r "v,il M ' ,prt fHSt TW 'P"'TTJ T'i. X ' v - .- ,a . ', i ,t"',j G b c D a i I $ Tl e b r a 0 h a n "fj r r I?. if I?.. t ' h " r' LrS HP Iff i i h Si- It i: t Ur "V i J ' , . t r v fT K?IT . . rrrT- frfre ay Hibraskan. A oonuolldntion of The Heporliin, Vol. 81, Tho Xobnudcnn, Vol. lo, Scarlet nnd C renin, Vol. 4. Bditor-lnChlcf Buulnom Manner Circulator .lolin D. Hie A. O. Bchrollxir V. A. Sawyer AWnTi rniTOitH A. F. Denkor Oaylord G. Bonnntt Dorothy Orcen Now AthloMo Literary Ofllco, 2.DJ, Unlvernlry 1U1I. Pont Oa-, Bo in, Station A, .lnroln. BnlmeripHon Price, fJ t'r yrnr In ilvano'. Entered at tho potofnt ut Lincoln. Nebrankn an Hooond-cla miill matter. Editorial Remarks The debating tiubH are getting under way nnd have already perfected organ isation. It seen that an increased in terest is being taken by new studonts In debuting and Judging from the pres ent outlook excellent prospects favor the work of the clubs. Nebraska now holdB tho leadership in debating among tho collogeB of tho middle west and tho swelling of the runks of rocrults In tho work moans tho riso of now lead ers in tho future to tako tho places of those whom each passing year re moves from the field. The actual ben efit derived from practice in form ing a logical argument and developing efficient robuttal more than repays a man for his time, not counting tho self-possession and readiness of ad dress with which It tends to endow him. That the museum should be so un safe as to prevent new collections of material being received. Is to be regret ted. Not only must new material be refused, but a great many collections nre being constantly taken out. packed In boxes, nnd Btored wherever they can bo accommodated. Thus the geology department Is seriously hampered In Its work, but does not complain, as It recognises the exigencies of tho situ ation and the utter lmpossoblllty of remedying them at the present time. Tho demands of the other1 departments have boon so great as to require imme diate attention, and not until their needs have been attendod to can the interests of the museum be looked af ter. Many of these departemnts will find relief through tho new buildings, and when the general condition of congestion has been eased no time will be lost In providing suitable quar ters for the museum. Attention Is called lo tho scientific and technical examination to be held by tho United States civil service com mission, beginning October 1 Many places aro open to University students In tho engineering courses If they can pass a creditablo examination in their specialty. Among the places to be competed for we note the following Aid. coast and geodetic sunev. as- slstant (scientific), department of ag- rlculture; civil and electrical engineer, departmental service; civil and electri cal engineer. Philippine service, civil engineer and draughtsman; computer, coast and geodetic survey ; draughts men; architectural (topographic) ju nlpr architectural and topographic land office survey, electrical onglneer and draughtsman, irrigation engineer and mechanical and electrical engin eer. Students now carrying engineering courses In tho University would be eli gible to take examinations for some of these positions, and any engineering student who feels that he has the abll- j lty, should not neglect this opportunity to havo hlB name placed on the civil service lint. Cause for Rejoicing. Every football pyrapathlzer should congratulate himself over the result of Saturdays game. Tho outcome docs not necessarily prove that Grand Ip laiid had a weak, poorly trained team Inferior to that of last year. It Indi cates, rather the wonderful Improve ment of our team In every department of the gniuo Blnco the Bomewhat un satisfactory contest of the week before. It shows tho effects of a week's hard training upon a strong and promising bunch of players, and proves that we will havo a strong team this season, and one that will bo a credit to our Institution. Whether the team will be as Ptrong as that of last year is not fo much uppermost In the minds of Its Fijpporters as to what sort of a showing It will be able to make this ycV. The prelimlnaiy practice games are over and the team must now settle down to work out Its salvation against teams from Institutions of its own cal ibre. The 'game with South Dakota will break the leb, although little trou ble Is expected In disposing of the northerners. This will be tho first step lending up to a hard sorles of games that will try Nebraska to the utmost before the season Is over. Kan sas, Missouri and Iowa