rw v ?- Cbc ailp tflebraekan . Gbe Datls Hebvaefoan a Byatem makes itself very evident when the votes are counted, and "shows up" thej organization to which the aspirant happens to belong. II I I I llll I I I I I I I I I I I I II Ml It I I I 111 III I I I I I H I See The Review Press i K p. A conaolltlatlon of The Hcftiwri&n, Vol. 81, Tho Nebnwkan, Vol. 12, Scarlet and Oroam, Vol. 4. fc Convocation Dotes Manftfflnp Editor Bnxtncra Manager Circulator O. K Pxruuxoxn J. K Monnrnow A. (. SciiuiiiiKn ABOUT YOUR PRINTING AKROCIATK KDITOIlfl Wm. Case Wm. A. Bhock A. I. Mrora John D. Hlcc New floolety -Athlntio Literary Program for the Week: Wednesday T. F. A. Williams: Postal Service." Thursday Mass meeting In interest of Rockefeller gift. PHONE 384 7 nr.ponTKnfl A. T. Ifc-okrr. I. 0. Baldwin. .T. M. Paul. R. A. Mlllor, L. O. Hnrtx. .1. R. Omm. I 1132 IN Street - LINCOLN i y T-' Jr ' J '"' '" ""JV ""'m -'pihtfrr1-, '"&$ r i 14, i ,.K '; Omc: 200U UnlToraltr Hall. Phono A 1230 Post Offlcu Station A. Box 10. Lincoln flnliHcrlptlon prloo, $2 per ytnr In advanct. Entered at tho postoffioo at Lincoln, Nebraska, oh Hocond dims mall matter. ditorial Remarks The letter of Professor Caldwell, pub lished In another column, will be read with much interest by all who appre ciate the Importance, of the right loca tion of tho new buildings Boon to be erected on the campus. It Is proba bly sufficiently well known already that the Nebrnskan does not favor their location at the south end of the Elev enth street area. From time to time until tho committee finally makes Its decision, we shall undeavor to offer good reasons why they should be lo cated elsewhere; at tho same time hold ing our columna open to those who entertain the contrary view. The com mittee for the decision of the matter onslBts of Regents Teets and Ernst, together with the Chancellor and Trea burer Dales. Let them know your opin ion on the Hubjeot. OO Better buy an annual for yourself, and not depend upon your friends. A senior tho other day purchased a book and was Immediately requested to loan It. Being too polite to refuse, he spent his time watching the other fellow read his book. The price Is within the reach of everyone, and if you want a book, buy It yourself. OO Professors may reasonably register a kick against the reading of annuals during class periods. Although you may be greatly Interested in the book, there are better ways of showing your appreciation of It than by reading It In class. Tho issuing of an annual Is tho sign for general inattention in class, and professors generally look forward to Its advent with dlBfavor on that account. OO The annual election of student mem bers to the athletic board Is scheduled to take place soon. Every student is urged to pay his twenty-five cents and icglster a vote for the flvo men he considers most capable of serving as members of the board. Irrespective of individual likes or dislikes, votes bhould be cast for those men whose business ability or devotion to athletics In tho past recommends them for the place. In connection with the election there Is a matter that has deserved unfavorable criticism in the past the nrnctico of a fraternity or other or ganization supporting one of Its mem bers, to vote for him alone. As will be seen, when twenty or thirty votes are cast for one man alone, It forces him ahead of the rest of the ticket, and greatly Increases his prospects for membership. This Is polities In Its worst form, and too much cannot be said against such a selfish means of attaining one's end. It should also be remembered that the practice of such Yesterday's Exercises: President Soutwlck of the Meadvlllo Theological 8emlnary, discussed "The Adoption of a Profession" at convoca tion yesterday morning. Ho said: "The first months after graduation are apt to be the most critical and distressing of a person's whole life. The Univer sity graduate has been told many times that the world is waiting with open arms for his advent into Its affairs, bin after graduation he finds that the man whose only recommendation Is general attainment or culture, must mnke a place for himself. The only person that the world awaits with open arms Is the one who can do a certain thing better than anyono else. We must all make the discovery sooner or later that tho world does not owe the University man a living, but Instead he owch the world a" Mr. South wick discussed three pro fessions that are less Bought after now than formerly, because there are more openings in life, i ne greatness of the legal profession comes from the fact that it dealB with great principles, the