fr 4 i'lr 1 1 i r nitrf" ' " " '' " "si . I ZT b e D a 1 1 ft c b r a 0 fe a n .; .; ; , .;. - ! .. . ! ! ! ! 4- ! ! '! i i m in n-ytli ,-!-. i- 1 Do you want a Swell Low Shoe? We have 'em. INhFRSONS lt'3v-cxi 1213 THE Northwestern LINE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK Railroad between Missouri River and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul-Minneapolla Direct line to Black Hills City Ticket Office, 1024 O St. R. "W. McGINNIS, General Agent x Xfnbee'8 Ctgare, tflewe, flDaga3ine0 JJ3J OSt. JJ3No. HfhSt Is life worth living? People who eat at the COOPER HART PALACE DINING HALL It itptnit M the Itor. live well. 1130 N IL Phone 498. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Go. 12th & M SU. LINCOLN, NIL ! . ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! f I Tor aches that nothing :; y ese a? rear? There are a good many aches T and pains and cases or deep Beated muscular soreness that will not yield to any ordinary external or Internal remedy. These are cases where a plaster 1b effective, and no plaster Is quite so effective as the one which we call tho WQ9'' Bflladona and Capsicum Plaster These plasters cure hack ache, t rheumatic or neuralgic pains, lumbago, etc. Results ure prompt and relief is sure. We guarantee-them and wlir gladly refund the money If they fall to give perfect satisfaction. We T have, too, the best Liniment ever JL Bold good for man, beast or birds ("Eagles excepted"). the Drug Cutter 1321 O St. W-rosrojy ! l $ ! ! ? 'I- ' 'I' "! ! Late Society Notes. Over one hundred couploB attended the annual Pan-Hellenic dance given at the Auditorium. Friday night. Of all the University dances given (hiring the year, the "Pan-Hel" is the one most looked forward to and most enjoyed Everyone makes It a point to attend if possible As the laRt social gather ing before the close of school, It 1b the reunion of "old guards," seniors, un derclassmen and all who enjoy Univer sity Boclety. Then as never before during the year, everyone prays for fair weather, because of the additional pleasure which a fine night gives to the occasion, and as If the elements were against It, the dance Is usually at tended by a Btorm or rain This year was no exception, and those who en joy a promenade as much as a dance were forced, to walk between showers It detracted nothing from the enjoy ment of the occasion that the roof of the Auditorium leaked and the dancers were forced to steer shy of a small lake In the middle of the floor. The dance was largely attended by out-of-town people and alumni Ed die Walt'B full orchestra furnished the music for twenty-five danceB, each named after some fraternal organiza tion, with the name of the piece writ ten on the program Punch was served throughout the entire evening from two tables. The programs were in green and black, with fitting designs on the cover, Intended to convey the popu lar idea of a fraternity Initiation. Jesse C. McNish, Phi Delta Phi, was chairman and James H. Bell, master of ceremonies. Other members of the committee were: W. M. Hopewell. Phi Gamma Delta; D. L. Mllliken. Delta Tau Delta; Harold Conkllng, Alpha Tau Omega; D. L Jouvenat. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, John Westover. Theta Nu Epsilon; John J. l?clwith, Phi Kappa Psl; C N Lussier, Delta (.lam ma; Victor langevln. Phi Delta Theta, Verne Hedge, Kappa Sigma; L. L Harter, Alpha Theta Chi; Fred Strat ton, Sigma Chi. The annual picnic of the Palladian Literary society was held In Lincoln 'nnrk Rnturclav afternoon. About nine ty were present, and the usual amount of frolic and fun was indulged In. The bos chose sides and a hotly contested game of baseball was played. At 6:30 all sat clown to an old-fashioned picnic supper with the customary mosquitoes and June bugs present. A great many Jokes were sprung at the expense of the poor insects. Jim Anderson then sang comic songs of IrlBh prowess and Dutch mistakes, after which a quartet composed of Hewitt, Elliot, Anderson, and Hutton made the woods ring with their joyful songs. A camp fire was then made. In the light of which the picnickers went through an Indian war ktlance. At about 10 o ciock me auair was brought to a close, and all went home feeling they had had a most en joyable time. The members of tne Union society pronounce their picnic, held at Lincoln park Saturday afternoon and evening, the moBt successful affair of Its kind yet held. At 2:46 about sixty members met at the corner