?P55 i- " " ' ?' ? fcbe 3atlp 'Hebrasft an -). W fK V ' .-r- "t. wpynMrt'ty-tiryyv 'w'ymiiiMbniBSgsTn . hv,in.fc,(wg? ,Nif9 ?? ,,r - ....... . . - -. ;, - ,rn ,fcji.riuif Hi i i 1 1 1 I I .Hi TrTTff'TT '"w - t - - -."-7 r " " . ' "r, , . - -j iF W j IS .1 W-s ,H , V I- IV v spy v n . rt w- K ' - fcf . - ) J ) I ?. v H BUSINESS DIRECTORY cvery Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. Campus Gleanings There nro now about 85 students In the Senior law clans. The class In geology 1 begnn labor atory work yesterday. HANKS Columbia. First National. HAKHHIl SHOPS Oreen, Shannon. HATHS Chris1 Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sld- illes. HOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op. Brown, University nook Store. CKJAR8 Powell. LlndBoy. CLOTHING Unland. Magce & Deemer, U. j. Palno. Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dlcrks, Whitcbreast, P. I). Smith. CON FECTIONERY laming. Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. HAIRY Franklin, homing. DRUGGIST 8teiner. Woempner. Rec tor, Brown, Riggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. DANCING HA LI, Fraternity. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. Lincoln Trnnsfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge &. Gucnzel, A. M. DavlB. Hardy. GROCERS KeyBtonc. HARDWARE Hall jBron. HOTELS Llndoll. Walton. JEWELERS Tucker. LIVERIES Mollck. LUMBER Dlorks NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. PAINT & GLASS -Wehtern Glass & Paint Co.. KoBtkn. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING. Grinin Greer, New Cen tury. Ivy PreBB, Review. RESTAURANTS WeBterfield. Unique, Don Catroron. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son. Anderson. SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. 8UITORIUM Weber, BurtB. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead. G. Cattle spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Seward. Charlfs E. Cotton of Syracuse, has been pledged by Sigma Chi. Ed HageroUeW Is now an assistant In the chemistry store room. MUiiHimiii minium mmnm i ii inn unm ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES 12th andO StsM AT Rector's, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 n n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 Will Shock, '03, of Falls City. Is the guest of his Sigma Alph brothers. The examinations In physical cul ture will be finished Friday. E. (. Woodruff has been engaged In studying the clay deposits around Lin coln. The chemical laboratory hours have all been arranged and students are hard at work. The new class In foreBt entomology will study Insects In relation to the't homes and enemies. The shelves in the law library are nearly all up and a ciowded condition is already apparent. E. E. Steffen. '07. hns left the Uni versity indefinitely on account of the death of his brother. Nine have registered for work in assaying this semester. Laboratory work will begin next week Lincoln High School meets their old foes, the Des Moines High School at the F. & M. park Saturday English . which recites at ! o'clock did not meet Monday morning, owing to the absence of Prof. Frye Mr. Kimball, of the College of Music, returned from Chicago yesterday, where he spout the past week. AtAAAJttA.tA1At.tAMA ItJLlJt44JtJtJ4lJLtJtJ-tXl . B 8 T : THE P. D. SMITH COAL CO. 2 Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among: . : ..... t - . .. . i - a i which you will hnd the Kex lump at $6.5U, the rvem- merer, Wyoming, lump at $8, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.25. All kinds of Steam Coal, the S best money can buy. I OHice 1140 0 SL Phone 329. Yards 6 and N St. Phone 376 rrmnrrmTTTuii mirvm rrrrrwrrTTT DAKXK.DRD5. LNCKAV1NC CO. Miss Abble Stuart. '07. of Blair. Neb., la at St. Elizabeth's hospital on account of a severo attack of typhoid fever. Miss Floronco Hirst, '06, has boon unable to attend her claBOB this woek on account of an attack of la grippe. Professor Condra has moved Into his new office, which has been boI off from the muHoum by a temporary partition. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). KB'" The courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. llll. M.. , I I I !! 11 The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois JESICNfJfS3r if ILLUSTRATORS l Wj ENGRAVERS tfTW iJc) pJuUin the west" (?jX SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijHElIEJ Trade Marks Ocsions COPYRIQHTS Ac Anyone Ending a tkelcta and deecrlptton may I'alcuU Ukon troob Munn 4 tX). recetrc tpecUl nolle, without chance, in the qnlcklr ascertain our opinion trtx whether an laveiitlon U probably patentable, Communloa tkomatrtctjy bonodetltfal. HAMOBOW ou I'atenU einireu. uiuoii Koiicy iwHwnniwuiui. I'aleuU Uaen through Munn w. recely ptcUl nolle, without Chant, In the Scientific flimrkan. tffuikl. caution of any edenUflo journal. Term, as a yaar I lour roontba, $L Sold by all newedealera. llUNN Co8' Hbw York Brand Office, V BL, Washltxton. IX C. Chancellor Andrews and Mr DiiIch were In Omaha Monday. lookiiiK after muttei'h pertnlnlnK to the new hulld- lllKM I'rofehhor Condra hnH heunn his Iml letln of his hummer field work can led on In northern nehrahka and South Da kota Prof Hrunner reiorth that theio 1h an Increase of btudentH In hl depurl ment, especially In the advanced 1 lasses Miss Helen WaiiKh of IMattsinouth Is visiting University friends. Hhe lame to Lincoln to attend the wedding of Miss Hryan. The full heating power or the boiler house plant Is not yet In use. Two boilers are used for a little while, In the morning, and then shut off entirely. nrmrvrjTrrorrrr rrrrrrT rj-rn'rerrvrrrrrnrrrirrrrrir Z : : Rev. Frederick D. Graves of Ord is visiting at the Episcopal club house, being the guest of Itev. B J. Kit. Hoth belong to the Theta IHdta Chi frater nity John Wilson was seen on the cam piiB yesterduy op crutohes. He Is grad ually recovering from the Injuries he received" while pluylng football. Gfl more Booth, of Hastings, 1b pledged to Phi Delta Theta. : : : : W 1211 () Street. Phone F 671. The European history department will be Interested in noting the recent historical additions to the library. The set added takes In all the important periods of European history and le written by standard historians. It is called, "Periods of European History." WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINTS, VARNISHES BRUSHES, ETC. Kostka Glass o and Paint Co. Plate Glass, Window Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Framed and Unframed Mirrors We Hesilver mirrors LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ljMllttrtttttttttftttttAlAtAtAAtAtAtAfcllltML ii r-C" s "f t I . . T . '1 ( " y 'I.J 'I. J--.J Jjun ,o.