The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
wmmmmmwrnearrm fZ& EWEMHrv SOwPP! VATW '1 A': w W;1 'I ' jn S$1 " " , 'TtA G b e Dailp flebraefcan Rt . B V CIGARS and NEWS. Tel. A103S. Ill N. 11th Street. Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. Tel. F592 231 So. JJth FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Barn 1 125-1 13 f P St. Phon 5S0 Is lifo worlh living? Peoplowho oat altho COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL It doponds on tho liver. livo, woll. 1130 N St. Phono 496. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Co. 12lh & M Sts. LINCOLN, NEB. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to FRANCIS BROS. Meals all hours day or night, J5c and upwards. Caterer for lunches and banquets. .Phone F 1050 J21N. UthSt BICYCLES v At Q prices and guarantctd to b the lowest. TALKING MACHINES Ol II miicti, and sold at prices at which othen dan not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 2 J 1-213 South Eleventh StreeJ. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Ice land Stanford, U. of " Welesley, Bryn Mawf, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. I for acceptable Ideas. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Mr! pCon price of tbo PATmtT Record $UX) v uuuiuu. KKuupiuaueo. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J, E. Sullivan 'Over 530 pictures ol prominent Amctlcin .nd 'iorelgn tb tea. The only alma nac published that contains a complete list ol American Amateur Best on-Rc cords and complete list ol Cham pions. PRICE 10 CENTS For sale by all ncwzcUalcrs and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. CLARY i ri vr . UlMCtij Wh Y flRv New York' Chkm Baltimore, 'dBBr-1 Buffalo ' 'E ' complct. ctou. of AthUtle Sporu Ft '. ' ntfrto'yfc touch with the world and which nrc essential for IiIb own wclfnre and tho welfare of t lie state." A graduate student who lias passed through the required years of "grind, " and has had Home considerable mea sure of college experience, ventured to express hi nisei f thus: "I hardly know Just how to answer your question, for I think we are cram lug 'learning' into all our students, young and old. to an extent that Is al ready awakening decided protest. If you don't believe It. rake the glimpse I lately had Into the common schools, where little folks who ought to play from mid-afternoon till dark, and then go lo n healthful sleep, are blearing their eyes and intellects out with night study. A little higher up. boys and girls are foregoing parties and sociables during mid-week because "It interferes with their evening study, and distracts their attention from se rious school work." In the University, one class of students works altogether too hard, and the other class Is harshly ( rltlclse'd for not working hard enough. The digs get book lore, and mighty lit tle else; the frat folks get a good deal else, and a little book knowledge. Why, just the other day an Industrious stu dent confided to me that he felt like a criminal whenever he took a night .off from ills work! I think there must be In the future somewhere a happy medium between the dig and the sluf fer; a time and place where class and social life will suplement and not con tradict each other; where study will become an enriching and inspiring growth of mind for even the greatest dullnrd. Instead of feverish cram for grades and giaduatlon. Eastern schools nre a little but not much belter than Nebraska. The ordinary student there at least takes time Tor a little social or physical recreation, while here the average student digs, digs, digs, until lie digs his way out at the end of four years Into a world to whoso real life he has to spend the first years of IiIh freedom In almost wholly readjusting himself. I don't know that I've said anything, though, after all. I started In to answer your question with a de cided "Yes, Nebraska students work too hard," and I've wound up with a wholesale protest against jhe educa tional Bystem in general. Hut I do protest maybe because I've shifter tendencies myself against Mils four year Mrve end lieaith-wrackiug cram of the mid1 tt; and lm too buav to day tc go hack i.nd say it all over again for the sake of coaling u little clostr to the mark." Flrnt Flower of Spring. A paper that will be read with pleas ure by lovers of flowers is Dwellers of the Dust, by N. Hudson Moore, In the April Delineator. These dwellers of the dust are the first flowers of Spring, that have lain the sullen Winter through, waiting for the warming sun to draw them nbove the ground" tho golden daffodil, the fair narcissus and tulip tall. They are written of with the pen of a nature lover, rather than that of a naturalist, and the legends that cluster around each flower are charm ingly recounted. Poets, great and small, have sung their praises, and some of the sweetest and quaintest verses extolling the flowers are given in the paper. It is a delightful article In every way. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street Halrdresslng and manicuring at the Famou8- in" A?" tranSferS old thing. Phone 787. Ono -Way ItatoH. To many points in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY The Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets at the following rates from Missouri river terminals: $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other Colifornla points. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to June 15, 1903. $20.00 to Ogden nnd Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee. Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Falrhaven and New Whatcom, via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April 30, 1903. From Chicago and St. Louis propor tionately low rates are in effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific to all above points. For full information call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSON. Though college days "Have their delights. They can't compare With college nights. Willamette Collegian. Drake Delphic lias a "Mr. Dooley" contributor who Is not at all un worthy relationship with the real Mr. Dunne. ' " 'Twas a finished lecture he gave us today." remarked the conscientious student ns they left the class-room. "Yes. finally." replied the chap who had looked at his watch seven times in the last live minutes. Ohio Lantern. R. ('. Roach, an old league player and former conch of the Lewis Insti tute team, will coach the Michigan baseball team tills. year. His work be gins March 20. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist,, Richards bile Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Eat at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. Lincoln Shining Parlor.cor. llth&O. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. www In all new and scientific methods nyKet CALIGRAPH V the foremost tvoewrhM of tfi . -. tt.. t . t ... The operator can do more work with ence abide bv the answer. A splendid new catalogue sent on reauest. I AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE TO I v I 4l5So.l5mSU01VIAHA,NEBR U I i l3 ! 1 '.V'J?4 V ,- . .r.-.v.v.j v.:t .,. - f '- V&&&&W1 1 California PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Excursions I 0ia The Turlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Only $5 for a doable berth and $25 foraR.'R. ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full inf6rmatlon. De pot 9th and P streets. City Office 10 to and O streets t441& BETTER BE SAFE THAN BE SORRY! A safe deposit box is always safe money and valuable papers secure against fire, thieves or other disaster. $1.25 pays for aboxforthree months Fire-proof storage for trunks, boxes of silverware, etc., at low rates Lincoln Safe Deposit and Trust Co. ! 126 N. llth St. &fr rrw-s-. i-r-iirr hijii.,.11 ATTHE FRONT of construction you will find 1 less fatiW aumProements. will 1 B Thi Hlfrnaturo la on every box of tho Ronulne Laxative BromcQuinine Table tho remedy that enrca n cold la one day .. rS, & - t- J yvl . "1 ;v,i "i '. I tT.- j c ..?! .i ' ,' I