The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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I -rtfm'qsf&STfwt 1,'yiyjffyy,
Ffj'tr!, r
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Gbe 3D a i I s Ilcbraehan
This coupon is good for a set of
8 beautiful Cuba Revenue Stamps
if presented at our store at H5 No.
J4th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Floe Chocolates and Bon Bona of our own
manufacture. Cheapest In the city.
1337 O Street.
Good Oak SoIch, nailed, 50 &60c
1326 O Street. N. EBERLY
Western Glass & Paint Go.
i 2th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
Thoro is no watch, clock or
artfele of Jewelry wo cannot fix
Tho Up-To-lho-Mlnulo Jowelry.
Prompt Service. U23 O St,
Monarch Preserves and Jams
aro tho fluent flavored, purest, boat and
handsomest fresh fruit- products in tho
Keystojio Cash Grocery, L7u.
Phones, 744-775-
The Weber Suitorium
la the up-to date place
where you can get your
Closing Cleaned and Pressed
Phone 708 Northeast Cor. Uth & O Sts.
Milliard and Pool Parlor
TabUa Newly Covered
Powell's, 146 North llth St.
Phone L 664.
Stelner-Woempener Drug Co.,
Successors to
1146 O Street
Phone 707 Lincoln, Neb.
Manufacturers of Steinor's' Balsam
Rhubarb Cold Capsules, Pile Ouro and
Gray's Condition Powders.
JThc Improved
The Standard
for Gentlemen
The Name4' BOSTON
GARTER" Is stamped
ion every loop.
Lies flat to the leg never
vSIIpj, Tears nor Unfastens.
(temple pair, Silk SOe. m
Cotton Ste.
Mailed on receipt of prlos, "
6X0, nUR 00., Makers ,
Beetoa, acaaa.,U.fl.A.
'Every pair Warranted
Hmono tbe Hlumni
Sam AnderBon, '03, who was ono of
the leading Y. M. C. A. workers hero
during his entire collego courso, Is trav
oiling In the British Isles, having
stopped off for an oxtended visit thoro,
on his way to Beirut, Asia Minor,
whore he will do missionary work. Re
cently he has been visiting relatives
and old family friends in the southern
part of Scotland, and his birthplace in
the city of Glasgow. He will afso visit
In England, having a number of friends
In that country. Later he will go to
Paris, nd thence up the Rhine to
Eidelberg, where he expects to meet a
friend. He also intends making a tour
of Switzerland and Italy before depart
ing for Beirut. However, he Is not
in any haste to reach tho latter place,
owing to tho unsettled conditions
thero, and It Is doubtful If he would bo
allowed to enter tho place as long as
tho present difficulties exist.
George E. Howard, a graduate of the
University, and for many years one
of our faculty, has JUBt published a
work entitled, "A History of Matrimon
ial Institutions." The book Is a scien
tific account of the evolution of mar
riage, divorce and tho family of the
"three homes" of the English race, and
Is the result of more than twelve years'
Harpers' Bazar, for August, contains
a short Btory by Dorothy Canfleld,
daugh "i of ox-Chancellor Canfiold, of
Nebraska, who 1b now librarian of Co
lumbia Unherslty. Miss Canfleld was
a student at Nebraska during her fath
er's residence here, and commenced her
literary work at that time, being tho
author with Wllla Cather, of the first
prize story In tho Sombrero of 1897.
Roy Alien McNown, editor of the
Sombrero last year. Is holding down a
position on the reportorlal staff of the
Star, thus making another recruit
tho University of Nebraska has gradu
ated into newspaperdom.
Arthur Pancoast, graduate of tho law
school, who has been practicing in
Omaha, has bought him a homo there.
His engagement to Miss Seyma Wlg
genhorn, '99, has been announced.
Fred W. Morrell, '02, business man
ager of the Senior Annual of that year,
is now principal of tho Seward high
school, and will attend the Nebraska
South Dakota football game.
Mr. Foldman, a former student In tho
mathematical department, Is now prin
cipal In one of the high Bchools In New
York City, with a salary of $1,600 per
George Ross, formerly secretary of
the Y. M. C. A., has taken up hie res
idence at Philadelphia and will pursue
a courso In medicine at tho Unlvorslty
of Pennsylvania.
Dr. H. H. Bverottt, '98, Is taking
work In a medical Institute In Vienna
this year. His friends report that ho
is doing nicely.
Elmer Turner, '03, has taken up Y.
M. C. A. work at Omaha, being as
sistant secretary of tho city associa
tion. x
John J. Ledwlth, law '03, is practic
ing law In partnership with W. M.
Morning in the Richards block, Lin
coln. S. D. Clinton, '03, is a resident en
gineer in the employ of the Western
Maryland Railroad, at Cumberland,
A. C. Horn, '02, is a sugar chemist
in the employ of the Blnghampton
Beet Sugar Co., at Blnghampton, N. Y.
