ttbe alls tflebraehan ZTbe Datlp IRebraeftan A ootiHollilntlon of The Honporlivn, Vol HI, Tho Nobriwknn, Vol. 12, Bcarlot and Orwim, Vol. 4. Mannrfnir Editor C. K PsiuuNriKn Bualncwg Mcr and Utrcalntor A O. Sohiiktbvti AR80CIATK KDITOIIH Nows .... Wm Cm Booloty Wm. A. flhook Athhttln A. I. MyorH Lltornry John D. Iiloo nicrouTKiifl A. F. Bookor, I. O. Baldwin, J. M. Pawl. It, A. Miller. L. V Hurt. J IL (Jroon. Office: 200'$ Unlvonclty Hall. I'OHt IMIICMI Phono A 1230 Htatlon A. Box in, Lincoln Rultftcriptlon prion, $2 por yoar In wlranco Kntortxl at thn powtofflcd at Lincoln, Nobnmkn, oh Hcoond claAn mall mattor. Editorial Remarks v N Save the Athletic Field. MrJSdltor I'nfeus It Ib assured that amplo ae rommodUonH are to bo provided else where, thotudent body Hhould take Borne definite action against tho plan to place a bulldtng on the athletic field. In whatever way Nwe look at It, it Bpoms n Bhamp that Xfter the athlptlr flpld ban bppii Improved ob it has lxen latply, we should be madcV- to transfer our athletic events elsewKere. It BedniB almoHt absolutely necessary to have the field In cloBe proximity t&sthe buildings, for many rpasons, an"d it vM bp a great shame and injustice if it is npceBsary to go away from thp Uni versity grounds proper. Rather crowd the buildings Bide by Bide, and that Is hardly necessary yet. STUDENT Next Saturday The Nebraskan wlh get out the third and laBt of its speclul editions for this semester It will be a "ProgreBB of the Year" number, and will endeavor to give the most Impor tant Items of progress in both depart mental and general University affalid for the past twelvemonth. Towards its success the management asks all the assistance prompt and ready responses to our reporters' questions can give. We realize that those interviewed will bo more or less rushed to death by the end-of-the-year work; but that Is true also of everyone connected with the paper, so nothing Is asked from others that Is not given by ourselves. If It materializes as planned, the edition will be worthy of preservation as thy record of a year's accomplishments In University life. OO The letter of Mr. Hoomer. on the third page of today's issue, will be of especial Interest to those who knew him during his University days. Ho was then an ardent "Antl-Imperlallst." HIb residence in Manila has converted him into an advocate of benevolent as similation. Both those who do and thoBe who do not agree with his new attitude will be interested in noting the reasons ho offers for the change. Such testimony Is worthmany times any coming from unknown sources whether it be In accordance with or contrary to the opinions se have al ready formed on the subject OO Just why Kansas and Nebraska stu dents should be always at loggct heads with each other Is hard for a late-tomer (o Nebraska to determine If Intel collegiate athletics are worth while, they ought to promote bioad- iipsk and uoeraiuy, ratner man oig otry and hostility Fortunately, our relations with the majority of our rivals In both athletic and forensh Ileitis are all that could be desired. I'nfoi innately, those with Kansas in athletics and with Colorado in debate are not so. Why not? A good many will probably reply, "Because Kansas and Colorado won't permit them to be so." Hut It Is still true that "it takes two to make a quarrel," and anything as well supported by the majority of the students as was, apparently, t li Kansas attack on our baseball men, needs more explanation than mere chaiges of "Kansas rowdyism." Be tween the two schools there has been evident for some time a spirit of more or less open hostility It ought to be removed. If Nebraska can do anything toward Its removing, let her heap coals of fire on Kansan heads by doing it iustanter. Convocation Tlotes Program for the Week: Wolcott: The Col- Sherman Wednesday Dr. lege of Medicine. Thursday Dran son. Friday MIbb Laura Organ recital Prof. V. A. Stuff, chaplain. Kmer- Dana Puffer Yesterday's Exercises: The convocation hour yesterday wns occupied by a violin recital by Mr Robert Cuscadcn, until recently con nected with the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra, of Berlin, Germany, but now of Omaha. The absence of the seniors taking their "sneak day" vacation, de creased somewhat the numbers pres ent, but those attending evidenced by hearty applause and calls for encores, their appreciation of the following pro gram, In rendering which Mr Cus cadcn was assisted by Mr Kimball at the piano: 1 Adagio Religiose . . Vleuxtemps- 2 Cnnzonetta A d'Ambrosia The Bee F. Schubert . Solterella Souvenirs of Sorrento Paplnnl jjj5j. WHITE ( AND I FANCY VESTS J 4lM4WM The demand for fancy vests grows as the season ad vances. We are showingr many new effects, just re- :: ceived. Plain and fancy- ; dots and figures. They add J much to one's appearance, J are very cool, and launder splendidly. IY1AGEE& DEEMER I A T 1 f 1 " " . ...;..t..t..i. .i.-t? 8--SW8 ? a t 5 SSII:i-:..t;:.-.;;ir the high s hool teachers will probablj be among the Bummer Instructors. Through the cordial recommendations of Chancellor Andrews and W. A. Hawes, superintendent of Lancaster county, many county superintendents have agreed to accept academy credits for summer work, and excuse from in stitute attendance those of their teach ers who desire academy courses The principal, by the way, has some am bitious plans for a joint summer pro gram by contiguous counties in the near future University Bulletin FOUND A ladies' green jacket and a fur collarette. Inquire at the regis trar's office. J.......JmMmJJJ. Si Academy News. The semester gives promise of clos ing In a round of Jollity The Social Hour t lub met last Thursday In Miss Helen Waugh's beautiful home. A pic nic scheme was one of the results of the meeting. At chapel Tuesday morn ing a committee was elected, consist ing of Instructors Hnrtzell and Me (Jahey, Misses Edna Baker, Llla Le (lore, and Mr A H Miller, to draw up "plans and specifications" for the picnic The committee Immediately In ought In a recommendation that It be held Thursday afternoon of this week The young ladles on their pan agree to furnish the eatables, and th" oung men agree on their pait to sat isfy the stieet car plutocrats, supply a military escort, and be as good look- as the circumstances will permit The sample of cooking furnibhed by the young women will take the place of a final examination in that subject. Lin coln park, the penitentiary grove, and the state farm are the locations under consideration All academy people will meet at 2 p. in. sharp. Thursday, at the ac ademy building ALL TRACK MEN who did not win places In tho home meet report regu laily for track work. 1 K MEN'SI mil S tylish and nobby f SHOES FOR MEN at t TWO OUTLETS TO THE SEACOAST. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific has always been considered a great railroad, managed by great men, and tunning through the best portion of the United States Within the past twelve months it has secured one of the most important outlets In the Bouth and Its recent deal In securing control of the St Louis & San Francisco places this road in greater popular favor than ever with two sea coast outlets Sabine Pass and Galveston. Regulation army hatB, Due, and blue flannel shirts for encampment, at B. L. Palne's. The academy pin has scored a great success. You run into them on evety corner. It is a very tasty design in blue and old gold, the academy colors. The letters "L. A " stand out promi nently on the pin Michigan Wolverine gives its read ets two shoit stories a week They are of unusually excellent quality foi college literary encleavom 1 I PERKINS & SHELDON ? 1129 O 8troot nWWW44MIHIJM. Capital Novelty Works bicycles and repairing of. all hinds. Key fitting. Tel. F 592 23So.Hth FORBES STABLES LIVERY. BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES POR PARTIES Brn J J28-IJ3J P 8. Pkooa 500 Ftlday night of this week is the final session of the successful Academy Debating club, Inaugurated by Profes sor Fogg and Mr C P Craft. The debaters have Issued an Invitation to all academy men to witness the final forensic battle and to eat fresh dough nuts and cold storage apples In other words, the principal has promised to "set 'em up" for the boys. The dough nuts are presumably of his own cooking. The Lincoln high school authorities, "having no summer school of their own, have kindly consented to endorse the academy's summer session. Some of tAAJlt,-. iA.f. . ,,AAAAA,AA AAAAJtAAAA8AJlXAXAt Whether in Bulk, Bricks or Individual Moulds, FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS ARE ADMITTEDLY THE BEST Your Patronage solicited, as we know we can please you THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM AND DAIRY CO. Office nncl Vnctory, 133 Houth ltli Htrot. l'hoiiu V 205 ivin vrr vsvrrr-YiirYrTOriir CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEYS f 1134 N STREET Equipped with 'Brunswick Continuous Alleys flllU'Ml 1 rn'H"H"I"l''H"M- -M ! ! 11. if. I if.i.. 1 4. f H ,.....i.. OSS P. CURTICE CO. 207 So. Jlth St. PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME M"MI t I 1 frH..4H"H-I"H"I"H' 4"H"HM"H"H"H tf 4