TSm gy.'ty yy tw; wjmm 9Uto, & u- V & 4' i ;'$ i Sbe 2ail IFlebraehan 'h't )fc j i j l -1--. vol. in. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY OCTOBER 8, 1903. NO. 13 V iti$M 5r l.H READY TO LEAVE Only Light Practice Today. Six teen Men Make the Trip. Over the back fence the wind hustled anu tore the sandburs out of tho cam pus, and howled gleefully out tho gate with Its burden of hats, and still they practiced football. The work was fast and Bnappy, both teams working well. Tho 'Varsity scored several times and made their distance at will both around tho "fends and through the line. Cy Mason's brother went In at full for a while and showed up well, y himself rwa8 on The" side lines tonight, but only on account of some outside duties; ho will bo but again tonight. Borg was given -a night off on ac count of a cold, from which ho Is suf fering. Ho will be out tomorrow even ing. Marsh Is out after a short Illness, and back at his old place. ThlB evening at 5:50 the team leaves Via tno Burlington for the city In tho hills. No m.oro reports come from the mysterious west and the boys start out with assurance of victory and mc hearts Oi e Btudent body with them. All will be In' readiness early tomor row afternoon. The suits will an be jpacked and Jack will stand In rcadi .pess te send the team off to victory. Tho practice toulght will be short, consisting of light signal practice. There will bo no line-up. Bender's ankle will be in good shape to put him through the game. Cotton is practically over his Injury and will bo in the game to make up for lost -time; Sixteen" men will go out tonight to uphold the honor of Nebraska on Sat urday. The names of tho men are as fol lows: Bender, Bell, Benedict, Borg, Brlggs, Leah, Eager, Fonlon, Groves, Hunter, Cy Mason, J. M. Mason, Perry, Robertson, Cotton, Wilson. TRUST FEELS LOSS- A strange bit of news comes from South Omaha. The Bellevue College team, which Is to play here near the end of the sea- . son, went to tne city 01 pacing uuusua not long ago and played the High school team 01 mat city u iu v. r ui u while it appears that the High Schoo hwn hnA the better or thines. u failed to score against the collogo Geology Ldctuj - The lectures in KOdfbgy 1 will short ly bo held in Memorial hall, which is being- prepared or- lantorujwork -Dur-tnc ftin vear Illustrated lectures will convocation irom umo lantern '.purchased for con-installed-and-iB it satisfaction also bo held to time. Th 'tllirptrrpOB givingtho Student Trade Not Such a Bad Thing After All. The state association of laundrymen now In session at Omaha Is- reported to bo taking stops to discourage' the sending of Btudent laundry away fr6m Lincoln. They mlBBed their best op portunity when they neglected to per suade tho laundrleB hero to deal fairly with tho student In -the first place. Tho best means that could havo been em ployed to discourage students from sending their laundry to Omana would have been for the laundrymen here to havo offered them reasonable rates In tho first place. Now that they have over-reached- themselves and gained nothing when they hoped to compel tho students to pay whatover they were mlnded to deman, tho laundry trust through one of its concerns, concludes to offer a reduction. The fact that tho work can bo done by a laundry In the city at tho prices offered by tho new concern that has suddenly sprung into activity, shows that the Increase In rates was not warranted by such press ing necessities as was claimed by the trust. They could afford to do the work at a rate much less than they held out for and tho natural course of eventB 1b constantly bringing up Bome new proof in Biipport of this fact. University students should bo slow in rushing Into an agreement with any new concern that solicits their busi ness. They should remember that tho Laundry club prevented them from be ing held up and charged a double price. If tho club had not, taken action tho Lincoln laundries would never havo made any reductions In the world. No new concern should be allowed to slip In and draw the trade, because If tho Lincoln laundrymen once recover con trol of tho students'- business, they will raise prices later on, charging whatever they please, and the students will be compelled to pay them or wear dirty linen, which under the circum stances would bo their Just deserts. Students