The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1903, Image 1

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- J
ftbe Da'ug IRebraekan
Vol. n.
No. J36.
Takes Missouri Debate by Unanimous
Decision of the Three Judges
Nebraska again winner! By the
unanimous decision of the judges
Chief Justice McLain, Professor Mac
ey and Professor McVey Nebraska de
feated Missouri last night In the an
nual Inter-state debate, and won the
championship of the middle west for
the second successive time. The suc
cessful outcome of this debate marks
the fifth successive victory for the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and gives us the
championship over the states of Illi
nois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado.
Missouri defeated Illinois, Kansas de
feated Missouri, and Nebraska has de
feated both Kansas and Missouri.
The largest crowd that has over
witnessed an inter-state debate In this
city enjoyed the splendid contest. There
were selections by the band, univer
sity yells and other manifestations of
college spirit, all of which were appre
ciated by the large representative
audience. Both teams were generous
ly applauded and when It came to the
tossing after the announcement of the
decision, the Mlssourlans were not
Missouri, as was predicted by Chan
cellor Andrews after last year's debate,
debated a great deal better than last
season. They put up a hard light from
Hear Dr. Tuttle
Speak at Uni men
Trombone solos by Mr. Cornell
Sunday, May 3, 3 p,m.
start to finish and may well be proud of
their work, even though they were de
feated. The judges complimented Nebraska's
case highly. Professor Macey said It
was extraordinary college debating.
Chief Justice McClain was impressed
by the finish of the case as a whole In
substance and In form. Professor Mc
Vey thought that under fire Nebraska
got more and more effective, while
Missouri got less and less so.
Mr. Bryan said flatly that it was the
best college debate that he had ever
listened to and that he had often heard
the truBt question debated In congress
with much leB8 power and skill.
Mr. Morrom, president of the debat
ing association last year, Introduced
Hon. J. H. Mockett, speaker of the
house of representatives, who presided.
Mr. Mockett said a University should
teach men to go about things In a
business-like manner; therefore, he
would not waBte any time. He read
the question for discussion the trust
question and Introduced Mr. Hunter,
who was Nebraska's leader. The order
of speakers was: For Nebraska, Hun
tor, Ryner and Cronln; for Missouri,
Nelson, Nardin and Donnell. Mr.
Cronln closed the debate for Nebraska.
Mr. Nelson performed this duty for his
team. Professor Rill was time keeper.
Hon. W. J. Bryan ' addressed the
crowd on "The Value of DlBcussion."
He emphasized the benefit to be derived
from debates and congratulated the
western Institutions upon the support
they are giving to .ntellectual contests.
Debates not only benefited those par
ticipating In them, but also benefited
the general public. A debater had to
be more careful than tho person whoso
statements would not be Immediately
replied to. Discussion leads to greater
fund of Information, to greater breadth
of view and to the solution of vexed
problems It Is for these reasons that
Americans believe In freedom of
speech. Mr Bryan said he had confi
dence In the American people and be
lieved that they would ultimately solve
the great trust question.
In referring to the work of the de
baters he Bald the arguments wore well
presented and that it would bo diffi
cult to say which was the correct side.
The debate, In fact was so close that
he would sti 11 hold the opinion he held
beforo the contest.
NOTICE. The 75 cent price on
Senior Book will not be cut this school
year, despite rumors to that effecT
Chas. P. Craft, Cliff Crooks.
The Historical society has recently
acquired a volume of memoirs pub
lished by J. V. Brower, of the Minne
sota Historical society. The book en
titled "Kansas" is published In tho
Interests of the Cevera Historical so
ciety, and contains the proceedings of
that organization up to date, together
with tho account of the dedication of
the Cevera monument at Logan Grove,
Kansas. It is the seventh volume of
a series published by the same man,
and Is considered a very valuable ac
quisition to the society's library, since,
although llBted at $50, it absolutely
cannot be bought.
Eat at Don's Cafe.
Tho Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs.
Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O.
Don Cameron's for a square meal.
Flegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and O
C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block.
Dr. Bontz, Dentist, Eleventh and O.
Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & 0.
Ladles and gentlemen.
Wright's Oliver Theatre pharmacy
fills prescriptions.
Nebraska Walks Away with Them
Twelve to One.
WaBhburn proved easy money for
the colts yesterday, and tho final score
of 12 to Is a fair estimate of the com
parative strength of the two teams. was in tho box for tho Corn
buskers, and pitched a Bplendld game,
allowing only three hits and lotting
only one man walk. In tho absence of
Fctz. Captain Townsend played short,
but as nothing camo his way, ho had
no opportunity to show what ho can do
in that position. As Fetz Is out of the
game from now on, tho captain will
probably play short permanently. In
the field, Gore, a new man, played the
game well, accepting two chances.
Shelmor and Morris each had one op
portunity, which thoy fallod to Im
prove. With tho exception of Steon
on second, the men all played an er
rorless game. Steon has a bum finger,
but made two bad orrors that wero
hardly excusable. The first allowed a
man to got to second, and tho last
converted a chance for a doublo Into
a safety for men on first and second.
Neither, however, resulted In a score.
Tho game In detail:
Washburn started tho game, but
succeeded only In getting a man to
second. Hood walked to first and stole
second, Townsend fanned, but "Willie"
Wilson made amendB by knocking a
three-bagger. Hood tried for home,
but the umpire called him out, a de
cision which tho grandstand ques
tioned. Bonder repeated Hood's march
to Becond. Steen attempted to sacri
fice, but Mobs on first base failed to
connect with tho ball, and Steen went
on to second, while Wilson and Bon
der scored. WaBhburn could never get
more than four mon to bat until the
fifth Inning. "Jlmmle" In the box was
hard to hit. In tho fifth ho gave the
first and only man a base on balls.
Johnson, the husky colored twlrler
for the visitors, came to bat and
landed one over Sholraer's head that
was good for two bases at least, and
Dadisman crossed homo plato beforo
tho ball could bo returned. That was
(Continued on pago 4.)
HBMgf -.
FRED M. HUNTER ader f the Nebra8ka Team' IRA RYNJSR."HH'M HHHS"j"t"i-t'I-"l"l'"t'ii"H"H 4:WHKHH,H-
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