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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1903) 'i- "1 fn w fr' - WWJ vef i'iyWTt' 5ssf5Pr 'I '." ' '." " '-JJJWfc nil V .'i e- IS c ' J0f J "" r: -JTV . A 1 ' TV , v vA tT' -wr" Zbe Bails mebraeftan 'Vp,"1 wn' V j' - 'ilv hx r r Xu i W K hv 1 i - i . Is I'. ' Ik'. t' f 15 . . H& ' If" . i i VS A x -: v. ' Gbe Bails Ifoeln'aefean A conHollflntlon of The Hcwperlnn, Vol. til, Tho Nobriwknn, Vol. 12, Scnrlot nnd Cniiin,Vol. 4. MunnRln Editor C. E. Pkiwinokii BoAlnnM MivnnKor J. K. MonniRON Olroulntor -A. O. BciniKiiiKit AKHOCIATK KDITOIW Nowh Wm. Cium Bociotr Wm. A. Shock Athlotio A. I. Myers Lltornry John D. Itlco mcronTKiw E. F. Bcokor, I. 0. Baldwin, J. M. Paul. R, A. MllliT, I,. C. Hurt., .7. It. Orwn. Ompc: 200' Unlvornlty Hull. Phono A 1280 Pout OHlco: Station A, Box 18, Lincoln EntorfI at tho pontoffloo at Lincoln, Nobranka, an Heoond pIohs moll matter. Staff editorials. Now that spring Is here and the campus Ib rapidly assuming a color moro In keeping with the season of tho year, the warning should be pub lished moro and more to "keep off the grans. " All winter long regular paths have bce'n followed across the campus, until tho grass Is almost entirely worn away. Tho cadets, going to and from drill, are in a great measure responsi ble for this, but they are not alono to blame. Tho small jvlot planted last year between University hall and Sol diers' Memorial has been tramped upon until it is in a deplorable con dition. We are all interested in-the appearance of tho campus, and we Bhould make it an especial care to pro tect tho graBs. OO Good manners are like Sunday clothcB; many students wear them only once a week, OO A notice appeared in yesterday's pa per regarding the senior class party which 1b to be given April 3rd. Every senior should make it a point to be present. This Is one of the few Uni versity affairs In which all can mingle freely and not feel handicapped be cause they may not dance. An affair of this kind is intended for all the class and for members of the class alone, anl for thiB reason arrange ments wllle made whereby everyone present canenjoy himself in some way. A wlderWqualntance '8 what is needed among members of a class In order to have successful co-operation. Every Benlor make plans to be at the armory Friday evening, April 3rd. OO A turned-up chair is a study In char acter; empty two minutes, it indicates industriousness; empty half an hour, It declares out loud, "selfishness." OO Now is the tlmo to. get out and help encourage the baseball men. The squad has been laboring under diffi culties for so long that it will take every effort to get a team in good shape before tho first games. Although the team will (or tho most part be made up of new material, the men are all experienced in baseball work, and with plenty of practice a speedy team will be developed.- Tho squad is far behind In outdoor practice, and plenty of encouragement Is needed to bring out the best work. OO The Nebraskan'B confidence In adver tising is, as promised, on the increase. The directories called for last week have been restored. They had been borrowed and forgotten,' and not In tentionally retained. If there is any thing you want, and don't see, ask for It through Nebraskan columns. Basket Ball Condemned. (Michigan Dally.) Basket ball, the great athletic Rport for women, has been placed under the ban, says the New York World. A wave of protest has arisen in various woman's colleges. Tho ground for disapproval are that Illness and deformities result from violent playing, and that when young women who have played the game In schools where a close watch has not been kept upon the progress of the sport enter collego the physical condi tion Is such as to render them unfit to cope with the routine of college life. A prominent educator and athlete who 1b opposed to basket ball said: "Unless -the game is played under Btrict supervision the greatest harm may come from It. It Is equally as bad as football. Girls enter into the game with all the ferocity and animal ism of football players. From a health ful exerclBO It has degenerated into a barbarous contest. If teachers can regulate and superintend athletics I am In favor of It to a certain degree, but basket ball has assumed an alarm ing phase of late. "Basket ball is more Injurious and rougher than football on "girls. One of the brightest girls of my acquaint ance is now unable to attend school as the result of Injuries received In a basket ball game. The girls knock each other down push each