a MOM -t,flj '!-3u Eff? 7? -r p"' rr'.v'p ''i " ."1 J"5 l'-'' 7- KiT Gbe Batlp mebraehan i: 3 K- ' i: ft i rr-r ;. i UHRK m 1?' t44Jt$5x2StN4 Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 OFFICERS John B. Wright, President J. H. Wescott, Vice-President Joe Samueli, 2d Vice-President P. L. Hall, Cashier W. B. Ryons, Asst. Cashier Dr. J. R HAGGARD cPhyslclan and Surgeon Special attention paid to diseases oi females and rectal diseases. Room 313 to 214 Richard Block. Rl- dnc 13 10 G Straal. Of flea TUphon 635. Raaldanca Talaphona L 984. TUB ONLY UP-TO-DATD Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tablet newly coTorert Powell's, 146 North 11th 8t. . Phona L 664 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Cupitd $200,000; Surplus $$00,000; Troflts $18, 3 19 1 Deposits $2,598,093 S. H. Durnham. Pruidint A. J. Swyr, Vlc-Prjldnt H. S. Freeman, CaihUr H. B. Bvani. Aulatant CaittUr UNITED 8TATK8 DKTOSITOItT BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEY8 Standard and regulation In every particular. I2IO O 8t. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor 4&$&$Sy&$&&&$$ir-t CHARLES KUNKLER Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Sewerage. Telephone 383 1020 N St. Lincoln, Neb. O. EHLERS TAILOR N. W. corner O and I llh Sti. Suits made, to order at popular prices. Re pairing, cleaning and pressing also. Good work guaranteed. Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. Tel. F592 231 So. Itth FORBES STABLES LIVF.RY. BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE carrhCges for parties Bam 1135-1131 P St. Ptunc SS0 BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS 'Pullman Sleeper between Lincoln and "Kansas City every night at 10:05 p. m. New city ticket office, southwest corner J 2th and O streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T A. Campus Gleanings. t'nl vtTnltjr CnlciKlitr. Friday, May 1. Viking party. Walsh hall. Mny 1. Missouri-Nebraska debate. Mrmorlnl hall. Hal unlay. May 2 Sophomore party, at the armory. Hoy H Calhoun of Springfield has hren plrdged to Alpha Tail Omega. MIkh Lillian Bennett 1h (onflned to her room with Herloim illness. Tom Hock oh or Central City 1h ve iling In the city with his cousin, Paul Ewlng, and other University friends. E O. Spencer went to his home in Red Oak, la., Saturday to attend a wedding. Ho expects to return to morrow. The Y. W. C. A. will furnish the en tertainment at the college settlement next Friday night a musical program, supplemented by readings. Dr. K L. Corthell, who recently lec tured before the engineering society, has sent to the library a pamphlet on "Argentine Past, Present, and Future." Aiout twenty-live pupils from the Dorchester high school, accompanied by Superintendent H. F Hooper and Rev Jackson, of Dorchester, visited the University yesterday. Dr. Lu kTy is In receipt of an invita tion to attend the dedication of the Speyer Experimental College for Teachers, New York city, to take pla e tile 1st or May. The end of the year rush of work compels him to decline The Palladlau debating 1 1 till had an enthusiastic business meeting last Fri day night, at which time the following officers were elected: President. T M Hewitt; vice-president, liOtils Llght ner; se retary. Jno. I) Brady, ser-gent-at-ai ms, (I M Hamilton Ralph Llbby. who recently graduated from Dartmouth College, has been lh ltlng in the city for the past few days with W. F Falrchild He Ik on ills way to take a position under the U S coast and geodetic survey He will have (barge of a party ntar Ogden, Utah. The mysterious "hare and hound" hunt pievlously mentioned In The Ne braskan will take place on Friday evening at (1: 30. May Nth. All the Y. W. C. A. girls and their friends please remember not to make any other en gagement, for a great amount of fun Ib In store for every one. W. T. Home, '9S, received Ills formal notification on Friday to the effect that he had been appointed to a fellowship in botany in Columbia University, In New York city. It turns out that he was the only fortunate man to get a botanical fellowship, although It is known that there were about a doen applicants. John West over occupied the class period yesterday at geology lf with a description of the geography and geol ogy of the Philippines. Mr. WesUrCcx spoke from a store of knowledge on the subject, gleaned from hlB Spanish American war experiences. His talk was greatly appreciated by the class and he was given a round of cheers at the end of the hour. At the Sunday afternoon meeting of the Y. W. C. A., Dr. Swearingen gave an Interesting talk on "Religious In fluences in the University." He spoke of the necessity of such organizations as the Y. W. C A. for the good of the students Intimately associated with it, as well as thoso outside. A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Pearl Archibald In her usual pleasing manner. To the class of '06: Inasmuch as the upper claBsmen havo given their re spective programs at convocation and made them a success, both by the na ture of the program and In the matter of attendance, It ought to appeal to the pride of each member of the class of 05 to support their program com mittee