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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1903)
,'?" "W?i 'i - " . 4 -ci M G b e 35 a i I Tlebraehan SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan The oily a m nac publlahed that contain a complete lUt of Amtncin Amateur Bt o n-R i coidi and complete list of Cham picne. PRICE JO CENTS For ale by ail nrwidealcrs an-1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo Spa!ding' complete catalogue of Athletic Sport tent free to any iddtt WESTERN GLASS& PAINT Co. 12th & M Sts. LINCOLN, NE1. W4Hf4W4t44f4Hf4f444 I Calif k ornia Si 1 I Over f 530 pictures Ws prominent v H American jfeV foreign Athletes !v 4 ! PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Excursions lia The Turlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ' Only $5 for a doable berth and j0 for a iX. c. ucKet 9 Until Tune IS. 1903 $ Lincoln to Los Angeles t u is Call and get full information. De- t t pot 9th and P street. City Office . JO to and O streets t 2 if------' BETTER BE SAFE THAN BE SORRY! A safe deposit box is always safe money and valuable1 papers secure against fire, thieves or other disaster. $1.25 pays for a box for three months Fire-proof storage for trunks, boxes of silverware, etc., at low rates Lincoln Safe Deposit and Trust Co. 126 N. llth St. Reflections. These are democratic times. Down where I board, freshmen have been known to eat at the same table with upper classmen. Engineering students, unable to read or write, have hailed elertlves without apology, and agricul tural Btudents with grimy hands, who have ppent two years planting radishes or judging steers, sit at meat with the apoBtles of culture. Much of the so-called "education" In our modern universities is polly-rot The motive which induces many to take the work is analagous to that of courting favors from those who are In power. Child study Is a good thing. It can often be taken to advantage along with courses In husbandry Yet men and women who attend night classes In this work, and give It too much encouragement, will In the Great Reckoning be called to answer for It. Occasionally a person Is found on the bleacherB or In Lie grandstand, who thinks he knows more about the game thnn the captain and the whole team combined. Such knowledge usually shows Itself in the form of indiscrimi nate coaching of the base runners or the man at bat. Such persons would be a great deal better off If they would go and learn something about the game It Ib generally conceded that the captain an. the men who make the team are qualified to do the coaching themselves, and as there are usually half a dozen or so of them more or less unoccupied, It should be unneces sary for them to call for assistance from the grandstand. Because you may have played on a high school team it does not necessarily follow that you know all the points of the game aa played by the 'varsity There are some things that even you may not under bland. Because a batter makes no at tempt to hit an apparency easy ball. It is no sign that be Is trying to "do grandstand'." and it will do you no good to try and make him feel bad The team has a certain system In its playing, and It is not necessary for the grandstand to understand all Its fine points. There is now mm h talk among some of the boys about a job for the sum mer. A great many well meaning fel lows who have no other employment contemplate that "nefarious trade" of peddling stereoscopic views. Some of the boys will make some money out of I the graft, ami some others will make their hoard inougn pernaps uiey ought not. It is probably an honorable way of bleeding the people; no worse than ten thousand other ways of tak ing money from those who have a little loose change. And though I have had some twelve hundred Invitations to take up the work. I shall hesitate to do so I am sometimes troubled with my conscience, and once when I was a boy I was converted. I would advise such young men as want to grow rugged and lay up a little cash, to seek the harvest fields of the great west . Some of Saturday's "knocks" were reasonable, others were rldlculouB. I jet a few of the .kickers look up-the mat ters they dplofe and maybe they will find reasons for not taking them so much to heart. The ladles of St. Paul's M. E. church will serve a May morning breakfast In the dining room of the church, next Friday morning, from G:30 to 9:00 nVlock. Evervthlnc pertaining to a 'good breakfast including Westerner's Little Gem Hot Waffles, all for 25c. Eat at Don's Cafe. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street C. E. Brown. Dentist. Burr block. Wright's Oliver fills prescriptions. Theatre pharmacy Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. your trunks. 'Phone 176. haul J3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe. 117 No. 12th St 8tudents are cordially Invited. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. &&&&$&$4&$Q&S& THE OLIVER THEATRE THURSDAY, APRIL 30th Curtain promptly at 8r00 Mr. RICHARD MANSFIELD And the Original Company and Pro duction in Shakespeare's Tragedy JULIUS CAESAR Prices 75c, $ J , $ 1 .50, $2 and $2,50. Positively no free list &&&$&&S&t&&$ BUSINK88'DIItECTOKY. The Neb rank in AdvartUorn In thin lUt floaervo the tnulc of all loyal Univer sity people. BAKERY Mrs. J. W. Petry. BANK8 First National, Columbia Na tional, Farmers and Merchants, Lin coln Safe Deposit and Trust Co. BARBER SHOPSPalace. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS H. E. Sidles Cycle Co.," A. G. Spalding & Bros., Chicago. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Co-Op., H. M. Brown Drug and Book Co., Harry Porter, Unl. Book Store, Sam uel Hall. BOWLING ALLEY H. C. Thomas, Crescent. CIGARS, ETC. M. D. Clary. L. L. Llnd sey, Stevens & Neville, Dutell. CLOTHING Mageo & DoemeV, B. L. Paine Clothing Co., Cottrelll & Leon ard, Albany. N. Y.; The Toggery, Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL P. D. Smith Coal Co., C. B. Gregory, Whltebreast Coal Co. CONFECTIONERY R. W. Maxwell Co. DENTISTS C. E. Brown, Bentz. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Rector, Brown, Flegenbaum, Harley, Stelner, Weom pener. Oliver Theatre Pharmacy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. ELECTRICAL GOOLJ Ross Electric Co. FIXmiSTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Hardy Furniture Co., Rudge & Guenzel. GAS Lincoln Gas & Electric Co. GROCERS Farmers Grocery Co., Key stone Cash Grgcery. HAIRDRESSING, ETC. The Famous. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel, Hall Bros. JEWELERS E. E. Hallett, C. A. Tucker. LAUNDRIES Evans. LIVERIES W. O. Forbes. LUMBER Dlerks Lumber & Coal Co. MILLINERY The Famous. MUSIC Ross P. Curtice. NOVELTIES Capital Novelty Works. PAINT AND GLASS Western Glaaa & Paint Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend. PLUMBING Chas. Kunkler. OCULISTS M. B. Ketchum. PHYSICIANS J. R. Haggard, H. S. Aley. PIANOS Matthews Piano Co. POOL AND BILLIARD8 Powell & Son. PRINTING New Century, Ivy Press, Revlew Press. RAILROADS Burlington, Union Pa cific, Northwestern, Missouri Pacfflc. RESTAURANTS Merchants' Cafe, Don Cameron, Palace Dining Hall, Restaurant Unique, Francis Bros., Hendry. SHINES Lincoln Shining Parlor. SHOES Sanderson, Perkins & Shel don, Electric Shoo Co. SUITORIUM Weber Bros., T. A. Burt TAILOR BumBtead, onland, Ehlers. TRANSFER Lincoln Local Express. Lincoln Transfer Co., Globe Delivery Co. m mM m v - k pjTjiaiS ' fflMrJLATG Sold only by Harleq Rcmcm- ber Sidles has the largest Base Ball and Tennis line west of Chicago. Prices lower than the lowest. See our big Sporting Goods Store HI, P 317 O St. Phone F 1174 A&A-opoxojtA&Aat o o o o o .s o ( :S o ( o ( o Windsor and Grand Hotels LINCOLN, NEB. ClirlH ! lusll'rop. $1.50 per day Special rates to baseball teams, etc. Good Service in every re- speci. o Capital Novelty Works Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. Tel. F 592 23So.JJtb THE Northwestern LINE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK Railroad between Missouri River and Chicago. Direct line io St. Paul-Minneapolis Direct line to Black Hills City Ticket Office, 1024 O St. R. W. McGENNIS, General Agent HI0H GRADE t.N Jy jf QnNDIMS Drug Co., llth & 0 Sis " m vTJI 'I -"!? i 7 Ji V -t 1 ' vl .M o :i u 'HI I 1 1 I - V 1 t SI J SJ M 5 5AJ ', " ("S.I ,V , LV -v3 Pi fofl.y'to,V V, ' ix ... 1,' ..., . . .lbJLi rtntrus.'f- it aria jfajafl t: