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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1903)
'V "P?r" ,-- VV fet. G b e D a i I Tlebraohan IU nh 9 ,: ik PHI FSI JUST WINS. Takes Third Frat Game From Delta Tau 20 to 19. The third in the Bcries of inter-fraternity games was won by Phi Kappa Psl from Delta Tail Delta yesterday by the close score of 20 to 19. The usual amount of vocal enthusiasm accom panied the game, which was not marked by any very Bensatlonal fea tures except the vonness of the score nnd a badly bung'e'd-up finger for Ringer. Tbe Jinojiipr Dolta Tau. - Phi Psl,, MUIken a . .Lehmer, Ringer Hull . p. Prescott, Serlbner Johnson ss Burnham Hupp 2b Hargreaves Farney 3b Ramsey Mclvaughlan lb Dougjas Kretfllnger If Hubbard Hess cf Harris Wheeler rf . Allen Score by Innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phi PbI 0 4 5 3 5 3 20 Delta Tau 4 0 1 6 0 B 319 tzzzz ;i3Ks33 y; ?' i- CSSSSsSSc ?3KCL B I White Ducks at the Hop. It was announced last night before dress parade that cadets would wear uniforms with white duck trousers at the non-com hop tonight. The com mittee would like to see the men turn out In uniform, as it adds much to the beauty of the dance. C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 13th, Tel. 164. " Open Formation " Football? (Continued from page 1.) are responsible for the minor bruises and broken shoulders. Since last fall many college presidents and professors have been advocating a more open game, but none of them have formu lated a plan by which it could be played. The rules committee made no hange In the rules for the coming year, except advocating the doing away an It li the heavy leather helmets. The only way to make a more open game 1b to change the game entirely, and play a game something like the English game, which is not exciting enough for the American people, nor could it take the place of the present game. Injuries are less numerous and severe In the game now than formerly when the end runs were In vogue. I think that If the non-football playing public will let the game alone it will work out Its own salvation." Dr. Clapp Is In favor of having seven men in the line, by keeping the ends up In the lino, and believes more can be accomplished In this way than by Increasing the distance to be gained. sSjM 3 flfl EH il h cVsBEtt IT'S AN EVEN BREAK When you buy Clothes at this Store You are satisfied and so are we; no one has the best of it You toant roell futtina clothes certainlu there ore ttoo toaus to get them. One is, to pay the oery best custom tailors in toton $40 to $60 for a suit or oocrcoat. The other toau is by buying them from us for less than half tohat this oery tailor must charge you. Our spring suits are as finely tailor made as the highest priced custom tailor's production possibly can be. Our line represents the oery best creations of such toell hnoton makers of fine clothing as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Stein-Bloch Co., A. B. Kirsch baum & Co., Hirsch, Wichtoire & Parhs, and Strom & Myrer. These makers originate and create style put a lot of "go" in eoery garment they turn out. Better come in and try on some of the neto suits and ooercoats and see what a "shortcut" you can take to good dressing, say nothing of economy. Prices $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 Armstrong Clothing Co. I i. W w BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS Pullman Sleeper between Lincoln and Kansas Gty every night at 10:05 p. m. New city ticket office, southwest corner 2th and O streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. K Tbis change would decrease the- num ber of men who could be suddenly massed at the center, or even at the tackles. As much premium as possible should be placed on a kicking game, but it la difllcult to increase kicking more than it has been Increased in the past few years. An open game while more interesting to the specta tors, would not decrease the number of Berious injuries, as these are caused in the open Held. Mr. J. W. McDonald, of this city, who is an admirer of football, said the open game would be preferable from the spectators' point of view and would bo deslrablo if it could be had without Injuring the game. The spec tators enjoy the running and kicking. Just as many would be hurt as in mass plays, because the severe injuries are due to sharp tackles in the open field. Dr. Clements agrees with those who contend that the severe Injuries are caused in the open field. He believes that the most objectionable feature In the present style of play is the con tinual bucking of the weak spot In the opponent's line. This often causes the man who is the object of the attack to retire and makes the game unneces sarily severe. Something could prob ably be accomplished by a restriction on the number of times the same man could be bucked. Tlje majority of the men Interviewed apparently agree on three Important points. In the first place, injuries would not be decreased by a more open game. In the second place, the majority of those who criticize foot ball are unacquainted with the game and base their complains on exagger ated newspaper stories. In the third place, the open game is more interest ing from the standpoint of the spectators. CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEYS 1134 N STREET Equipped with cBrunswick Continuous (Alleys j..MHMHH"J"4HHHHM H"H"i"r4ii'l'4'"H''H"M'"I-' i. CROSS P. CURTICE CO. 207 So. Uth St. PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME ..l........t.....H..I......I....l..I.4..t........I... h-H4HH'4HMHHHWK I 4 4 Restaurant Unique, 71228 O street Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, fix It Sisler & Lemlng, Tee cream and mlllt, 107 No. 13th. We arenow In a position to replace gold pens In fountain pens while ypu wait. Porter's. RIDER AGENTS WANTED in each town to take orders for our new High Grodo Guaranteed Bicycles. New 1903 Models "BolllSQ," Complete $8.75 gg OoSSHokp" Guaranteed High Grade $1078 "Siberian," a Beauty $12.75 "Noudorf." Road Racer $14.75 no bettor bicycle at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL betoro purchase is binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels tO Ca til taken In trado by our Chicago retail stores, Uy 10 uQ all makes and models, (rood as now T MUflT DIIV blcyclo until yon bavo wrltcn for our Hill HUT FACTORY PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tires, equipment, tundrlefand sporting goods of all kinds, at half regular price, in our big Ireoiundry catalog. Contains a world of useful Information. Wrlto forlt J. L MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. i 0. HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES BDNBDN5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., Uth & 0 Sts 1 !. 'J ' hi. W h ' '41 t -f t j "WJ Xlr I 'JWJI ! . ivj r n ' -X K . ' 1"J ' ', ... Ltl ma ".i Lj tj .751 -. .f. Stii t r . t . - r 1W i it? -.tir -- . y-t... , . y' .-..1 ti' m .. .j-j- m. -i ftytftiWg l Jt . -.-r- T-. nr-m