The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Cc Soca Week
Saturday, March 28. Delta Delta
Delta give a kenBlngton for pelta Ganl
ma and Pi Beta Phi,
Friday, April 3. Senior party at the
Friday, April 3. Delta Tau Delta
dancing party at Walsh hall.
Wednesday, April 8. Sigma Alpha
Epsllon dancing party at Walsh hall.
Friday, April 17. Senior prom at
the Lincoln hotel.
Saturday, April 18. Delta Tau Delta
annual banquet-at the Lincoln.
Saturday, April 26. Junior party.
The Pan-Hellenic congress met Sat
urday at-the Kappa Sigma house and
transacted business of inter-fraternity
importance. A baseball league will
be organized among the fraternities,
and match games will be played this
spring to decide the championship. A
silk pennant is to be made and will
be presented to the winner until next
year. If the same fraternity wins the
pennant for three successive years, It
will belong to them ever after. A
committee consisting of JameB Van
Birrg, S. X., Oscar Veit, 8. A. B.f and
H. T. Parker, P. D. D., will have charge
of all matters relating to the league.
It was also arranged to have an inter-fraternity
barbecue, to be given the
last week in May. A place three or
four miles from the city will be select
ed as a site for the picnic, and thither
the fraternity men will repair on some
Friday or Saturday. Oxen sufflclent
to feed the multitude will be roasted,
and other appetite destroyers will be
there In abundance. Ball games will be
played and the picnickers will return
some time during the night. It is ex
pected that two hundred fraternity men
will participate in the event George
P. Shidler Is chairman and representa
tives are chosen from the various frats.
Chairman Farney of the senior prom
committee has practically completed
all arrangements for the dance, which
Is to be given April 17th. The date
has been made at a time that Is be
lieved will suit the convenience of all,
and a large attendance 1b expected. As
the dance comes after Easter, those
who are particular about observing
Lent will have no religious Bcruples
to overcome. No expense has been
spared In making preparation for the
affair, and those who attend will be
given a better dance for a smaller
price than has been the custom In
fr ; ! ! ! : v ! 'l: ! ! ! !-
You can get your favorite
cigar Bere any brand-- JOc
goods, 4 for 25c; 5c goods,. 7
for 25c. Exclusive agents for
D.M.A (Drug Merchants of
Ameirca. inc). Full line of
imported cigarettes.
This is headquarters for
confectionery, perfume, sta
tionery, and this is the place
? to brine: "Him" when he asks
I you to have a soda Tom
t mys here.
New Location 132 O.St,
University affairs for some time. Ed
dio Walt, with an orchestra of eight
pieces, has boon engaged for the occa
sion and will furnish the music for
twenty dances. In order that as much
time as posalblo may be devoted to
dancing, the grand march will begin
promptly at 9:3Q. This does not mean
that It will begin at 10 o'clock, and
plana should be made with the under
standing that the dance will begin
promptly at the scheduled hour.
The next band dance will probably
be given at the armory next Satur
day night. The date has not yet been
decided upon, but that seems to be
about the only favorable date before
Easter. The senior party will bo held
on Friday night, and the next week
the Eastor recess will Interfere with
any social doings at the end of the
week. Since the first dance was such
a success there has been a growing
Interest in the matter and tho Indica
tions are that the attendance will be
greatly Increased. Tho band made
good money on the first occasion, and
there are indications for even greater
success in the future.
Misses Matthiesen and Sterling en
tertained their fellow boarders of 535
North Sixteenth street last Wednesday
evening. Games were played until 10
o'clock, when the guests were Invited
to seat theYnselves at a table beautiful
ly decorated with ferns and flowers.
Lighted candles placed at the plate of
each guest aided materially In the
adornment of the table. A pleasant
evening is reported.
The student volunteer band of the
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. will enter
tain a few friends this evening at the
Y. W. C. A. rooms. Music will be fur
nished by Miss Vera Upton. Mr.
Courtenay N. Fenn will give a short
talk. Professor and Mrs. Condra will
act as chaperons.
Misses Shedjl, Glidden, Stevens, Ab
bott, and Shidler and Messrs. CrookB
and Shidler returned Monday morning
from York, where they spent three
days at the Shidler home. They re
port a most royal good time.
The Lincpln Light Infantry gave its
regular monthly dance at Fraternity
hall Monday night. About thirty
couples attended, among them many
University people.
Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi will
be entertained by Delta Delta Delta
this afternoon at the chapter house.
Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa
Gamma enjoyed Tri Delt hospitality
Wednesday evening.
Miss Mame Killian of Wahoo was
Initiated Into PI Beta Phi last evening.