other about, get their breath bumped out of them, lose their self-control and behave like young animals. Girls seem less able to keep within bounds than boys." "It is positively brutal," said a prom inent physician, "to allow girls to play basket ball to excess, hike all exercise. It is all right In a mild form, but the trouble lies In the fact that it is a game that can not be played in modera tion. The opportunities for brutality are powerful, and girls become so ener getic In the sport that they forget all the principles of health and physical law. The tearing and pulling, twist ing and falling, result most seriously, and I have had case aftor case where a girl has been made an Invalid through this Immoderate sport. Basket ball is not a good game for women. It Is too rough. Women are too delicately con structed to be subjected to the rough mauling and pounding In basket ball." Convocation Hoks Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. 'Phone 787. ' - A Great Shirt Display w E haoc added seoeral neto patterns to our Shirt Stoch ichich toas already oeru complete from point of toide range of styles "and fabrics. There toill be no better- time to mahe your selections for the com ing season than right note. Plain or plaited bosoms, cuffs attached or detached all the netoest fab rics, all the pretty combinations of colors. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and up to $3.50 Magee&Deemer HHHHHHM--M--HHHMHfr M-M-M I H I 1 1 H ! I.l-H, "ROSS P. CURTICE CO. 207 So. JJthSt. PIANOS, MUSIC, PICTURES 'VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOME . H, i e. 1 .11 .1 h "! -M-"t-H"HH-H-fr MHH"M"H"M-M"H"1 1 H-M-H-t-H- University Bulletin THE TREASURER of the Y. W. C. A. will be in the Y. W. C. A. rooms from 2 to 2:30 daily to receive dues and subscriptions. WANTED. Manager Bell desires to secure some reliable men to keep an eye on the balls which are batted over the fence during practice. Program for the Week: Wednesday Prof. H. R. Smith: Animal Husbandry Department. Thursday Senior Girls' program. Friday Musical program. Yesterday's Exercises: Dr. Mayhew, organist of the First Baptist church of the city, gavo an organ recital during convocation period yesterday morning. The following program was rendered: Preludo and Fugue Bach Walther's Prize Song ...Wagner In Arcady Nevin (By request.) Fairy Music Volkman (By request.) Short Offertory Batiste The numbers were all admirably ex ecuted and well received. The rendi tion of "In Arcady" called for an en core, to which the doctor responded. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O Btreet Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, fix It. 1 You get what ybu pay for at Palne's Clothing Store. SENIORS meet Thursday at 9:40 in room 102 Grant Memorial hall to at tend chapel in a body. Girls will please wear senior caps and gowns. PALLADIAN boys who play base ball are requested to be on the ath letic field at 4:00 Wednesday for prac tice. Election of captain Thursday at 4:00. Manager. SENIORS who expect to take the teacher's cetrificate in June, report to Miss Higglns before Wednesday, April 2r, as the committee to act on iheso certificates meets next week. LOST. Between Nebraska ball and the library, at 10 o'clock Monday morn ing, a Waterman middle-jolut fountain pen. Finder please return to The Ne braskan ofllce and receive reward. LOST, strayed or stolpn One La grang's Physiology of Bodily Exercise, with the name Fletcher Lane In tho front. Please return to tho physical director's oipce and receive liberal re ward. - FRESHMEN desiring places on the freBhman baseball team will hand their names, with the position for which they are trying, to either President Waldron or to any member of the base ball committee before Friday night. Anyone not complying with this re quest will not be considered as a can didate for the team. Baseball commit tee: Mason Wheeler, W. H. Smith R B. Smith. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Eat at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & 0. Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. haul your trunks. 'Phone 17G. HMH4HHHM 3 yf -Jm J t l .'oSr mm TBMMMMHMH T MFfcfc! tfnrafH 3IIUL9 Stylish and nobby SHOES FOR MEN at PERKINS & SHELDON 1129 O Street MHM-M"HMHM HH4 ; !' . ; .. ,;, .$.. t Great Discount Sale I of Books 1 This is our Annual Cle&r- I ing Sale. Best value in $ books ever offered in t Lincoln. ' Come in and I see us. BROWN DRUG & BOOK CO. ;; 127 South JJth Street a 5W 11 iJ4H-H-H-H-H-H tav t .'ti&, . at .. ! '5" mm TOKTOCKSMtt f.sA f '' V