1 Ev ufaWk" fWiwfWR -V 'i-- . - r- . -t-w ' fjjJF-IJIW-L.. .' ",J 5-T il " -.' T . "!". .' !-"xU-1 SL-'i - f "', :.-, '."1 ' ST7"",- - -ftUtif.HiliU 80 P-r ftbeBatl? IFlebraefean r K. v VOL. EL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 7r J903. NO. J 2 Y f f9. fe t fr If K- r" ?R ' ' T.V 1lV v 'J V3K" - t T . -v PRACTICE IS LIGHT Coach Booth Talks of Denver Game and the Haskell's. The practlco last night was light for the flrst team, In comparison to the work they have been doing In the last few days. The 'Varsity lined up against the scrubs for a time and made things lively. This wo.rk Ib .rapidly bringing the team to a Btate of perfection. What weak points were In the line and backB, In. their offensive as well as defensive play, are being rapidly eliminated. This was clearly demonstrated by the work against the strong team from South Da kota, which paid us a friendly call on Saturday last. The lino is growing In strength every day and rapidly developing Into the famous stono wall which belongs par ticularly to Nebraska. The line plunges of the Dakota halves were blocked In many Instances In a stylo which Is de serving of" special notice. In the back field tho Interference gets Into form with a rapidity and cer tainty which Is good to behold. Every Indication points to the devel opment of a team which will be the equal In. every respect of tho winning aggregation of last year. The schedule this yar Is heavy, but with tho pres ent outlook Nebraska has nothing to fear. In a short Interview with Coach Booth yesterday ho made known somc interesting racis rcguruiuK iuu mumwi Indian team which Is to play hero a week from Saturday. In Bpeaklng of their line-up ho said: "Tho Indiana will probably bo as strong this year as thoy were last. Al though some of tholr best players have left, they have gained others who hold enviable reputations in football cir cles. "Archlequett, tho captain of laat year's team, Is gone, llkowlso Itcd Wa ter, and- Brain. But In regard to Red Water I consider him to bo -a much ovor-rated man. Ho is big and brawny but his reputation and namo was about tho best port of him. Ho did not play half the game that many of tho other line men did who received little or no mention. "Brain and Archlquett wore both good men and tho Itidlans will mlsB them In the line-up thlB year. However they have gained one man who will be a regular host In himself. Ho played for a number of years with tho strong Carlisle team In tho cast, and was with them during tholr remarkable season of '99. He is a man who understands tho game and will play It to win." This proves that tho Indian game will be one which will try to tho full est capacity the strength of tho team. No one can afford to miss this game. In regard to the game with Donvor, to bo played there next Saturday, Coach Booth said: "That victory of tho Agricultural College over Denver made mo feel good. It almost assures us a victory ami we can't afford to go out there anS loso. Of course, wo know nothing certainly about tholr team, bul wo will go out there to win." The team leaves for Denver Thurs day evening. It Is impossible to pub lish the line-up In this Issue, but It will appear tomorrow. There comes vague murmurs from "tho mountain, city to tho effect that the team- is being loaded for tho Ne- , braska game. This report has not' been yenned. Tho charge ol proressionai Isnf has been. made. bu.t the meager attainable facts seems to discredit this. True It Is that on the Monday follow ing: the game with tne Agricultural College four new men appeared sim ultaneously on the.flehl. u is claimed ,the M all old vaen who could, not be Induced to come out before. Only this much we know, that one of these men haa been working on the railroad up until tho last day or so quite true, he might bo taking a course In engineering. The training table Is running full swing and tho men aro getting down to good solid training. Threo now men have bcon added, Robinson, Eager and Mason. This makes nlno men who now gather around tho festive board and partake of such dainties as tend to make muscle and brawn. Laundry Club Misrepresonted. The local laundrymen have been making statements In regard to tho Studonts' Laundry club, that arc mis leading and, we believe, deliberate In fringements upon the truth. In yoB torday ovenlng's edition of the News they aro credited with saying that the prices paid tho Omaha establish ment doing tho work wcro an high aB those regularly charged hero, ns tho Omaha concern haB sprung a list