iBSIrSSSBwSwIiifi, jptat fM' r ' ' bc ail? in c I) r n 0 ft a n y , Gbe Datl iWebvaefean A rdiiHollilntlon of ThoHoHporlnn. Vol III, The. NrWnxlmn. Vol 12, Hc'iirlot nid ('renin, Vol. 4. MiuinKlnir Krittnr UuhIiiohh Maunder Clnmliitor (' B T'riiHivoKii .T K Moiuiihov A ( HcitiiKiiiiMt AHHOe IATT. EIUTOIIH Nowh .... Win ('nf Hooli-tv Wm A Hhex-k Athleflo A I. Mvith Literary John D. lllco Iir.POIITFIlH K. F. Decker, I. (. Baldwin. .1 M 1'nul. K, A. VllliT, U. (' Hurt., . I II (In. ii. '0!.T,K(li: or MI'llM'IVr. toll tor - TIhh. TrueWu Miimiircr K ('. Punter HfportiTH T K Hnnijil.', .1 M WhIhIi, Frl Kil-n. Onicc: L"00 Unlvfrxltv Hull. Phono A 123) Pout Olll.'c: Htntloii A. Box 111, Lincoln Hulmarltloii price, ' per jrnr In iiclviinec- ICntcnfl nt tho jKmtolllce ut Lincoln, Ne briiHlcu, iih second cIiimm mull mutter Editorial Remarks It Ih ii good time to quit. We re fer to the habit of tutting aeioss-lots fiom the library to memorial hall and the laboratory. Quite a path Ih ap pearing already through the very center of the campuH quadrangle. Un less a little Keif restraint Is exercised by the students, Superintendent of (rounds Fee will probably have to erect another stretrh of unsightly Iron fence. Now is a good time to quit the practice, and sae the necessity of restoring the old 'fenced-in" area. OO Nebraska students are cosmopolitan Only in a few cases do you find one who Is too narrow-minded to mili.e that "theie are othcr,s." President HooBevelt will find this out the 2Hth, providing his twenty minutes' stop gives him time to analyze the admir ing mob that will surround him. Without regard to party affiliations, University peole have a gieat deal of liking for the man Theodore Roose velt. Their chief regret will be, not that he comes as the representative of tho dominant party in tho nation, but brief. They would be glad to hae that his stay must of necessity he so him stop over a day, test their hospi tality, and see what kind of students Mr. Iiryan's home town produces. Hut since he cannot enjoy this privi lege, they will endeavor to console him for his loss by turning out en masse for his abbreviated rear-platform speech. hall while ! larger than Nebraska's chapel. To prepare for the uproarious recep tion which K. II., from Its chancellor down, Is preparing to give them, Ne braska's representatives Fmory R. Huckner, R. C. James and Geoige A. I.er are still quietly polishing up their case for the negative and unpop ular side. They were still fighting away last night in Memoilal ball. Nebraska's team expects to leave for 'Lawrence Thursday morning, whether on the Union Pacific nt 7 00 or on the Missouri Pacific at J): 1.1, Is not yet decided. I he Inst of the thtee Judges was agreed on yesterday. The committee will be composed of one Kansan and two Missourians. From the list sug gested by Kansas, Nebraska selected Judge K. W. Cunningham of Topeka, a member of the supreme court From the list sent by the debating board Ne braska chose Prof. Chailes I.ee Smith of the chair of economics In William Jewell College, liberty, Mo, and fiom the list suggested by Chancellor An drews, Chancellor Strong took Oliver K. Dean, a Kansas City lawyer, a grad uate of the University of Michigan. The other ai rangements for the de bate are practically completed Each ol the speakers will have fifteen min utes and each team will, as last jear. hae a ten-minute argument in final lebuttal. To put debating nt Kansas on a still more efficient basis next year the debating council has. according to the Weekly, iocommondcd an entirely new method of selecting the interstate teams The object of this method is to weed out the poor debate! s from even candidacy for places on the teams- to limit candidates to the ten or a elo.en most competent men. The method of elimination proposed Is as follows At the beginning of the year the thirty best debaters fiom the six societies are put Into a training class conducted by piofessors; at the end of the first month the weaker men will be dropped; at the end of the second, an other weeding, and ho on until tho class numbers ten or twelve; and from these the coaches pick the interstate teams. The debating council thinks that by this plan the university will save Itself from being represented by Incompetent or ill-prepared students. Ing had the privilege of the Univer sity. After considerable casting about the committee concluded that a fitting memorial would be either a marble slab, In memory of the soldiers of the late war, to be put up on the side of Memorial hall, or a chancellor's thnlr, similar to those recently se cured at Minnesota and Yale univer sities. The class favored the latter suggestion and made arrangements for purchasing an elaborate chair of spec ial design, which will be tised only on special occasions. A tax of fifty cents each was voted on the class to defray expenses incurred by the BiH. The Ivy Day committee has been planning a program and making ar rangements for Ivy Day, Which will occ ur probably on the first