The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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ggwgjypiipyy ay 'vwMfy vs
IT b e ail m e b r a 0 ft a n
, -1
We can save you
money and give
you a hand
some shoe.
FOR J 903
Edited by J, E. Sullivan
530 pictures
The only alma
n.K publuhcd
that contain'
a complete list
of American
Amateur Beat
o n-R ccorih
and complete
list ol Cham
pion. PRICE 10 CENTS
For laic by all nrwidealen and
New York, Chicago, Denver, Baltimorey
Spalding's complete catalogue of Athletic Sports
tent free to any, add re a
i Excursions
Ma The 'Burlington j;
J Only $5 for a double berth and
'! $25 for a R. R. ticket 2
5 UntilJuneJS.JyuJ
Lincoln to Los Angeles
1 ! Call and get foil Information. De-
pot 9th and P streets. City Office
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Late Society Notes.
Tiio freshman party was given In the
armory Saturday night. Ahout twenty
fix e couples were present. Dancing
was the order of the evening, hut
games were provided for those who
did not dance The ever-present
sophomores succeeded In "swiping" the
gallons of ke. hut the committee met
the emergency and ordered three more
gallons. An attempt to capture the
president was unsuccessful.
The young ladles of Pi lleta Phi
sorority gave their annual hanquet in
the ordinary of the Lincoln hotel Sat
urday night. The table was profusely
decorated with candelabra and smllax
and roses, besides many floral gifts
from friends. The Pi Phi colors, wine
and blue, were used In decorating.
About thirty active and alumnae mem
bers were present. Miss Anne Stuart
of this city presided as toastmlstress
and called for the following toaats:
1. Our Freshmen. . .Elizabeth Heacoek
2. The Ideal Fraternity Woman..
Inia Everett
:. Our Musical PI Phis. .Kate Heacoek
4. PI Phi "8 as Seen from the
Moon Twenty Years Hence
Edna Holland
5. Our Hoys Mabel Miles
G. The Golden Arrow.. Pearl Archibald
Those present from out of town were
Misses Pelle Reynolds, York, and
Grace Montgomery, Plattsmouth; Mtb.
Vance, Wymore, and Mrs. White,
Franklin, Ind.
Miss Goldena Denny, assisted by
Miss Annette Shotwell, entertained a
number of friends at her home last
Saturday evening. The following short
and spicy program was enjoyed by
those present, after which all Joined
In singing college songs:
Reading The Whistler Miss Burr
Solo The Song of the Chimney..
M Ibh Sargent
Sea Sickness Mr. R. Woods
A U. S. Soldier's Experience
Mr. Tellesen
Fourth of July Among the Indians
Mr. O. W. Meier
Reading A Medley.. Mr. I. C Baldwin
Reading Marriage of the Flowers
Miss Denny
During the evening ices and home
made candies were served. Those pres
ent: Mr. and Mrs. Denny, Misses
Drown, Denny, Corral Denny, Gladyth
Denny. Fin fay, Meier. Elizabeth Meier.
Sargent, Grace Sargent, Shotwell, An
nette Shotwell; Messrs. Cameron.
Meier, H. A. Meier, Wllek, Tellesen.
Sargent. Waltman, Woods, R. Woods.
Fifty engineering students and pro
fesbors gathered at the Llndell hotel
Saturday evening to attend the llrst
engineering society banquet. A. A
Steel, Rruce Benedict, and Wm. Grant
were the alumni present. The follow
ing Is a list of toasts given, although
Professor Morse was the only one that
adhered strictly to his subject:
Early Engineering In U of N. ...
Professor Stout
The Engineer of the Future
Professor Richards
Success Professor Morse
Highways and Byways
Professor Chatburn
The, Young Engineer Mr. C. L. Dean
The Engineering Society
Mr. Arthur Brown
Some Prime Movers. .Professor Evans
The Radical Minus One
Mr. O. J. Ferguson
Student Days Mr. Verne Hedge
Notes of greeting were received from
the following alumni: F. L. Meyer,
Trenton, N. J.; H. E. Regan, Western
Electric company, Philadelphia; H. W.
Donbraba, Wagner company, New
York city; II. J. Podlesak, Chicago.
Dan Gutlebem sends a message from
St. LouIb, Mich.: "Your letter Just ar
rived. To the hoys prosit, let the gootj
work go on."
The ladles of St. Paul's M. E. church
will serve a May morning breakfast In
the dining room of the church, next
Friday morning, from 6:30 to 9:00
o'clock. Everything pertaining to a
good breakfast Including Westerfleld's
Little Gem Hot Waffles, all for 26c.
The Stelner-Woempener Drug Co.'s
soda fountain, Twelfth and 0, has a
reputation for cool refreshing drinks.
Those delicious Ice cream sodas with
fruits in season .are a delight to students.
The University of Chicago
Professional Schools
Medicine I Theology
Law and I Education
Each has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on application.
Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3).
B-7Thc courses in Medicine arc given in connection with the work of
Rush Medical College.
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Academy Summer School.
Neat circulars containing the Lin
coln Academy's Summer School an
nouncements are now ready for dis
tribution. In addition to the many
educational advantages found In Lin
coln, as a result of co-operation, many
country superintendents have consent
ed to credit for work done In tne Uni
versity and Academy and will, on re
quest, permit substitution of their
course for required institute work.
The Academy's teachers will. In most
cases, be regular University Instructors.
Courses will be given In English, re
view arithmetic, beginning algebra, ad
vanced algebra, beginning geometry,
solid geometry, and beginning physics,
German, chemistry, and Latin.
The Academy Is growing and grow-
Geo. H. Morse to be professor of elec
thls year by every college In Nebraska.
The number of regular students has
increased 100 per cent.
Athletics are not left out of con
sideration. For the men, there Is foot
ball, with accommodations of shower
bath and coaching; for women, there
is basket-ball, also with Bhower bath
and f xrert coaching. In the social line,
there are several clubs the Women's
Social Hour club, the men's debating
club, and the Latin club. It is worthy
of note that no scandal and no case
of discipline lias arisen. The cutting
of classes jias been successfully fought.
The faculty includes nine teachers of
experience, college graduates, many
holding higher degrees. With such a
creditable iccord and such bright pros
pects, the Lincoln Academy will cer
tainly accomplish a great deal In the
future, and especially will the summer
course bo made a profitable one.
The City Improvement society has
completed the work of Improving the
grounds at the college settlement,
Twentieth and N streets. The work
consisted of paving, curbing along tho
street, grading, and the planting of
tree8, shrubB, and vines. The grounds
now present a much better appearance.
With a few other improvements, such
as a new porch on tho building, the
house will be a model college Settle
ment house. Professor Barbour wilt
give a- lecture Wednesday night at the
college settlement on "Ancient Inhab
itants of the Plains.'-1 The lecture will
be illustrated by a large number of
lantern slides.
Sold only by Barley
Frat Pennants
Our frat pennant maker has de
signed 11 new series of frat pen
nants with the Greek letters in
monogram form. Everyone who
has seen the pennants lias pro
nounced them "swell."
We cordially invite you to
come and look over the samples
At The Co -Op,
Railroad between Missouri River and
Direct line to St. Paul-Minneapolis
Direct line to Black Hills
City Ticket Office, 1024 O St.
R. W. McGtNNIS, General Agent
li Ufa worth
People who teal
at the
II 'depends en
the liver.
live well.
1130 N 8L
Prom 498.
Drug Co., 11th & 0 Sts
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