of high prices from which It made the IB per cent discount. It Is further stated that this list 1b what Is known horo as the short time list. This Ib the gist of their representa tions and to ono uninformed In regard to the situation It might bo mlslead ing. As a matter of fact the list used by tho Laundry club Is ono that Ib ex actly Identical with the Mat of tho leading laundries of Lincoln. There Ib not ono cent's variance on any article listed. The statomont that the prices paid at Omaha are as high as those charged here is wholly erroneous. The Laun dry club allowB a 2G per cent discount from a list oxactly tho name as that of tho Evans laundry, of this place, and tho statement that a short time list Is used is puro falsehood. Hence In two particulars do tho Lincoln laun drymen misrepresent tho Laundry dab and tholr Intentions to deceivo arc so apparent that tuoro Is no reason to bo llovo that thoy wcro misinformed or self-deceived. If thoy had dealt fairly with tho stu dents In tho first placo, Instead of at tempting to IncrcaBo tholr own gains merely because thoy thought thoy had the opportunity thoy could have spared themselves a great deal of trouble and saved all tho work that Is now going to Omaha. That they woro not In such Btraltened circumstances Is proved by tho fact that ono laundry company hero openly declared that It was" not In tho trust and Is now trying to cajole tho (Undents Into patronizing it by of fering a reduction. Thoy had tholr op portunity for doing the right thing and failed to take advantage of it aud their assertions, especially whon so plainly erroneous, will do them little good. For tho benefit of ItB patrons the management of tho Laundry club states that It has solid backing and superior facilities for doing tho work. All con tracts will bo carried out and a rato given that will onablo students to have tholr work dono at a much moro rea eonable rate than tho laundrymen of Lincoln Jiavo offered. Tho work done In Omaha Is as good as, can bo turned out hero, and the Lincoln laundries have no right to complain of tho stu dents sending their laundry to Omaha. They have made much moro out of tho studonts than thoy over contributed to University enterprises, and thelr's Is an Ideal example of a caso where greed has ovor-reached Itself. WORK PROGRESSES Professors Taylor and Caldwell Report on College Settlement. Laundry Club at the Co-Op. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe. Burt's Sultorlum press and clean ClQtJi9- 'Phone 47. 1231 O 8L The R. and C. barber shop, Palmer's Place, 1144 Q St, Whon In trouble or doubt about your clothe go to Palne's- Clothing Stored They can remedy all such troubles! The convocation period yeBterday was given up to a report of tho Col lege Settlement board, and tho election of four student members of the board and one faculty member. Prof. Taylor, the president of the board. Bald In tho course of his re marks, that It was especially Import ant that new Htudonts should receive Borne instruction regarding tho College Settlement and that It was necessary to remind some of the old students. In detailing the history of the College Settlement movement, he said that K wbb first started by Arnold Coin by at Oxford, some twenty-flvo yearB ago. and since thon It has spread abroad throughout the whole Kngllnh speak ing world. It has kept in close touch with modern thought and Is democratic In the best sense of the word. It In cludes a different Idea of charity than over wob held before. Acordlng to the medieval Idea charity consisted of alms-giving, but tho modern view lu different Organic life Including hu man life hafl life within It. and In or der to bear fruit ll must be given a chance. Ho said that a chance waH given to both the needy and poor and ourselves as well. Unless wo engage In work bringing us Into contact with those dif ferently circumstanced wo Iobq a groat deal. In England tho Universities were places where people went to ac quire Isolated self-culture. But this custom was borne down by popular opinion. But whon Boclal studies bo camo sclonocs students came Into con tact with people, of all clnsses. Tho tendency of tho Col lego 8ett'eu.' rU movement has been to break up this hermit life. In Lincoln the College Settlement ts a placo whore studonts may go to study and whero they may get advantages. Through tho Influences thoy meet thoy secure solf-advancomont, and to child ren running about tho streets club llfo Is given ThlH Ib the gist of Mr. Taylor's re marks. He thon brought