Bhould not bo misled by tho appeals circulated against sending their laundry out of tho city. They should remember that they are under obliga tions to nono of the laundries here. The Lincoln laundries have lent prnctl- Lcally no suppprt to student enterprises but have shown themselves tight and unobliging whenever appealed' to. Fur thermore 1t should not bo forgotten that their combination to put up tho prices on Btudents was made for no other purpose than to increase their own gains at the expense of the stu dents. They showed their color and do not deserve to be patronized. And now finally, -Ilia -Laundry club will offer rates fully as reasonable as those offered by any Lincoln concern Dont bo misled by reports Wr"T5einri&!oTrm7TTie" IS INVITED fO JOIN Nebraska's Presence is Desired iff Oratorical League. The University of Nobrnska has been Invited 'to Join ,a proposed Oratorical League, composed of tho Btato univer sities of tho MiBsIsBlppI valley, which leaguo It Ib intended shall bo Iho nu cleus of tno American State University Oratorical League. This offer comes from President Benton of Miami Uni versity of Oxford, Ohio. In a letter to Chancellor Androws. As yet no action has'beon taken In tno invitation. Iast year Nebraska declined to go Into a throe cornereiLorntQckal Jeaguo. with Kansas and - .lssourl, on tho ground that Interest at Nebraska was in do bato rather than oratory. President Benton writes Nebraska to send a rep resentative to a meeting of the repre sentatives of tho varloiiB institutions, to bo hold before very long. So far wo hear that Kan bos Is going into tho league. "OPENS THIS EVENING. Year's work of College Settle ment Will beOpenod. The Anatomical Laboratory. One of the busy placeB on the cam pus is the anatomical laboratory. About seventy students aro enrolled In tho different courses, as against twenty a year ago. During the summer It has been necessary to lit up a second dis secting room oqual In size to the one In use last year, and to also build a third room for lectures, quizzes and labora tory work in ostoology. Courses are given this semester In hum fin anatonry, Including osteology, to first and sec ond grade medical students and to sec ond grade dentals; In anatomy of the dog to first year dentals: and In anat omy of the cat to students In physical training. Tho laboratory 1b open dally from 1 to G p. m. and It has also been necessary to open It on. Monday and Wednesday evenings. Dr. D. C. Hilton, a graduato of tho University, who also took his M. A. hero, and who has since graduated from Rush Medi cal, has been appointed assistant dem onstrator. Ab a nucleus for a referenco library In connection with tho laboratory Dr. Wolcott has placed his own books on anatomy at tho disposition of the stu dents, and has also received several books from tho publishers to be used in a similar ipanner. Noteworthy among these Is a sot of throo volumes of "Deaverrs Surgical Anatomy," sept by P. Btuklston's Son and Co., of Phil adelphia; tho work is profusely illus trated and elegantly bound. It Is a standard work and sells for 21. Tho -opportunity jdX having such books at Company Drill. The battalion was drilled In corn- ' Vpany movements Tuesday evening. The BSmon1 showed up in excellent shape, con sidering that this was the first time 4 these movements have been attempted this year. i i The musicians of tho battalion hold their first practice Tuesday night in tho chapel. Six bugglers were in attend ance, under tho leadership of Fred Culver. i Sam's Cafe The only place in tho city to get the famouB Little Gem hot waffles. Bpeclal service for ladles. Subscribe for The Nobraskan' and take; advantage of- tho Laundry club rates. Office at tho Co-Op." Tel. A1217. of a 30 Law Seminar. The Bomlnnr course In law, recently Introduced, is very popular with iho students. There are three divisions, of twenty pupils each, one reciting Monday at 7:30 p. m., the other two on Saturday nt 10 and 11 a. m. Tho hour Is devoted to filling out legal paperB such as deeds, mortgages and comV plaints. Thus the Btifclcnts aro trainee! in drawing up legal documents. Thls should prove a very valuablo study. The students In tho law department aro petitioning for a water tank In the hallway near tho law library. Ed' R. Llndburg Is down from. Wayne in tho Interests of a suit which Is pend ing In