affcjrf!TWV,,,W!' ''? i v V V If r V fcbe 2) a Up flebraehan r -l h SV ' IX Br K i i. r V 'M . - s Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Oapltal, $100,000.00 OFFICERS Jofaa B, Wright, President J. H. Wwcott, Vlce-Pfeldnt Joe Samuels. 2d Vice-Preside! P. L. HaIL Guhler V. B. Ryons, Aut. Guhler Dr. J. R, HAGGARD 'Physician and Surgeon Special attention paid to disease 0! temtdct and rectal diseases. Romaaia to SJ4 Richard. Block. RuJ. Unc 18 10 G Slrwt. Oific TXphon SS5. RMl4nc TipbooLV84. TfIB ONLY UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHBD Table newly oovorcd Powell's, 146 North llth 8t. Phone L 604 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NC0RA8KA Cspit! $2O0,000t Surplus $100,000; "Profits $18, 3 19 1 Deposits $2,598,093 3. H. Durnham, PruUUnt A. J. Swyr. Vlc-Prld.nt H. S. Frmn, CuhUr H. B. Kvini, AuUtant Chlf UNITED 8TATK8 DKrOBITOIlT BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEY8 Standard and regulation In every particular. I2IO O St. H.C.Thomas. Proprietor &$0&&&&$&irt$& CHARLES KUNKLER Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Sewerage, Telephone 383 J020 N St. Lincoln, Neb. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Coltrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers ol the Caps, Go w 11s and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P., Welesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. I N y I BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS Pullman Sleeper between ' Lincoln and Kansas Gty every night at 10:05 p: m. New city ticket office, southwest corner 1 2th and Q streets. F. P. CORNELL, P. & T. A. Campus Gleanings. University Oilendur. Thursday, May 7 Home Field Meet. Friday. May 8 High School Fete Day Half holiday. Friday, May 8, f 30 p m. Y. W. C. A hare and hounds chase. Messrs Moore and Heck walked to AHhland last Saturday. A. C. Parsons has been elected prin clpal of the Ft Calhoun s( IiooIh for next year. I Ihrarlan J A Harrett of the His torical society went to Omaha last evening in the interest of the society. Miss Annie Jones. '02. now teaching In the Dunbar schools, spent Saturday at the University, visiting her brother and her cx-classmats. Clem Theobald. '01, now engaged In the insurance business In Madison, Wis . Is In the, city, calling on friends and former acquaintances. The usual spring crop of letters con taining specimens for naming has be gun to reach the botanical department Already some Interesting things have been recehed. E I Tyner has been chosen as cap tain of the senior basket-ball team for 1901 As one of the strong and en thusiastic men on last winter's tram, the honor Is conceded to be a merited one Mr Shlmer of Denver stopped off be tween trains Sunday to visit his neph ew, C 10 Shlmer. He arrived too late, however, as the latter has departed the morning before with the ball team on Its eastern trip Rev. John Marshall, of the Gospel Tabernacle, spoke to the Y W. C A Sunday afternoon on the subject "Bib lical Basis of Missions." After the ad dress Miss Mercer charmingly sang "I hcaid the voice of Jesus sa " Secrctaiy Paul of the Debating as sociation has been interviewing stu dents and facility since Monday morn ing in an endeavor lo wipe out bust year's debating defl It This year's de bates have paid for themselves, and it is believed next year's will do the same, so the effort is now being made to stait with a clean slate and unhandl capped by ancient debts. Mr Paul re ports a gratifying response to his re quest for contributions Dean Lees leaves tonight for Eu rope, where he will spend the next four months in travel and reseaich Mrs Lees and children will accompany him as far as England, where they will spend a jear with Dr Lees' mother He will meanwhile visit Sicily and Greece in the interests of the Greek department, and intends taking a large number of photographs of Grecl-in sceneiy and monuments For this pui pose he will be accompanied by an ex pert photographer, In the person of Mr Newton of Union College They take their wheels with them to use on their tour wherever the naturo of the coun try permits During the present month Professors Dann and Elliott will have charge of Dr. Lees' Greek classes e The June Delineator contains a group of college stories of widely dif ferent Interest, and each is an excel lent bit of fiction. The Taking of Isa bel Is a pretty story of childhood love roallzed at the end of college days, written by Catherine Young Glen. Professor Ashur's Tutor by Alice Lou ise Lee, la the tale of a girl who would not take a dare. The wooing of a sci entific maiden 1b the theme of By Grace of Linnaeus, by Kate Mllner Rabb; and A Delayed Proposal, by Kate Whiting Patch, is .he story of a romance shattered and renewed on Harvard close days. The stories are finely illustrated by E. M. Ashe, George Glbbs, C. M. Relyea and Karl Anderson. Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. llth & 0. Ladies and gentlemen. Wright's Oliver Theatre pharmacy fills prescriptions. BUSINESS DIKECTOKY. The Ncbrnkn AdvortUem In till lint loorvo the trade of nil lojrnl Univer sity people. BAKERY Mrs. J. W. Petry. BANKS First National, Columbia Na tional, Farmers and Merchants, Lin coln Safo Deposit and Trust Co. BARBER SHOPS Palace. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS H. E. Sidles Cycle Co., A. O. Spalding & Bros., Chicago. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Co-Op., H. M. Brown Drug and Book Co., Harry Porter, Uni. Book Store, Sam uel Hall. BOWLING ALLEY H. C. Thomas, Crescent. CIGARS, ETC. M. D. Clary, L. L. Llnd Bey. Stevens & Neville, Dutell. CLOTHING Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine Clothing Co., Cottrelll & Leon ard, Albany, N. Y.; The Toggery, Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL P. D. Smith Conl Co., C. B. Gregory, Whltebreast Coal Co. CONFECTIONERY It. W. Maxwell Co. DENTISTS C. E. Brown, Bentz. DRUGGISTS Rlggs, Rector, Brown, Fiegenbaum, Harley, Stelner, Weom pener, Oliver Theatre Pharmacy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. ELECTRICAL GOOL3 Ross Electric Co. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Hardy Furniture Co., Rudge & Guenzel. GAS Lincoln Gas & Electric Co. GROCERS Farmers Grocery Co., Key stone Cash Grocery. HAIRDRESSING, ETC. The Famous. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, Hall Bros. JEWELERS E. E. Hallett, C. A. Tucker. LAUNDRIES Evans. LIVERIES W. O. Forbes. LUMBER Dlerks Lumber & Coal Co. MILLINERY The Famous. MUSIC Robs P. Curtice. NOVELTIES Capital Novelty Works. PAINT AND GLASS Western Glaaa & Paint Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend. PLUMBING Chas. Kunkler. OCULISTS M. B. Ketchum. PHYSICIANS J. R. Haggard, H. S. Aley. PIANOS Matthews Piano Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS Powell & Son. PRINTING New Century, Ivy Press, Review Press. RAILROADS Burlington, Union Pa cific, Northwestern, Missouri Pacific. RESTAURANTS Merchants' Cafe, Don Cameron, Palaco Dining Hall, Restaurant Unique, Francis Bros., Hendry. SHINES Lincoln Shining Parlor. SHOES Sanderson, Perkins & Shel don, Electric Shoe Co. SUITORIUM Weber Bros., T. A. Burt. TAILOR Bumstead, inland. Ehlers. TRANSFER Lincoln Local Express, Lincoln Transfer Co., Globe Delivery Co. RiMRliEM"S WANTED In each town to take orders lor our now High Grado Guaranteed Hicwles. flfew S903 Models ' Bellise," Compieto $8.75 ' CoSSack," Guaranteed High Grado $10.75 "Siberian," a Boauty $12.75 "NeudoM," Road Racer $14.75 no bettor bicyclo at any prico. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual prico. Cholco of any standard tiros and host oquipmonton all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL beforo purehaso Is binding-. 500 Second! Hand Wheels fc . &Q takon In trade by our Chicago retail stores, OO OO nil makes and models, good as now lin UflT DIIV bicyclo until you havo wrlten for our UU I1UI nil! FinnRv PRinp; inn enrr toiai ncccn Tires, equlpmont. sundries and sporting goods of nil kinds, at half regular price. In our big Iroe sundry catalog. Contains a world of nsoful Information. Wrlto for It. J. El. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College Boyd's Theater Building, Omaha, Nebraska A. C. ONG. A. M.. LL. B.. President A. J. L0VYRY. principal "ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH" The finest and most thoroughly equipped school In the West. $10 000.00 expended in furniture, furnishings, typewriters, etc. Banking flxtuies as fine as any banking house. Elegant roll top desks and revolving office chairs in Commercial Department; Yale lock, Oxford box desk, finished in golden oak, in Shorthand Department. Over fifty typewriters, five different stand ard makes, In Typewriter Department. Faculty consists of six teachers, all specialists In their lino of work. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE THE BEST RESULTS. A Business or Shorthand Education will open up a thousand different avenues in life that lead to fame and fortune. Wo have hundreds of our graduates holding the best paying positions in banks, railroad offices, cor porations and business firms throughout the country. Any one who finishes the course in this Institution is assured of a position. STATEMENTS OF EMINENT MEN. "A business training is absolutely necessary." John Wanamaker. "Some of our students, not yet out of their teens, are making .more money by shorthand than the principal of the high school." John S. Hart, Prln. Philadelphia High School. "I adiso parents to have their boys and girls taught shorthand and type writing." Chas. Reade, in The Coming Man. THE SELECTION OF A SCHOOL WILL LARGELY DETERMINE YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE. Apply for a catalogue bound In alligator, the finest ever published" by a business college. ' r. i uv l& . - I - 1 jJi&k?&WZ -; SSSSj iv I ...- ju'a ; ' t.CI