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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
W '- ; UKllBS ?7iqgKvrKi r 'yt i JSFJSSVSiV: K"T W""V"i L BM. -"' ' ' JT F T TT T5 T. 11 t )'i' 1- Zbc Bails flebraefcan 'Al y f t t V k. . !---' ! 'I43-;-vH! Great I Discount Sale I o" Hooks This is our Annual Clear- i ing Sale. Best value in i books ever offered in t Lincoln. Come in and see us. BROWN DRUGl & BOOK CO. :. 127 South llth Street Remem ber Sidles has the largest Base Ball and Tennis line west of Chicago. Prices lower than the lowest. See our big Sporting Goods Store. Hi i II i w 1317 O St. Phone F 1174 DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Coal MANUFACTURERS OF YELLOW PINE General office 20t-202-203 Fraternity Bldg Yards 125 to 149 So. Eighth St Telephones Gen. office 120; Lumber yard 13; Cosl yard 35. Lincoln, Nebraska i hi ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cincinnati Shoe I Store ..and.. Ehctric Shoe Repairing r Tactcry We fcell you up-to-date shoes at the J ) X right prices and on repairing we can T save you 50 per cent, having the . . t only up-to-date factory in Lincoln. ) ! Come and see it. Wclfanger Wavthon i 1220 O Street It III I1IHHIU 1,111111111 I - Trom Other Schools From York College. York, March 18, 1903. The present year 1b going prosperous ly with York College, with an attend ance of over 300. and more In the higher courses than ever hefore. Another building has been projected and the work begun. The foundation Is laid and the structure will be com pleted In 1903. It will be 80x30 feet, with four floors and containing thirty four rooms, besides halls, closets, and bath rooms. It will be heated by steam as is the present main building, and bath will be supplied with electric light and city water. It will be devoted to the conservatory of music and ladles" dormitory. York college is blessed with vigorous students' organizations two literary societies. Young Men's and Young Women's Christ Ian Associations, Vol unteer Bnnd, athletic association, tem lerance league, oratorical club, cadet (ompany. etc. The privileges and ben efits arising from these societies make a fine supplement to the curriculum and the class room. The college of commerce Is prosper ing in charge of Professor M. D. Ad ams, and Is second to none In helping young people to a business education. Miss Ruth Smith assumed charge of the conservatory at the beginning of the year, bringing high accomplish ments and large experience to the work The number of music students and the grade of the work is In advance ot all pievlous records. The normal has always been an im portant feature at York College. It is no less vigorous this year than hither to. As a suggestion of Its usefulness in the past, note the fact that eighty four of its former students are now In charge of schools in York county alone. The schools of expression and art are moving steadily forward and have in encouraging patronage. The summer school was instituted a few years ago to meet a growing de mand for opportunities to make up back work for the high school and col lege, and to secure special training for the teaching profession. The efficiency of this department Is attested by sev eral successful sessions. The coming summer term will open on June 15. A college Is very largely what Its students make It. Its reputation Is in their hands. A more loyoJ body of BtudentB than ours could not be found. They have conducted a lecture course this year, netting a neat sum for the library. A few days ago at chapel the ladles sent a representative to the plat form, who, In a brief speech, presented their offering for the new building. The gentlemen, too, are In line for this and every interest of their alma mater. There never waa a time when there were such strong tendencies to cut loose from all moorings. The air Is full of the spirit of anarchy. Loyalty loyprinciple, to truth, to right, must be Inculcated in early life. Let It be accentuated by the school and college. It Is only a step from loyalty to the home aad school to loyalty to the church and the nation. York College faces the future with strong couAge and bright hopes, and bids Godspeed to all the institutions of learning that have been founded, not by some indi vidual for the sake of gain, but by the united efforts of thousands for the pur pose of advancing the true learning and bringing it within the reach of earnest, self-denying young people ev erywhere. We must have less of pagan and more of Christian education. Let us seek to produce no leBB bread-wnl-ners, but more world-movers; not less specialists, but more truo men. WILLIAM E. SCHELL. The April Woman's Companion contains a wealth of attractive