immmmm siac . -i Gbe ails "Wcbraeftan 1- flwwNsipn? , f B. J fc f I i 4 .' ; I"" v ? I If; r ( R a.- K 'i i kr Ce Dap Ilebraskan. A conHolldfttlon of The Hftpcrliin, Vol. HI, The Ncbrfuknn, Vol. lo, Bcnrtat and Croiun, Vol. 4. Editor-ln-Chlvf dtmlnww MannRnr Circulator New itermrj Athlntlo Lit .lohn D. Rice A. O. Bohrclbcr C. A. Bftwyer ARHOCIATK KDITOIIH ; A. F. Broker Guy lord (J. Bonnctt Dorothy Green Offlcen: Editorial, U 300; BuHlnww, U 21l". PoHt Offlcn, Box ID, Station A, Lincoln. Buttfwrlptlon Trine, $2 per yonr. in advance. Entered at tho prmtofHrio at Llnooln, Nobranka am Neuond-olnAx mall matter. Editorial Remarks The Hire club will soon be an active factor In University events again. The examination of voices for places In the club will be held this evening and It behooveH every University student with a bit of music In IiIb make-up to get out and have his voice tested. o For the benefit of those not Informed In regard to the matter we wish to stato that there Is no Monday Issue of The Nobroskan. Many of the new students, especially, have a misunder standing In regard to the matter and we make thlB statement to save them unnecessary trouble. o The Board of Regents have definite ly decided to locate the now Adminis tration building on tho east side of the campus on a lino with the library building. The work on tho new build ing will be pushed and another wel come alteration of the appearance of our own campus will be a thing ac complished before a great length of time rolls by. The game with South Dakota Sat urday proved at least one thing the superiority of the training of our team and methodH of play over those of their opponents. Over-confidence Is a dangerous thing, and while wo hope that nono oxistH, yet wo can not hope but feel that Nebraska will make a record this yoar that will bo remem berer. That a team of such weight as wob South Dakota's should be bo com pletely beaten points out plainly the ability of Nebraska to hold Its own against a team much stronger. The students Bhould resume action on the raising of their share of the Temple Fund, and pull altogether In doing all thoy can toward the accom plishment of the Important work In view. The classes lost yoar all took action, and tho officers appointed for the purpose secured a largo number of pledges. Now it Is up to each class as soon as things aro In good running or der to take up tho matter again and see tJiat tho proper representatives are appointed for taking up and push ing this work. Interest In the Temple building should be kept alive and noth ing should hinder tho Btudonts from doing their share. And as a rule tho students are willing to do their part as soon as tho matter is brought to their notice, and the sooner a system of action is perfected, the less difficult will it be lo secure contributions from them. much mlsundorritandlng. A dispatch was sent out from Denver two weeks ago stating that professionalism was practiced at Colorado, and The Nebras kan reproduced the article and made editorial comment upon it. However, we expressed no opinion as to whether It was true or not, but merely men tioned the charges made and discussed what the effect would be If they were true. The entire blame and respon sibility for the articles lies with the Denver end of the line, and It Is to be regretted If the University of Colorado has been In any way misrepresented. We are glad to give space to the letter and hope that It will clear up all false Impressions that may exist In .the mind of ally of the people of this University Here Is the letter: "BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 2. 1903. "President James H. Baker, Boulder, Colorado. Dear Sir: In answer to your communication I may say that the extract from the Nebraska Jour nal, entitled, "Professionalism In Colo rado," Is a garbled extract from an ar ticle In an evening paper of Denver, which was apologized for amply and fully In the succeeding issue. The orig inal article simply classed these so called charces as suspicious. "The Board of Control of Athletics of the University of Colorado has care fully Investigated the matters dis cussed and have found the so-called charges wholly unfounded In every particular. An affidavit bb to amateur standing Is required by the board of every Intending player. Every effort ha been made and Is made to discover and stamp out professionalism and wel think with eminent success. "Mr. Johnston was barred from play ing In California solely by the one- year residence rule In rorce In