In the proper manner tomorrow mornYug. The committee guarantee au excellent program and ask for soph- Let every soph Hep that every one elRe attends, even If It becomes necessary to use forcible measures. The lecture room under the chapel has been pro uind to meet In. Let every one come and make the program a success l R HeerR, President. A few dnys ago Professor Ressey was (ulte amused when the Janitor brought In his mall to find that the two letters It contained came from the Island of Guam, and the Island of Luzon, respectively. Roth were depart mental, the first relating to the collec tion of botanical specimens for the University herbarium, and the other making inquiries In regard to the sup ply of young men for work In the Philippine forestry bureau. Mr. Frank R Sanborn will deliver his lecture. "Emerson as I Knew Him." at All Souls' church on Wednesday evening. April 29. Mr. Sanborn Is the author of "The Personality of Emer son." and alBO the biographer of Emer son. Thoreau. Alcott and John Rrown The price of tickets for this lecture is 25 cents. Tickets may be secured at the registrar's office Let the. Lincoln Transfer Co. haul your trunks. 'Phone 176. President Roosevelt's motto la "Do it now." Make this your own and ap ply It to the ordering of a suit for graduation," at Rumstend's, In the Rurr block. RIDER STAB-HTMBK. tnken In trado I ISHFD KttW HKT UI1U r vriBrM III! Bill I ICItAH5mro UU nil I tk IhM iMI m f A If A li MlMk Will SS I IX JMBnfiB?' W VV L i I fSy Tiro, cqulppcrtt, lundrioi and sporting trexxls of all klndn. at lmlf roirulnr iric In ourdJoe sundry catalog. Contains a world of usuful Information. Write for It. J. E MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College Boyd's Theater Building, Omaha, Nebraska A. C. 0NG, A. M.. LL. B.. President A. J. L0WRY. Principal " ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH" The finest and most thoroughly equipped school In tlio West. $10 000.00 expended in furniture, furnishings, typewriters, etc. flanking fixtures as flno as any banking house. Elegant roll top desks and revolving office chairs in Commercial Department; Yale lock, Oxford box desk, finished in golden oak. In Shorthand Department. Over fifty typewriters, five different stand ard makes, In Typewriter Department. Faculty consists of six teachers, all specialists In their line of work. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE THE BEST RESULTS. A Business or Shorthand Education will open up a thousand different avenues in life that lead to fame and fortune. We have hundreds of our graduates holding the best paying positions in banks, railroad offices, cor porations and business firms throughout the country. Any one who finishes the course in this Institution is assured of a position. STATEMENTS OF EMINENT MEN. "A business training is absolutely necessary." John Wanamaker. "Some of our students, not yet out of their teens, are making more money by shorthand than the principal of the high school." John S. Hart, Prin Philadelphia High School. . "I adisc parents to have their boy? and girls taught shorthand and type Writing." Chas. Reade, In The Coining Man. THE SELECTION OF A SCHOOL "WILL LARGELY DETERMINE YdUR SUCCESS IN LIFE. Apply for a catalogue bound in alligator, the finest ever published by a business college. Wonderful Resources oft ho West If you are looking for a home and want to visit the West, you can do so with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from lssouri river-terminals: UNTIL JUNE lfTH $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden. Salt Lake City, Butte. Anaconda and Helena. $22 50 to Spokane and Wanatchce. $25 00 to Portland. Tacoma. Seattle, and many other Oregon and Washing ton points. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates are in effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific. The Union Pacific has also extended territory to which round trip Home seekers' Excursion tickets will be sold as follows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMI NALS To many points In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado; To many points In Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wash ington. One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and 21, May 15 and 19, June 2 and 10, 1903. For full Information call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. AGENTS WANTED In each town to take orders lor our now nigu urauo Guaranteed Bicycles. New 1903 Models " Bollise," , Complete $8,75 ' CoSSack," Gnarantced IIlrli Grade $1075 " Siberian, " a Beauty $ 12. 75 " Noudorf, " Ro ad Racer $ 14. 75 no bettor bicyclo at any prlco. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual prico. Cholco of any standard tires and best oquipmont on all our bicycles, btronyist guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. 1). to any ono without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL boforo purchaso Is binding. SOO Second Hand Wheels f0 , fc Q by our Clilcairo retail stores, 0) IU Xi3 IIltMH'lHi KOOU US Ill'W UIIV u iu jnu mini jwu iiuvt writni mr imr QUI FACTORY PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER. 4- TV. ekSE