r '"WWSffpiW!' iWfW,PWW ilii jflftTr ftbe all? flebraohan iH s. i: r f i. the Other Side Another Chock. "I'm out of cash: plcaBe draw a check" Thus ran the frcBhman'a plea "My bills for laundry, books and lab Amount up rapidly." HIb father read the touching noto And in reply this missive wrote: "Your bills amount up rapidly: In that you arc correct; But not for laundry or for books As you'd have me BUBpect. In spendthrift habits you've begun, Just draw the. check yourself, my Bon." Ohio Lantern. Two of a Kind. T e Obnoxlodi Man. Who Is he? What a question! Haven't you mot him?. Of course you have. I mot him today on the street. He grinned his usual meaningless grin, ignored my hurried olght o'clock class salute and shouted "Say!" at my back. A half second later found him Btrldlng down 0 street at my aide, talk ing loquaciously about well, I rqally don't know what It was about. I didn't listen. I was thinking all the while which hint would bo the gentl est and still the most effective; rather a hard combination to achieve, and I hadn't yet achieved It when we turned up Eleventh. Now I ask you, ray friend, in all candor, doesn't u lady generally like to have some choice as to her companion on a promenade, especially when that promenade is down 0 etroet and up Eleventh? The obnoxious man is exceedingly dense. Ho it Ib who comes to make an evening call. and Btays well, stays the limit, because you don't tell him plain ly to go. No better reason. 8uch small things as stifled yawns and cas ual glances at the clock on the mantel piece have no effect on him. He's a crank. Quite possibly hlB hobby is insurance. I met one Buch. He Bpent an entire evening In explain ing to my small mind tho value of in surance in general and expatiating on ten different companies In particular who were So fortunate aa to wln hlB confidence. It was vory terrible. I re member I had to resort to the time i California j u MM r PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Excursions Tia The 'Burlington i EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY J f Only $5 for & double berth and . , $25foraR.R. ticket 2 ; Until'JaneH.lW3 . . - t - i Lincoln to Los Angeles .. . . , . , ... A Kiix ana get iuu imonnauon. ue- pot 9th and P streets. City Office JO to and O streets (f? honored custom of counting Imaginary pigs jumping over a rail fence to keep my eyes open. The two hundred and thirty- third pig had landed safely on the other side before the obnoxious man took out his watch. Ever since that time I have shunned Insurance aB a topic of conversation, looking With suspicious eyes on the suggestion thereof though I imagine I am pretty well up on the main points. The obnoxious man Is always In the way. To avoid him Is Impossible. As well try to get out of swallowing your Inevitable peck of dirt. And since we know this to be true we fold our hands with a sigh of resignation. So be It. We must honor the way of providence. The DUnsrreenble olrl. She's not pretty. She thlnkB she 1b. Ton to one she's too tall or too Bhort, too fat or too lean, too red or too pale and capping all, with eyes that don't match the rest of her face. She bores you. She knows It. She doesn't care. She lines to use adjec tives, nice, long, expressive ones it doesn't matter much whether they're appropriate or not. "Perfectly lovely" and "delightfully charming" are favor ites, and may be used in speaking of anything "nice," from madam's poodle dog to the latest book. She is especial ly fond of "awful" as applied to Btrong winds and final exams. She delights in gosalp likes to cor ner you at a party and talk to you about your beB friend, slamming him to your face, saying all the mean things she can or can't think of. Then when her Imagination and vocabulary are both exhausted Bhc likes equally well to clasp her hands with a telling facial contortion: "Oh, I beg your pardon. I did not think what I was saying. How rude of me. You muBt forgive me. You won't breathe a word, not one wprd I should die," etc. And you bow a grim and silent bow and edge your way down the room, feeling very much as IT some one had been stepping on your toes. She dresses aip-to-date. You can see her coming three blockB away and hear her, too. Tho hat of Just the right tilt, the swish, swish, bwIbIi of silken petticoat. Have you? Ah, yes; you have Been and heard her. I know it. You may even have wondered why her hair didn't fall completely over her left eye and have Indulged In Bome vain speculation thereon; but I assure you,, my friend, she has pinned it se curely. It has taken her well, It has taken her long enough to do It. She Is religious. She goes to church every Sunday when the weather is fine. She generally enters after the long prayer and bwIbIi, swishes down tle aisle tp a front Beat, her attendant meekly bringing up the rear, vowing a mental vow, he'll never ge there any more, but there are others. So she thinks. She Is right. The world is ful of idiots. She Is ' two-faced. She turnB with -the wind. She loyes yoii Monday when you have 'Chocolates. " She loves you not Tuesday when you Itaye none. Sho makes fun of the other fellpw $o you and makes fun of you to the other fellow. You know it;- You detest her Inconsequence. And still you persist In making a fool of yourself. Why flon't you extinguish her? I Bay that pomethjng ought to he done to make this species a little less evident. Why don't you do It? J. B. R. Dutell'a Clsnr thufu ull. Don Cameron's for a square meal. Flegenbaum's Pharnuvcy, 13th and O Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. ba,ul your trunks. Thoh6 176. WHEN WILLIE CAME TO SCHOOL. JM Number IV of a series of seven cartoon b on The Adventures of Freshman rM Willie. JiB rftK fi Sowing his wild oats. Willie insists on taking a hand at poker and has tho usual beginner's luck. Academlcus. "What did you do to the tramp that fainted?" Medical Student. "Threw cold water In his face." Academlcus. "What did the tramp do then?" Medical Student. "Expired." Eat at Don's Cafe. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. The Bully cigar students' delight. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. C. E. Brown, DentlsL Burr block. Eat at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th &0. Halrdres8lng and manicuring at tho Famous. Burt's Suitorlum, 1231 O. Phones 47 and B 995. He was only a very little cat. So he arched his back and purred loudly when the zoology professor stroked his pretty fur. As I said before, he waa only a very little cat. Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, fix it. It costB but a trifle more to have tho "Evans do your washing," but, oh, my, the comfort. J tXMJULMAJULVUJtSJkJtJtJkJtMJtAMAMJt JMAtAtAtACMAl SUUUULAAXXIAX ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES AT 12th&OSts. RECTORS rr)rrriYrYrTOrfeYrrrrrrYr V . . . X -Kyss v. LUKiich cu. 207 So. J J th St. i PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES t VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME WM 1 1 1 l M. I"l U' I I HH'MHHH-K-H-HH-'l .H-H-H' H '- Farmers and Merchants Bank 1 1 5th It 0,8t8. - Transacts a general banking business. Get one of their steel home banks. " . i i i I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I 1 1 1 1 M I I II I I II I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 E. R. MATTHEWS, iPres. C W. REIGER, Treas; G. E. SPEAR, Sec'y (U. oIN. J900) DEALERS DM Pianos, Organs, Music, Studies anct Musical Instruments t H20O St LINCOLN NEBRASKA I X II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 l V lv t C .' M 1 'n, m jjpsjSst.L:.. tel-Ji&Q&ttj&djj