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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1903)
r-a-ttl $.$ i ? 2." -V ", " Vi - f Ik.'' PL v Gbe Dailp Iflebraeftan 1 1 it Wi'l fe K f-- tt &V K ft'" ' '$&,, 2 l?i T t. ra - CLARY Tel. A103S. ClfcARS and NEWS. HI N. Hth Street Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key filling, Tel. F592 231 So. Uth Bam 1 125-1 13 I P Si. FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Phone 8S0 II depondi on the liver. Ilvo well. 1130 N St. Phone 400. Is life worth living? Pooplowhooat at tho COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL WESTERN GLASS & PAINT GO. e 12th 1 M Sis. LINCOLN, NEB. Ellen Smith Memorial Program. The Ellen Smith memorial program, preparations for which were begun some time since, was announced yes terday. It will be held In Memorlnl hall Friday, April 24th. from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and all friends and alum ni throughout the state will be In vited to be present. Tho chancellor will preside. The glee club, led by Mr. Starr, will sing an appropriate spIpc tlon at the opening of the services. Rev. Oren W. Fifer, of York, will lead In prayer, followed by an organ selec tion by Mrs. Raymond, of tho school of music. A series of short addresses will constitute the main portion of the program, Chancellor Andrews opening the program with a brief Introductory talk. Mr. Dales, as secretary of the board of regents, will give a short his torical sketch of Miss Smith'B connec tion with the University; Mrs. Allen W. Field will dlBcuss her work as an Instructor; Dr. Roscoe Pound will talk upon her character as a disinterested and helpful advisor; C. C. Chase of Omaha will treat of her Influence as the warm-hearted friend; and Rev. Lewis Gregory will discuss the relig ious Bldo of her life. Mrs. Raymond will close the program with another organ selection, after which the bene diction will be pronounced by1 Rev. PI for. Academy Notes. The debating club will meet Friday night. Mr. Glenn Harvey is winning laurels as a collector of material for the class In botany. Mr. Harvey Is a born naturalist. University Bulhtin SENIORS. The class party commit tee will meet Thursday at 10 a. m., U. 210. Chairman Committee. A clear and very concise "write up" of the almB and work of the Academy appears In Superintendent W. K. Fow ler's report to the governor and legisla ture. It is thought that this report compares very favorably with those of other Institutions. A New Star. Teachers and students are sympa thizing with Miss Nellie L. Dean in the very serious lllnesB of her father at her home In Ashland. Despite several hur ried calls to her home, Miss Dean still maintains her class work though at great inconvenience to herself. APRIL 7. Jessie Eldrldge South wick recites at Memorial hall,- Tuesday, April 7th. Remember the date. JUNIOR baseball men report on the field at chapel time Wednesday. This Is very Important. B. A. Newton, Mgr. NEXT band Informal will be given In Armory next Saturday evening, April 4th, 1903. LEON. J. PEPPER BERG,. President of U. of N. cadet band. ALL SENIORS who are desirous of competing for positions on the senior baseball team will please hand In their names to the president of the senior -class by April 6th. BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS Pullman Sleeper between Lincoln and Kansas City every night at J 0:05 p. m. New city ticket office, southwest corner 12th and O streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. The observatory is in receipt of a special bulletin announcing the pres ence of a new luminary in the heavens. Professor Turner of Oxford observa tory, England, made the discovery. On March 1st (he star was Invisible, as is confirmed by Harvard and other ob servatories having complete records. On March 8th It was first noted by Professor Turner, and on the lGth had developed into a star of the eighth magnitude. It Is located near' the constellation Gemini. Professor Sweezey has turned the telescope on It and is studying further developments. Mr. R. I). Elliott, the successful teacher of Caesar and Cicero In the Academy, haB experienced a great run of good luck the last week. Lost Sat urday he was elected to the chair of Greek and Latin In Tabor College, In southwestern Iowa, at tho head of which is Dr. John Gordon, well known In University circles. On the same day word came from