" )- ?9trT. f,rm -n Vt-ff ' tfX- I"- Mrp ' (Tbc H a 1 1 p Tlcbraehan f 1902 "the Progress What a Zwelvementb fyas Done The progress of the UnlvrisMy dur ing tho Inst yenr in externals is most clearly Been in the addition of new de partments of study A medic nl college and a dental school are now parts of the University. The fliht class of the former has just recehed its degree, and the students of .the dental m hool will enter on the first year of work In the fall of 1903 The curriculum has also been enlarged b courses Ui forestry, in domestic science, by certain courses In history and sociology, in pedagogy, and especially In the topics relating to dairying and agriculture Little has been done In building, but the Imme diate future promises great changes, as the last legislature was liberal In its appropriations. A new barn at the farm has been constructed at a cost of $2,800. For new buildings on the farm, about $100,000 Is now available, while two buildings will be erected on the campus during the next two years, at a total cost of $110,000 The total amount appropriated by the last legis lature foots up about $S2 1,000, dis tributed approximately as follows: From the Morrill fund. $f)0 000, the Agricultural Experiment station fund, $30,000; the University cash fund- Ttoo Verses by Passing Away. 'They're passing away the raseless years, A lengthened span of Joy and tears With noiseless tread of stubborn pace The earth-born pilgrim runs his race The yellow leaf, an nmblem fair Of ebbing life, well marked with care Ah. Youth, in all thy boasted state. Thou. too. dost share the ruling fate. And with the marks of lengthening clay Dont change to fade and pass away; For Time's the sickle of the hour. That yields no place to charm or power. Nor even doth a saintly grace ISvade this reaper's sure embrace. The monk In his declining yea is Gives up his strength for want:, and fears. There's nothing, nay, that Time can trace. Which his rude hand will not efface. And when in life'B few closing years. Man seekB to quell his troublc-d fears. He finds that naught that is endures. And of life'B promise naught assures Or hope, in all his poveity. Save this sole thought. KTEHNITY Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 13th, Tel. 1G-1. Tote Your Old Books to the Co-Op They will carry them over sum mer for you and sell them o'i commission whenever oppoi tunity offers this summer or next year. Toil and Trouble Save the trouble of pac king an 1 unpacking, of old useless book.-, lying around, and sell them while it is possible to sell. They s-oon go out of date. The Co-Op. wants second-hand books. So, tote them to THE COOP of a Xear"1903 for the University of tlebrasUa student fees, matriculation dues. etc. $85.01)0. From the temporary Uni versity fund it Is estimated that $059, 0M) will be available during the blen nlum It may be that the new rev enue law will yield more than this sum; in case of such a favorable out come, the regents are permitted to use $35,000 additional In the way of enlarg ing the campus. In all there is avail able for the coming two years about $250,000 more than the regents had at their disposal during the biennium just ending. The outlook therefore for growth is exceedingly bright. The total inc rease in registration is not large, but sufficient to satisfy the friends of the University. For the year 1902-2 the total registered in all depai tmrnts. during the jtar, was 2.289. The year just closing will indi cate a icgistration of almost or quite 2.150. In addition to the growth indi cated above, it Is expected that "Tem ple Hall." a building for social and re ligious pui poses, will be elected on lots adjacent to the Unlveisity campus. It will cost $100,000, derived Horn gifts made by Mr. Rockefeller and other friends of t he Universltj. within the next two yeais ',cBob cAddison" A Silent Voice. What call is this within, that speaks to me' What voice is it. that's heard in silent hours? 'Tis naught I see. or e'en can know with sense Of sight or touch -although I try with eye And hand alert, this secret to detect Does there a voice from heaven come to say Just where my feet shall tread and thought shall run? Can such a mystery be my natural state? Or has imagination feigned a guide To choose my course and point to ways of right. To shun rude error's path and lead the road' Where honor, love, and duty dwell en throned? 'Tis this I long to know. Have you this voice. That thus within your throbbing breast so speaks? Wonderful Resources of the West If you are looking for a home and want to visit the west you can do so with very little expense as the UNION PACIFIC will Bell one-way colonist tickets EVERY DAY at the following rates from Lincoln: UNTIL JUNE 15 $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland. Tacoma. Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. ROUND TRIPS JULY 1 TO CLUSIVE. $15.00 to Denver, Colorado and Pueblo. JUNE 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 10, IN Springs INCLU- SIVE. $1(1.75 to Denver. 17.35 to Coloradp Springs. 17.50 to Pueblo. 28.75 to Glenwood Springs. MAY 12 TO 18, INCLUSIVE. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los An geles. Final return limit July 15. For full information call on or ad dress. E. B. SLOSSON. General Agent. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block. Don Cameron's for a sqiare meal. 'Y ! ! ! ! ! ! fr ! Denning Semi-Anthracite, $8.50 A TON. The Best and Cheapest Furnace Coal on the Market GREGORY, The Coal Man, Phor.es 343, 391. i ! '! !; ! ; ;! f A 1 9. 1 . A AA AXJlAJl Whether in Bulk, Bricks or Individual Moulds, FRANKLIN'S ARE ADMITTEDLY THE BEST Your Patronage solicited, as we know we can please you THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM AND DAIRY CO. Office and Factory, l.'I.'t Mouth ISitli Ntrcct. Thone K !i(fl e"e e ft'e eee ri'ii'ifiriiiUaUii''iVOViTiTnVaTfin 1 vV FErEX P tJl Ross Electric Co. House and store wiring. We install Electric Elevators and do all kinds of elevator repairing. Electric Supplieaj Dynamos and Motors) Gu, Elco- tric and Combination Fixtures. Window Lighting, Electric Signs Telephone 374 122 No. 14th St.. Llacoln. Neb DAKOTLDR05. LNCKAVINO CO. Xf.lAASL tJUi. 9Jt t 1ft AiAAAAr M There are some people who never can t0 be pleased, but if there is a person In the University of Ne braska who will be patient enough to listen to reason we will convince them that they are not going amiss when In need of school supplies if they t go to Harry Porter's 3 for it. 5 Harry Porter 2 J25 South J2th. 3 1 l7ICNfJSSr if ILLUSTRATORS l lffii ENGRAVERS m iM plant in newest ('"jOi 6 6 Te VtTrr(?rY(ryYV?Y'TO ! 1 i 1 ! y I- IM-t 1044 O STREET. ! ! M AXtAAAtXtXtA4X!llA1 ICE CREAMS w .;..;..;.... .5..5.. ... .. i t V I Come Our Way... ;; We do more of the better class of Printing, such as '" is admired by the student, Jl than any other printing establishment in Lincoln. 4- ? the flew Century t Wng up 830 212 So. 12th - -. ; . .; 3. Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Studies and Musical Instruments Cecilia n Piano Player STATE AGENTS FOR THE Weber, cBaaerf Shaw, Lucftoig, Schiller, and Matthews 'Pianos Farrand and Lakeside Organs Matthews Piano Co. 1 120 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Jhe Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER" Is stamped ion every loop. The ?E3 CUSHION , button! .CLASP, Lies flat to the leg never ' 5Ilps, Tears nor Unfastens. BOLD EVERYWHERE. 6ampla pair, Bilk 40c. n Cotton tie- Mailed pa receipt of price. " laBO.FK08TC0.,Miw wiKia,iuu,,vj)JL, 'Every Pair Warranted- IA h n .. cr Ml "T ,H i"l v" 3 Ut ! "iafeafciUrarattMl : nb? i dm wCJmf9mmJTffBSUSmlVif'i wPMlWMMf SaTIWi-a. jftT. TwCft8L4M3BirJUjLlLBJelBMLL lj