p . A '.rfY"7 'VT' "( 'VYV3 . -. ,- ,"V;r't V v state Hlit. Sob i el It , . r, t ! fl ZTbe 3ail flebraekan -. Vol.IL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, J903. No. J2J. 4 A BELTZER WILL REGISTER. Chancellor Says He May Enter the Law School. James Beltzer will register Monday. When Interviewed yesterday he said he would register Monday In the law school; that he had Interviewed the chancellor, who had given him permis sion to do so. Further, the registrar Rtnteri yesterday that Beltzer could register In the law school if ho desired, aa the fourth term heglns Monday. Baaehall enthusiasts will rejoice to hear this news. Last Tuesday it was published that Mr. Beltzer would not he permitted to enter school, and would soon return home The matter was considered settled, but new devel opments have taken plae with the above results. Dr. Clements, chairman of; the baseball committee, said that this committee would now have no Jurisdiction over the affair, and the decision of the authorities in letting him register would be consideied as final action in the matter. Thus It is a settled fact that Belter will twirl the sphero for the Cornhusker nine this year. This is very encouraging to all vitally concerned, as he is con sidered the best candidate for the box in the field. a t .;. .; $ ! -s-.3--.;fr .;. .; '$. !-;. ! ; 3 l ! ! ! ! -- Summer School Edition This number of The NebtAskan is devoted to the interests of University Summer Session, June 12 to July 24 A Glimpse into the Past 'Plans And Prospects for this Year Shall the Summer Session Be Made a Full Quarter The People and Their Courses Other Features as Usual SENATE KILLS IT. J w V ' 4 W " Roosevelt April 27th. The Northwestern Meet. In sanctioning the meet with North western, at yesterday's board meeting, the athletic board cleaily demonstrated the Tact that track athletics will be given more support than ever before. In other years we have not had what may be termed, deservedly, a good meet. Track athletics, in fact, have never been accorded the proper sup port because of the scarcity of good athletes or other unfavorable condi tions, but this year will mark a new era in this line of sport. The conditions this season are, for tunately, different from those of other years; we have a splendid coach and plenty of promising material. The board recognizes these changed condi tions and intends to give the men in terested in track athletics an oppor tunity to-show what can be done. The The Piesldent and party will visit Lincoln Apill 27, about 2 o'clock In the afternoon. They arrive via the Bur lington from Hastings and after the exercises here leave over the Elkhorn for Fremont. Congressman Burkett will have charge of the program. In 1900 a large number of Univer sity students saw the President then the Republican candidate for the vice pi esldency on his campaign tour of the west. A good many more expected to see him last year, but were disap pointed by the abrupt ending of his trip on account of the Massachusetts accident to the presidential company. All of them will contribute to the Im mense crowd which will undoubtedly gather at the capitol grounds, where the President will probably speak. He will be escorted thiough the city by the University cadet battalion and the O. A. R. post. German Acquisitions. The German department is rejoicing over the receipts of four very fine pic tures. These pictures are photographs from the original paintings, and all the details are present. Two of them are by K. Dlolltz, the famous German painter. His "Nach Walhall." or "To Valhalla," is well known to all lovers of art; his other one 1b "Siegfried Fafnerstoter" ("Siegfried slaying the dragon"). The third picture is by C. Ehrenberg, and Is known as "Die Nor nen" ("The Fates"). It is a wonder fully fine conception. The fourth is "Weimar, 1803," by von Otto Knille, track manager was authorized to guar- showing In a splendid arrangement autee Northwestern $275. This means that considerable work will have to bo done In order to make the meet a financial success, but it 1b believed that If the efforts of those Interested are properly directed a large crowd will turn out. This will be the only meet of any consequence held on our home grounds and inasmuch as it is with a strong team from one of the "Big Nino" institutions It is felt that the necessary support will bo forthcom ing. The general feeling is that track athletics should be given a fair show and that the only way to do this is by supporting the team on a large scale, by giving the public something worthy of their patronage. The pros pects for a Btrong team have never been more favorable and the athletic board- is to be congratulated for the stand it has taken. the great German celebrities, including poetB, critics, scientists and men of scholarly attainments. These pictures are exceptionally fine, and it is no small privilege to be able to study them. They will be framed and hung In the recitation rooms. Hteliier's Cold Cnpsulen Positive cure for colds, grippe, acute