-Jr w ''igujij-r-V 75???7-"??51iPT'rit, il !flr? &' 'il i ! " ' ' i ii " ""' z " ' w . T" , n . .-' r ' f i Gbe ail Ylebraeftan !JKH7" I ' ; 'It'-1 r k m . i i lr - j I . i Ce Daj Debraskan. A potiRollrtntlon of The HttpcrUn, Vol. ni, Th NebraiiVon, Vol. lo, Bcarlet and Crenni, Vol. 4. Kditor-ln-Chief doatnfti MnnAffcr Circulator John D. Rice A. Q. Bohreibep C. A. flnwjer ARKnOIAT lOITOnH- Newn Athlotlo Literary A. F. Booker Gnylord (1. Bennett Dorothy Orcen Offlttt: Edltorl Pot OWco 11, V SWlH': Biwlnww, U 21 1. . Box 18, Station A, Lincoln. Bnbwrlptlon Prion, $2 per year. In 'lnnce. Entered at tho postoffloo at Lincoln, Nnbriwka rvi Hwond-clftHH mall matter. Editorial Remarks Our tonm Is putting on 1(k finishing touches for tho game nt Denver Satur day. I .It t lo speculation has boon ven tured, concerning thin game, t hough n feeling of assurance exlBts that Nebras ka will have no great task In taking their meamiro The team Ih now strong and In good condition for the trip, the games played thiiB far having furnished Home excellent practice and brought out the potential powers of the play em. The men, however, will be obliged to take as good care of themselves as possible on this trop. as It Is abso lutely necessary that they meet the Haskell Indians with strength unim paired. This will be the first trip of the year, but little concern Is felt over the outcome of the game. o year to year by the co-operation of liberal-minded members of the faculty and the student body That a large house could be furnished and main tained by the students of our Universi ty for such a laudable purpose as our settlement house fulfills. Is a matter of pride nnd a redit to our Institution. Each year a large amount of money must be ralBed and the settlement board trusts entirely to the liberality of University: people and of the city. The College Settlement has enjoyed a steady growth, although at the be ginning those In charge were badly hampered by lack of means. However, to their appeals a liberal response was made, and the years that have inter vened have witnessed progress of a most substantial character The set tlement now has a house of Its own and has large possibilities leforo It. The Interest taken by students who hae given freely of their time and la bor has made possible the carrying on of the work, as they have foregone pastimes and pleasures in order to take (harge of and instruct those to whom this opportunity for study Is their only one. And now a new year Is at hand, and the student body will be called uion to lend their assistance. We should remember that those raising funds are not seeking the money for their own benefit, but for the benefit of those whose mental and moral natures will thus be bettered. All who are appealed to should not hesitate to contilbute what they can The money goes for a gL.od purpose nnd not better investment could be made Sigma Alpha Initiate. A frco entertainment was held on the campus yesterday morning by Messrs. Putnam, '07, of Omaha. Nye. '07, Kearney, and other accomplished artists, inder the auspices of Sigma Alpha Bpsllon. Mr. Putnam was mag nificently attired In white duck trou sers, a bath robe and an elegant sash of purple and gold the fraternity col ors. An alarm clock, guaranteed never to stop, served effectually to draw at tention while Mr. Putnam industrious ly swept the walks of the campiiB. Mr Ne came on the campuB at 10 o'clock, and favored the crowd with a "well rendered boIo,' on the trom bone from tho largo rock Just west of the library. Mr. Nyo' attire conBlBted of a skull cap, a bath robe and pajamas of the latest and most approved Btyle He also had an alarm clock. The other gentlemen were busily en gaged In the various mud puddles on It Htreet Several weng fishing and one practicing on a minute snare drum. After the entertainment had con cluded refreshments were Borvod In the Sigma Alph house. The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Clothing Cleaned and Pressed Phone 708 Northeast Cor. Hth & O SU. THE ONLY UP-TO-DATE 'Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED TabUi Nrwty Corcrtd Powell's, 146 North llth St. Phone L 664. Employment. x The employment bureau of the Y. M C A announces that It still has several places where student help is desired Men desiring to earn their board or room rent, or loth, are re quested to call at the association rooms and arrange for same. Those who wish to take care of odd Jols from time to time, are also requested to call. Convocation. Gymnasium classes will mem e floor work Monday all com- The last lettuie In physical culture will be given Friday. Miss Julia llednar has been tut sick lint and Is slowly recovering the It Ik said that sixteen moie Miles were cast at Monday's election than tluro were class members present If hU h Is the case there Is need of an InvstlKatlon. Such crookedness as la alleged should not be tolerated In this University, where good Influences only ar supposed to exist and as far as. we know do exist. Whatever contamina tion there Is In class affairs Is brought In fiom the outside and enabled to spread thro.igh the unscrupulousness of a few Few of the students take the trouble to