The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
yyjy V!mWFj&1BUTWT'i &' WlftflPI rmnmmm mwMii mn mir-, Tl... -- TM ttbe B)allp Hebraeft an r. nv. F r i w it i. !? ' v: s F.v !l I- rn Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, 1 00,000.00 OFFICERS John B. "Wright, President J. H. Wescott, Vice-President Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President P. L. HalL Cashier V. B. Ryoni, Asst. Cashier Dr. J. R. HAGGARD cPhysician and Surgeon Special attention paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Roonuaia tIU RlchJ Block. Rwi- 4nc IB 0 C Stnt. Office TUphan 658. K.lJ4n Ttii phn L 9B4. TTIB ONLY UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tables nwly covered Powell's, 146 North llth 8t. Phone L 44 THE riRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEIRASKA CapHaI f 200,000; Surplus $100,000; "Profits $ 18, 319 1 Deposits $2,598,093 S. H. Burnham, Prldnt A. J. Sjiwycr, Vlc-Pr4Wn H. S. Prctman, CuhUr H. B. Event, Autilinl Caihl.r QyiTKD HTATK8 DKPOSITOBT BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS Standard and regulation in every particular. 1210 O 8t. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor CHARLES KUNKLER Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Sewerage. Telephone 383 J020 N St. Lincoln, Neb. r C EHLERS TAILOR N. W. comer O nd I I th Su. Suits made to order at popular prices. Re pairing, cleaning and pressing also. Good wort guaranteed. See The Review Press ABOUT YOUR PRIMING PHONE 384 1132 N St. Lincoln PALACE Is life worth living? P"W.M' DINING COOPER II I I I 4 hart n A L L It 'depends en the liver. live well. 1130 N St. Phone 496. BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS tPvtlman Sleeper v between Lincoln and Kansas City every night at 10:05 p, m. New city ticket office, southwest corner 12th and O streets. F, D, COfeNELL, P. & T. A. Campus Gleanings. Unlreraltr Calendar. May 1. Missouri-Nebraska debate. Memorial hall. Friday, May 1. Viking party, WalBh hail. Saturday, May 2 Sophomoro party, at the armory. Friday. May 8. 6:30 p m. Y. W. C. A haro and hounds chase. MIkh Mae DoiibIow is enjoying a visit from her brother. Ex-Regent Kaley, of Red Cloud, was a caller at the historical society rooms last Tuesday. The historical society enjoyed a visit frbm Mr. Mayhow. a lawyer of Ixnip City, yesterday. Eugene Spencer returned yesterday from Red Oak, la., where he had gone to attend his sister's wedding. Professor Cook began his course of lectures on "Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts" In the law college yesterday. Dr. J C. Chrlstcnsen'OO. 1b attend ing the meetings of the State Medical society being held In the city this woek Dr. Ward went to Sioux City. la.. yoHterday to deliver the commencement address before the Sioux City Medical College. Professor Stout left last evening for Lexington, where he will conduct some investigations on the irrigation situa tion In the western part of the state The president, secretary and chair" man of the executive committee of the alumni association held n meeting yes terday to consider the scheduling of ar rangements for commencement week The Men's and Young Women's dubs of St Paul's church will give a biiycle ride Friday morning The party will leave I lie church at i a. m . returning at 7 a in. for breakfast UU yclistB are invited to join the party The management of the "University Llederkranz" wIbIi to announce that the chorus will meet next Friday af ternoon at 1 o'clock, and thus not In terfere with the Ivy day program, which takes place later in the after noon. The second order of books has arrived and may be had at the Unl Book Store. From now until competitive drill the different companies of the cadet bat talion will get In their best work Com pany I), which won the, cup last year, and Is In the race for it again this year, set the ball rolling Monday by pin ning on thoir "P. D. Q.'s." The first sergeants will now bo called upon con tinually to supply the fair supporters of their respective companies with colors and badges. The engineering society has just re ceived new pins to be worn by its members. The pin is a unique little affair, and has received many favora ble comments. It is a gold disc three eighths of an Inch iw diameter, bearing tho words "Engineering Society" in blue letters around the border. In the center la a gold "N," mounted on a blue background. Tho pin Is issued only to members at $2.00 and goes back to the society when any member with draws