catarrh, headache, neuralgia and fevers. Prepared only by Stelner-Woempencr Drug Co., Cor. 12th and O, Lincoln, Neb. Up to Omaha. The students at the medical school In Omaha and the alumni of the UnN verslty In that city will have a chance to support a real college affair by go ing to the Glee Club concert next Sat urday night at the First Methodist church. Arrangements have been completed to make this a big affair, and all Omaha people who are friends of the University will be out en masse. Already enough tickets hav,e been sold to pay expenses. The club Is composed of twenty-one members, counting reader and vocal and Instrumental soloists. The pro gram offered by the club Is extremoly taried, from the light college and comical songs to the heaviest works of "Faust" and other strong pioduc tions. Profehscr Starr, the leader of the club. Is Instructor of vocal music In the school of music and soloist in the St. Paul's Methodist church of Lin coln. The program given in Lincoln in February was a decided success, and the 'lull scored a high reputation. Cards have been sent out this week from the executive office addressed to the University alumnae, and signed by Drs. Bessey and Fling, Mr. H. G. Shedd and Miss Edith Higgins aa committee on arrangements, reading as "follows: "Memorial services for Ellen Smith, many years registrar of the University of Nebraska, will be held in Memorial hall on Friday, April 24th, 1903, from 10 to 11 o'clock in the forenoon. The University Invites you to Join In this last tribute." Notwithstanding the censure of other firms, during the past year we In creased tho pay of all our tailors above the union scale. Our purpose was to bring In from other cities and add to our already skillful corps of workmen that we might do tho very best for our patrons. A first-class cutter Is the thing, but you must give him skilled workmen. Paine. Warner's Library Bill Is Indef initely Postponed. The three libraries owned by the state and located In Lincoln will retain their present systems of acquisition and classification of books. Mr. C. J. Warner's bill providing for making tho capitol library more exclusively a law library was Indefinitely postponed by the senate Thursday, In spite of the strenuous endeavor of its originator to get It passed. Although the local in terests affected by tho bill appeared to favor It, and favorable action had been secured on tho part of the house, the protest of the legal fraternity through out the state caused the senate to turn It down. The reason given for such a protest Is that out-of-town lawyers, when coming to Lincoln to consult books 'In the state library, almost In variably wish to make use of other than law books alone, and would find it very inconvenient to be compelled to travel about from one- library to an other In order to obtain tho desired ref erences. The senate has been unfavor able to the bill from the first, and Mr. Warner was able only by the exercise of considerable pressure to secure a favorable report by the senate com mittee to which his measure had been referred for consideration. To tho task of winning over the senate in commit tee of the whole he was unequal, and his measure was numbered among the lost. University people have been rather Interested In than concerned with the progress of Mr. Warner's bill. Its passage would probably have increased somewhat the number 'of volumes in Hand the general efficiency of tho two libraries now located on the campus, and would have decreased a little the expense of maintajnlng a. I three, by doing away with present duplication. Not enough was thought of these three gains, however, to cause an attempt to secure the passage of the bill against any pronounced protest from other in terests affected by tho proposed trans fer. For two years more, at least, pa trons of the three libraries will find them still conducted after the old order. For rent soon several unfurnished rooms at 312 North 14th. Freshmen Are Champions. At a meeting of the class athletic board yesterday the Interclass basket ball championship was awarded to the freshmen. This settles tho much talked of class controvcreyrAand the attention of classes will now be turned to Interclass baseball. A committee was appointed to seo to the purchasing of caps for tho freshmen players. !' ! ! ! ! ! ; ! : ;! ! ! ? ! ! ! ! ! ! 'I- ! EASTER VACATION EXTENDED On recommendation of all the deans, the executive office announces the Easter vacation will continue from 6p,m, Wednesday, April 8, to8 a. m. Wednesday, April . 5 Light colored suitings arc la demand this season. I have a large assortment of these goods as well as plain colors. Try pno of my $25.00 suits. Bum stead, In the Burr block. Famous are selling Thompsons glove fitting and G. B. corsets, regular $1.00 quality, at 59c. U i n. 3 ) " ;ii 1 K jtJywitfwJswri xMdtJt:, '.;,,. 'i!CJiJ'fcJ. . . f 1 a. ! vi" iHS &: "iSSSKmSaSFSSESSiSStSSrmSSl rj SZZE2SiZSTrJiS iwmfZii&maKmxmmMWi t .""'"l '." f ''! "P .. I Him ii. p iM H J I i !! U T- iii ill mtu i ksrSfff,