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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1903)
SSSSPJ -,t- tlWS ' 1 "Vi , ' Xr '31" I. . i H1 . 'l i Barrett J. A. 1 Uhe Bail? IFtebraakan Vol. EL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1903. No. H6. a JtfH f r , 5 K.. K. , i Inter-Scholastic Meet. The fourth annual meet of tho Mis souri Valley In tor-Scholastic Athletic association will bo held at Lincoln on May 9th. There aro in this association about fourteen of the largest high schools In toe middle west, including St. Louis, Kansas City, Topeka, and soveral acad emies. The annual meet is the largest of Its kind hold in the Missouri valley and will be the most important that ever occurred at Lincoln. It will con sist of thirteen regular track events, such as the hammer throw, shot put, pole vault, races, hurdles, etc. Gold medals will be given for firsts In all ovents and the championship of Missouri valley will be decided upon. The metal out of which all medals for tho association are made is furnished by the city whore tho meet occurs. Tho association has been organized three years and held three very suc cessful meets; tho first meeting tak ing place at St. Joseph, the second at Kansas City, and the lost at St. Jo seph. The schools Included In tho or ganization desired to como to Lincoln . this year in order to seo the Univer sity, which has figured so prominently in athletics for the past three years, and because this Is tho home of W. J. Bryan. The only question that now romalns is whether the University athletic field is largo enough to accommodate all events. If it proves to bo inadequate tho fair grounds will be made use of. Much is expected of -the city and its schools by those who will represent other Institutions because of the mag niflcont record that the Lincoln high school has mode at, these events and it will be to the interest of the Uni versity as well as the city to furnish the best of entertainment, because men from almost every large Institution in tho country will be here either as mere visitors or as coaches for high schools represented in the meet. Th6 president and secretary of the association are Lincoln men, Prof. A. J. Mercer and Floyd llaston, both from tho high school.' A large number ot Lincoln hoys have figured, prominently in athletics of this association. Tobln, - Manning, Benedict, Reynolds, Martin, States; 3ell Johnson, Follmor, all are, . '-well Jo-town for the records that they havdlnkfleICaat year's records wefe' below those ,ot-. western Colleges. The OS0-yard .flash-was .made. In 101-5-sec- quarter'rmilo nlV In 0l) afid fed half riille run n 2:07. Ta&ebord for ham mer Is t how 124 'feet tor shot 46 feet, ana xopoie vault u leet. t?ome pi, them were made by men now in" th University : s-i The forestry students have been studying knots and burls the past wqek. As these structures are very valuable they are puzzling over tho question of iholr artificial production. fr4"M"H"H' Hi -H 1 I 1 1 'H- Hi 1 MM 1 1 'I II 1 n..H"H"M"H"I"H j. Union Meeting Y. M. and Y. W. C A. jj TRAVELING SEC. C. A. FENN : : Sunday , 3p.m, Old Chapel :: 'Hrl&-Hrl'4riM&l'yy Freshmen Stand Fast. Junior Committees. Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Lincoln "Local JJicpresa transfers any old thing. 'Phone-787. ' Tho freshman-Junior disagreement over Tuesday- night's championship game is still unsettled. The juniors yesterday offered to accept any one of four wayn out of tho difficulty to sub mit the matter to .tbe University ath letic board, to tho faculty members of that board, or to three basket ball atJthorities, or to replay the game. The freshmen insisted upon placing the decision in the hands of the lntor claBB athletic board, though rather ac knowledging that such a course would bo more favorable to them than to the juniors, and not denying tho Junior claim that this would bo a solution not expressly demanded by tho Inter-class constitution. One of the. leading Uni versity authorities on basket ball has added to complication of the situation by an aBBeitfon that "one team can claim the game just as well as the other," implying his belief 'that tho juniors were quite Justified in the con tention. It is hoped the matter may reach a settlement by tho first of the week, and the unsatisfactory and unprofitable wrangling be nded. The Nebroskan has no sides to take on the diBpute, but Joins with others In urging a speedy adjustment, and a turning of energies to more timely and important, matters. Saturday evening tho Union boyfr will debate the question: "Resolved, That the Introduction of the modern industrial system into China 1b tor the best Interests of the Chinese." Affirm ativeSward and Towne; negative Bwjkley and Kieselbach.. The Pal ladfanv club will debate the question: "Resolved, That the removal of tho tariff: from all trust-made articles' wouldeffectlveiy remedy trust evils." 