Hi'TBiiii'VBff'iirTi SWB51 3? Hbc Datlf fUftraoltan 1 i Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Oa ultalftl 00,000.00 OFFICERS JoU B. WM, President J. H. WmcoH, Vlct-Pnddtnl Jof Samoek 2d Vlcc-PreWdenl P. L. HaH, GwhUt V. B. Ryont, At. Cashier Dr. J. R. HAGGARD J cPhysicUn and Surgeon Soedal Attsntion oald to disci ol kmalai and rectal dUeuca. fUonilt t J4 RlcktrtU Block. RmI- 4nc JS10 O StrMt. Ofttw TUph ttO. RMna TcJ.ph.ci. L m. TMB ONLY UP-TO-OATB niHinrd and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tbls awly oovorvd Powell's, 146 North 11th 8t. Ptioa L 64 THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF LINCOLN. NBIRAtKA Upittd S200.000; Surplus $!00,0O0( Troftts t8,3t9t Deposits 12,593,093 8. H. Burnfuun, Pttidtnt A. I. 3wT". Vlc-PilWnt THL 8. Pnttn.n, ChLi H. B. Hr.na, Aitnt Gu&Uf UMITKD BTATKS DKFOSITOnT BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS Standard and rtgubtloa to rvery paxucular. I2IOO St. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor f Campus Gleanings. Unlrorsltr Calendar. Wednesday, May 20, 6:30 p. m. Y. W. C. A. "hare and hounds hunt." ThiirHclny. May 21. Pan-Hellenic barbecue at Cushman park. Friday. May 22. Annual Pan-Hellenic dance In the Auditorium. Friday-Saturday. May 29-30 Kansas Nebraska tennis tournament. Saturday, May 30 Decoration day excursion cadet encampment at Wahoo. C A. Sawyer was an over-Sunday vlHltor at Omaha. Dr. C. H. Hale, '80, of Aurora, wbb In the city yesterday. MIbh Florence Paine, '00, hoH been elected aBBlfltanL principal In the high Bchool at Havelock. B. E. ElBton, who formerly attended the UnlvorBlty. 1b working In the foun dry at Dcb Moines, la. VYoiderfol Resources of tic West The advanced class In elocution gave a Shakespearean recital this morning before the first year class. MIbb Ethel AmfH will have charge of the fffMontlfio department of tho Wy morc high school next year. MIbh Howell will give a reading at the commencement cxerclBCH of tho Al liance high school next Friday night. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Go. 12th & M Its. LINCOLN, NIL CHARLES KUNKLER Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Sewerage. Telephone 383 J020 N St. Lincoln, Neb. Marcus Jacobs, who left school at the boginnlng of the present semoBter, Is working with the B. & M. In Chicago. If you are looking for a homo and want to vlalt tho west you can do bo with very Uttlo expense aa the UNION PACIFIC will Boll one-way colonist tickets EVERY DAY at the following rates from Lincoln: UNTIL JUNE IB $26.00 to San Francisco, Los Angolco and many othor California point. $20.00 to Ogdon, Salt Lake City, Butto, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatcheo. $26.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. ROUND TRIPS JULY 1 TO 10, IN CLUSIVE. $15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Puoblo. JUNE 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30. INCLUSIVE. $16.75 to Denvor. 17.35 to Colorado Springs. 17.60 to Pueblo. 28.76 to Olenwood Springs. MAY 12 TO 18, INCLUSIVE. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los An geles. Final return limit July 15. For full Information call on or ad dress. B. B. SLOSSON. Genoral Agent. !' ! !! ! ; -I' 1 $ Hew Books I; f April Twillghta, by Miss Cathor $1.00 Tho Ward of King Canuto, by Miss Llnjencrantz 1.20 I Lady Robo'b Daughter, by f Miss Ward 1.20 t Loroy Mary, by Allco Hegan .85 I Emmy Lou. by Mrs. Martin 1.20 T Tho Traitors, by Apponhoim 1.20 I Tho aBttlo Ground, by Ellon Glasgow 1.20 A Whaloman's Wife, by Frank Bullon 1.20 and all iht new book, at Brown's i Phone 6S 127 So. lltf St. fr . ,. ; .. ! , ,, I ,;, , ,;. , .;. ,j. I Joel StcbbinH. '99, will receive hip I'll I), this spring at the University of California. He has been offered a pro fessorship In astronomy by the Univer sity of Illinois. for acccptmbl Idea. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Ml on price of tho Patknt Rbooxd $LO0 per annum, oompioa tree. iPwltfl The unsightly old building on tin ground recently purchased for the Rockefeller building Is being torn down The erection of a fine new building on the Bite of the old house will nld greatly to the beauty of the University neighborhood At present the ground Is being used ub a baseball park for the Binall boys of the vicinity, and as billboard Bpace. Professor Hale, of Chicago Unlver Blty, who 1b one of the leading authori ties on I-atln In the country, has been scoured to deliver an address before the Ijitln session, which meets next December In connection with the state teachers' association. The executive commltteo of tho teachers' association has extended to him an Invitation to address their meeting also. KIDER AGENTS WANTED in eacii town to tnko oraors lor our now mgn uraao Guaranteed Bicycles. New 1903 Models "BolllSO," Comploto $8.75 " CoSSack," Guaranteed High Grado $10m7S "Siberian," ABoauty $12.75 "Noudorf," Road Racer $14.75 no bettor bicyclo at any prlco. Any other tnako or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tiros and best oqulpmont on all our blcyclos. