Hgw-JiiMima uiimiiibiimuibl lamiiuuiHM Pwmi "Jin ivmnwi u mi BWnvnwinnffwmnfvnmwwwTpnnpwp' l-:i '!Ut i-t. sooiety Xlbe 3atlp IRebraefcan t -' fr Vol.IL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 5, J903. No. 137. SOMBRERO POPULAR. Good Word3 for Our Debaters. GYM EXHIBIT. Tour Starts Well. . . Over Five Hundred Sold the First Day Out. The long-Iookel-for Sombrero has finally appeared and was yesterday In the hands of practically every student. The red covered book was read on the stairs of the library. In the halls, on the steps, under the trees of the camp us and even In the lecture room The book was brought up from the printers Saturday and placed In the storo room In the basement of University hall and was put on Bale early yesterday morning The rush for the annual kept up all day. and by bIx o'clock about 500 copies had been disposed of Tho management feels well pleased with tho way the sale started off and hopes that those who desire a book will buy at onco rather than defer the purchase for a week or two. The book, to say the least, is a good one and worthy of Junior pride and senior praises. Since Is comes out only once In two years, the Sombrero Is al ways considered the best publication at tho University and each ls&uo is Judged only by comparison with the books that have been put out by pre vious classes This year's Sombrero compares quite favorably wltii the one published two years ago. Although It is in some particulars Inferior to the last publication, it is superior in some others. The half tones are very no ticeably defective, but the art work Is otherwise excellent The pen work done- by MIbs Bernice DranBon deserves special mention. It Is finished In style, and shows superior skill on the part of the artist. Tho first 80 pages of the kook are given to hlBtories of the classes and tho University, a large part being de voted to the Junior biographies and pic tures about 20 pages more than the last Sombrero gave to that character of work A noticeable change In this year's book over that of two yearB ago Is tho shortening of the literary de partment and a corresponding length ening of tho athletics representation. The new book is. however, dedicated to athletics, which may explain this change. The '02 annual had about -10 pages of literary material, while this one has only about 15 pages, athletics occupied about 21 pages in the former book, while in the latter they hae 43. Fraternities and literary societies are well represented, and tho military de partment of tho University Ib oven bet tor represented than it was in the last book. The Josh part of the book Is well gotten up and shows much origin ality, both in literary production and in cartoons. Beatrice Trip a Success. The Glee Club concort at Beatrice Thursday night was the most success ful of all tho appearances made by tho club this year. A good audience was present, and seemed very much de lighted with the program. Alumni now in Beatrice turned out in a crowd of about twenty, with colors and Uni yells. The club was handicapped to a certain extent by the sickness of Mr. Brockway, but tho substitutes filled the parts very creditably. The club went down on tho six o'clock train, re turning early in tho jnorning. The boys were royally entertained by Inter ested Beatrice Reople. Tho city papers complimented the club highly. Flegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and 0 C. B. Brown, Dentist Burr blocli Dr. Bentz. Dentist, Eleventh and O. "It was the finest college debating I have ever heard," Bald Professor Jesse Macy, of Iowa College, to Professor Ross, speaking of Nebraska's work In thrashing tho Missourians. And Pro fessor Macy has had wide experience as Judgo of college debates. Ho has, for Instance, Judged intercollegiate de bates at Minnesota. "It was very unusual work. The best I have over heard by undergradu ates," said Judge O. II. Dean, of Kan sas City, regarding tho way Nebraska whipped out Kansas three weeks ago. "I reel as If I had been going through a cyclone on an express train," said Chancellor Strong of Kansas when ho aroso to announce tho decision after Buckner and finally lce had, in the re buttal arguments, demolished the Kansas' case for compulsory arbitra tion. For the final debate of the year with Colorado College at Colorado Springs Nebraska Is now preparing. Burdetto G. LowIb, W. F. Meier, and Ira Ryner will uphold tho Nebraska banner beneath Pike's Peak. Arrange ments for the contest are In a chaotic, unsatisfactory condition. To get com petent and unbiased judges from Colo rado Is very difficult. This difficulty Is greatly Increased by tho refusal of Colorado to accept as Judges one of the two expert, trained economists avail able In the state. Nebraska 1b Inclined to stand out, in this debate on a tech nical, economic, and political question, for at least two experts on the sub ject, If all the Judges are to be local. Of tho sweeping victory over M1b sourl there remains for the Nebraska team and for those persons In tho au dience whose knowledgo of the ques tion enabled them to detect the real facts, but a single unpleasant mem ory. That is tho unfairness of the last Missouri speaker the unfair advan tage he took of his position which gave him the last word. When Nebraska could not reply ho endeavored to make a good deal (and upon tho crowd In general ho did make an Impression) out of two arguments which were un founded In fact. One of these was his statement that Nebraska's oil chart was irrelevant because Nebraska had agreed to throw tho oil trust out of tho debate as a natural monopoly. This Nebraska had not agreed to do. On that point there had been nothing whatever broached or agreed on. other was the argument that Professor Jenks, of Cornell, whom Nebraska had quoted, had not, when ho made the statement Nebraska had quoted, had access to the facts set forth by the industrial commission. This assertion likewise is a garble another example of what sometimes happens in a debate when a man gets cornered. In the Interest of ethics it is possible that, when arrangements for the next Missouri-Nebraska debate open, the at tention of the Missouri authorities will be called to tho work of the Missouri leader last Friday night. TheT1 If It suits and fits we have them both that is, suit fits $25.00 Bults to $40.00 suits. Tho Toggery, 1141 O. The inter-fraternlty bowling cup, for which a spirited contest has been kept up since early winter, was awarded last Thursday evening to Phi Kappa PsI, who succeeded then In vanquishing Sigma Chi. Alpha Theta Chi came out with second honors in the contest. