jSSSm!fSS!S- .') TV -. . - ' .. ( ,' I Barett J. a. t: Ibe ail IFlebraefcan V i Vol. n. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 8, J903. No. 40. RECORDS BADLY BROKEN. New Figures in Two-Mile Run and Shot-Put at Uni Meet. Nebraska Field was yesterday the socne of remarkable activity The an nual field day exercises, which were to have taken place Saturday, occurred yesterday. A big program of fifteen ovents furnished entertainment from 3 p. m. until after supper time Here tofore comparatively little Interest has been manifested In these annual try outs, but yesterday a crowd of four hundred chiefly students turned out to witness tho contests The cadet band was out and opened the after noon's entertainment with appropri ate music. The track, which had been graded and rolled, was In excellent Bhape. As was expected, a fine showing was made. Two Unherslty records were badly smashed and other records given a cIobo shave. Captain Tobln set the right example for his men. and aston ished track team enthusiasts by break ing tho old University shot-put record of 117 feet, held by Brew, by 7 feet and a half. Corr treated Mundorf's two-mile iccord in a similar manner, shortening his time by the large mar gin of five seconds, making It In 11 minutes and 16 seoondB. Benedict, in the half-mile. Manning In the quarter, and Mauck In tho 220-yard hurdle won their ovents easily and came within one-fifth of a second or record time. In tho 100-yard dash. Borg came within two-fifths of record time In the pole vault Johnson had no competitor and stopped at 9 feet 10 inches In the 120-yard hurdle Mauck fell behind Gaines' recoid by one and two-fifths. In the shot-put Martin fell short of Brew's record of 37 feet 2V inches by 2 feet 2A inches Manning's time in tho 440-yard run wnfa 3 1-5 seconds longer than Andreson's, who holds this record at 51, and also the 100-yard at 10 fiat. Benedict and l?onanl were the only contestants in the .high jump Tho latter spiked himself in the calf and was foiced to retire Benedict went 5 feet 5 Inches Leonard de feated Benedict Chatter clay by one Inch. Gaines holds this record at 5 feet 10 inches Sawyer's recoid of 4:40 3-5 In tho mile was not touched by 7 3-5 seconds Boigl though foiced to retire before he had clone his best on account of a turned ankle, won the broad jump at 20 feet 1 inches. Gaines' record Is 21 feet 5 inches Newton won the discus thiow by over ten feet, but only came within 10 feet and 2 Inches of Brew's record of 111 feet. Reed, when In tho lead. In the 22tt-yard hurdle, fell not far from the finish and dropped out. Great Interest was shown In the In terclass relay race, which was the last event to take place. kMany remained after G o'clock to see It. The four class teams were composed or the fol lowing men: Seniors Spafford. Hilt ner, Tobln. and Golden. Juulois Mvors. E. V.. Ludden. Mauck. and Mc- Culloch. Sophomores Lehmer. States, Winchester, and Crosier. Freshmen Benedict, Cheney. Pembrook, and Fen Ion. In the finish Fenlon for the fresh men was some thirty feet In the lead of States of the Bophomores, t en came Mauck close behind States and Spaf ford of tho seniors crossed the tape considerably behind the other three men. The freshmen's time was 1 min ute, 43 1-5 seconds. Junior-Senior Reception. Arrangements are completed for the junlor-aenior reception which will be given in the armory Saturday night. The senior reception is In accordance with an established custom In the Uni versity of Nebraska and the commit tee In charge Is planning to make this one or the most successful in years. Music and dancing will be provided for those who indulge, and the usual games and amusements will be furnished for the others The hall will be fittingly decorated In the colors of the classes. As this Is distinctly a class affair. It Is desired that as many as possible of both classes be present. KEEP ON WINNING. Nebraska Boys Yesterday De feated Lombard II to 9. RINGER SECRETARY. WilllSucceved G. F. Ross in Y. M. C. A. Secretaryship. It has been known to a few for some weeks that Mr. Ross would resign his position as general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. here In order to pursue graduate Btudy at Columbia University next ear, but his resignation was not formally announced until the time of the committeemen's dinner on last Sat urday evening. Since then the mem bers of the board have been talking over names Informally and yesterday morning a meeting of the board was held to consider the matter. As a re sult, the position was, by unanimous vote, offered to Dean Ringer and he was strongly urged to accept It. Mr Ringer has consented to "accept the position and will enter upon his duties at the close of Mr. Ross' term of ser vice. He has been president of the association for two years and Is well acquainted with Its alms and needs. He Is too well known and too highly appreciated by the students and faculty of this University to need any Intro duction to them or any words of praise. Nebraska kept up her winning pace and another scalp hangs at the belts of the Cornhusker nine. Lombard went down In defeat yesterday In a hard- fought game by a Bcore of 9 to 11. Both Longanecker and Morse twirled for Nebraska and Bender officiated be hind the bat. as usual. The Cornhusk- tis complain of bad treatment at the hands of a prejudiced umpire, which accounts In part for the closeness of the score. Today one of the big games of the trip takes place, when Nebraska lines up against Notre Dame. Iist year we lost to Notro Dame by a close score of 2 to 0. It Is the Intention of the Cornhuskers to reverse the score today. Graduate Club Tonight.'1 Eat at Don's Cafe. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O Btreet Flegenbaum's Pharnwcy. 13th and O Today's Program. 10:30 a. m. General survey of Uni versity grounds, buildings, and labora tories by visiting high school Btudents under direction of University guides. 11:00 a. m. Exercises of Welcome, Memorial hall. Organ preludo. Direc tor Kimball, of the afTlllated school of music; Address of Welcome, Chancel lor E. Benjamin Andrews; responses, State Superintendent Fowler, Superin tendent C. G. Pearse and Principals A. H. WaterhouBe of Omaha, H. K. Wolfe of Lincoln. W. L. Stephens of Beatrice, and others. 