chief of which is Justice. Lawyers have a great opportunity to Inculcate this principle Into the lives of men. partly because they are more or less brought In contact with people Intent on Jus tice. The physician s Ideal Is a per fect physical man and to that end he works. That being bo, It la necessary that his life and work oo spent with men who have disobeyed the funda mental physical laws. Tho minister fixes his eyes anu Bets his heart on the fulfillment in life of tho eternal laws of God, and It Is his privilege to make the Infinite laws recognized In the eyes of human beings. There Is a point of resemblance In these three professions, which comes from a certain artificiality In them all. The man must make himself a necessity. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i n 1 1 1 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S AJlJl?AAMAAIALMXtA4AJtAAJ8J Whether in Bulk, Bricks or Individual Moulds, w FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS. ARE ADMITTEDLY THE BEST Your Patronage solicited, as we know we can please you THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM AND DAIRY CO. Office ntitl Factory, 133 Sonth 12th Ntroot. Phono F 205 rrvrrrrjrrrrrYrrrirrriTrrrrr CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEYS i 1134 N STREET Equipped with 'Brunswick Continuous cAllcys fiftni 1 11 -Ml i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; H I h 1 1 m ; u M11 inniH ROSS P. CURTICE CO. 207 So. Uth St PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME f I M'"t"M"M"M ! 'I '8' I l M"H""1"M' 1 I'M 1 -M-M .i.........n....g....n. . Academy Notes. Summer school Inquiries are beginn ing, but whether a deficit or surplus is In sight Is not yet known. Plans are under way for an Acad emy picnic on High School day. Where It will be and how much of a feed It will be are yet undecided. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates are In effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific. Tho Union Pacific has also extended territory to which round trip Home- seekers' Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMI NALS - To many points In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado; To many points In Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wash ington. One fare plus $2.00 for tho round trip. Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and 21, May 15 and 19, June 2 and 16, 1903. For full Information call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSON. Qoneral Agent. 9 i--;.;..- I The young men greatly enjoyed the debating contest last Friday night. A large proportion of the debating rub was present and felt well repaid. The persistent attempts of the Prin cipal to make the Tuesday convoca tion period an intellectual and spirit ual treat have met with only partial success. This feature of the work is the only discouraging one connected with the school. This vacation business Is a nui sance. Every Friday afternoon of this month has been declared a University holiday. The Academy is determined to show Its Independence, and although it will follow the University's suit this week Friday, the line will be drawn there. The chief hardship in the Academy's case Is due to the fact that laboratory work 1b almost wholly scheduled for Fridays. Drake Delphic: The Edition" of the Daily proved a very noVel and number. "Knockers' Nebroskan interesting Great Discount Sale ! of 'Books V J This is our Annual Gear ing oaae. rest vaiuc in books ever offered in Lincoln. Come in and see us. Wonderlul ltesources of the West If you are looking for a home and want to visit the West, you can do bo with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will sell One-wjiy Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from issourl river terminals: UNTIL JUNE 15TH $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. University Bulletin JUNIORS who wish to tiy for place on Junior relay team, report tomor row at 4 o'clock on the track. Committee. BROWN DRUG & BOOK CO. 127 South Uth' Street f f t . . THE ENGLISH CLUB will meet with Miss Ruth Bryan, at her home. Saturday evening, May 9, 1903. Mar garet E. Hauzhanens, Secretary. Is tile worth living? People who eat at tho COOPER ft HART PALACE DINING HALL II depends en the liver. live well. 1130 N 8L Phone 489. FORBES STABLJES LIVERY. BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Bam IJ25-H3J PSt. Pto59 HIGH GRAM EHDCDLATE5 "BDNDnN5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., 11th & 0 Sts 'r ?. 4 . rv'f . IV. '.' ,J -P.? ' T ' v X !yj:i -w.." J&ftv .M yi is" .. n.. , Twm-TinWBr