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street Dutell's Clears that's all Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, fix It 'Ohapln Bros., arlBtsvl27..So,'13th, Tel. 164. Woman's Club Viewed Athletic Work Yesterday. The annual Indoor athletic exhibi tion of the girls' gym classes was given before the Lincoln Woman's Club In tho armory yesterday after noon, about 300 ladleB being In atten dance. Tho program, which began at 2:30, consisted of regular claBs work, and was carried out as follows: Swed ish Folk dance, in costume; march ings, free-hand work, and dumb-bell swinging by Miss Whdtlng'B advanced classes; Swedish exercises by the freshman class, followed by apparatus work on tho horse, tho parallel bare and flying ami traveling rings, and rope and ladder climbing and jump ing. A new feature of the exhibit this year was tho performances by Dr. Clapp's gym classes, in wand drill, ap paratus work and body building exor cises. Tho exhibition, which is al ways looked upon as a treat by the club, was spoken of by all as excep tionally fine this year. German Fraternities. Miss Elsie Gerlcke recently received, through the courtesy of friends in Germany, a number of curious and valuable trophies, consisting of caps representative of different corps or fraternities of the leading German uni versities. These caps are all of unique and tasty design, being rendered espe cially attractive by a skillful blending of colors. The members of each corps in the German universities all wear caps of a uniform design, and are thus distinguished from other student organizations. The corps derive their names from the different states of Germany. The caps which MIbs Gerlcko has in hor possession are rep resentative of the following corps: The Prussia, of Berlin, the Palatla, of Bonn; the Lusatla, of Breslau; the Franconla, of Elangen; the Teutonla, of Marburg; tho MlBnla, of Lelpsie; the Brunsvlga, of Munich, and the gurinla, of Zunich. On gala occa sions, georgeoualy plumed capB and brilliantly colored sashes are worn, as well as distinguishing uniforms. Unlike American fraternities, the dif ferent corps do not associate with tfach other, but keop by themselves. Dur ing tho first years of their course the students spend their time In idleness, and hold frequent dinner parties and drinking bouts. They scrupulously avoid the lectures, and. save all of their energies until the last year, at the end of which they are obliged to take an examination the only ono covering the whole college course. No one Is admitted to examination before writ ing an acceptable theme. Most of tho students do hard and conscientious work during the last year, aa that Is the only way they can obtain their degree. Nebraska Btarted hor long eastern trip right by winning from Highland Park, an old baseball rival, by tho decisive score of 8 to 1. This Is oven better than last year's winning aggre gation was ablo to do, as the Bcoro was then 0 to 1. Morse pitched the game, and showed up In as good Torm as he did hero in the Indian game. Tho field was muddy and tho weather un favorable. Two errors on tho part of the CornhuBkers permitted the Blngie scoro. Bonder officiated behind the bat. Yesterday Nebraska met Iowa Uni versity at Iowa City. Iowa was anx ious for revengo on account of past de feats. Tomorrow tho Cornhuskors meet Decorah, Wednesday Knox at Galesburg, Lombard Thursday, and Notre Dame Friday. Tho outcome of these games, especially the last, will bo watched with interest. We won from Knox last year, 10 to 0. and were defeated by Notre Damo by tho close margin of 2 to 0. ABlde from tho reasonable profit we would make on your business, In just ice to ourselves we turn out this high grade of work. The "Evans." Eat at Don's Cafe. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. Don Cameron's for a square meal. o2Baoj-jd VJopnis o8ji u OAq oa 'IS HWt Won III '3JD .trjUBqawiM oqj B poAJoa soujtJAJ. oq moo QWI The much talked of homo track meet did not come off Saturday as arranged. Instead, tho track athletes congre gated In the gymnasium at times dur ing tho afternoon and discussed tho situation. Nevertheless, thoy will bo given a chance, and that in tho near future. Tho time has been set for next ThurXlay at 2:i p. m. At UiIb timo some forty men will competo for a place on the "Nebraska track team, which is to meet the Knox men on May 16. only eight days thereafter. All tho men are now hard at work. Hunter, a new man In this lino of athletics. Is doing some good work. Last night he put the shot 34 feet, 6 inches. Newton is also doing well with the disc. It Ib predicted that If all is favorable this coming try-out will be almost as good as the ordinary meets which have taken place hereto fore. Some good timo Is likely to bo made. Spring football began yesterday. Only three men reported for practice Westover, Cotton, and Benedict, of the last year's football team. How ever, several other men have declared their intention of turning out. Tho squad will likely bo reinforced after the try-out for tho track team takes place Thursday. Many dr those who fall to make tho team will probably turn their attention to football prac tice. Everyone who possibly can should don the harness and see how far ho can kick tho pigskin. It is good exercise, and besides there Is a fine prize in store for tho best punter, in tho way of a largo cup well worth working for. Ex-Captain Westover has charge of the work. Student Tributes to Miss Smith. In collecting the material which has come to tho committee of arrange ments, with a view to their presenta tion, It has occurred to some of the members that It might be well to add such tributes as may be written by students and members of the faculty. Short paragraphs of a sentenco or two aro solicited, giving the writers' esti mate of Miss Smith's personality. These should be sent In at an early day. CHARLES E. BES8EY, Chairman. 8isler & Lemlng, ice cream and milk, 107 No. 13th. Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. 'Phone 787. Experiment: Given, a laboratory full of boyB; then introduce three pretty girls. ProVe that all the boys will turn to rubber. Colorado Tiger. .: i i) 1 ,1 -:. T '! 4 si ,5 .3 1 S i ' .1 i i i i i 's -r ' ' '. s . "A r H", s: