mammmmmmmmm 7ir " i j'iT-yfif- viTrr ;'?y-7rn.KT!'!jNs''"' "" ' 3 r " ' . Cbc a 1 1 p IRebraehan wz7-rixa t. i' i - t t 2 I. V fc. I F V V . i li1:. it. vi I I i"i UVl HI ! ! u 1 l Gbe Datl IRebraeftan A oonHolIilntlon of Thu Hcwpwlan, Vol. m, Tim Nobnwknn, Vol. 12, Bonrlot and Crtmni, Vol. 4. Mnnnulnif Kdltor C.K Pitnipor.n UuhIixwh Mnnngcr - .1. K. MonntHON (Jlroulntor - - - A. (4. Boiiiikiiikh AWUM'IATK RDITOIfH Nowb Wm, ('nw Bocloty Wm. A. Hhork Athltitlc A. I. Mycrn Lltornry Tohn D. IUph IlKI'OHTItnfl K. P. Beeknr, I. ( Biildwln, J. M. Piiul. R. A. Miller. I,. O. Hurt, J. R. (nn. Oflloo: 208' Unlvernlty Hnll. I'homi A 1230 PoHt OlIW: Htntlon A. Box IB, Lincoln Hulworlptlon print-, t'Z por ycnr In iwlvnncu. Entered it tho poHtoffice at Lincoln, Nobrnxkn, an hccoiuI diuui mall mattor. Editorial Remarks Owing to the unexpected extension of tho EnBter vacation, The Nebraskan will be unable to get out Its usual eight-page edition for this week, and will also be compelled to postpone Its "Knockers' Edition" to tho 27th of the month. Instead of the 18th. Today'B will he the last number until Thursday morning week, the 10th. Meantime, we shall be glad to have matter accumulating In The Ne braskan mall box for the Bpecial edi tion above mentioned. Don't put off your contribution until too late, or it may be lost in the last-day rush. OO The small boy still continues to make himself numerous on the ball grounds. A person visiting the ath letic field for the first time cannot help noticing the large numbers of young sters from five to twelve years of age who are ever present, Home to admire and serve their her'oes, others merely to stand around and get in the way. Some of these are street urchins, but the larger number seem to be kinder garten scholars who are released early In the afternoon and straightway pro ceed to the ball grounds. The Uni versity campus 1b primarily not a place for children and measures should be taken to keep them off the athletic field at least. Aside from other rea sons, there is tho constant danger of some of them getting hurt .by passing balls or by the batterB. They crowd along the side lines, behind the batter, and In fact everywhere there Is any danger. OO Now that the new table has been placed In the current literature alcove of the library, It Is already being used by Btudents as a study table. The ob ject In putting In this table was to pro vide better and more efllclent accom modations for those who wish to read the dally papers and the magazines. Formerly, when there were only two small tables available, It was often found necessary for those, who used the literature to take It away and scat ter it through the library. With the advent of the reading table this was made unnecessary, and if it is used for the purposo for which it was original ly Intended, much Inconvenience will bo avoided. OO Students are loud In their praise of tho generosity of the chancellor and the deans In granting the two extra days of vacation. Their liberality should be repard in the same way, and those who customarily go homo a day or bo before vacation begins, and come back a day late, should try and govern themselves so that als will be un necessary this time. Six days should e a long enough time for anyone and It Is entirely unnecessary to skip a couple extradays. Although you may think that you can afford It your self, It causes a great deal of incon vonlence and trouble to the instructors, whose wishes should be considered occasionally, at leaBt. OO The pan-hellenlc congress has de cided that all first team shall be elim inated from the inter-fraternlty league. "While this seems a little unjust to some, It Is generally looked upon as the best and most Judicious thing to do. The men who expect to make the first team are, however, loud In their denunciation of the congress, and think that since this is purely an Inter-fraternity matter, the question of whether or not a man plays with the 'varsity should not be considered. As the matter stands now, two or three frnternltleB are struck pretty hard. Eat at Don's Cafe. HairdresBlng and manicuring at the FamoiiB. Convocation Dotes Program for the Week: Wednesday Mrs. South wick. Chaplain Rev. H. C. Swearingen. HABERDASHERY t Young fellows whose opinions are taken as sound on other mat ters, say they find great satis faction in buying furnishings from an all new clean stock such as ours. We have just put on sale the new ideas in half hose for spring wear. The new ox fords and fancy colors in stripes and dots. A splendid opportun ity to supply yourself with just the style in any size you want. J2J, 71, 25, 50 & 75c Magee & Deemer 1 Yesterday's Exercises: Prof. T. L. Lyon spoke at convoca tion yesterday on the work of the agri cultural experiment station. The work of the department Is Instruction and experiment, and as less is known about the experimental work, Professor Lyon confined his remarks to that phase. The work Is directed towards Increasing crop production and value Experiments are carried on regarding soil tillage, fertilization, and the breed ing of crops. In Nebraska, two mil lion acres are devoted to the raising of wheat, six million to corn, and one and