Gbe alls flebraohan 7 w- ? "7 ZTbe alls flebraeftan A consolidation of The Hprlan, Vol. 81, Tho Nfcbnwkan, Vol. 12, Scarlet and Oreara, Vol. 4. Managing Editor C. K HgBAinoin BasinmsMnrand Circulator A. Q. Bojthiibxti ARflOCTATTt KDITOnH News Wra. Cawo Society - Wm, A. Shock Athletlo A. I. Mrom Literary John D. lUco mponTEiM A. T. Boker, I. C. Baldwin, J. M. Paul. R, A. Miller. L. O. Hurtx. J. R. Oroon. Offlco: 209M Unlrornlty Hall. Phoao A 1280 Iot Ofllcu: Station A, Box 18, Lincoln Bnlmcrlption prici', 12 pr year In adyanco. Entered n the pogtodlcn at. Uncoln, Nebraska, POP I :ond oh Hccond clam mail matter. Editorial Remarks The congressional library at Wash ington wlBhes a complete (lie of this year's Nebraskan. We are unable to biipply It with the following numbers and will be very grateful If any of our renders who may have them, and not (are to keep them, will generously sup ply us with the same: Nob. 28, 5C, 80, and 87. OO A good story will bear repeating but not to the Bame class. OO Some one suggests that the Unlver Hlty give a "Dandelion hour" the first of next week an hour devoted to driv ing the pestiferous yellow-face from the campus. How many students would be willing to Join the crowd for a few minutes and pen-knife the dandelions but by the roots? It may be a good suggestion, If acted on promptly. We pass It on to the proper authorities. OO Blessed Is the note-taker, for he shall be borrowed of by all his friends. OO Three days yet remain for submis sion of songs for the $100 competition. One more has been handed in this week, making nind In all. Everyone who has talent In the song line is urged to enter the contest. It Is not the prize, but it is a matter of much of bo much- Importance who Bhall get (oncern that Nebraska get a good song. If any one has thought of competing, but neglected to do bo, let him bestir himself and hand his endeavor In be fore Sunday. Convocation notes Program for the Week: Thursday Mass meeting in interest of Rockefeller gift. Yesterday's Exercises: Mr. T. F. A. WilllamB gave an in teresting and enlightening talk yes terday morning at convocation on the workings of the Lincoln postofllce. The routine work of the offlce, with its hustle, its apparent confusion, and real order, and its occasional glutting with holiday mail, was graphically described by one "who knew whereof he spoke." Mr. Williams' convocation talks are al ways Interesting, and yesterday's was no exception. The tickets for the Decoration day excursion to the cadet encampment at Wahoo will be put on sale today at 1 o'clock at the executive office and with all cadet officers. THE ENGLISH CLUB will meet with MIbb Ruth, Bryan, at tier home, Saturday evening, May 9, 1903. Mar garet E. Hauzhauens, Secretary. Ein Schon Madchen. Have you ever met the maiden Who wearB a wnvy curl; Who scarce has reached her woman hood, Nor yet is Juat a girl? For Bhe Is Just ein schon madchen With arts of ein fraulcin', No trace of care to mark her brow; Her face a worshiped shrine. She wears some dlmpleB in her cheeks, Quite hid with hues of rose, And these she shows promiscuously To those Bhe calls her beaux. She means to be a dainty girl, But oft' forgets her size. And almost any little thing Will shock her with surprise. 8he took some French, and English, too, But never worked a bit. She bought a "pony," learned to ride. And then quite oft' would sit, Resting supinely on his back All free from worldly care She told a "shot" professor once To "flunk" her if he dare. The maid's still seen at intervals, And time does not efface The cheek Bhe wears so artfully With nature's truest grace. For she is Just ein schon Madchen, And leads a happy pace, For where cannot work some one, She simply works her face. BOB ADDISON.: The Women's University Club of tlie City of New York was established In 1901 for the social welfare of college bred women. A club house at 13 East 24 Btreet was opened In November, 1901. It contains attractive bed rooms, assembly-rooms and dining-room. The facilities of the restaurant have proved to be particularly convenient for club members. The assembly-rooms are rented for the use of college or other social organizations. During the past two years entertainments of a literary or musical character have been glvert at the club house and have been the means of pleasant social intercourse for the many college women of New York. The present membership of the club is about six hundred. The annual dues of resident members Is $10.00, of non-resident members, $5.00. The initiation fee is $10.00. In applying for membership in the club the candidate's name is proposed and seconded by club members in letters stating the candi date's qualifications for membership, to the chairman of the committee on ad missions. The Tale of Johnnie's Plum. Johnnie Had a Sugar Plum. Johnnie had a sugar plum That from the store was gotten And 'neath its red and crimson coat 'Twas most Infernal rotten. He took the plum to school with him To win some approbation, And during lectures showed the fruit With pride and exultation. But teacher spied the little lad With optics quite extended, And cross her knee his puny form Was very quickly bended. John's conscience strove within him then To foil the heartless creature,. He gave the plum. unselfiBhly, To his undaunted teacher. Wondorlul ltesoureon of the West If you are looking for a home and want to visit the West, you can do bo with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from lBBOuri river terminals: UNTIL JUNE 15TH $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates are in effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific, m The Union Pacific, has also extended The University of Chicago Professional Schools Ht Law and Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). IdBThe courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois K&ffl Arkansas Hard for Stoves - $ 9.50 Arkansas Hard for Furnaces 8.50 All grades Pennsylvania Hard 13.50 Canon City Pea - - - - 6.00 Whitebreast Coal & Lumber Co. OFFICE 1106 0 St. territory to which round trip Home seekers Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER NALS TERMI- To many points in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado; To many points in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points In Oregon and Wash ington. One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and 21, May 15 and 19, June 2 and 16, 1903. For full information call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. University Bulletin I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for election as a student member of the athletic board. Bur dette A. Lewis. 1 HEREBY certify that I am a candi date for election aB a student member of the athletic board. Maurice Bene dict. TENNIS. Drawings for the first lo cal tournament to decide Kansas-Nebraska team will take place Monday at 1 o'clock on the tennis courts. PERSUINGS. Open drill, Thursday evening, 7:30 o'clock. Applications of following men have been approved: Brookings, Waldron, Caley, Adams, Skeen. A. K. Barnes, Captain. EHDLDLATE5 Sold only by Harley Theology I Education Telephone 234 Remem ber Sidles has the largest Base Ball and Tennis line west of Chicago. Prices lower than the lowest. See our big Sporting Goods Store 317 O St.. Phone F 1174 INTERCOLLEGIATE BUBEAV OF ACADEMIC COSTUME CoUrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Ops, Gowns and Hood to University of Ne braska, University oi Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P.. Weleslev. Brvn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. HIGH GRADfi 0CQ BBB- IHS9I BDNB0N5 Drug Co., 11th & 0 Sts Sj A r 'J If." - V H LEV r - ?:''- VA y - Jt r X - .. . . ." XA : .k y& n Mv-ii ' Aiffl "' Jti-nr-'.