Stephen Jonas, law '03, who Is now
practicing law In Omaha, was In Lin
coln Saturday on legal business.
John Bridge, who attended the Uni
versity two years ago, has entered
Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.
Edith Hess, '03, has obtained a posi
tion as assistant principal of the
Bloomingtqn, Neb., high school.
J. A. Bruce, '03, is surveying In MIs-
' sisslppi for the Illinois Central.
I Prettiest
;: Work
t done in a lonp; time is with
fll t. r.!i- f it. .i
f me, iuo. iyainiy worK xnai can De picicea up wnue cnaning ior
1 1 an odd half-hour and results soon in material for gifts Belts,
) fobs, purses, chains, bags, etc
Customers tell us that we have the best assortment and the
$ prettiest beads m town. At any
i can hnd and we sell immense quantities of them.
Seed Beads dull or
shiny, in dark blue, tur
quoiflp, lavender, purple,
red, piiik, yellow, groen,
chalk white at 5c a bunch.
Cllt Steel cut gold and
Hilvr beads at 12 l-2o
and 20c a bunch.
I Miller &
Erie O. Spafford, '03, is teaching In
Seattle, Wash.
Calvin Crane,
Conneant, Ohio.
'03, is at home In
Lena Nelson, '05, 1b .teaching school
at Tekamah, Neb. l -
Miss Margaret Loomls, '03, Is teach
ing at Nellgh, Neb.
Christine Bednar, '03, Is teaching In
(he MInden high school.
Lester DonIsthorpefc law '04, Is rail
roading for the Northwestern.
Glenn Carson, '06, Is working in his
father's store at Geneva, Nob.
V. L. Strickland, '04, Is assistant
principal in tho Geneva high school.
Miss Myrtle Roberts, '02, Is teaching
In tho Lincoln school at South Omaha.
Miss Lucy Hrubosky,- '06, Is now
teaching tho grade school at Geneva,
Irving Brooks, '03, now of Chicago,
has beeln visiting In Lincoln the past
Walter Roberts, law '04, is working
In the Internal revenue office at Kan
sas City.
James P. Windham, '06, Is working
In his father's law office at Platts
mouth. Fred Berry, of the '03 law class, Is
practicing law sucessfully at Emerson,
Miss Alice Brookings, '03, Is teach
ing In the Davenport high school In
Washington. ,
Carl W. Dirks, '02, Is located at
Boise, Idaho, with the Falk Mercan
tile company;
Klllen and Stewart Warner, alumni,
are tho owners of a. gold mine near
Baker City, Oregon, In which a rich
And has been made.
H. J. Sowles has a position in the
business department of the 8w(ft Pack
ing company at St. Joseph, Mo.
J. E. Pearson, '98, Is principal of
the Qulncy, III, high school. He for
merly taught at Red Oak, la.
E. A. Wright, of Kearney, and A. M.
Storch, of Fullorton, both law '03, are
practicing law at Fargo, S. D.
S. G. Kaar, '03, Is employed by tho
American Sugar Beet company at
Grand Island as sugar chemist
Indian beads, worthy of a long
i. ..i.i . ... r
rate we have all the kinds we
, li"
iarge tseaas or onus
of purses, bead chains,
and belts, wo have in 24
different patterns and col
ors, selling at 5 and lOo
each, or 8 doz. for 5c, 2
do., for 5c, 1 doz. for 8c,
Jot Bead 8 Go a bunch.
Silver CryHtal beads, 80c a
Paine, I
7 A
Every day from Soptember 15th to
November 30th, inclusive, tho Union
Pacific will sell one-way tickets from
Lincoln as follows:
$20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
$20.00 to Helena and Butto, Montana.
122.50 to Spokane and Wentachoo,
- Washington.
22-.sf to Huntington and Nampa,
$25.00 to Portlana, -Tacoma and Se
attle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria.
$25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore
gon, via Portland.
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Diego.
Correspondingly low rates to many
other California, Oregon, Washington,
Montana, Utah ana Idaho points.
For full Information call on or ad
dress, E. B. 8LOSSON,
General Agent.
Join tho University Loundry
Laundry club 'phono, A1217.
Marshland and Richards, halr-cu'.-ting
a specialty; massage, shaving, etc.
Who's your laundry man?
Laundry club.
We are ResponsiHe
For the lot prices on
Dratoing Instruments.
We toill continue to sell
As low as the lowest.
Haoe just receioed our
full line of Foot Ball Goods
Our prices are the bottom
Gum. Suits and Basket
Ball Goods.
Samuel Hall
Books and Stationery. H23 O.
Fzateznity Hall, 1 3 and N Sts
Newly furnished and decorated. Is now
open for dates for Oollego and Frater
nity dances. Special rates tp studont,
Room 808, Fraternity Bldg.
, .
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