a half to oats. If our yearly crop biiouki oe increased one bushel per acre, the Income of the state would be Increased from $4(10.000 to $3,000,000. The most experiments have probably been carried on with winter wheat, and one hundred and fifty varieties have been tested to find the greatest hardiness and production. Of these, Turkish Red and Hlg Fame have been found productive of the best results. Seeds from these varieties have been sent out to four hundred farmers throughout thte Btate, and of all the seed planted only ten per cent has been winter killed. Hardy Russian wheats have also been Imported from severe climates and sent out over the state. These are hardy enough for our climate but their late maturing lessens their value, because of our hot dry summer weather. Work has also been carried on In crossing these varieties with our own native wheats, and In the resulting grain is obtained possi bilities for any number of varieties of plants from which It is possible to se lect the ones with the desired char acteristics. In this work the Individ uals must be considered alone, and a record must be kept of tho Individual plants and their progeny for several generations. Tho Imporvement of the quality of wheat for bread making pur poses has also been tried. The bread making quality of wheat depends upon the amount of gluten In the grain, and also upon the' quality of tho glu ten, and for this reason it is expedient to use grain having a high per cent of nitrogen. In order to conduct these experiments It Is necessary to handle a large number of plants and several thousand are now being grown for this work. With corn It is the desire to In crease its feeding quality by having a large per cent of nitrogen and fats. The manufacturers of starch and glu cose desire .just the opposite, and ex periments have also been tried to pro vide for their needs. It has also been attempted to find the type best suited to state localities. Some twenty vari eties, each of different type, have beon distributed for the sake of experiment among farmers in different parts of the state. A test is made of the yield of corn, height of stalks, proportion of grain to cob, etc. Hy continued ex periments it will be possible to tell which type is best adapted to each part of the state. With oats, the selection has been for the sake of greater productiveness and higher protein content. Russian varieties have proved particularly well adapted to our use. One variety, the Kherson, has proved especially well adapted to our conditions and In cent ral Nebraska has given a yield of from 5 to 10 IniBhels better per acre than ony other variety. The station Is on the eve of finding varieties well adapted to the state and It is rapidly becoming possible to Increase the crop production. Townsend's colts took advantage of the fine weather yesterday and played a six-inning practice game. In the absence of Captain Townsend, Render acted as captain. Wilson, Shelmer, and Gore also failed to appear. Tobey, of the Nebraska Indian team, was on the grounds for a while and played center field. Under the force of the pitching of Morris and Reubinsky, the men went out In one, two, three order until the fifth Inning, when Rheubln sky sent a fast ball Into right field, and Cook failed to connect with it, the batter made a home run and brought in three other men. Carson for tho 'varsity made a home run on a passed ball, and Bender, Chase and Steen scored later In the game. The work was fair in the field, but the men proved sadly deficient in batting. Prac tice during vacation means much to the men, and there should be a marked improvement by the time school work is resumed. Porter, your schol furnisher. See the Toggery store before you Bpend too much money hats, furnish ings and tailoring. FORBES STABLES LIVF.RY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Bm 1125-1 J3 1 P St. Phoot 660 Is lifo worth living? Pooplowho oat at tho COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL It depends on the liver. live well. 1130 N St. Phono 496. Arkansas Hard for Stoves - $ 9.50 Arkansas Hard for Furnaces 8.50 All grades Pennsylvania Hard 13.50 Canon City Pea - - - - 6.00 Whitebreast Coal & Lumber Co. OFFICE 1106 0 St. Telephone 234 h i ii n uranpiBiin iir i Wh mm AGENTS WANTED in oaeh town to take orders for our now Tliirh Hrnn Guaranteed Bicehs. New 1903 Models "Belllse," Compieto $8.75 " CoSSack," Guaranteed High Grade $1075 "Siberian," a Beauty $12.75 " Neudorf," Road Kucor $14.75 no better bicycle at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles, btroiujcst guuruntce Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any one" without a cent deposit and allow IO DAY5 frcc TRIAL before purchase is binding " Kfcfc SOO Second Hand WhnIz a a token In tradp by our Chicago rotajl stores. ObB tO iSK ail nialft" and models, food as new. ;stab-3 LIS II ED it icHna iisa invj nu nil tjrirtiiv D r""i ' '"I mir l.res. enuiDment. iundrlfl.m,i c,.h..., .,i. ' ii...... " V"" "UAL OFFER. inourb.8 'ce,n, catalog. ContalnsVworldof oful Info, al'i "' J!!".?" M NAT BUY g'iolyJ.U 'vi wrtton for our l. mm GYCLE CO., Ghisago, HI. J Vil k, v r ' - - l '., mi, i"" jyPM' .,.Tmmmmc