The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
'A W Ityr jwi ;'- 0-..V - J ftbe Datlp Webraehan &$&$&&&&&& 4f4W4MMf44 . J 4 -' - ir to h ' I i i ' 1 'I llx " l I ft'lU v m Columbia National Ban1 1 ft! OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Oapltal, sioo.oou.uu OFFICERS John B. Wright, President J. H. Wescott, Vke-Prerfdent Jr.L Hall, Cashier W. B. Ryont, Aat. Cashier Dr. J. R. HAGGARD cPhysician and Surgeon Special attention paid to dlseaaea of females and rectal diseases. Room 2 12 to 214 Richard Block. Real dene 13 10 G Street. Office Telephone 635. Realdence Tcltphon L 984. ' TUB ONLY UP-TO-DATB Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tablet newly rcirurod Powell's, 146 North llth St. Phone L 664 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital $200,000: Surplus $100,000: Profits $18,319; Deposits $2,598,093 S. H. Burnham, Prcmdcnt A. J. Sawyer, Vice Pre-ildent H. S. Freeman, Cashier H. B. Evan., Asitatant Cashier CNITKD 8TATKH DKl'OHITORY BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS Standard and regulation In every particular. I2IO O 8t. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor 1$ShSkSkSSk$h33$$3$k3 Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. Tel. V SVZ 231 So. Hth Is life worth llvtng? Peoplowho oat at Iho COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL It depends on the liver. live well. 1130 N St. Phono 496. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Go. 12th & M Sis. LINCOLN, NEB. CHARLES KUNKLER Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Sewerage. Telephone 383 J020 N St. Lincoln, Neb. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan Over 530 pictures of prominent American and foreign Athletes The only alma n a c published that contain a complete lUt of American Amateur Beit o n-R c co r da and complete lilt of Cham Jpioiu. PRICE 10 CENTS For talc by all newsdealers anH A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo SpJdlng' complete catalogue of Athletic Sports I sent free to any addres ' . . L 7 I A. I THE OLIVER Friday Saturday and Saturday Matinee, April 21 & 22 FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES Molrison's Complete Production of Faust 2 'NTIRE LOWER Batcotiy 35c r. Special Bargain Matinee, allvpver the &$&&&&&&$& Campus Gleanihgs. , i thilvorrtlty Cale'nonr. Friday. April 24 Non-com hop, at Fraternity hall. Saturday, April 2f Freshman par ty, at the armory. Friday, May 1 Viking party, WalBh hall May 1. MlHBourl-Nebraaka dehato. Memorial hall. Saturday, May 2 Sophomore party, at the armory. The MiBHes Marquardt enjoyed a vlHlt from their mouther yesterday. Mr. O. A. Ixiveland returned yes terday from IiIh extended trip through western Nebraska. Professor Caldwell speaks before the ladles of the Hall in the Grove this afternoon on "The Negro Problem." The eadets appeared at dress parade last night for the first time In white duck trousers. The white ducks add materially to the appearance of the battalion. Glen Chapman, who was obliged to leave the University several weeks ago and has since been seriously ill with stomal h trouble, at his home In Au rora, is reported to bo convalescing. Miss Mabel Eckerson, who was called to Aurora Borne time ago by the Ill ness and subsequent death of her grandfather, will not return to Bchool this year, but will remain at her home In Ravenna. C. M. Ileek, at present fellow In physics here, has made arrangements to study In Berlin, Germany, next year. After visiting his home In Raloigh, N. C, he will make an ex tended trip through the states, touch ing New Orleans, Salt Ijike City, and San Francisco. The semi-absence cf our regular athletic editor on account of the grip caused rather an embarrassing error in The Nebraskan's account of Wed nesday's inter-fraternity game. Our extempore athletic editor has been In structed to beg the Pi Beta Phi's par don, and has promised not to (latter the Beta Theta Pi's again by a similar substitution. Professor E. H. Barbour delivered an entertaining and Instructive lecture at the college settlement house Wed nesday night on the subject, "Early Inhabitants of the Plains." The In terest of