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit and allow (O DAY8 FREE TRIAL before purchaso la binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels o . Q taken in trade- by our Chicago retail stores, WfJ TV uQ all makes and models, irood as now HI UfflT DIIV bicyclo until yon havo rrlten for our Ull Hill HUT FACTORY PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tiros, oquipment. sundries and sportlnir goods of all kinds, at half regular price. In our big Ireosundrf catalog. Contains a world of usoful information. Wrlto for It. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. ml I utaiSk W V MUSHESWy BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS cPullman Sleeper between Lincoln and Kansas City every night at J 0:05 p. m. New city ticket office, southwest corner J2th and O streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. Thera Is considerable confusion In tho chem lab of late, due to the fart that there are no assistants to ovorseo tho laboratories and glvo individual help. Tho instructors very much re grot this state of affairs, for many students do not bring tuelr work up to requirements, and report that, unlesd Bornothlng is done In the way of reme dying the situation, there will bo an unusual number of flunks thlB BomeG-tor. On account of tho continued bad weather, the girls' tennla courts north of tho armory have not been marked out thlB spring, and the girls aro obliged to seek recreation indoors. There is a movement on foot to Intro duce field hockey next year. This is an outdoor game, a combination of golf and shlnney. and affords both amuuemcnl and good healthful exer cise. It is much played in eastern colleges. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College Boyd's Theater Building, Omaha, Nebraska A. C. ONG. A. M.. LL. B.. President A. J. LOWRY. Principal Tho Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Students who are going home for the summer Bhould tog out before leav ing. One way to look well dressed Is to buy the right kind of furnishings. We think all studenta know the repu tation or the Toggery, 1141 O. for tho most ultra fashions In fiirnlshlngs and clothes. Stock up before going home. Chapln Bros., florista, 127 So. 13th, Tel. 164. $3.00 coi jjuiation ticket for 2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe. 117 No. 12th St Studonta are cordially invited. "ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH" Tho finest and most thoroughly equipped school In tho West. $10,000.00 oxpended In furnlturo, furnishings, typewriters, otc. Banking fixtures aa flno as any banking house. Elegant roll top desks and rovolvlng ofllco chairs in Commercial Dopartmont; Yalo lock, Oxford box desk, finished In golden oak, in Shorthand Department. Over fifty typewriters, five different stand ard makes, in Typewriter Department Faculty consists of six teachers, ail specialists In tholr lino of work. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE THE BEST RESULTS. A Business or Shorthand Education will open up a thousand different avenues In life that lead to fame and fortune. Wo havo hundreds of our graduates holding the best paying positions in banks, railroad offices, cor porations and business firms throughout tho country. Any one who finishes (ho courso in this institution is assured of a position. STATEMENTS OF EMINENT MEN. "A business training 1b absolutely necessary." John Wanamaker. "Some of our Btudenta, not yet out of their teens, are making more money by shorthand than tho principal of the high Bchool." John S. Hart, Prin. Philadelphia High School. "I advise parents to have their boys and girls taught shorthand and type writing." Chaa. Reade, in Tho Coming Man. THE SELECTION OF A SCHOOL WILL LARGELY DETERMINE YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE. Apply for a cataloguo bound In alligator, tho finest ovor published by a buslnese college. 4 V r ; -r f 4 NJ l'