the supremo court, While here ho Is vlBltlng his University friends. The class In constitutional law Is laboring under difficulty on account of a lack of books. The library ha? or dered a supply which Is expected dally. Tho new law library Is nearlng com pletion and access can. now bo had to tho books. It Is very conveniently ar ranged and well lighted, and is a. vast Improvement over tho old one. I The goologlcal department has Just received ten boxes of minerals, rocks and fossils, which havo been collected for a number of years by the assistant of A. W. Wincholl of Michigan. Basket Ball Practioe. The formal opening for the year's work of the Collogo Settlement will tako place this ovonlng nt tho settle ment homo at Twontloth and N BtrectB. An entertainment will ho given to the roBldonts of tho neighborhood to got them togothor and make announce ments of tho year's work. After a short program of muBlc and tableaux the clnBB work and organization of clubs will bo explained. Tho roBt of tho evening will bo social and art, opportun ity given for all to become acquainted. A bright year 1b looked forward to by those In charge. Tho University Y. W. C. A. will furnish Rome onovto havo chnrgo of gnmcjr four evenings of tho week and Mr. ColllnB and A. F. Mng danz will havo charge of thp boys' . game room, and Mr. Brown will look' after the organization of the BoyB' pltib. MIbs Burllngame will havo chargo of tho Little Glrla' club evory Saturday evening. Tho Bowing and cooking Bchools will bo started In the near fu ture. hand-f or ready reforonee-lB-eno whloh4 Practice-will be held at4 p. m., reg' Is deeply appreciated by "the Btudonts. cTuTToffefrTi stralght-BB-per-eent-and-an-addltlonal- dlscount on special articles. It will duplicate any rates that have yet been offered here. Once more. Keep In mind tho fartrtirfit the Laundry club parol ized the tr.ust, and that the induce ments offered py ono of their concerns' are sanctioned by the whole system, in order that the trade may be weaned away from Omaha and all will ba a short time be drawing their share of It when other unfortunato conditions necessitate a rise In prices. That is tho way that any trust would do business Jf It foufid Its operations blocked. The 'trust sees that It Is unable to carry out Its purpose, but tho leading laundries pan not come out openly with a reduction, and hence they use a side show in order to ultimately draw the multitude to the larger attraction. Let the students stand firm. Tho Laundry club will fulfill' Its obligations and I those who stay with It will, profit In the long run. -Halladian Standing-Ctmmittees.. Tho Palladian Society standing com mittees for the first semester have been announced. They are as follows: Membership RusBell Moore, chair man; Emma Sbinbur, Geneva Bullock, Grace Carder and J. B. Davidson. Program Minnie Petroshok, chair man; R. B, Kollogg, Nellie Miller, Aga tha Totton and Bernard Newton. Music Roy Clark, chairman; Clara Boose and Ethel Colwell. Finance James Anderson, chair man; Burt Colby, Susan Barnhart and John Clark. Slate bearer Andrew Hutton. X ularly hereafter on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If hjL degjred that astnany . "men as possible attend the practice. -Every -one will-be permltted-to-play-for the noxt two weeks at least. r - Choir Entertains. Chris' Bath Parlors, 11th and P Sts. Restaurant Unique, 1228 0 street St. Luke's Episcopal choir held a dance si Walsh hall Tuesday evening; Various forms of amusement were In dulged In. The singing of -Professor. Miller and Miss Tllvett's playing was. oxcellent. A largo crowd was In at tendance and an excellent time Is re ported. Chorus Class Work. Subscribe for The Nebraskan now and receive all the copies.- See the cir culator and make yourself solid. Tho University chorus practiced sev eral songs from the nov book Tuesday afternoon: Some of these will be ren dered In chapel before long. This new ' book Is a recent publication' and 1b a collection of merit Words from a great many fine jtoems by standard authors have been sej, to, music. K ..ai h i ,1 y 1 1 ? ,:d u ' 1 ,r- ' L r- -. -. - L "" 'r.x: J' i& t'' , . .... V":'.!. '. V .3C..Tn- ... i , -- y a , ri' .. .' fe4&i! j ST'igjm W :' SHim k.W ZK . ." 4.J-.BV1II7'. .n ',-m i.tk, jf JL. iH - -.jl 1 ., I. ' .-Be iHlk. L. .'.4.' m 1 T VBa:, . t. )&.-&&b&. ' J