Columbia Univer sity, in New York City, that tho selec tion of a fellow for the Greek depart ment had narrowed down to Mr. El liott and one other candidate. This fellowship carries with It a stipend of $G50 a year and, as is well known, paves the way for rapid advancement In tha future. University people will be delighted to know that Mr. Elliott was materially helped by the efforts of ex-Chancellor Canneld. Mr. Elliott has not yet decided which position he will accept, but he favors Columbia, In case he 1b elected. DEBATING team representatives for interclass championship between sophomores and juniors will please meet at 10:15 in Y. M. C. A. rooms this morning to decide on question for de bate. J. M. Paul, Sec. CLASS Athletic Board. Tho class athletic board will meet In the physical director's office Friday at chapel time. Captains and managers of the junior and freshmen basket ball teams are re quested to be present; also tho officials of Tuesday night's championship bas ket ball game. Chairman, The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & 0. Eat at Don's Cafe. See line of 25c window. Inkwells in Porter's for acceptable Ideas. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Subscript' on pneo of tho Patent Record LM per&nnuju. aampieaueo. ie:vjji SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan Over 530 pictures of prominent American and foreign a t h t c i. The only alma nac publUhcd that contain a complete lilt of American Amateur Beat o n-R ccoidi and complete list of Champion. PRICE 10 CENTS For talc by all newsdealer M A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago. DenVer, Baltimore, Buffalo V Spaldlng'i complete catalogue of Athjetlc Sports Chemical Society Monday. The thirty-first regular meeting of the local section of the American Chemical Boclety was held at the Uni versity Monday evening. Prot. A. C. Stokes of the Omaha Medical College presented a paper on "The Physiolog ical Chemistry of Uric Acid." The qualitative and quantitative determina tion of uric acid, said the professor, is of prime importance In diagnosing dis eases. Since little uric acid Is excreted by the healthy body, any variation in dicates tho healthy or unhealthy con dition of the person. Further than this, It points to the cause of the trouble, if there be any. The propor tion of tho acid to tho urea Is found to be constant and varies Inversely with total acidity. The practicing physician has great trouble In estimating the amount of uric acid, but the test is of sufficient importance to repay for all tho trouble and expense of carrying it on. Dr. Stokes advised physicians to make the test, without regard to time and trouble, but to choose tho simplest methods. When ihe physician is very busy he may sacrifice extreme ac curacy to facility. The relations of the acid to disease and the effects of drugs on tho secretion and excretion of the acid itself are the points of vital Interest connected with the study. Such ailments as Blck-headache, gout, hys teria and rheumatism can be traced either directly or Indirectly to uric acid as a cause. Tho lecture was Illustrated by charts, showing tho results of re Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. 'Phone 787. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. $3.00 commutation ticket for. $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. l?th St. Students are cordially invited. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yak, Har vard, Princeton, Ice land Stanford, U. of P., Welesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. V a Qj 1 AXJUJUkMJLSJlMJLiJLMJk!tMAMJULM. MAAMJSJlA9JtJl&MJt fJkMJtJUUVLtjrSJL ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES AT nth & osts. RECTORS vrrrr?vvrrrr'irrr 42$f..2. .i..i.......,i..i..i..i..X"I'4i"""1"1"IM"I"I"Si OSS T. CURTICE CO. 207 So. JJthSU X PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES f VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME ? Arkansas Hard for Stoves - $ 9.50 Arkansas Hard for Furnaces 8.50 All grades Pennsylvania Hard 13.50 Canon City Pea - - - - 6.00 Whitebreast Coal & Lumber Co, OFFICE 1106 0 St. Telephone 234 umJSttH rV i rC n . i ww3! W:l KfJK." && : search ou the subject. m Mm irtc iu uv AwufM4 x 4 & . " c t ' r&T v -? (t..,1.; -.A ,4f' v t -. ' V " "Tifff- . M , -TVi, 1 ,.,. . 4 t V5 i '- . iAKfl .-" ?L i vSPft V T. 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