PWl'SWiplPSfl J" t"'1' " ' ' w -p- 5 ' y t" v" ttbe ail? l e b r a e ft a rt auiffv- -i-ns i 5. I , r I tos? of Otbet Days Tho Wlfo of Judge R. P Holmes. 78. haw gono to Chicago. Joseph Vttvra, '02, linn heen offered a 'position qb nssayer with I ho mark Wlltf Mining company. Mr. T.,8. -Allen, '80. and wlfo en tortnlnedat dinner March 13 for Mrs. H. M. Strothcr ftnd Miss Oraco Stroth nr, of Bdwllnff Oroen, Mo. Hal DeanH, '90. who wad awarded :i fellowship at Columbia last fall, has Just been promoted to an lnHtruetor uhlp In that same InHtltntion. C. A. Robs. '02, writes of his promo tion from tho position of assayer and chemist to tho Bupe;'lntendency of the cyanide mills at Flatlron. S. D. Oeo. W. Helmrod, a U. of N. gradu ate, now Dr. von Helmrod of Lelpslg, has- Just made a chemical discovery which will have consldeiable Impor tance In Its Industrial application. The details of the discovery, however, have not yet been made public. W. C. Knight. '8(5, now holding a pro fessorship in the University of Wyom ing, has received a syndicato appolnt mont to conduct a series of explora tions in Alaska, being granted a leave 4 ! ! ---J.5--5--i 1 f i T fl - 1 j C .JV8 Of ahsenco' from his university duties for thin purpofle. He will set out upon tho Alaskan trip Immediately. Mr. Walter Peterson, M. A. '02, now professor of Oreek and Oerman in Hasting College, has beon calling on University friends this week, it being his spring vacation. A. H. Rose, '97, now holding a posi tion In Alaska as aBsaylst, has written to the department of chemistry ask ing ono of our students to bo sent up there to accept a similar position. Judge Roscoo Pound, '88. and Mrs. Pound (Grace Gerrard. '95) chaperoned about fifty couples of dancers at Fra ternity hall March 13, given by com pany 13, University Cadets. i ... . Alvin A. Steele. '99, Is engaged in field work In the southwest, moving about In the vicinity of New Mexico. He may be communicated with through his BlBter, Mrs. G A. I.oveland. of Lincoln. Miss Edna Hullock, '89. secretary of the library commission. leturned this week from a trip to Syracuse on library business. While there she saw Prof. E. W. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt (Georgle Talbot. '88). Coma Our Way... We do more of the better class of Printing, such as i is admired by the student, X i than any other printing establishment in Lincoln. 4. the Uew Century 1 i HlttQ up 830 212 So. 12th T Jhe Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON I GARTER" is sUmped ion every loop. The J CUSHION BUTTON I CLASP, Lies flat to the leg never vbllpj, Tears nor Unfastens.! OLD EVERYWHERE. Sampla pair, Bilk Hc.a Cotton lie. w Milled on receipt of prlca. 1 0o. noar co. Jbktn , MAM., UJJ.A. :vcry pair Warrantec Dr. Benton Dales. '97. bas been ap pointed to conduct investigations un der tbe operation or tbe appropriation set apart for the purpose by Mr Car negie for such work by the specialists Mr. Dales has been about four years an instructor at Cornell, and during this new work, whjch will occupy nt least two years, he will retain hon orary connection with Cornell The work in particular will be to conduct researches upon rare eaiths. a line of work which has been followed out by Mr Dales extensively in his special studies H C Parmalee, '98 and M. A '99. formerly assistant in chemistry, has written to Dr Nicholson regarding prospective work for his doctor's de gree. Mr. Parmalee. better known fro the them lab as "Farm," left here, after taking his master's degree, to assume the duties of chief chemist to the Globe smelter of Denver. After a very successful year's work with them, he withdrew In order to join with a Mr. Pohle In opening a private assay ing laboratory under t,h fim name of Pohle & Parmalee. He is still en gaged in this work, but expects to take such work In metallurgy under Dr Nicholson next year as shall entitle him to his third degree. Jared G. Smith. '88 now director of tbe agricultural experiment station at Honolulu, has sent to the department of botany a eopy of a bulletin which he has issued on the culture of the caBtor bean "In the Hawaiian Islands. After discussing the experiments al ready made, and giving directions as to Its cultivation and treatment, he con eludes that it "is a crop of some prom ise for cultivation by men of small means." Ho sayB that the gross profits per aero "are moderate, seldom exceed ing $7G to $80," which makes one ask what do farmers look for in that far away country. Here a profit anything lll;o that would be looked upon as quite "immense." Alvin W. Gilbert, mid-year '03, well known to all University students, has been appointed general secretary of the Warren, Pa., Y. M. C. A. Mr. Gil bert was a diligent student while here, and was a hard worker in the Uni versity Y. M. C. A., where he received much of his training for the work In which ho is now engaged. Ho waB manager of the junior basket ball team last year, and very enthusiastic in ath letics generally. Two weeks previous to his graduation In February he was appointed an under secretary at Denver association. Now his friends are pleased to learn of his rapid rise In his choHen field. He will begin his Penn sylvania work April 1st. BLUE FRONT SHOE SHOP Good Oak Soles, nailed, 50c & 60c 1326 0 St. ' N. EBERLY CLARY University Bulletin JUNIOR basket ball men practice to day at J: 45 p. m. Don't fall to appear. Y. W. C. A. meeting Sunday at 4 p. m. in Union hall. Everybody Is Invited. SENIORS. Class party committee meets Monday, March 23, 10 a. m., U.' 210. Ch. Com. TENNIS. Meeting Monday, 10 a. m. In U. 2IIC Important. All Unl men Interested In tennis nre urged to be present. THE TREASURER of the Y. W. C. A. will be in the Y. W. C. A. rooms from 2 to 2:30 dally, to receive dues and subscriptions. THE following are announced as the members of the freshmen basket ball squad: Horn,, Krake, Clarke. Hentley. Klmmell, Jones, Smith, Mat-hewson. SENIORS who expect to take the teacher's cetrlflcate In June, report to Miss Hlgglns before Wednesday, April 25. as the committee to act on ihese certificates meets next week. LOST, strayed or stolen One La grang's Physiology of Bodily Exercise, with the name Fletcher Lane in the front. Please return to the physical director's ofllce and receive liberal reward. Tel. A 1035. CIGARS and NEWS. Ill N. lllh Street Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. . Tel. F 592 231 So. Uth FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Barn JI25-J J31 PS. Pliona 550 Is lllo worth living? Pooplowho cat at tho COOPER & UART PALACE DINING HALL It doponds on tho liver. live woll. 1130 N SI. Phone 496. BICYCLES At all prlcct and guaranteed to be the lowcat. TALKING MACHINKS Of all makci, and told at prices at which othcrj dart not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 211-213 South Eleventh Street. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT' E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to FRANCIS BROS. Meals all hours day or night, J5c and upwards. Caterer for lunches and banquets. Phone FJ050 J2J N. JJtfa St Don Cameron'B for a square meal. Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Flegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and O. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P.. Weleslev. Brvra Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. THE UNION PACIFIC IS KNOWN AG 1 he Overland Ixoittc AND IS THE ONLY DIRFXT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. S Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to . 27S miles shorter to 358 miles shorter to City S&n Francisco . Los Antfeleo . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to City 16 hours quicker to S&n Francisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angoles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Electric Lighted Tram )i ' lull information chc-ifnll fiiinishctl on ,i.ilu-.uioii I.. f,E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. - JF i (I V 4 1. -a 1( ,fc i r' -( ' . ! iip jL .rt. "HwaS V m