are generally strong, although Iowa's showing last year was a most disappointing one to her supporters. Knox and Illinois, es pecially the latter, will be able to give Nebraska the fight of her life, and If vlctorj' over both of these teams perches upon our banner, we will in deed have reason to feel proud Meanwhile the process of developing now players and perfecting team work goes steadily on, and when Nobraska is called upon to exert her full strength the opposing teams will find her ready. Text-Books at Cost. Attention has been called by dutsldc parties to tho fact that there Is a law existing thut lequlres tho board of re genti to furnish text books to the ntu dents of tho University ut tost As man different attitudes have Uyen taken upon this matter by leal auth orities as the possibilities of the ques tion permit. Some say that the law has never been enforced and that the legislature has made no specific appro prlatlon for such a purpose, and not until such an appropriation hnB been made will the board of regents be able to act In support of their position they ask. how can the board of regents undertake to provide tho books at cost when no means has been placed at their disposal for handling them? But others with equal assurance main tain that no special appropriation Is necessary, ub tho monoy advanced by the students would be sufficient to meet all expenses And some aro suro lhat the raoney ln tho temporary fund. 1 which Is for the purpose of coveting any University need, can be made uso of in this caso. but others say that such a course would be Illegal. Thus the matter stands. Tho governor may be asked to act. but this Is as yet un certain. No student has any objection to securing text-books at cost, and the outcome of the matter Is awaited with Intereht. Hand informal Friday night. Come out and enjoy yourself. Tickets, BOc. The best in the city, tho Palace Bar ber Shop, 109 No. 11th, west side. Cbapln Bros . Florists. 1227 So. 14th. 5tAJP-AflAPJl0j!jpjPAaAft Fancy About fifteen new patterns and styles of Fancy Vests came in today. Not a style or color is lacKing to maKe this a handsome Vest Display. Plain white, body with dots, Hflvrcs and stripes. They're really the best valves we have shown at 150, 250, 3.00, 350, 4.00 and 5.00. Full dress 2.50, 3.00 and 350. Yov can add to your appearance wonderfully with a small investment in a Fancy Vest ... SEE OURS MAGEE&DEEMER 5;rrvrrrriTrrrvrriYrrrrra o-rsra srtfirrffrffirrffroj2 We Want 131 T Dental College Opens. Yesterday was tho opening day of the Lincoln, Dental College, which Is now afllllated with the University The preliminary examinations were held and oerythlng is now ready for the coming year's work. Tho dental college Is located in the Furincrs and Merchants' Insurance building at the corner of Fifteenth and O streets, and is now entering upon tho fifth year of Us existence. Its af filiation with tho University has en larged Its facilities, as its students nre allowed the carry tho collateral sciences In the class roomti and laboratories of this Institution. The advantages which aro thus obtained for the stu dents of thlB collogo can bemeasured only by tho knowledge of tho men charge of tho various branches ln this University and of tho facilities and equipment at their disposal for teach ing. Mr U W Grayblll, graduate and fellow at tho University, and last year science teacher In tho Columbus High School, represented the department of zoology on tho expedition to Bermuda under the auspices of Harvard Univer sity for the Investigation of the raarlno llfo of that region. Mr Grayblll was on the island about two mouths and reported a most successful series of collections and Investigations. Ho pre sented to the department of zoology a fine Bet of typical corals which have been mounted by Mr. S. F. Prince and occupy a prominent place In the lab oratoi y The R. and C. barber shop. Palmer's PlacelH4 O St. i p Vests8 g 1 Foot Ball Stoclc IS LARGE AND PRICES LOW. Your Business. See Us. O Street. Hotel Walton J5J5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooum best low priced hooso in cif.y. RATES- $i Per Day and Up. P I 9 Wl- AHf UnWHR Stylish Shoes i The celebrated Han an, Walk-Over antl W. L. uouglari makes for men. Haimn and HorosiB Shoes for Women. S wed is h (.iymnafliuui Shoe. None genuine unless stamped "Perkins' Swedish." I is Perkins & I ii Sheldon Go. j; I 1129 O St. :i &44440Z V p j. ?.. r . fl L l. . . . Wi yVi . . ' . . ' Hf 's-ifei -v Vi'V riS'lteM. r-.,:-vj tfttkj to 'Saftkifo, . Jt. v . i -vv VS1 - VNf