Mint state. "Messrs. Baker and Kingsbury are amateur players In every respect so fnr as can be ascertained. The University has a large percentage of its students coming from other states and there Is no bar on this account to Messrs. Baker and Kingsbury, because there Is no one-year residence rule required or en forced In Colorado. M-M-M-MJ-M'HH4H-M H-H-H-H-H-r C"M"K-H I 1 H S I ! i ftF KiNHrar lMWW Zi&Kx'-A TtMMMYm X WTKWVtJv yJmA mm T flEflH i fmlwM I UphL if Imagination Misleading Buying Clothes. ! t Imagination plays the loading part whon it (.omen to onjing clothes pf a tailor. You imagine thoy'cV better because you're paying more. Now, we don't make units to order (we ufed to), but we do make to fit. Wo be lieve our "Kensington" Suit snd Overcoats fit equally as well as though made to your .. measure on our own premises, and thoy cost much Ioph. C'ojn'; in, try them on. You may be both judge and jury ; if the clothes don't fit and wear to your entire satisfaction, wc give "t your money back. Suits and Overcoats $10 to 30. Magee & Deemer 1109 O STREET 144'HH',H SX-MK--HMH--H:H-H' Library News, x Next Wednesday and Thursday the State Librarians' association will meet at Fremont. John Cotton Dana, of New Jersey, will be tho principal speak er. Professor Wyer, MIbs Mulliken and Miss Compton will represent the Uni versity at this meeting. "All candidates for the team are In good academic standing. Sincerely yours. ARTHUR A I.LIN. "Chairman Board of Control." Several new works of fiction hae been added to the library. Among the best are: Maclean's "Dwellers In the Mist," HowellB" "Questionable Shapes," Mrs. Humphrey Wurd's "iJidy Rose's Daughter." Miss Wharton's "The Val ley of Decision," and a volume of short stories by George Merldeth. Art Notes. ribjjjj!ig WE ARE SHOWING J! i Stylish Shoes j; This week's classes in pen and Ink nave started illustrating work. Battalion News. The artillery detachment and Blgnal corps will be formed as soon as possi ble. It is expected that about twenty men will join tho artillery squad, while the Blgnal corps will probably bo a little smaller. Drill for both divisions will be helil as In the other depart ments of tho battalion, the class on Friday dealing with the artillery regu lations. Guns will be furnished tho battalion as soon as the setting-up exercises have been finished. This will be about tho end of next week. A sketch class, which will meet Wednesdays at 7:30 was organized Inst week. Wright Drug Co.. 14J N. Kith. Tel 313. Lincoln Transfer Co. Buggage. 'Phone, 17C. Lenilng's, ice cream und candy; 11th and L Sts. The celebrated Han an, Walk-Over and W. L. wouglas makes for men. llanan and "Sorosis Shoes for Women. Swedish (gymnasium Shoo. None genuine unless Btamped "Perkins' Swedish." -) I I r I Perkins & w- ----- Sheldon b'o. j; 1129 O St. The Famous has a fine line of furs, corsets, gloves and hosiery. Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter for The Whltebreast Co., at HOC 0 St, Is the place to buy coal. 4444f4f-MNHf4f44t4f-lHl4f4Nf4f 3 Monarci! Preserves and Jams are the finest flavored, purest, boat and handsomest fresh fruit products in tho world. Keystono Cash Grocery, ' Phones, 744-775 Laach Sfa Blake The hours and rooras have been ar ranged permanently for tho Y. V. C. A. Bible classes. Miss Goldena Fin lay visited her par ents at Greenwood, Neb., Saturday and Sunday. .tAAAAAAAAAASAAfctjL &3SlXJMSL&JtS&&X&aj&kSl.93UkSl No Professionalism at Colorrdo. The following letter, written by tho chairman of the Colorado Athletic Board, in reply to an Inquiry by Pres ident James H. Baker, as to the charge of professionalism against that insti tution published in the datty paper, explains a situation that has caused BsEket ball practice for men begins Unlay at 4 p. m. The leaders class will begin tomorrow at 1:45 p. m. The girls' second year gym class will not meet until next week. The physi cal examinations are not finished yet. Recent word from Dr. Bessey con veys the Information that ho will re turn to the University about October 24th. Attendance at the Y. W. C. A. sing service now numbers 35. This Is con siderable larger than last year. f Fwn E V i - i. it 1 -fir1 ILtilJ IUmmJwmu. I C Mini mi fcr IfflJj Wt 13' IF. its Foot Ball Goods you want we got 'em Pants, Jackets, Nose Guards, the big and small kind, Shin Guards, Hel mets of all Kinds. The Ath letic Outfitters. Sidles Cycle Company, 1317" O St rrwirrrsirryrrrrrrir!! I . b 1 "fj r.1 'J . , . . J Y1 fj 'ty V to ! ti-1--; -' i ?v.V. ....jiMi&S