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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1903)
f!L" l1 - '-nkn&egtrfegiarVf fiwffiivtf 0Kjmmt "ggmaBgiiaajiaHMMMB BtimaMNiffl i ,,..u. L . ' ? S. ' 4 Hbc 2)ailp flebraeftan . - j ' ; 1 " : : ' ' . . ... 1 BV.r 15' II f- fc K i a&' - W 'i :; :?,- . t . ,. '. . Ik' - )4 , j.jiXMruui JjJtrtOTTrtrijruijiiwirirtrrTLrri'i ii"iir -i "1 ," " - t ;t CLARY Tel A1035. CIGARS and NEWS. Ill N. lllh Street Capital Novelty Works Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. Tel. F 592 231 So. Uth FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Bam 1125-1131 P St. Phon 850 Cigare, flews, flDaga3ine0 H3J OSt. H3No. HfhSt. PALACE DINING HALL WESTERN GLASS & PHI NT Go. H llfo worth llvtng? People who eat ittho COOPER & HART It depends en the liver. live well. 1130 N St. Phone 49B. The Graduate Club Address. 12th ft M Sts. LINCOLN, NEE. BICYCLES At all price and guaranteed to be the forest. TALKING MACHINES 01 all make, and aold at price at which other dan not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 21-213 South Eleventh Street. Several times the usual number of alumni and friends attended last Sat urday night's meeting of the Graduate club, held at the hospitable home of 'Air. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. All en Joyed thoroughly, from beginning to end, the able and entertaining address upon "Dante" by Rev. Strltoh, of Crelghton University. The facts pro Bented about the great Renaissance forerunner and disciple weie In them selves interesting and Instructive enough to hold attention; but present ed with the eloquence and wealth of illustration they were by Rev. Strltch, they, seemed to transport the hearer back to the days of Xante's living. The evonlng was declared by all to be one of the most pleasant ever spent under the auspices of the Graduate club, and elicited a liberal portion of praise to bo divided between those taking part and those responsible for the excellent pro gram. A piano solo by MIbb Anna Stuart, and a vocaJ solo by Mrs. H. B. Ward contributed much to the occa sion and college songs by several of the club's members concluded the even ing's ontertainment. Preparations are roported already under way for an In teresting program at the next session, which will occur early in May at the homo of Professor and Mrs. Sherman. w1wewyMwwwN' ( If THE NEW CENTURY (Having a key for every character) is the Typewriter of the "VELVET TOUCH" Perfected after 23 years study by the makers of CALI GRAPH V It is direct in action, faultless in construction, and wholly satisfactory in operation. All United States weather reports are made on it. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 415 So. J5th St., OMAHA, NEBR. MMeMMItltMMM m'1'' A GOOD PLACE TO EAT E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to FRANCIS BROS. Meals all hours day or night, 15c and upwards. Caterer for lunches and banquets Phone F 1050 i21 N. Uth St Academy Notes. The educational exhibit of the growth and the process of manufacture of' the cocoa bean, presented by Huyler of New York city, has been placed tn the laboratory building. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OP ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. SI Makers of the Caps, II Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P., Wetesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc,, upon request. n&j The Social Hour club, at lt monthly meeting last Thursday listened with pleasure to a program composed of piano solos by Miss Laura D. Puffer and Miss Grace Stewart and readings by Misses Jano Blanchard and Ruth Baker. Cake and Ices completed a very onjoyablp hour. Tho officers of the club, Misses Cameron. Platz, and Barbour, are credited with the excel lence of the program. Arkansas Hard for Stoves - $ 9.50 Arkansas Hard for Furnaces 8.50 All grades Pennsylvania Hard 13.50 Canon City Pea - - - - 6.00 Whitebreast Coal & Lumber Co, OFFICE 1106 0 St. Telephone 234 - VptPPReVv BEST LIN3JCO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS Pullman Sleeper between Lincoln and Kansas City every night at J 0:05 pm. New city ticket office, southwest .., .cornet 12th and O streets. F. D. CORNELL, P, & T. A, The academy, will conduct a summer school, beginning June 12th and last ing six weekB. There will be two hours of recitation In each subject dally for six days a week, and a credit of one point given. There will be beginning courees In Latin, German, physics, chemlBtry; also courseB In Caesar, solid geometry and algebra from quad ratics on. Circulars giving details will shortly Issue from the press. CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEYS 1134 N STREET Equipped with Brunswick Continuous cAlleys The debating club, at Its meeting Friday night, elected A. H. Miller aa president, H. G. Myers vice-president, and W. E. Lamb secretary and treas urer. They will hold office for the balance of tho year. The club has made excellent progress under Its for mer officers, of whom M. W. Ryan, the president, deserves special credit. Tho question debated laat Friday night was compulsory arbitration between em ployers and employes. JUUULJLMJUUk&XAXJkASJk : ! AT ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATES 12th 3 0 Sts. Azin o uots. RECTOR'S irvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsTirriJ Woudorfiil LteHOurccs ol'tho West Eat at Don's Cafo. The Bully cigar students delight. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. See line of 25c inkwells in Porter's window. Dr. fcetchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Burt's Suitorlum, 1231 O. and B 995. Phones 47 Go to lialUjtt'B. for Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Silverware, etc., 1143 O St. If you are looking for a home and want to visit the West, you can do bo with very little expense, as the Union Pacific will soil One-way Colonist Tickets every day at the following rates from Issourl river terminals: UNTIL JUNE 15TH $25.00 to San Francisco, Lob Angeles and, many other California points. UNTIL APRIL 30TH $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokano and Wanatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and many otherlOregon and Washing ton points. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates are In effect by lines connecting with the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific has also extended territory to which roifhd trip Home seekers' Excursion tickets will be sold as fbllows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMI NALS To many points in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado;. To many points in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wash ington. Ono fare plus $2.00 for tho round trip. Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and 21, May 15 and 19, June 2 and 16, 1903. For full information call on or ad- WS4fig4Kf4f4iHW Y, ruii- ! ij v-iamuruici i 1 dress E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. -. t-. .. '. .,vV vrr ' -j.s5sswfcass r -s&iiv ." .," ''JSi,WfABBHKWi,iBS.i' :-& varanfiHBHKivjraffiftift Wfcu. ! W".T; ww rv.'sr 1 1 . .':.: ..! . i i, v jtJir ..-ii i r . f '., z.,i?b.. r-t ,.ii- " i,v4,g- z: y Kd&bMsSim11 Si msm imi,Wi'''sWm?'lf!My3ll'J' mm - ,S PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Excursions yia The Turlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Only $5 for a doable berth and $25 for a R. R. ticket Until June IS. i903 i Lincoln to Los Angeles ij . l-auand get foil information. De pot 9th and P streets. Citv OffJrT J JO to and O streets j 4 'W -V- ,' I f 4$ -..i j sj i .. .i J& . m m : w ,.;: .m i .3- & i ssa . M Mi. i;. M.r-fc .t,1i m " V.J ,M'-1 I "Tl.Mr .'.'- tl ..?-; ..ti , . .LjJtd V J ',-!' n ft.VfciJ ' 1"''! j.-.i m SOSECT1