the lecture was heightened by a series of Illustrated views de scriptive of the subject discussed. A fair-sized audience was present add thoroughly enjoyed the discourse. The engineering society held its reg ular meeting Wednesday evening and enjoyed one of the best student pro grams of this year. J. B. Davidson's paper on "Steam Turbines" was ex cellent In every respect. He illustrated his talk by sketches and curve dia grams which were very instructive and represented an Immense amount of la bor. H. V. Yont read a paper on "AiN tomobiles." A. A. Steel. "J9, closed with a short talk giving his experience In mining engineering work in Mexico. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Dutoll'H C leant thut'H till. Several unfurnished modern for rent, 312 north 14th. ' rooms 25 THEATRE FLOOR, 50c Gallery 25c Saturday, 10 and 25c house School of Music Recital. The University School of Music gae the following program In Memorial hall last night. It was the, seenth students' recital of the year: Piano Solo Concerto D minor. . .Vn h First Movement. (Cadenza by Ueinecke.) Ruth Johnsor Piano Solo Pan-a-Pastorale Godard March of the Dwarfs Grief Mable Marsh. Baritone Solo "A Dream" Bartlett Harry Bradford. Concerto for Two Pianos E flat.. Mozart First Movement. (Cadenza by Moscheles.) Pauline Meyer (first piano). George Mosshart (second piano). Piano Solo Rondo Caprlccloso. . . Mendelssohn Helen Dolson. Haritone Solo "Absence" Little "Good Night" Chadwick Charles Tulleys. Piano Solo Etude C sharp minor. Op LT), No 7 Chopin Mrs A. J. Morris. Piano Solo Conctrto 1) minor. . Mozart Allegro. (Caden.a by Hummel) Edith Huillngim. Soprano Solo "The Bird and the Rose" I lorrocks Olive Dopson. Piano Solo Polacca Brilliant. Op. 72 Weber Winifred Howell. (Orchestral parts on second piano, Mr. Eames.) Mr Starr accompanied the Glee club to Wahoo yesterday. Misses Gullfoile and Hess visited at Plattsmouth this week. Mrs. Henry Eames arrived from Chicago Sunday and will be here the rest of the year. Miss Florence Fiske went to Auburn yesterday to take part In the concert given at that place last night. Mr. Charles Courtwrlght, a recent student in the University and School of Music, and member of the cadet band, died In Omaha Tuesday. The spring music festival was very successful from an artistic point of view, if not so successful financially. The chorus, drilled by Mrs. Raymond, was complimented very highly by the soloists. Little Gem hot waflles served at the Merchants' Cafe. 117 North 13th St. We have a large studert patronage. THE Northwestern LINE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK Railroad between Missouri River and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul-Minneapolis Direct line to Black Hills City Ticket Office, 1024 O St. R. W. McGDMNIS, General Agent California f mmmmmtmmmm m - PERSONALLY . CONDUCTED Excursions 3?a The Turlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Only $5 for a double berth and $25 for a R. R. ticket Until June 15. 1903 Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full Information. De pot 9th and P streets. City Office 10 to and O streets W44ff4f44 INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll S Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P., Welesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. See The Review Press ABOUT YOUR PRINTING PHONE 384 1132 N St. Lincoln O. EHLERS TAILOR N. W. corner O and J Ith Sts. Suits made to order at popular prices. Re- pairing, cleaning and pressing also. Good work guaranteed. Keystone Gash Grocery Store 129-18J-J33 So. I3th St. Lasch & Blake, Proprietors bibUe you ta. call, inspect their superb stock And note the tLttr&ctfbe prices. MONARCH Q00DS Up-to-dato Moat Market The Weber Suitorium la the up-to-date place where you can get your Clothing Cleaned and Messed Phone 708. Northeast Cor. Mth & O Sta, Mrs. J. W. Petry WHOLESALE & RETAIL BAKERY Phone 564 234 So. JJth Su 3Ltnbse'8 Cioare, Tttews, nDagasinee U3J O St. JJ3 No. UfhSt. FORBES STABLES LIVERY. BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Barn 1 125-1131 P St. Phon. 588 1 i J II Nl 4j m Itt. m v ''ar: ; IW& r- 1 (J .afl IB,