from the organization. Wednesday Evening News: Sam Letheby, who made such a name for himself as a clever pitcher on the Uni versity team last spring, seems to be making good with tho Cedar Rapids Three I league. In the game with the Fargoes tho other day he wort out, letting his opponents down with four hits. Letheby signed with Helena, Mont., early in tho season, but they did not send for "him, and he accepted the offer of the Cedar Rapids club. He has speed to burn and some clever curves, and if ho don't mako the other pitchers go some to keep up It will be an Indication that, he has lost consid erable of tho talent that made him such a whirlwind at the University last seaBon. Wonderful Resources of tho West If you are looking for a home and want to visit tho West, you can do so with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from issouri river terminals: UNTIL JUNE 15TH $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.60 to Spokane and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates aro In effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific. The Union Pacific has also extended territory to which round trip Home seekers Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMI NALS To many points in Kansas. Nebraska and Colorado; To many points in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wash ington. One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and 21, May 16 and 10, June 2 and 16, 1903. For full information call on or ad dress E. D. SLOSSON, General Agent. BHHP'MHhJ INTERCOLLEGtATE BUBEAV OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard," Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P.. Weleslev. Brvn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. Xinb8e'8 Cigars, Hewe, nDaga3ince U3JOSt. H3No.nfhSt. The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to-date place where you am get your Clothing Cleaned and Messed Phone 708. Northeast Cor. JJth & O Stx. RIDER AGENTS WANTED in each town to take orders for our now High Grado Guaranteed Bicvdes. New 1903 Models " BolllSO," Complete $8.75 CoSSack," Guaranteed High Grado $1075 " Siberian' a Beauty $12.75 ' Noudorf," Road Racer $14.75 no better blcyclo at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Cholco of any standard tiros and best equipment on all our blcyclos. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL beforo purcUaso Is binding-. 500 Second Hand Whomla a . a STAlVfiK taken in tradp by onr-Chlraro retail stores. Oal 10 mill USREDmSY Si1 makcs and models, rood as now w w feTEWSG UU NUT HIIY S.UTO,0 ffiyjJ9KJSI0 rL'.n for our J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College Boyd's Theater Building, Omaha, Nebraska A. C. ONO. A. M LL- B.. President A. J. LOWRY. Principal M BiH IU2ajuh S(t en Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. 'Phone 787. "ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH" Tho finest and most thoroughly equipped school In tho Wrest. $10,000.00 expended in furniture, furnishings, typewriters, etc. Banking fixtures as fliio as any banking house. Elegant roll top desks and revolving office chairs in commercial Department; Yale lock, Oxford box desk, finished in cold oak, In Shorthand Department. Over fifty tjpowriters, five different shimi ard makes, in Typewriter Department. Faculty consists of six teachers, all specialists in their line of work. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE THE BEST RESULTS. A Business or Shorthand Education will open up a thousand different avenues in life that leau to fame and fortune. We have hundreds of our graduates holding the best paying positions in banks, railroad offices cor porations and business firms throughout the country. Any one who finishes the course in this Institution is assured of a position. STATEMENTS OF EMINENT MEN. "A business training is absolutely necessarv." John w.,i. Some of our students, not yet out of their teens, are making more money by shorthand than tho principal of the high school." -John S Hart Prln Philadelphia High School. "I ad.-isc parents to have their boys and girld taught shorthand and tvne writing." Chas. Reade, in The Coming Man. THE SELECTION OF A SCHOOL WILL LARGELY DETERMINE YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE. Apply for a catalogue bound in alligator, the finest ever published bv a business college. ' (' s J, i V IM(. .A M S ), Ol iit'r r. Prftf .1. t . .M-1 ..'jrs. .. -t - i&i : v. '3- K -'' j-'H j&mk&i -"".' '&, Ev.gM r . ' ,