up the mat ter of olectlng student and faculty members of the settlement board. As etudont members L. P. Hewitt, Knthe rlno Sterling, leathering Lumery, and R. C. James woro unanimously elected. Dr. Bolton was chosen to serve as faculty member. Prof. Caldwell briefly spoko of tho progress of the work In tho Unlvorsltyr stating that threo years ago tho mem bers of tho boaru decided to cease ront 4ng a building and build ono of tholr own. Funds were solicited from tho students, faculty, and city peoplo and $3,000 was raised. The settlement now has a lino lot, a three-story house, a basement and a room at the top that can be used. At the beginning of last year the settlement was $300 In dobt. This sum has been paid and there Is now practi cally no dobt at all, although $25 may yet have to bo raised. Prof. Prevoy and wife and student helpers reside In the house. $400 or $500 will be needed to carry out the plans for this year, and the board has an absolute faith that this amount can bo raised. In, the way of needs Prof, Caldwell pointed out the necessity of a night school, a school of domestic science, work in manual training, art, drawing and sewing, the field is unlimited and the work Is to be, mutual and co-operative. There is an opening for each one of us to contribute our money and to volunteer our services and spirit. I It Is something that will give us a higher conception of llfo. We can learn from tho poor and humblo the problom of lifting up and bolng lifted up. Each ono should consider UiIb problem and see what ho can do. If each ono Joins In, In a llttlo way, and contributes what he can, tho sum to tal will bo a vast aggregate. Tho treasurer's roport will bo pub lished later In Tho Ncbraskan. Academy Reception Among tho promlnont social events of the paBt week was tho reception given by Prof, and Mrs. Hodgman at tho Lincoln Academy last Saturday evening. Tho rooms were brilliantly lighted and decorations of autumn leaves and trailing vines ontwlnod with the Academy colors, blue and gold, presented a beautiful effect. The Ideal Mandolin club, led by MIbb Margery Shanaleft, was snated behind largo palms and furnished muslr for the evening. Tho hour from 8 to 9 wns given to tho reception of the Univer sity faculty. Lincoln Medical faculty and parents of tho Lincoln studonts. The entire Academy was open for their Inspection, physics, chemistry and bot any laboratories, bolng In operation and a practical exhibition of tho work given. Mrs. Bessoy and Mrs. Barbour,' as sisted by Misses Anno C. Hoefor, Jano Blancliard, Floronce Hirst and Zola Dolccker, served refreshments during tho evonlng. Many guests were In at tendance and expressed themselves aB highly pleased with tho progress of the Academy. From 9 to 10:30 Academy studonts wore received and a glorious social time wsb onjoyed. Palladian Officers' Program. The Palladian Literary society hold an Inaugural program Friday night at which each of tho now officers took part. All tho numbers were unusually bright and Interesting. After tho pro gram tho usual social recess was en Joyed by Palladlans and visitors. Fol lowing tho recess was tho regular bus iness meeting. The following program was rendered: Piano solo, Roy Clark, musical sec retary. Address, Emma Shlnbur, Pres. "Vacation Thoughts," Russell Moore, vice proa. ' Paper. Anna Mooro, Recording 8ec. Recitation, Mlnnlo Petrashok, pro gram sec "The Trcasurershlp," James Ander son, trcas. Rocltatlon, Nellie Miller, correspond ing sec. Vocal solo, Andrew Hutton. sergcant-at-arms. Union Boys Meet. The Union BoyB Debating club held a rousing meoting Saturday night.- A lively parliamentary practlco was in dulged In at the beginning of tho moeting. This was followed by on ex cellent debate on tho negro question. After the four speakers had -finished the question was thrown open to thq house. Mr. Magulre and Mr. Fox, two old time Union debaters, wero called for and thoy responded with, enthusiastic speeches. The following question was selected for next Saturday night: "Re solved, That tho University ot Nebras ka should not accept the Rockefeller offer." The speakers on the, affirma tive will bo a W. Mlleck and Mr. Bo- vee, while M. J. Brown and S. Krajlcek will uphold the negative Everybody Is welcome, Lincoln Local Express. Tel, 787, The best In the cty, the Palace Bar ber Shop, 109 No, 11th, west ?lde. - - - Sam's Cafe The only place In tho city to get the famous Little Gem hot waffles. Special service for ladles. . m o .1 r.Vaih': "V -( , .KC. 1 , ji. . . ' . -