12:00 m. Basket dinner on Univer sity campus. 1:00 p. m. Trolley ride to University farm. 2:30 p. m. Annual meet of Nebraska Interscholaatlc Athletic association, Nebraska Field. 4:30 p. m. Military band concert on campus. 5:00 p. m. Dress parade of Univer sity cadets, Nebraska Field. Review of cadets by Chancellor Andrews, Com mandant Chaso, Adjutant General Cul ver, State Superintendent Fowler, and attending superintendents. 7:00 p. m. Electrical and mechanical display by engineering departments. 8:00 p. m. Address by Dr. O. E. Condra. "The Geography of Nebraska." Illustrated by stereoptlcon, Memorial hall. Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Slsler & Lemlng, Ice cream and milk, 107 No. 13th. C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block. Wright's Oliver fills prescriptions. Theatre pharmacy Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, nx it. Chapln Bros., florlBtB, 127 So. 13th, Tel. 164. 7s Jeform needed in Class Books? , . . How Shall Certain Acknowledged Evil Tendencies Be Eliminated? The Graduate club will meet with Dean and Mrs. Sherman. 1234 J stieet, this evening. The following piogram w 111 be presented: Violin Solo...Ml88 May Belle Hagenow Dr. Loeb's Recent Experiments. . Professor R S. Little Recent Evidence on Evolution ... Professor F E Clements Piano Solo Miss Gettrude ErnBt The Carnegie Institute ... Miss E II Frankish Transaction of Business . German and Latin Student Songs. Mr. Jbseph Wurburg College Songs Dr. Bolton has kindly consented to act as treasurer of the club, and all who have not paid their dues for the present year are requested to see him at their earliest convenience. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe. 117 No. 12th St. Students are cordially invited. Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & O. Ladies and gentlemen. The Y. W. foot for nex promises to be productive of a great amount of amusement. It consists of a "hare and hound" hunt. The hares will start from the Y. W. C. A. rooms and the pursuit will begin an hour later fjcm the same starting place. The chase will take the, hounds consid erably beyond the city limits and those who desire may return on the street car. A delightful place has been ar ranged for the final rendezvous, where refreshments will be served and a splendid time assured. Miss Laura Puffer will give a talk on "Social Life at Smith College." All who intend tak ing part In the hunt are requested to reglBter at once at the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Since the senior class book and the Sombrero have come from the press there Is a widespread feeling of sore ness on the part of many indeed we may say of a large majority of the students at the University, as well as members of the faculty. The editors of both books are also sore those of the Sombrero, because they are ac cused of having worked a "merciless graft;" those of the senior book be cause they are having a haid time making both ends irleet. The students have many knocks to give 'both books, but the most severe criticism has fallen on tho Sombrero. Whether this Is be cause that book la the largest pub lished at the University, and thus gave occasion for too great expectations, or because there Is really much fault to be found with the book and its editors, is the question at Issue. The students, at least, as will be seen by the fol lowing consensus, are firmly of the opinion that there is something tho c- A. has a project onl mUcr wlUl yie book something of a t Tuesday evening which !, nature whlch ought to be rem edied, if a remedy can bo found. V As soon as the Sombrero appeared, and even before It came Into the hands of the Btudonts, the editors of The Ne- braskan were buttonholed by numer ous students who asked that something be done to check the progress of the "graft" that seems to become worse and more apparent in University af fairs from year to year. As the an nuals are conducted, there is oppor tunity for the managers to make a good profit or make nothing, for tho whole responsibility is thrown upon them. Having to bear the responsibil ity, and stand good for any deficiency, it is just that the managers of these books Bhare the profits, if there be any. But to sacrifice the quality of the bookB, and disappoint both the Dutell'H Cigars Unit's all I Don Cameron's for a Bquare meal- readers and advertisers for the sake of gain, Is Indeed a "graft." The Sombrero, according to the com mon Judgment of almost all students. Is a disappointment. Tho first and most noticeable objection lies in the fact that tho half-tones are of a lower grade than ought to bo used in such a book. There are about a half-do.en different grades of engraving, and the Sombrero is accused of securing sev eral grades below tho highest. A com parison of the two annuals shows the senior book to bo superior in point of ruts; yet, both books 'were printed and put out by the same firm, on sim ilar paper; tho pictures in both were taken by the same photographer, and the engraving done by tho same com pany. There is only one conclusion to be drawn from these facts, and that tho Btudents have drawn with a venge ance. In tho case of the senior book, it has always been taken for granted that if tho editor-in-chief and business manager contrived to issue a book of which sufficient copies were sold to make expenses, they were to be con gratulated. But toward the Sombrero tho student body takes a different at titude; for while the senior book can not levy an assessment upon the vari ous University organizations, the Som brero can and does. And the amount so contributed reaches a sum of such magnitude that it is likely to startle one who has never stopped long enough to make a short calculation. Referring to this matter Of annuals and their "grafting," one student said: "For years the students nave, for the major part, felt that the annual mana gers had primarily In view the making (Continued on page 2.) i i 1 n i-4 i r - V, TO -c - vk s" &)&3S&?l8.t -Ax ' & J- t i () ! ' J ' XN V vmi 7-