of next month. The committee requested all who have poems and songs to submit for use on that occasion to hand them in before the end of two weeks. It also recommended that the class ap point a historian to wilte a history of the class and present it on that day. The e lass took up the suggestion and elected Anna Maxwell historian. For want of time the matter of wealing college caps and gowns dur ing commencement week was not con sidered. A spec Ial meeting of .ae hoys of the class will be called short; ly to decide on what shall bo clone In re gaid to this matter. University Bulletin SENIOR PINS may be obtained now at the Co-Op. LOST April 2nd, a brown purse containing $7 or $8 In paper, some small opals, Jade bead, etc. Return to G. A. Loveland, Nebraska hall, and re ceive reward. SENIORS are requested to leave their orders for programs at once with tho sub-committee on programs, con sisting of R. T. HIM, Geo. F. Miles and Eliza Meier. Porter, your schol furnisher. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. $3 00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 12th St. Students are cordially Invited. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, fix it. Sisler fc homing, ice cream and milk, 107 No. 13th. Wright's Oliver fills prescriptions. Theatre pharmacy Lincoln Shining Parlor.cor. llth&O. Indies and gentlemen. FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Barn 1 125-1 131 P St. Is lifo worth living? Pooplowho cat at tho COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL Phone 660 II 'depends on (he liver. live well. 1130 N 81. Phono 496. XtAX,WlWLSAAA XA AJfcXAA5ljMlAAAAAl 9JfA. Z h e University Book Store TEXT BOOKS We have them in stock when needed at the right price. TABLETS AND PAPETERIE Universty, Fraternity and letter stationery in large variety. CANDIES We carry the best manufactures Lowney, Clark & Harris, Whitman in chocolates and all popular flavors. FOUNT Al&iPEZKS A. A. Waterman, E. L. Waterman Ideal and the University the best pen that can be sold " for $1.00. LAW BOOKS for the last term are all on sale now. Contest Near at Hand. Nebraska dehating last year has verily stirred up the Kansans. The Kansas University Weekly of March 28th concedes that K. U. has never yet sent out a trained dehating team. But this year the university says it has one to meet Nehraska In Fraser hall next Friday night on the com pulsory arbitration question. Thus Is fulfilled the prophecy of Chancellor Andrews last May that Nehraska meth ods of teaching logical thinking would drive tho neighboring universities to teach clear thinking and vigorous speaking better than heretofore. The Kansas Weekly of the above date has a big advertisement which In part reads as follows: " 'Compulsory Arbitration' handled by trained deba'teiB for the first time In the history of K. U. We are going to do things In debating this year." Chancellor Frank Strong Is leading the enthusiasm. The Weekly calls up on "every student to be present and help our team win." The contest will be held in the college chapel Fraser Convocation Program. Tuesday T. I,. Lyon, "The Depait ment of Agriculture." Wednesday Mis. Southwick. Chaplain Rev. H. C. Swear! ngen. ', C Je University Book Store YgTi Yrnrs?rtr$irvirir?ri t eOT?ryi;rrrrrrYYYrrerTiTrrrvV (MIMmMMMftMMtMMMrmMt r Seniors Deliberate. The senior class met yesterday morning and listened to reports from several committees. The program committee reported that final arrange ments had been made for programs, which will appear In the form of a folder, as announcements, not Invita tions. Tho folders will be rather plain but of the best material, giving them the appearance of richness. They will cost about six cents apiece and cardB can be secured with them at the rate of $1.00 per hundred. Those who order one hundred cards will get with the order, a steel engraved stamp of the name apearlng on the cards. The committee urged that all orders be handed to the committee before Easter recess, because the class order must soon go to the company, If It Is to be filled on time. The committee on clasB memorial suggested two means by which the class could leave upon the campus an expression of Its appreciation for hav- ( PRETTY STYLES IN BELTS 25c TO $3.50 EACH Among the novelties in new belts are back pieces of cut steel or oxi dl.ed silver finish, narrow, and G or 7 inches in length to fit the belt. Then there are fancy buckles with chain pendants In front. These orna mental chains are some fourteen inches In length and are finished w.ith bunches of grapes or other ornaments. The liking for pendants extends to those of braid, chenille, etc., on the tailored belts. Chain girdles yof oxidized finish are made of long links caught together artistic buckles in grape design with pendants $2.75. Tailored belts with fancy buckles and chain pendants in front $1. 50, $2.00 and $2.50. ) MILLER & PAINE Tiwrwrrirrrrrirnrir'i-fi-iiri re " '" --j rr--rir-n vwwwijjijrriTi iu'uf 3 t; t mMMM i. v - nvV pwyj. yjMTWW5MS5Mi-!LL-