 North 12th, . Univezsity Bulletin Examination for voices for places on tho Qleo club will be held this even ing at 7:30 In U. 107. MEETING of Debating Association, Saturday, Oct. 10, 11 a. m.. Uni. Hall. Important business. Q. A. Lee, Pres. "All University girls interested In field hocey meet In new chapel at 9 a. m., or at 1:30 p.'m. Friday. speech ponetrates and impresses thosoL played. Come out for practice this with whom It come into contact. The misuse of "Bhall ' and "will' need no comment. The same Ib true of tho superfluous negative. "IookB llko If" and tho uso of suspicion for suspect, are to be guarded against, as Is also the use of such word's as "quit"" for "leave." The correction of such terms belongs to tho preparatory school, and In some cases It is distressing that these cor rectlons yoT remain, la be Tnatf & Most of ua have a tendoncy to slur-the final syllable of some words and tho middle syllable of otherc. Uut It is possible to go too far in tho opposite direction. ThoBe expecting to teach school should be the most careful. They must set an example and they should be well up In tho vocabulary of their own spe cialties. It is not enough simply to remind ourselves of these lapses, as many do riot care. It Is Inconceivable how some person apparently cultured and well mannered, could commit a breach of form at the table by lapsing and saying "had ventrHrd thus be fatally betrayed. Do not overwork the vocabulary by using such terms as "terrible," "horri ble," or "fierce." Tho use of accepted words is as essential as dress and man ners. Speech, oral or writton, should not be bookish, pedantic or conscious. Overworking several expressions means monotony, A vocabulary helps to glvo lifeto what you Ba3t-and'-veryone-should seek To"enIarge his vocabulary. LOST A long dark-gray overcoat; Armstrong brand. Finder return to C. B. Cornell or to this ofilco and receive reward. ATTENTION SENIORS! All men who play football or who have ever morning at 10 o'clock. Manager. Tho meeting of the Y. W. C. A. at 3 o'clock Sunday in U. 106, will be un der the leadership of memberB of tho association who have been delegates to Geneva, and who will havo much of In terest to say to all young women. All students who desire to make their church home with tho First Pres-bytoriansoclety-are cordially-invi ted-to attend a reception for students, to be given In tho church parlors, 13th and M Btreets, on Friday evening, October 16th. PERSHING RIFLES Regular drill Thursday evonlng at 7 o'clock. Full uniforms will be worn. All applications for Porshlng "RifloB for this semester must be in bjr No--vember 15th. Blanks may bo obtained from the cadet captains. E. D. STANLEY, Captain. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, $200,000.00. Surplus, 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 40,000,00 S. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER, H. 3. FREEMAN, Vlce-Pres. Cashier. H. B. EVANS, FRANK PARKS, Ait. Caxhlcr. Asst. Cashier. P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. United States Depository. Fzateiniiy Hall, l3andN Sts Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for Collogo and Frater nity dances. Special rates to stndonts. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 808, Fraternity Bldg. ONEWAY RATES. 0 Every day from September 15th to November 30th, Inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Lincoln as follows: $20.00 to Ogden and Salt I.ako City. $20.00 to Helena and Butto, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wentachoe, Washington. $22.50 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore gon, via Portland. -$25.00to Rnp lrnnplsm, T ,oa-Angelea and San Diego. . Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah ana Idaho points. For full Information call on or ad dress. E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. The' domestic scienco department re p0rtBfr larger ..heginnlpg- class than over before. About 179 chrysanthemums will bo In bloom'Iirthe greon house this winter, ag Uio plants are quite largo now. Tho geology text book used In class 1 has at last arrived. It Is a book of 667 pages, written by Joseph Lo Conto and revised by Herman Loroy Fair child, professor of sclenco'Tri-- Rochester University. This is the fifth edition of the book. Tho price- Ib $4.00.- An Interesting seralnarMn geology Is being held this year. Thre are about fourteen people In attendance. The work will bo In tho nature of reports from different persons on special sub-' jects. Tho next report will ue oy ur. Condra on "Geologic, Structure of Ne braska." Tho laboratory assistants In .geplogy this year aro Messrs. Crotch and Cq- FOR RENT A desirable room; freshly papered and furnished;- all modern conveniences; two blocks from the University. 646 North 13th St. Chapin Bros.. Florists. 1227 So. 14th. Marshland and Richards, halr-cu'.-ting a specialty; massage, shaving, etc. T. J. THORP COMPANY General Machinists All Kinds of Rpalrlng Lock Smiths. PLATERS ESI 308 So. 11th StreoL Lincoln, Nebraska Phone, 6S4 Monarch .Preserves and Jams aro tho finest flavored, purest, best and handsomest fresh fruit products in tho world. " J Keystono Cash Grocery, mS?. Phones, 744-775- A. G. SPALDING & BROS.' OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES ARE MAPE IN ACCORDANCE -. WITH OFFICIAL RULES Spalding' handsomely Il lustrated catalogue of Fall and Winter sports contaln- ng allthc new things In football will be sent free to any address. Spalding's official footbal guide, containing the. new rules. Per copy 1 0 cents. 1 How to Play Foot Ball. Bp Walter Camp, edition. Per copy 10 cents. New -A.-G. Spalding & Bros. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Baltimore. Buffalo, Kansas City, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Denver, Montreal, Can.-- -London, England $& yrvnn' This Bfgnato.ro is on overy box pf tho gonulna " Laxative BromoQuinine'ftbieMi tho remedy that cores a cold fa ea day COLUMBIA -NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nubraskai 'CAPITAL - Sroo, ooo.oo. OFFICERS John B. Wright Prei. J, H. Wescott, Vlc-Pra Jos Samuels 2nd Vice-Prcs. P. L. Hall, Caxhlc- W. B. Ryon. Asst. Cash. for acceptable Idsaj. State If ftatMs-!. THE PATENT RECORD, tfee Pjltwt Rxooa ftLM iKwfFI VJobecrist'on priceof v 'M X.I r&i t r X . V J 1i I l ?! " ""P-vl . x i . H , 4 ' v ; t ; s-J w i r " r il . v.Stfil V tvwvvvtvvvvvvvvvv'vi Ihert, ' iHranmusu Btuajplejfte - - ,W ' I iiL. :-, , r , r-'l&vUiX -- - fc.. .jf . -bU. W.-&n-i a .jaiiy.Aii ..JL.1&..X .. t QK-fBrj wssm