examine deeply Into the bus iness of the elections, and while they sit still In their passlvenesB, tounter fones ure haul at work to achieve some purpose which they are abb- to carry out simply because their mind Is con . ontratod In It and they ure deter mined to see it thiough Thus the icRt ot the membeiH ot the (lass often don't rtali.e that they are imposed upon and (hoy themselves are to blame for It IT those .lunlois who hae rebelled against the methods employed at Mon days election, feel that they have any giounds for at Hon It Is their duty lo go ahead and do whateer the oi aslon jeoulreH. Tho majority Bho.uld In no wise allow the minority to dictate to the University. Is specializing In chem- ,. , .i , , i.lislry and metallurgy, them and If they aie sure that the ballot box was stuffed. then they sho.ild calmly and deliberately take measures It) set ure themselves Jusllte We do not believe thai all the mem bers of the winning side would openly tountenance the stuffing of the ballot box, and we do not see why anyone can have any objection to this matter being Investigated thoroughly, if he Is sure thai It will stand investigation We make no charges, but If It transpires t hut there are suflltient grounds for un investigation we urge that it bo piibhed. I'rof Louise Pound will speak on "The Murdering of the Klng'B English" this morning. Chancellor Andrews- will speak on "The advantages of attending chapel" Mr John Nicholson, of Springfield, Neb, visltetl University friends Monday The observatory was open to visitors from K to 10 p. ni. on Monday The people that came got a gootl view of hatui n. Prof Lvous. from the Univeislty stute farm, was a taller at the chemi cal lalmiutoiv Monday The "leicoptiiau lanteiu used In ge ology I Is being plat til In i dullness for use As soon as It Is lead) the tlus-s will he I itinstei red to 1' HIT When the new uilitliia) i oof tit the tolleiits of the boilei house is tomplet ed their will lie loom tor a luigc amount of toal under a water proof roof. II Ciouth. who retently resigned his position as assay ist in the Flat Iron mine In South Dakota, to return to An attempt is being made to start a class In metallurgy, but as there are only a few who wish to take It It is doubtful whether the course can be of feretl. e regular prayer meeting for men. whit h has been held on Thursday even ing from 7 to i 30. will be held from now on. on Wednesday evening at the same hour This meeting lasts for a bilef half hour, beginning at 7 o'clock sharp, and dosing promptly at 7.30 More and more men are coming to ap preciate this feature of college life All men are cordially Invited to lx piesent - Thcro Ih no watcli, clock or article of Jewelry wo cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-To-tho-Mlnule Jewelry. Prompt Service. II 23 O St. Western Glass & Paint Go. 12th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. fM 2U fcSj H Wk . rt "Sy a.. iV $ PICTO1 Restaurant Unique, 1228 O St. The College Settlement. The Btudent body of the University of NebruBka should not be unmindful of the good work that 1b being done In their midst. We refer to tho College Settlement work that Is carried on from C A Fisher, who was formerly in tho geological department, but who Ib now working on the United Statea ge ologlcul survey, visited the geology de partment )isterday. AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVITIES. OMAHA. NHH )i toiler 1 lo lo. In, luHive For this oi aslon the Union I'm lilt has made a into of One Fare for the Hound Trip Tickets on sale (h lober 2. r, (!, 7. 8 Limited for loturn up to and Int hiding Ot tober 12 For full information tall uihmi i: n. slosson The Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name " BOSTON I GARTER "lnUmped Ion every loop. The cushion , BUTTON I CLASP Lies flat to the leg never Sllps, Tears nor Uruajteru. BOLD CVERYWHCRC. Bainple pair, 811k AOc r Cuttuu X5c Mailed un receipt of prlr. ' I QEO. rUOBT CO.. Ukn Boiton, lbu.,UJ.a. Every Pair Warranted' F M Hkhurds, '03, was on the cam pus )esterday. Mr. Richards spent the summer In the eaBt, where ho vlBlted Niagara Falls. New York City, Provi dent , and other places of Interest. The ornithology course under Profes sor Hruner, has every indication of be ing un especially interesting one. Those taking the course will attend the local bird club, which meets every two weeks The work of tearing out the old boiler In the boilerroom Is progressing quite rapidly and workmen are now engaged In removing the brlek wall of the furnace. Owing to a delay, how ever, the materials for the new Heine boiler have not yet been received. immMmmmm$ss8S& The University . School of ZMusic . . . AFFILIATED WITH THE.. . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA One of the greatest Schools of cMusic in the coun try. Complete Faculty. Every facility for study. New pianos and apparatus. Modem home foi a limited number . cMany fiee privileges and scholarships. Year opens Sept 7. Write tormJmil Catalog Willard Kimball, Director v&JWVWtoiwmmtomMsi iccaiEw rv5ftT r?iso ;ipj )i 'ci' ?Ofi rCIze. x rv VJ M f : Vi'v ; o : Uti Tnilrf-W- Kism&L jl . . .Lrfj&tfflfeMMtaifcA . vM - '' y:-JiW-ftiH. U", .