features. "How an American Circus Astonished Europe," pictures the great Barnum in vading kings' palaces. "A Picturesque Moravian Easter," tells of some quaint ceremonies In Bethlehem, Pa. "The Romance of Lincoln's Life" Is reer ently told, and In the "Great Move ment" series the work of the Episcopal lunch is pictured. MIbb Gould's fash ions are notable for beauty and timeli ness. The articles on "Home Health Exercises," "Floral Notes for April," and "Easter OamcB," are excellent and seasonable. In fiction the number Is unusually strong. Eden Phlllpott's "The Farm of the Dagger" haB an ex citing instalment; "Ignis Fatuus," by1 Frederick M. Smith, Is an East "Betty" story, and "The Way of a Woman," Is n humorous contribution by Paul Lau rence Dunbar. Published by The Crowell Publishing company, Spring field, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. If you are needing Spectacles or Eye-glasseB we can give you a perfect fit. Eyes examined free. Hallott, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O St.; 30 years' experience. Even college professors sometimes forget the dignity of their position when an occasion is offered to per petrate a Joke upon some innocent In dividual in honest quest of Informa tion. A story is told of a professor of psychology in a western college who never let an opportunity pass for springing a joke upon Bomeonc. One day he received a communication from a country doctor who wished to know "How long people Bhould sleep." De spite the fact that this Information was sought In good faith, he could not overcome IiIb natural tendencies, but wrote In reply: "Same as short peo ple." $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 12th St. Students are cordially invited. "I can't Just remember what that bottle contains," said the absent-minded professor, as he connected it with the oxygen tank. "I wonder if it's hydrogen." The coroner decided that it was. The Lantefn. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. Michigan won this year's annual de bate from Wisconsin by a decision of 2 to 1. The subject was the income tax, with Michigan favoring it. CHDCDLATEh Sold; only, by Harley; IJU8INKS8 DIRECTORY. The Neuronic n Arivertlftei-ft In thU Mat deserve the trade of all loyal Univer sity people. BAKERY Mrs. J. W. Pctry. BANKS First National. Columbia Na tional, Farmers and Merchants. Lin coln Safe Deposit and Trust Co. BARBER SHOPS Palace, Shannon's PJoneer, R. and C. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS H. B. Sidles Cycle Co., A. O. Spalding ft Bros., Chicago; Gldard Cycle Co., II. Wlttmann & Co., Samuel Hall. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Co-Oo.. H. M. Brown Drug and Book Co., Harry Porter, Unl. Book Store, Sam uel Hall. BOWLING ALLEY H. C. Thomas, Crescent. CIGARS, ETC. M. D. Clay, L. L. Lind Bey, Stevens & Neville, F. A. Powell, Wohlenherg. CLOTHING Magee & Deemcr, B. U Paine Clothing Co., Cottrelll & Leon ard, Albany, N. Y.; The Toggery. COAI, P. TJ. 8mlth Coal Co., C. II. Gregory, WhitebreaBt Coal Co. CONFECTIONERY R. W. Maxwell Co., Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DENTISTS C. E. Brown, Bontz. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Rector, Brown, Flegenbaum, Harley, Stelncr, Woom pencr, Oliver Theatre Pharmacy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. ELECTRICAL GOOLJ Robs Electric Co. FURNITURE Hardy Furniture Co., Rudge & Guenzel. GAS Lincoln Gas & Electric Co. GROCERS Farmers Grocery Co., Key stone Cash Grocery. HAIRDRESSINO, ETC. The Famous. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel. HOTEL Linden, Grand Windsor. JEWELERS E. E. Hallett, C. A. Tucker. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., Evans. LIVERIES W. O. Forbes. LUMBER Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. MILLINERY The Famous. MUSIC Ross P. Curtice, Matthews Pi ano Co. NOVELTIES Capital Novelty Works. PAINT AND GLASS Western Glaai & Paint Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend. OCULISTS M. B. Ketchum. PHYSICIANS J. R. Haggard, It & Aley. POOL AND BILLIARDS Powell & Son. PRINTING New Century. Ivy Press. RAILROADS Burlington, Union Pa cific, Northwestern. RESTAURANTS Merchants' Cafe, Don Cameron, Palace Dining Hall, Restaurant Unique, Francis Bros., Hendry. SADDLERY H. Wittmann & Co. SHINES Lincoln Shining Parlor. SHOES Sanderson, Porltlna & Shel don, Electric Shoe Co. 8UITORIUM Weber Bros., T. A. BorL TAILOR Bumstead, Unland. TRANSFER Lincoln Local Expreua, Lincoln Transfer Co., Globe Delivery Co. HIGH GRADE BDNBDN5 Drug Co., 11th &,0 Ste vl Mi ' 4 1 .i if Ah I 3 3 m 4 ) . ul . -n "'! . t m o & r M 3 x - i .. r k4"' A V Ll " V' e ' f ;.mi' j f u : ,., .:' - W A. S.-'y: i I ".- . V 3k V - Jt.fc ir S 'A.