of Tenth and 0 streets, armed with lunch baskets, hammocks, sofa pillows, balls. batB, and other paraphernalia incident to a good time. They took the car for Lin coln park, where they proceeded to have a roaring good time. Baseball and other lively games, mich as "polite nesB," "drop the handkerchief," etc., occupied their attention until lunch time. Then all gathered together to partake of the abundant refreshments. A great basket of sandwiches was nassed. and as soon as all were actively engaged the kodak man apeared to get a snap shot of the crowd. After this Ice cream and cake followed. One cake contained a diamond ring and was passed to the girls, another with a seal ring being partaken of by tlr boys. Miss Elizabeth Meier was the fortun ate young lady, and Mr. Ferguson the pround possessor among the young men. They were declared to be the Union's solid couple for the coming year and were duly united by a mock wedding. Mr. John T. Millk put on a ministerial appearance and performed the ceremony. Mr. McReynoldB gave the bride away. Miss Grace MuBsetter acted as maid of honor, and Mr. Spaf ford was best man. The whole affair Afforded a great deal of amusement, and when It was finished the happy couple were showered with clover in THE P. D. SMITH COAL CO. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which you will find the Rex lump at $6.50; the Kem- mercr, Wyo., lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.25. All Kinds of Steam Coal, the best money can buy. Office J J40 O St., Phone 329 ! h ! 4- ! !' - -l t' - H lieu of rice. Then came the business meeting, and the election of officers, resulting as follows- President. Mr Charles Sargent; vice president. Mr. M. J. Brown; secretary, MIsb May Thomas; treasurer, Mr Keyser, critic. Miss Kate Hurley; senator, Mr Clar ence Berkey; historian, MIbh Grace Sargent; sargent-at-arms. Mr Noyes, Then all adjourned to the theater to enjoy an exhibition of moving pictures At a late hour they took the car for the home ride, which was made merry with college songB and society yells. When M street waB reached the Uni versity yell was vigoroiiBly given, fol lowed by three groanB for the EagleB Then all went merrily home. Dr. Bentz, Dentist. Eleventh and O. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 13th, Tel. 164. Campaign hats, shirts trousers at Mayer Bros. and duck Wright'B Oliver Theatre pharmacy fills prescriptions. Telephone 313. f3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe. 117 No. 13th St. Students are cordially Invited. ft Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 OFFICERS Joba B, right, President J. H. Weacott, Vlce-PreaWen! Joe Samuel, 2d Vice-PreaJdent P. L. HalL Ouhler W. B. Ryona, Asst. Caahlttf I Dr. J. R HAGGARD 'Physician and Surgeon J Spcdal attention paid to dUcMw of temales and rectal diaeaaw. Room 2 13 to 214 Richard. Block. FU- 4nc 1310 C Stt. Oitic Tckphaoa 63S. Rldnc T.Uphon L 91. TUB ONLY UP-TO-DATB Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tablet newly oorered Powell's, 146 North llth 8t. Pboae L 664 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN. NOBRASKA Uptttl $200,000; Surplus $100,000; 'Profits $18,319 Depcsttsf2J96J93 S H. Burnbant, Prul4nt A. J. Sawrr, Vicc-PiaUat H. S. Prinn, CM H. B. Bvasu, Aatialant Cuolw UNXTKD BTATKS UCTOUTOBT BOWLING ALLEY I ALLEYS Standard and rarulatloa Is every paruculA. I2IO O St. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor t Kg4gH4H8!ejg04 CH0CDLATE5 Sold only bu Harleu MjT m a - Aaw aaw mar m-mT mafmrnrnw9 F Yards 6th & N Sts., Phone 376 J - ! i ! Save Your Money We nre cloBlnR out our Btock of tnbletB nnd box paper at sac rifice priciB. We want tho money for other purpoBce this Biimmer and can afford to sell at U'bb than cost to have the ubo of the money. Come in Our tables are burdened with tnbletB at bargain pricce. Take them away. THE CO-OP CALL UP 303 ENSIGN'S when you want your trunk taken to depot, or want a hack. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. R Sullivan Th only aIitia nc puhllabtti that contAln a compUtc llat of American AmaUur But o n-R c or d. and compUu Uat oi Cham pion. PRICE 10 CENTS For talc by all nrwa&alc n H A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago. Denver, Baltimore, Spalding! complete catalogue of Athletic Sport ent free to any addre HIOH GRADE BONBDNS Drug Co., llth & 0 St 530 pictures ( Grf' prominent VBrV American jMKV Athletea Jr A s t ' A m "T ,T r A Vi L ? i .ft V