Tho ceremony was held at the home
of Miss Spauldlng.
The Misses Archibald entertained a
few friends Tuesday evening In honor
of Mr. John Mills, who leaves soon for
Delta Upsllon gave an Informal hop
at tho chapter house last night. ,
MIbb Heacock was visited by her
mother the first of the week.
Campus Gleanings.
"Will you take me to tho ahow7"
Tho maiden coyly asked
Of one who In the sunshine
Of her smiles and graces basked.
"Yes, indeed," tho youth replied
Impulsively; "and when
Tho show is out, I'll come
And take you homo again."
Professor Hinman was not ablo to
meet his classes yesterday on account
of illness.
Joseph Vavra is doing some special
work at tho state farm In analyzing
seed corn which is to bo used for spring
C. 8. Phelps has gone to his home
in 8chuyler, being obliged to give up
his work in the University for a vhile
on account of a Bevere attack of ton-
T.lttln Gem hot waffles served at
Merchants Cafe, 117" North 13th S
Wo have a largo student patronage.
Stelner's Cold Capsules.
Positive cure for colds, grippe, acute
catarrh, headache, neuralgia and fevers.
Prepared only by Steiner-Woempener
Drug Co., Cor. 12th and O, Lincoln, NebP
Fred Cowgill Williams, '00, has been
elected superintendent of the Seward
schools for tho coming year. At pres
ent he is principal of the Seward high
Koss Electric Co.
House And ttore wiring. We install Electric
Elevators and do all iclndi of
elevator repairing.
BUctric 3upplli Dynamo nd Motoni Gai, UUc-
trtc and Combination Plxtur. Window
Lighting, HUctrlc Slgna
Telephone 374 122 No. 14th St., Lincoln. Neb
A. B. Van Zandt of Ewing, Neb.,
who has been taking medical treat
ment in Omaha, Is visiting his daugh
ter, MIbb Anna Van Zandt, president
of tho junior class.
On request of the Denver Artists'
club, Miss Hayden has 'sent a number
of miniatures and Borne water colors
to the tenth annual exhibit of the club,
which opens April 14.
Short written quizzes havo been un
usually frequent in tho class In general
botany this semester, and tho pro
fessor promises a good many more be
fore the end of the year.
Professor Bessey has been working
out the details of the forestry courses
for the new edition of the calendar.
This ho does in the absence of the
regular professor of forestry, who Is
expected In the fall.
flHVThe Improved . I
jfe tjJH The Standard
l I or Gentlemen (
jLy 1 always easy)
BlKL -SB The Name " BOSTON (
HMfGARTCR " li stamped 1
1HIVlflHon every loop. I
mAfA cushion
ua liai iu inc icg never j
flKCKStlps, Tears nor Unfasten.
jLIQ. BmpU pair, 811k SOe. m g
Cotton Z&r. I
lUUod oa rtealpt of prl. t
A BiaBO. rXOST CO.. Ut J
i Bwtm, Uaa.,UJJ.A. f
tycvEWY Pair Warranted-!
The Lincoln Library Bulletin an
nounces that the Black Catwlll shortly
contain a story by H. Q. Shedd, en
titled "The Mysterious Mirror," the
story being among the winners In a
$10,000 prize contest of a year ago.
Our alumni department has been ab
sorbed in legislative work this week,
and as a result wo aro short the usual
Items. Next week we hope to have
the usual column of "Those of Other,
C. E. Shelmer, while doing forge
work in the shops yesterday, was
struck between the eyes by a flying
fragment of iron. Quite a bad gash
was cut, but not In a way that threat
en IiIb eyesight.
Orlando Bentley left yesterday morn
ing for his home at Red Cloud, having
been 'compelled by a severe attack of
Inflammatory rheumatism to give up
his 'University work! It is unlikely
that he will.return this year.
Miss Florence Mitchell, head of the7
English literature department of Cor
nell College, ML Vornon, Iowa, visited
University classes yesterday. She Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Evan
Mickey, former students of Cornell
Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street
Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards bile
Glasses fitted and guaranteed.
Thla olgtinturo la on ovory box of tbo genuine
Laxative Bronio-QuiQine Tabid
tbo remedy that cfertfs a cold fa ese day
&njrthlB(fybti 'latest! or improve I ld get
PROTECTION. endjrfedM, aketckorpboto.
forfree ojumlnatloajan d advice.
Write -Mr ffMAUf M.f0
PateatXerWAWiTON, D.'C.
Sidles had the largest
Base Ball and-Tennis
line wesfctff Chicago.
Prices lower? than the
lowest. See our big
Sporting Goods Store.
" f TWVaV w .fl
1317 O St. Phone P 1174
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