'fflrriiattve be Gove, 'Nlelson; hega-Uve-Monroe, Clark. Both clubs will held their election of officers at their meetlngB tonight. . . izaaummxiL mass -naa-iBeen orgaaizeai by students who are interested. In' free' hand sketching. Tho class meets Fri day afternoons, and 'students may come and sketch. Any University student may enter tho class and' the admission Is free This is a splendid opportunity for anyone wishing tp learn the prin ciples ot sketching from life. Mr. Courtenay H. Fnn, traveling1 secretary of the Student. Volunteer movement, will speak before the num bers ot the Y, M. C. & and Y. W. C. At in the old chapel next Sunday after-1-noon at 3 o'clock. Solo by Mrs. H. B Ward. All University peopjff cordially invited. , . Tho appointment of committees for tho junior class aro announced as fol lows: Junior representation In the Leaguo of Order and Neatness R. A. Harrison, C. H. Hlnman, E. D. Stanley, B. A. Newton, A. R. Moore, Harriet Brayton. JunlOr-senior reception C. B. Boll, chairman; Lula King, Cora Scott, Ma bel Steven, Harriet Mitchell, Mary Meeker, Ethel Erford, Elizabeth Feter, Mabel Roper, Rose 'Clark, Edith Craig, O. P. Greenwald, B. Q. Lewis, N. F. Eliot, E. F. Davis, C. H. Bryan, W. F. Hoi man, N. A. Kemmish, C. R. Sar gent, W. D. Pierce, C. H. Taylor. Junior party F. L. Van Burg, chair man; Beulah Llvesay, Elsie Piper, Katherino Sterling, Bertha Kern, Eliza beth Heacock, Laura Whaley, Lillian Robinson, Rua bheppard, L. P. Hewitt, F. A. Wilson, R. F. Mansfield, A. F. Becker, A. I. Myers, E. L. Bridge. During this week University ath letics, in Bpite of the cold weather and muddy field, have made quite a consid erable progress, especially in baseball. When tho men were permitted to be out, nearly the. whole afternoon was spent in hard practice. 'The personnel of the team Is quite apparent, and tho squad will be cut down to twenty men after the game with the laws today. Track work, although not so seriously handicapped On account of the weather, progresses quite satisfactorily under the circumstances. The chief complaint is that the men are slow at turning rGUt. TP'1? !8 mainly due f,o the fact that they have not yet been excuse from drill ob usual. Besides, drill takes five hours a week now, whereas it took only three befor. As It is compulsory, the men naturally neglect the track work .and meet ulth the requirement wb v vjnw vuuiroverBy on over which class is basket ball champion. The juniors and freshmen are involved, and it is -believed the matter -will '.like ly bearbltrated soon. First Game Today. The Unlvorslty baseball team will lino up this afternoon for tho first match game of tho season. A nino lnning gamo will bo played with tho law college Everything points to a good practlco game. The law team will bo composed of both juniors and sen iors, as theso classes have consolidated in tho organization of a team to bo known, as tho law col logo team. Tho Uni men havo practlcod only a shqrt time, but will novortheless be ablo to play Bome good ball. Tho laws have been gottlng In shape of late and will make a strong effort to hold tho score down. They havo some good material, and will no doubt this year bo ablo to mako the best showing ever mode. Eddie Cordon, through permission of tho Uni boys, will fill tho box for thorn most of tho time. Reeder, an old 'var sity player, will hold down second; Wright, a member of last year's second 'varsity, will play short, and Sampson, a man of sovoral years' experience, will pitch Borne and play in tho field the rest of the time. J. R. Everett is Captain of tho law aggregation, and will play center flold. W. R. Buchan an 1b manager and Intends to get his team a good schedule and endeavor to make law college baseball a more prominent featuro of University ath letics than heretofore. Owing to the muddy condition of the field the men were unable to practice outside yesterday, and tho familiar thud was heard In tho cage. If, tho weather and field permit, practjeo Is to be held this forenoon to make up for lost time. Those who will cpmpose the law team are as follows.. Woods catcher, Gordon pitcher, WJJhlto first base, Reeder second, Hew.ett third, Wright short, Sampson right field and pitcher, Grlgeby left field, Everett center flejd, and Sward substitute. The University line-up will 'bo as' follows'. Beltzor, Longaekneckor, Morse, and Rhublnsky pitchers, Whlt,- Oomb and Bender catchers,, Wilson and iioore first base, Townsehd and. John- ion secbddr Bteeh,"Johhsdir and Eam iey rihortHeod talrd? .heinwr and Moore left nldfpra'gul Jtoth cen iet fleld.i WiXook.1Kyers'is!niiBurg utmtmjiiiijm Candidates wM exyect a Mace on the- . i:- i this.' squad! The Palladian society held its' regu lar election of officers for the coming term yesterday. The result was ai fol lows: President. . ,...., Ed, W. Rqw Vico-presidentf . . . f .Clyde PiUey Recording secretary Lena Nelson Corresponding secretary . r. ....". .. Pearl Stephensoh Music secretary . , , .ClraVi'Boofl HiBtorian . . , ,, Elizabeth H,Vby PriUc.',".... .....Dr. A. R. Wafers Bergeant-at-arms. ... 8ihvuel Anderson Senatori. ...'.......... .Russell Moore ' After the election the dew president, tbe sergeanVat-arms, and the senator were tossed amid cheers. See line of 25c inkwells in Ports window. .& j-- it. i tji; ni i k : team will-, tf , well to tufa' 'mrf iffernooB'i-trt''fie vrRl be ct down awuftventy mn, wild vwiH c6mTSoe"ffie first and seeond teams. ' 'V . . J ilfi ''. V ' r. Vv - V The oveplnjffym cliw jhff$&& . beja guccefifl." ItWas'td be" formed onlVr ynder provsl6 rtw,enfyCflve men L register tfhVine ZmetorsWwt' umbers about ,tiilrtyt .U almost entirely composed 4)1 jnedfcaltudente i; and meeti Moriay'Wednesay-and Friday at 7;80 pJm.. he' class la In charge ot Dr., A. R, Waters. . o Do you or, dp yu not want to' wear good clothf" A good suit " helps '- you, J to create a .god impresslonjind thatrf , w.u tmyuiMUibHBBt!i,iufvi;yQung man. 1 umttead makes clothes that'flt.Burr' " - vl -M '5 Pi j i M ji Ml d m i I ! M fr - rJt? -.' m hO f f "bJPck:, . ' . -. ;v' i ,? hi ), ,'. . ..- ' ('o- A-'r-r"" r;"" ' . '1 .- ?'. u vz t Jt -.ia f? -: . r ,A i . jill . a.' ,. mtrnrn T .1 . i,S'f A"ii..vf-n limvinrm i&NUC; :,lid&L?t3&A t".z . i.'-H Bi lJ t KS ,, .' ry-. "h. J - , V p.m. t- t. tr... .- . 4 AT 'vHT M imtjMOkJi