Hd.3?amm - x w. ?'&". '-. - ,... 71 v;r : Gbe n4H fl eDt:a 0a:h " t' tir '$ , '" . t X f x-i Some Hits of Oerse From Untbtrslty and Other Sources MACAULAY SAID The Fields of Yesterday. " The world gioes its admiration not to the man toho does tphat nobody f 1 - -k nkk -- a tn ft a. ,-J a. I ,. 1 ft a. 1.1. nu... 1 J fl a 4 . . m ..... tj vim uueuiuia lu uu, uul uj trie mun tono aoes oesc tonac multitudes do toe . r$$V& y-VJ '"'- -v"JJ!f-L?' lii -Jf?!r ii '!!r u '-J j- r 'W- '--. ;- -r- i- -i . I !, .-,-y -y-i a i T.lL & t r k 4 1 i. M , 42J.&W Out beyond the hills, Lie the flehlB of yesterday. Beyond the reach of Ills Rest the sober and the gay. The soft mists hover low. The peaks aro covered o'er, With visions sweet and slow. And dreams that come no more. In the fields of yesterday. Peace reigns forever more; For the quiet and the gay With mists are sllver'd o'er. O. C. English Lit. Prof. "What deter mines the close of the first act of any play?" Intelligent Youth "The falling of the curtain." The Song of the College Editor. When news Is plenty, what a cinch Naught to do but rope It In. When news Is scare, O, what a pinch! Scratch his head and work llke.sin. Sometimes he has to cut It down; Tear It up without a care. Next week he sees, with darkest frown. How short a crop of news is there. When times are brisk and lots a doln', Every chump has news to burn; But when It ralnB, and games are gone, Not a chap will do n turn. When he's thought of something fine, Some one else will crowd him out, But when his wits are out of line, No one else Is seen about. So, If you want an easy snap. Just get on some paper's staff Sometimes you'll be In fortune's lap, And plenteous fountains quaff. And then at times you're on the dump; Not a thing to do but grin, Roll up your sleeveB, get on a hump; Hunt up news and send It In. Dlcklnsonlan. First Farmer "I Bee by the paper that somo of the students down at Madison painted the town red the other night." Second Farmer "Beat's all what some of them boys does to earn money." Sphinx. My 'Pony's Little Vacation. Come "Pony!" I must chuck you In my trunk, With common Junk. It grieves me. My despondency re lieves Your dog-eared leaves. But my male parent Is to visit me If he Bhould see you, Uon By Jlml nee! His stay' will only last a day or two, Old friend bo true! Then through old Ovid I again will ride, Your back astride. As for the lines I get while he is here I must show dad around. I'll not ap pear! But when he's gone, my friend, I'll lead you out, We'll have a bout, You and myself, and the old pipe bo black, Primed with "Lone Jack." Our staid old habits we'll adopt once more, And, through examinations' shoals, reach Bhore. H. S. B. "It makes me feel so sad," she said to her companion, "to Bee my younger brother growing up bo fast His voice Is changing already. And he will Boon have to wear long pants." "Yed, indeed," he replied sympatheti cally, "and it will take bo much more coth." 1 Is ' Ivl Armstrong Clothing Co. 1221 to 1227 O Street Lincoln, Neb. wfeggg; Football Practice. Spring football practice begins next week. On Monday at 2 p. m. the grid Iron men will don tho moleskin and re port for practice. Some of the war riors are most busily ongaged in track work and debate, yet a number have declared their Intention of turning out and trying their skill once more. Spring practice Is customary In all largo colleges and universities, espe cially those in tho Big Four organiza tion. The custom was adopted by Ne braska two years ago. It has proven very satisfactory, and will be con tinued. No lino work will bo done, but simply light preliminary work In catching, running, falling on the ball, and punting. Several new men are expected to appear. Captain Bender will bo away for two weeks with the baseball team. During his absence ex Captaln Westover will have the work In charge. Union Program for Tonight. The Union society will hold a May festival In their hall tonight. The following short program will be given: Vocal Solo Miss Paul Reading The Marriage of the Flowers Miss Goldena Denny Music Selected Quartet Cro-Ung of the May Queen. May-poletDance. Everyone Is requested to bring May baskets. The state museum haa Just received two boxes of specimens from Mrs. C. B. Graves, Shelton, Neb., consisting of polished marbles, minerals, ores, crys nio fnimilH and rocks, and very rich specimens of silver ore, together with Indian relics and pottery. Among tho foBBlla aro parts of three mammoths, fossil horse, etc. This collection was made in various parts of the country by Rev. C. E. Graves. Some of the forestry students are ex pecting to be called Into the field by the forestry bureau before the etTd of the semester. Work on the forest re serve near Broken Bow is now being pushed rapidly, and there appears to be a dearth of men ho have had the proper training. 13.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St Studonta are cordially invited. -. flT Our Leadership In the Clothing business Is undisputed. We attained It as we shall retain It by hard work and by simply doing best what others do well. Take for example our Spring showing of Men's Stylish 8ults. There Is positively not a Blngle Item which Is worthy of consideration which Is left out from our stock. Every stylish fabric has Its place hero and when It comes to price thero Is where this store always shows Its greatest strength. Lake the tlmo to pee the beautiful new creations which we are placing on sale for Easter week at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20 . SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan Over 530 pictures of prominent American and foreign Athletes Thi only imi nac published that contain a complete Hat of American Amateur Beat o n-R ccotdi and complete Hat of Cham pion. PRICE 10 CENTS For talc by all newsdealers an4 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago. Denver, Balllmpre, Buffalo Spalding's cornplctc catalogue of Athletic Sports aent free to any add its Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of . all kinds. Key fitting. TeL F 592 231 So. Uth IH i't 1 1 i l " JKJ Nt f Denning Semi-Anthracite. X 50 A TON. The Best and Cheapest Furnace Coal on the Market GREGORY, PhoTaes 34?, 391. , j. ...t..t.......4N.;... :,$. .;. ;$!. r-in- 1H-? W '""'" i i- SSciiiiiiiisisiiiJ ' -.-. - -. . -rr- c c- V I California PERSONALLYICCNDUCTED Excursions ii j ! Jia The Turlington j; EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY J J Only $5 for a double berth and I A $25 for a R. R. ticket Until June 15. J903 V ! Lincoln to Los Angeles !! J i Call and get full Information. De- i pot 9th and P streets. City Office ) t 1 1 10 to and O streets ' j FORBES STABLES LIVERY. 1AGGAGE AND GAB LIME CARRIAGES FOR PASTIES B I125-JJ31 P St. FfcoMSft MM'MM'i'frI'''ll 1, " II Thecal Wi, , HH4 O STREET. ; s ' iiim I -, ."J l r 'Ml i rM i "3 ' r, i ' 5"- A ' a' i . Ml 'tn t i ji ' jflfc m; !. .7